The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 24

by Miguel A. Fernandez

during those times when we still don´t know how to swim nor ride a bike, or whenever we stand at the edge of a deep swimming pool or a cliff… In situations such as these we experience the invading irruption of fear and of all kind of irrational emotions. Notwithstanding, our mind always tries to persuade us that there is no reason to feel any fear -since in such situations we only have to stand properly and in the case of the manhole take a short jump- and yet our own rational thoughts regarding the situation in no way succeed in dissipating the fear in a quite similar way that it is useless to explain to someone who has a phobia of travelling by air that the airplane is statistically the most secure means of transport.

  It is precisely during our childhood when we experience as play all these phenomena with the greatest vividness and innocence. As playful electrons jumping around the atomic orbits in states of excitation we also feel the need of constantly leaping from one orbit of ourselves to another, and during such transitions and leaps we feel that whatever is solid, rigid and material is just an illusion caused by our senses. Facing chaos and fear causes the common individual who is standing at the edge of a cliff to feel as if the earth is moving below him… But later, in most cases the kid becomes an adult and stops playing… And once this occurs, the power of the irrational, the possibility of death and fear are locked with a key. Earnestly, the adult temporarily manages to convince himself, as a solid belief, that he has no fear; a solid belief or faith, that just as any other belief also dissipates towards an unfathomable abyss once it is faced with fear.

  But as kids we jump over all these barriers and abysses, and as a glorious consecution of such power upon the elements we end up laughing out loud, resting in a new orbit of ourselves, innocently and spontaneously celebrating our power over fear, such as the dominion and power of a bird that sings when flying for the first time, intoning harmonic sounds, full of grace and sweetness of almost bucolic tinges… But let´s go back to reality and leave quantum physics for a while… Let´s be somewhat realists… The act of singing wasn´t actually a “talent” in the case of our hero Arthur, who seemed to spoil his new condition of happiness and freedom with the menace of rainy weather…

  -We are the Champions! We are the Champions!! No place for losers, because We are the Champions!! Of the World!! Hahahahaha!! Long live me!!!

  Freddy Mercury must have been spinning in his grave, especially if he realized that one of the individuals who had just performed one of the most important quantum leaps in the history of modern humankind treated so horrifyingly the lyrics of one of the most popular songs of the legendary rock-band Queen. And yet Arthur couldn´t help it… He aimed to sing like a nightingale, and yet the first thing that came to his mind was the “Champions League” European cup song… Why was our hero in such a heroic state? Did the Real Madrid actually win the Champions League or something like that?…

  Ultimately, his behavior corresponded to one of the side-effects of overcoming the idea of fear, of the psychological leap upon fear itself… And in spite of the unbridled euphoria and a voice that sounded quite like old pipes and sewers, in no case had our hero Arthur jumped imprudently, since assisted by the Doctrine in all moments he had analyzed both the positive and negative consequences that this leap could entail for his life. But this cause-effect relation didn´t concern him at all, since his star, his Sun, the heart of his life and the entire eternity was at stake.

  Actually, the fact of performing the leap wasn't so difficult. In a matter of a couple of hours, Arthur got in touch with his wife, his lawyer and a financial agent in order to rescind his mortgage and adopt all the estate and financial measures required in his immediate future in order to break as quick as possible the links to the oppressive power, even though the immediacy of such arrangement in no way profited him economically, but quite the contrary. We must recognize that our valiant Warrior did feel his voice tremble a little when executing the digital signing through his Iphone, when talking to an artificial and synthetic digital voice incorporated into the legal-juridical procedures of his bank. Such anxiety was related to the abyssal fact that in a matter of twenty seconds a form of life that had been constructed for about twenty years was going to be dissipated. Facing such vertigo, if there was actually something that impelled him to state: “Yes, I accept the conditions and articles of the mortgage rescission contract” was that he was not only aware that he was saying “No” to a mortgage, but that ultimately he was saying “No” to a power that was not only in his mortgage, but everywhere, and that thanks to the Doctrine, he had learned how to assimilate as a power integrated in the Dark Forces under the shelter of the planetary Techno-System. Very oppressing and dark forces no matter if they were kindly expressed in the form of a sweet digital feminine voice.

