Harbinger (Nova Online #3) - A LitRPG Series

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Harbinger (Nova Online #3) - A LitRPG Series Page 43

by Alex Knight

  Ability: Wind-Up Swing

  A slow but powerful attack that requires a wind-up. Deals direct and knockback damage on a successful hit.

  Ability: Concussive Strike

  A forceful strike that travels along the ground for a short distance, dealing direct and knockback damage to any enemy in its path.

  The wardens without Intransigence were launched into the air, flung into the ranks of The Syndicate army where they were overwhelmed, or knocked backward to cause havoc for the Sniper Moded blast wardens in the rear.

  The chaos in the warden ranks was a plus, but the front line, despite the holes in it, was largely still holding. Gaps appeared but were immediately plugged. The shield wardens finally activated Improved Barrier, creating glowing domes that held back any further attacks while the power wardens brawled with the Maximus members who’d broken into their lines.

  Ability: Mass x Acceleration

  A high-damage melee attack that deals damage based on the user’s level and dexterity.

  Several Maximus gravity slingers bold enough to be on the front lines lashed forward with their devastating melee attacks. In a couple of places, warden Improved Barriers shattered beneath the assault. Kaiden highlighted the weak points, and all around, free warden shielders burst forward with Improved Shield Charge. Just behind them the Maximus brawlers and cybernetic knights who hadn’t launched in earlier followed with their own movement abilities.

  The Warden Corps shielders were occupied – either focusing on maintaining their barriers, which meant not building charge, or desperately warding off attacks from their backs – and Kaiden could see them giving ground. They were driven backward, step by step. Kaiden was so far back among his own forces that few attacks made it to him and the rest of the bomb team, but already he could see the result of the warden lines giving. Those directly around the bomb team were surging forward, pushing into the bulge the front lines had created. With the center of the warden force distracted by the Maximus members among them, the shielders were left to hold the front on their own.

  “We’re pushing their line to the brink,” Kaiden said. “We just have to break through.”

  “My boys are softening up their core,” PlayaSlaya said. “If we can punch in there we’ll cut right through that mess.” Even as he spoke, though, Kaiden could see the fight just beyond the Warden Corps’ front lines getting desperate – but not in the way he wanted. The enemy blast wardens in the rear had turned their attention to the chaos. Improved Burst Arrows and Improved Scatter Shots plunged toward the Maximus elite. Improved Kinetic Grenades detonated in blasts of lasers and flames.

  Worse, the power wardens had charge now, and they were putting it to use. Kaiden’s visor flashed abilities at him in a frenzy as it spotted them. Amid the chaos of it all he recognized a pattern.

  Ability: See Red

  For the next 20 seconds your base damage is increased by 20% for each opponent slain.

  Ability: Berserker

  The warden does double base damage but also takes +50% damage for 20 seconds. Speed is halved for 1 minute following the ability.

  Ability: Improved Chained Fury

  Your combat prowess allows you to chain attacks together. For the next 5 seconds, each attack deals an additional 20% damage for every successful attack before it.

  The blast wardens were softening up the Maximus elite and the power wardens were mopping them up with a three-ability combo. Cybernetic knights and brawlers began to die with increasing frequency as the power wardens’ See Red did its work.

  Even as Kaiden watched, more and more of the Maximus elite fell. The warden army had taken the full brunt of the attack and was on the verge of recovering. In a minute or two they’d be able to pivot onto the offensive.

  If Kaiden’s forces could just break the shielders in front they’d have a way into the warden ranks. The army could surge in and force the fight into the disorganized scrum Kaiden was aiming for.

  With the fighting in so close it was likely most of his forces would have trouble recognizing they’d been given new orders, so Kaiden focused on the most reliable of them: the free wardens.

  “Shielders, keep pushing forward. Power wardens, vault past their front line, then attack it from behind. Earth Shatter on landing, then follow up with Improved Shield Break as needed. Break the line!”

  He’d hardly finished giving the order before the free wardens were in motion. Free power wardens launched into the air, less of them than Kaiden would have liked, but he’d only had a hundred free wardens total. An even smaller number of them were power wardens. Nonetheless, they came down like a meteor shower, exploding into the soil with a rain of shockwaves that crashed into the back of the opposing shield wardens’ barriers.

  If they can break the shielders, the rest of our force can push in and reinforce the Maximus elite. Turn that fight in the middle ranks into a proper scrum. Just the kind of chaos we need to punch through to the gate.

  Several Improved Barriers cracked, then shattered entirely. The shielders were left with glowing auras around them – the personal force fields that persisted after Improved Barrier went down – but they didn’t last long as the free power wardens struck with Improved Shield Break.

  The combination of attacks left the very center of the warden line in shambles. Most of the barriers there were broken, and with Improved Shield Break hitting the wardens themselves, the front line was just about gone.

  And still it wasn’t going to be enough. The power wardens and blast wardens had all but eradicated the Maximus elite. The scrum Kaiden wanted in the middle ranks was almost gone and the Warden Corps forces were regaining their composure.

