The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 30

by Miguel A. Fernandez

becomes a nightmare that ends up becoming one of the toughest penances of life.

  In point of fact, before having been hospitalized, Arthur had suffered from insomnia for many years, and all the medications he took little by little start to reduce their somatic effects, until he eventually reached a stage where one could not actually verify if he has residing in his own life and body, living in the utmost lack of reflection or awareness with regard to most of his acts. In this hybrid and confused state there were periods of the day when one could not even discern if Arthur was truly present in his Temple, or if he was astray, showing aimless and lost eyes most of the times, always giving the impression of trying to recover the vision of some center or reference point, or the very keys to return back to the Temple. And however, his process of awakening to himself in the hospital also awakened him completely from all his daydreams, and eventually he managed to sleep for the first time in many years as a child. Doctors tend to say that sleeping has healing effects upon the whole organism and fatigue. And that is true, yet according to the Doctrine it is not all the truth… It is not even the half of the story…

  It was in particular during that night when Arthur could be observed as sleeping with much more calm than usual, without snoring, much more relaxed and breathing very harmonically. From a medical viewpoint, such harmonic conditions in general contribute to better describe the vital constants according to specific well-known patterns by all medical specialists. Yet the vital conditions of Arthur, as those of any other human being, tend to embrace during the night domains of reality upon which modern medical science has never been capable of standing; domains of reality that can´t be described through categories of time, space or matter, and that nevertheless have an absolute power upon such categories, upon which modern science and medicine built their foundations…

  I, nonetheless, as creator of Arthur´s legend, tend sometimes to naturally transcend such domains, sometimes due to pure caprice, and other times simply because the metaphysical or supernatural domains become for me much more revealing about the tiny fraction of reality that we tend to perceive through our average state of consciousness. Hence, if there is something that powerfully recalled my attention in the case of Arthur during that night it is that he was laying down abnormally quiet… And when I refer here to “Arthur” I commit an inaccuracy that I beg you forgive me, since in essence I am referring to the complex of energies that work or provide a given direction to the forces of life that we have to necessarily frame under the term “Arthur´s life”. This causes the “solidification” or “rigidity” of these energies in given conditions of space and time to make appear the very diverse “I”s of Arthur, that on very seldom occasions men manage to limit to their own bodies, since they are in general dispersed everywhere. For instance, when Arthur arrived in a very ill state at the hospital, I could observe during the first nights how the creative energies of Arthur were spread around the whole planet and were determined in many cases by the most diverse beings, all in a chaotic state without any aim or direction, perturbing his quietness and sleep state, as a constant noise under his conscious mind. This dispersion of creative energy or vital breath, when it takes place, is a sign that the individual is becoming exposed to the forces of dissolution and death, but it is in general when one reaches the thresholds of death that disgracefully one encounters the best moment to experience grace, and that was what actually occurred to Arthur in his “Son Goku” lucid dream.

  But Arthur somehow had managed to eliminate all the “noise” that perturbed his sleeping, and thus he was in the best conditions to attain the realm of dreams; those dreams that had been awaiting him his entire life, and to which he finally granted presence once hospitalized. So it occurred that at 4:01 a.m. in a matter of milliseconds there was registered an electrical peak voltage of 400 volts in the electrical installation of the hospital. Electrical engineers are well aware that these kind of phenomena are quite usual, but because they correspond to currents of almost negligible amps they don´t interrupt the fuses, so no technician is concerned by these phenomena. If we´d asked the engineers what can be the causes of such anomalies, they would say that in most cases such peaks are due to electromagnetic inductions, sometimes caused by a storm, other times by the medical equipment, trifasic motors, and other times they´re just unexplainable. Well, here we are quite more interested in the unexplainable case… First of all, it is necessary to say that the electrical tension attained by the electrical grid of the hospital and that of the surrounding areas highly exceeded 10 million volts during a hundred millionth of a second. In other words, the voltage of a lightning was attained. Even though in this case it consisted of lightening of such a tiny amount of amps that it is impossible to be registered by any electrical device of our days, this doesn´t mean it can´t induce some CRC bit transmission error here and there…

  So, let´s get back to Arthur: It was exactly at 4:01 am that Arthur was in a state of deep quietness. All the energies of his body were confined in himself, since as we know, he had courageously broken all the attachments to all identifications, activities, realities and people who acted as dissipative “sinkholes” of such energy, and he rather managed to concentrate all his energy in one single thing: the fight for his Temple and the Lady of the Temple to vivify the structure. Hence precisely during the instant of maximum quietness and darkness I can verify that in a matter of a millionth of a second a spiral of light and energy that was dispersed all around the planet suddenly become centripetally concentrated in Arthur´s heart, and just then there occurred a magnificent detonation and genesis of the supernatural archetype promised by the Doctrine: the Solar Warrior.

  Immersed in flames, this figure was formed by a supernatural form of power, in the sense that it wasn´t either a material kind of power, but rather a configuration of energy that on one hand emitted electromagnetic rays, and on the other hand assimilated the dissipated energy of all domains, in no way contradicting the laws of thermodynamics but rather playing with them. This figure caused some deep feelings of fear, but also induced reverence, as even I as Creator of the legend had to necessarily surrender to its aims. In no case is it easy to describe this figure, that is not very anthropocentric; the first thing that comes to my mind in order to describe the Solar Warrior is assimilating it to a sort of super-man, even though the most human aspect of this figure corresponds merely to the fact that it has a face somewhat similar to humans. During those moments, every time I fruitlessly intended to describe such figure by means of human categories I ended up ramifying the description towards countless myths, legends and religions that, one way or another, pointed as humanly as possible towards that superhuman figure that I had in front of me, outside me, inside me… Facing this puzzling situation, in that precise moment I managed to dominate my almost obsessive creative craving, that is, the need to establish communication bridges between the natural and the supernatural, and I just allowed myself to let go into the brilliant experience in which I was immersed.

  Whenever stars or suns in the universe arise to life, undoubtedly the process has to be very similar to what I was observing in those millionths of a second, in that “flash” that took place in the Madrid area of Mostoles in December 2014… And though imperceptible by all humans present who were sleeping or suffering from insomnia, such detonation was amazingly powerful, as a lightening of extraordinary cosmic dimensions. The apparition of this figure was surrounded as well by the explosion of thousands of atomic bombs and torrents of fire. And it was precisely then that between the Solar Warrior and Arthur a bridge or tunnel beyond time and space was established, and which very likely might have been the cause of the electric peak that occurred in the hospital and surroundings. It was then that the Solar Warrior, with firm eyes, sovereign and magnanimous spoke to me in a majestic tone:

  -The Temple is at last liberated.

  The Miracle

  The world is a dream, as Calderon de la Barca said… Everything that takes place down here is alway
s a particularized and fragmented expression of a much wider world that generally has been conceived as mythological, legendary or even contemptuously as “fantastic”, such as was conceived by most of the doctors and specialists of the hospital complex, who despite their smart scientific pragmatism in no way could believe the angio-TAC images they had in front of them, and that corresponded to the “baby” heart of Arthur…

  By comparing those images with the other set taken just a month before, it could be immediately concluded that the atheroma -the accumulation of degenerative material in the inner layer of artery walls- had literally vanished, dissipated, pulverized… While a group of cardiologists were astonished when attempting to come up with a cause of that exceptional phenomena, Dr. Ricardo was however furious when facing the fact that he couldn´t understand anything. The whole world was crumbling down before him, in spite of the fact that such phenomena happily implied that Arthur wouldn´t have to go on principle through any by-pass surgery. The electrocardiogram showed that

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