  Arthur experienced this leap as if in the economic realm he had depreciated from 100 to 15, and however he felt comforted when acknowledging that he had released from the fear that had kept him paralyzed at 100, thus impeding any possibility of evolution in his life. In effect, now he was aware of being economically much poorer, yet much freer, as a canary that can fly free from its well-fed cage, allowing the bird to decide its own destiny.

  Obviously Arthur´s Temple wasn´t the best built in order to challenge the irreversible passing of time, in order to better chase away the death and entropy that always lie in wait in the shadows -since he hadn´t cared at all for the Temple during the last decade- but such condition in no case impeded in him in realizing that the fact of assigning all power to material conditions was what precisely favored death and dissipation to proliferate and dominate in the combat between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. It was precisely this deep conviction that allowed Arthur to comprehend that the specific conditions of his Temple were not but a means, and in no case an aim; that all the construction was composed of foundations, scaffolding, pillars and columns that progressively created a bridge between the celestial cupola and the material domain. And if such cupola is not reached, if freedom is not reached with regard to the gravitational power of all elements, all the construction of the Temple would have been in vain. And if this finally occurs, the vital breath and centripetal power that glued and provided a sense and direction to all the most diverse elements would have finally lost its power and light, and it would be at this specific stage when the processes of fragmentation, centrifugal dissipation and cold death entropy take control of the whole Temple and convert it in bigger or smaller ruins that painfully will have to wait another whole eternity before having again the opportunity of being configured towards freedom and Being.

  This is why the moral and psychological state experienced by Arthur during those moments induced him to think that the fact of having decided to release both from his wife and his mortgage was like having amputated one of his legs. Yet his new Knight Templar spirit allowed him to feel proud of this loss, as if by performing this sacrificial act he manifested the boldness and valor that always dignifies the Warrior during combat. Very likely because Helena his wife advised him to apply hydrating cremes in his face, Arthur had completely forgotten that there was a time when scars and war injuries were a motive of pride, since these marks tended to be the imprint of a brave attitude that sacrifices whatever is requires in order to build ones own Temple, and that of nobody else.

  Suddenly he noticed a sort of tonic or magnetic power travel all along his body from his toes to his head, a prickling or tingling that swiftly reduced the tension and anxiety at all levels. In addition all pre-occupations had also dissipated from his thoughts, since now his senses were fully in the now, no longer being sucked by preoccupations or commitments in regards to an oppressive future that he had not chosen whatsoever, but that his fears did actually choose when he was still living in a sleepy fashion.

  But now he was completely awake and psychologically free from fear. His breathing had also calmed and became less agitated. Arthur perfectly knew that any reasonable individual would think that he had become crazy. Nevertheless, such �
��reasonable individual” would hardly have the chance of experiencing the deep happiness that Arthur was feeling during those moments in each and every particle and element of his Temple. Even though it almost literally cost him an arm and a leg to reach that state, such sacrifice however allowed him to stand and grab the Temple in a way he had never formerly achieved. And the strange “prickling” he felt in the Temple could only be conceptualized as a sort of electricity or glowing of each pore of his skin, where each particle of the Temple, each organ and tissue was thus radiant with happiness, since in the end all these elements had eternally fought and struggled in order to find shelter and a herald in a Warrior such as Arthur and at last find their goal in the celestial cupola.

  -We are the Champions! We are the Champions!! No place for losers, because We are the Champions!! Of the Wooooooorld!! Hahahahahaha!!! Long live the mother who bore me!! -kept “singing” Arthur, while bedridden in the hospital.

  -Why don´t you just shut up! -shouted “Gregorio the Grouchy”, imitating the behavior of the

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