  Suddenly, the Warden Corps middle ranks moved as one. They all split to the side to reveal a group of Sniper Moded blast wardens with abilities charging on the end of their hammer-rifles. Abilities Kaiden recognized all too well.

  Ability: Inferno Shot

  You fire an explosive, superheated blast that ignores 50% of the target’s armor. Deals 3x base damage to all targets in range (allies included). Takes 7 seconds to charge (must be stationary).

  “Oh hell,” Kaiden said and then a half-dozen Inferno Shots tore through the Maximus elite and free warden core.

  More players than Kaiden could keep up with were cut down as a scorching swath was burned through his army. His command module went mad trying to account for the losses. Commanders shouted through comms, trying to organize and compensate for having a hole blown straight through the entire force.

  Kaiden heard them all, but for a moment, he was stunned.

  As he watched, the rest of the Warden Corps blast wardens began to move. With the immediate threat gone from the army’s middle ranks, they were forming up; had moved closer to the front line and were raising their hammer-rifles for some sort of mass attack. Kaiden cringed as his visor read out exactly what.

  Inferno Shot.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Beside her, Thorne saw Kaiden flinch, then followed his gaze until she realized what he’d seen. The Warden Corps blast wardens were moving closer. As they set up, they held still, getting into Sniper Mode and no doubt planning to charge a second round of Inferno Shots. Many were still getting in place, but in moments they would all be charging, no doubt planning to fire at once to make it an almost AoE-level unavoidable barrage.

  “We have to hit them hard. Now!” Kaiden shouted, but there was no way they could. Their own blast wardens could fire back, but they wouldn’t be enough. The other ranged classes could help, but it was going to take concentrated assault to interrupt all the charging Inferno Shots. There was no way they could get a force back there in time.

  “Ah, there it is,” Dawson said suddenly through comms. “I was wondering when they’d go for the knockout punch.”

  “Why do you sound so happy about it?” Thorne shouted at him, but even as she did, a notification appeared in her vision.

  Lieutenant Sola has joined the comm channel.

; “Looks like you all are taking something of a beating over there,” a familiar voice said.

  Lieutenant Sola. Thorne hadn’t even known she was in the battle, which meant... she was fighting for the Warden Corps. Thorne’s heart sank at that. But who’d added her to their comm channel?

  “Well, it’s a mighty fine fighting force you’ve got,” Dawson said. “My compliments to whoever trained it.”

  “Are you complimenting yourself again, Sergeant?” Sola asked.

  “Might be,” Dawson said. “Either way, those blast wardens have lined themselves up all pretty like, just like we knew they would. Once they’re all in position, think you might be able to do something about that?”

  “Already on it,” Sola said.

  “The hell is that about?” PlayaSlaya asked, shock plastered across his features. Kaiden looked about the same.

  “What?” Dawson asked him. “You didn’t think I was just recruiting free wardens, did you?”

  Thorne felt a smile stretch across her face.

  “It’s a pleasure to have you with us, Lieutenant Sola,” she said.

  “Well, when you all defected and took Ellenton with you, that was just about the last straw,” she said. “Tell her hey from me. Now, enjoy the fireworks.”

  Thorne looked back to the line of blast wardens. They were all in Sniper Mode now and charging Inferno Shots. Some were charged and just waiting for the order to fire. All were still, except for two. They suddenly stood, one on either end of the line. They already had fully charged Inferno Shots on the ends of their hammer-guns, having only feigned entering Sniper Mode. As one, they turned inward, placing the entire line of blast wardens in their sights, and fired.

  The dual Inferno Shots tore through the line of squishy, low-HP blast wardens, then met in the middle with a blinding explosion that sent every warden within ten paces tumbling to the ground.

  “Inferno Shot hurts enemies and allies alike…” Kaiden said, his eyes fixed on the aftermath. Nearly the entire line of blast wardens was dead. Those that still stood were just about one stiff breeze from dying as well.

  “I think it’s safe to say we can count Sola an ally,” Thorne said as chaos erupted in the ranks of the Warden Corps army.

  Five or so more blast wardens turned on their companions and began firing. Then, a few of the shielders in the front broke rank and Improved Shield Charged into their own force. A group of power wardens turned next, and as their hammers started swinging, scores of the still Party-loyal wardens were tossed into the air.

  And then there was Sola. Nothing more than a blur, but a blur Thorne recognized. A blur that was tearing through the warden army and landing critical hits left and right.

  “Ain’t that a beautiful sight?” Dawson said. He made to wipe a fake tear from his face but his hand only clunked against the faceplate of his helmet.

  “They had us in the first half, not gonna lie,” Titus said with something approaching a laugh.

  “But it’s not over yet,” Thorne said. “It’s time for a knockout blow of our own.” She looked to Kaiden. “Care to do the honors?”

  He smiled.

  “All battlegroups, push ahead. Tear through the center of their force and blow us a hole right through to that gate.”

  A list of names appeared in Thorne’s vision – a file from Sola detailing those wardens who were working with her.

  “And don’t kill our new allies,” Kaiden said. He must’ve added the file to his command module because a moment later Thorne saw a good fifty friendly markers appear within the chaos of the warden lines.

