The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 22

by Miguel A. Fernandez

Mr.Nuts” ,”Arthur the Cyborg”, “Arthur the happy man in Facebook”, and even “Arthur of flesh and blood” None of these “I”s of Arthur had any sense or meaning on their own, and were only embedded with meaning to the extent that they pointed to “Arthur the Hero”. But it was in particular in this chapter To Be or not to Be when Arthur could only read, once and again, and again, and again ad infinitum the deeds of “Arthur the Hero”. It was like if in this chapter To Be or Not to Be there was a radical and abrupt before and after that took place in eternal cycles, like the cycles of night and day.

  Hence, before this chapter we have Arthur the man, having his issues, tragedies, anxieties, dramas; suffering the conflict of no longer being attached to any specific personality construction; we have the Arthur who is exposed to chance and the unforeseeable events that constantly shake his ideas about himself and his most vulnerable attitudes; we have the Arthur who is suffering from illnesses that clearly point out his inner and external imbalances… However, it is precisely from this chapter on that Arthur reads about the sovereign man, owner of his life and destiny; a man who becomes an indestructible and immortal hero: healthy, strong, making toasts while having Grails with me and the nurse, and being honored and respected as well by all beings. And naturally also by me, his author.

  While Arthur cyclically read the contents of the Doctrine from this chapter To Be or Not To Be he started to realize and remember his maximum ambition and dream as a person, that aim that had been buried and forgotten in the lowest realms of his consciousness since he became a teenager and started to watch Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place on T.V. During his childhood, before having been daily brainwashed by the T.V set, our good old Arthur had wanted with all the power of his heart to be someone, even though probably also because of the influence of programs such as Big Brother, life took him through the path of representation, passivity and Instagram… Yet all those previous representations had all been dissipated since this precise chapter… Beyond the intrinsic passivity and vulnerabilities of the diverse “I”s of Arthur, there was an indestructible center, a starting point around which everything revolved. And of course, the attainment of such center is the main aim of the Doctrine.

  In no way was it easy for Arthur to reach to the conclusion that his star and dreams were already written down in his Iphone. Reading once and again the Doctrine until its end, he realized that in no case he could alter the course of his star or the contents of his dreams, but that he could however take a quantum leap towards them, or contrarily, become attached to any sort of daydream, identification, then ultimately behaving with restriction by the laws and determinations that these identifications implied for his life, living thus comfortably in a sort of vital merry-go-round or treadmill where in practical terms he had no chance or capacity to vary the direction or the laws. According to the Doctrine, this corresponds essentially to a way of living which is in accordance to the non-being, this is, a state of privation.

  And what about the Being…This implied becoming situated in the axis of the vital “merry-go-round”, in the “eye of the hurricane”, in the center and heart of the Aristotelian unmoved mover, in a state of persuasion and dominion… In truth, Arthur had never been faced with such a favorable chance such as that of being seriously ill and in a pseudo-vegetative state in order to verify if he could actually make the world go around him while being almost completely immobile, this is, passively active, and no longer actively passive, as occurred during those recent times when he moved at amazing speeds, going here and there, like a ping-pong ball determined by the wind of circumstance and the reproaches of his wife Helena.

  It was then that I, Miguel A. Fernandez, saw myself in the imperative need to e-mail Arthur. What impelled me to do that? Well, in the first place, and recognizing that the cases are not exactly the same, as an author I always aim to be like Miguel de Cervantes, Wolfram Von Eschenbach or William Shakespeare, in the sense that these writers managed with normal individuals who had been challenged by the historical forces of their time -such as in the case of the Quixote, Perceval or Hamlet- to accomplish a heroic combat, fight and overcoming of such forces, ending up incarnating the époque itself, in a more or less brilliant way. Therefore, if today we want to know what state of spirit humanity achieved in the middle-ages, the fact of resorting to saga, myths and knightly legends reveals to us very well those times and the existential situation of men living immersed in those times, in a much deeper and authentic way than any historical study based on scientific-positivist paradigms… In any case, the fact is that in this e-book I aimed to literarily particularize the Doctrine in the 21st century, and in comparison to the grandeur and heroism attained by men during previous times, if my objective doesn´t correspond to that of honoring our modern times, but also honoring and dignifying the very same modern man, I suppose that, as readers, you might agree with me that nowadays this task in no way is easy… Actually, in the heroic or legendary tales, such as those like Homer´s Odyssey or the Iliad, the divine forces, the supernatural powers and the Creator only appear to those individuals who directly and in an almost raw way accept responsibility towards themselves, becoming in all moments the one and only owners of their actions, thoughts and words. I know this might be hard for you to believe the following, my dear readers, but while I was recently reading the more than 1000 page trilogy called “The Solar Warrior”, I was always seeking for candidates of a deeply heroic and noble nature to whom I could transmit the Doctrine, so they could verify in their own lives that “The Solar Warrior” in no case corresponds to a capricious title of a trilogy of essays, but rather just as a bulb that works and is provided with an adequate electric current, it can actually provide light… And yet these candidates were conspicuous at a planetary level due to their absence… Is there actually someone nowadays who can say “What I´ve achieved it has been completely on my own”? I haven´t seen so many examples… And yet it is not all lost for the human condition, since suddenly there appeared before me Arthur, an apparently normal man who was harboring inside a potential hero, and who, such as many other heroes of other times, was conditioned by forces and powers that he was not aware of.

  Now let´s imagine for a while that Arthur doesn´t decide to take the quantum leap towards his dream and star… Not only he would stand himself up, but he would even do me quite a disservice, since I would be abruptly forced to abandon this story. Can you imagine, my dear readers, the dramatic consequences that this fact can entail for the whole universe?? Ultimately, a space-time singularity would take place in which the whole universe would collapse upon itself… Am I actually exaggerating?… The issue here is much more important than it seems, since whenever there have existed heroes, legends or saints, such human existences have provided continuity to human History throughout the most diverse cycles of civilizations, and have allowed as well for men to find human references before which they could put in value their personal attributes, their ethics, their morals and their action. If it occurred that today no heroes existed, that would imply that, let´s say, in two centuries there wouldn´t exist any set of values or codes in order to save the memory of modern humanity, or in other words, that all the economic, industrial and technological progress that took place at a more accelerated pace since the 18th century would have been completely useless with regard to the issue of creating values that men can actually incarnate… Do you see the entire implications of this? It means that man would be a senseless universal creation, and thus would be going adrift like an aimless ship…

  This is why I have to e-mail Arthur and make him understand once and for all, that it is not all about him saving himself but that ultimately he is in the quest to save the destiny and aim of the whole of humanity. As an author of his own life, I must demand him to be aware of his important responsibility, and to release the heart of a hero that he carries within, since in these confusing and chaotic times we all need it.

  And here I am referring in particular to the responsibili
ty assumed by the Solar Warriors since the origin of historical times, that is, since those times when individuals such as I have been devoted to leaving a written testimony of men´s great heroic deeds.

  The Message of Salvation


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