  “Now let’s get to that gate!” Kaiden sent out the ‘all forces charge’ order and The Syndicate army surged forward with renewed vigor. The surviving free wardens led the charge, and all along the front, The Syndicate army began to flow in, driven as if by an unstoppable current.

  Even back in the center of the army, Thorne found herself and the rest of the bomb team sucked forward. The Warden Corps’ line was breached and now it was time to make the most of it.

  Abilities fired off on all sides and Thorne found herself ducking behind her buckler shield, knowing it wouldn’t do much good but unable to resist the instinct. This was a different fight than she was used to. The rest of the army was focused on fighting, on taking down any Warden Corps soldiers in front of them, but the bomb team had a singular objective: reach the gate and get through it.

  Titus knew that, and along with the free shield warden next to him they pushed through the chaos of the battle. It’d devolved into an all-out scrum now, lines breaking apart as if they’d never even been there as combatants from both sides intermingled and had at it.

  The Maximus elite and free power wardens who’d vaulted the enemy front line had softened the mid-section of the warden army enough that pushing through that part was relatively easy. Only a few enemies stepped in front of the bomb team as they surged forward, and those that did were quickly attacked by any surrounding soldiers. The army knew their objective and, thanks to their support, Titus was able to gain steam as he led them through the mid-section of the enemy force. Their path was kept relatively clear all the while.

  A stray Improved Kinetic Grenade detonated in the air above them and Thorne ducked away as damage rained down. Beside her, Kaiden hissed as he took the bulk of it, his health bar falling a good eighteen percent. They’d all been taking glancing blows here and there. No one had made it this far unscathed, but Kaiden in particular was squishy. Enhanced wardens weren’t made to tank damage.

  Before Thorne could stop him, his health flashed back to near full as he popped a stimpack.

  “Kaiden!” she shouted. “Let the medic handle that. Save your stims!”

  “Shit. Right,” he said. But she couldn’t blame him. Between organizing the attack strategy and all the chaos going on around them it was a miracle he could even see straight.

  She waved over to the medic, Skaia, and she shot Kaiden with a syringe, bumping his health the rest of the way back to full.

  Thorne kept her hammer at the ready as the bomb team pushed through the battle, but she never needed to use it. PlayaSlaya, Nando, their Maximus guards, and Dawson and his free wardens had them covered on all sides. Anyone who got too close was beaten back. Not killed, usually, but attacked by several guards at once such that they were forced away. Combined with the speed Titus was keeping in leading them forward, they were away from most attackers in a matter of seconds.

  They were deep in the warden lines now, and the fighters around them were changing from power wardens to blast wardens. Made it all the easier to keep pushing on as most of their opponents now tried to back away from them, keeping distance where they’d be more effective.

  A quick glance behind told Thorne the free warden core of the army was bogged down in the middle of the defenders. Worse, it looked like the bulk of the warden army was closing in on the flanks now. Preparing for an encirclement, she knew. That was the problem with a spearhead attack like this. It could be absorbed, creating a churning mess of a battle in the center while the larger force – which was decidedly the wardens here – swarmed around the outside. The end result was the smaller force surrounded on all sides while the larger picked away at them until there was nothing left.

  We’re not fighting the long game here, though, she knew. That was Kaiden’s plan, and she had to admit it made sense. We need to move quick, take minimal damage, be ready for the fight that comes next, Thorne thought, looking ahead to the gate. They were drawing closer to it. She looked up to the sky next. The battle was still raging there and it was impossible to tell who was winning. What was clear to see, though, was that no ships had been able to make it down to take shots at the gate.

  Are we going to have to do this ourselves? We’ll never get through it that way…

  “Come on!” PlayaSlaya shouted from the front of their group. Kaiden had watched as he’d leapt past Titus, lashing out at any warden who drew near. His attacks were swift and savage. His axe
cut through everything in its way, a blur of molten metal. Power and shield wardens had trouble standing up to him, but now the bomb team was in among the rear ranks of the warden force. Most blast wardens simply fled at the sight of PlayaSlaya charging them.

  The gate was just ahead.

  “Have a go!” PlayaSlaya shouted again, chasing down a fleeing blaster.

  “Keep formation!” Kaiden said, trying to reel PlayaSlaya back in and sticking close to the others himself as they reached the gate.

  We made it, he thought. We made it…

  But now what? The fleet above was supposed to have been hammering the gate this whole time. The unexpectedly large force the wardens had mustered to defend the air space had cut that plan short, though.

  “Odditor!” Kaiden called through comms. “Where are those ships? We’re at the gate. We need someone to blow this thing apart!”

  “Form up!” Thorne called, taking control of the situation as Kaiden tried to reach their air support. Thorne ushered everyone off to the side of the gate – towering, massive thing that it was – and formed a perimeter with shield wardens, Maximus guards, and Dawson and his free wardens on the edge. Zelda was blasting away from the interior, alongside another free warden blaster, and Skaia, the medic, was healing anyone who got hit as fast as her abilities came off of cooldown.


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