Harbinger (Nova Online #3) - A LitRPG Series

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Harbinger (Nova Online #3) - A LitRPG Series Page 45

by Alex Knight

  “It was all planned and accounted for. And now here you are, right where we wanted you. And the database is as well.”

  “If this was your master plan, it seems you left out an important piece,” Titus growled. “There’s eight of us and one of you. Did your master plan account for that?” He delivered the line with a sneer.

  “Eight against one, hm?” Werner nodded at that. “Those would be bad odds. Though I think you may have miscounted.”

  Kaiden clenched his hammer tighter as he looked around the room, ready to attack the moment Werner’s reinforcements showed themselves. The rest of the group did the same, taking combat stances, their eyes wide and ready for whatever was coming. All of them except one.

  PlayaSlaya stood nonchalantly, seeming entirely unconcerned about what was transpiring.

  “God,” he said suddenly, shaking his head. “Getting you all here was like herding cats. The battle outside was pretty epic. Enjoyed that. The rest was lame.” He sighed, like a great weight had been lifted from him. He shook out his shoulders, then sucked in a deep breath. “Though this is going to be fun. Everyone thinks you’re some hot-shit PVPers, but you’ve been lucky up to this point. You’ve never faced a real opponent.”

  PlayaSlaya betrayed us. He’s been working with the Party. For how long? The realization blindsided Kaiden like a runaway hover-bus.

  “This explains why he was so ready to charge in here without the rest of The Syndicate backing us,” Zelda said, opening a private comm channel between her, Kaiden, Titus, and Thorne.

  “Bastard,” Titus growled.

  “Should have trusted my gut, damn it,” Thorne said, and Kaiden could hear the pain in her tone. He shared it. She’d been pointing out that things felt off but he hadn’t listened. Had been too excited at being so close. Too distracted by the promise of victory to trust her instincts.

  “That’s why there were more forces above than there should have been,” Thorne said, piecing things together.

  “They made it just enough of a fight that our army would be bogged down,” Kaiden said as everything started to make sense. “Tricked us into leaving our reinforcements behind and coming here on our own.”

  “Form up on me,” Zelda hissed, easing toward Titus and Thorne. “It’s not a sure thing we lose this fight. If we can stay together, land a combo or two...” She trailed off, unable to convince even herself that they had a way to win the coming battle.

  Werner, PlayaSlaya, Nando, Skaia, and the last Maximus guard, Hurston, against us four. That’s suicide, Kaiden thought, evaluating the room. Every one of their opponents was max level, and with Skaia acting as a medic they’d have all the health they could want. No matter how he stacked it up, this wasn’t a winnable fight.

  Kaiden focused on PlayaSlaya for a moment and his visor brought up the man’s stats.

  Cybernetic Knight, Level 60. I know all that.

  Kaiden moved his eyes to the new armor PlayaSlaya was wearing.

  Godslayer Armor

  Rarity: Unique

  Durability: 96%

  +30% bludgeoning resistance

  +30% explosive resistance

  +20% stun resistance

  Negates damage that would usually bypass armor

  Wearer cannot be staggered

  Oh jeez. That’s a unique armor set. One of a kind. And look at those stats! Not exceptional in any particular way; just every way. Kaiden almost feared to look at PlayaSlaya’s weapon next. It was a massive axe – that much Kaiden had known – but now he was about to find himself facing the sharp end of it, he took a renewed interest.

  Star’s Heart War-Axe

  Rarity: Unique

  Durability: 82%

  +25% damage

  +10% knockback

  -5% dexterity when wielded

  Deals burning damage per second on every critical hit. Does not stack.

  Well. That’s about the most terrifying weapon I’ve ever seen in Nova.

  “Kaiden,” Zelda said through their new private comms channel. “Take the database from me. Use your speed and get out of here. You can go back topside, find Dawson, come back with reinforcements. It’s our only—”

  “No,” he said, frowning now. Something still wasn’t quite right. PlayaSlaya and Werner looked confident, assured of their victory. But Nando didn’t. His expression was torn, conflicted. Like all of this was news to him.

  Kaiden turned to Nando.

  “Man, you really sold me on that ‘the Party disappeared my father’ story,” he said. “Quite the actor, you are. What’d they promise you in return for betraying us?”

  Nando frowned back at him.

  “Nothing. Because I didn’t agree to betray you.” He shot an accusatory glare toward PlayaSlaya.

  “I know, I know. I didn’t tell you, blah, blah,” PlayaSlaya said without a hint of regret in his voice. “All you need to know is there is a massive bonus waiting for you when all this is over. You can get, ah… what’s her name, the kid, a bunch of new toys.’

  Nando didn’t look angry. He just looked disappointed. Kaiden could see it in his face, but PlayaSlaya continued on unawares.

  “Anyway, who cares? It worked perfectly! We’re here. Now let’s finish it. I had my fun outside. This part was going to be a drag. Send out some database broadcast thing? Snore. Betrayal and a badass final showdown? Now that’s the good stuff!” There was a fire in his eyes as he spoke. “Maximus always wins. And this will be one of our greatest ever!” He pumped a fist in the air, a gesture no doubt meant to fire up his guild mates. It seemed only to have the opposite effect.

  “So this is what we do now, huh?” Nando’s response came like an upturned bucket of ice-water, squelching the fire that’d been building in PlayaSlaya’s expression. “We betray our allies and side with the Party?”

  “What? Dude! You don’t get it. Once we finish this, we’ll be the undisputed top guild in the game. Not just PVP. We’ll have the Warden Corps backing us, and the Party’s support. Plus, if they do take over NextGen they’ve promised us early access to every DLC and alpha slots in all the upcoming game releases. Not to mention the hefty reward we’ll be claiming IRL. It’s all handled, my man. The hard part’s done.” He clenched a fist. “Now, let’s have some fun.”

  Nando’s only response was a blank stare, then a frown. A moment later, Kaiden saw why.

  PlayaSlaya has been kicked from the comm channel.

  “I didn’t agree to this,” Nando said in proximity chat for all to hear. “And I won’t support it. My father once stood up to the Party. When he got taken away, it terrified me. I would never have stood up to the Party alone; I was too afraid. Didn’t even think it was possible. But then I met you guys, with your crazy plan, and you convinced so many people. Then here we are, moments away from dealing the Party a mortal blow. I won’t back down now. Not for Playa and his money. Not for anything. I can’t.”

  Skaia and Hurston nodded at that and both took a step closer to Nando.

  “This is wrong,” Skaia said. “We didn’t come here because we wanted to fight, because we wanted to win. We came here because Nando asked us to, and because it’s what’s right.”

  “What? No!” PlayaSlaya was panicked now, a pained expression creeping across his features. “I did this for you. For the guild. For all of us!”

  “When have you ever done something not for yourself, Playa?” Nando looked angry now. “Nova has always been just a game to you. Just a way to have a laugh or get a cheap thrill. You never realized there’s more to it than that. Our guild is about fighting yes, but it’s also an outlet for those who have been taken advantage of. Hurt. A place for them to work out their anger, to feel strong and to make friends. You would know that if you ever thought about anyone other than yourself. Did you even speak to Skaia? If you had you’d know her sister was arrested a couple months ago for breaking curfew. Never came back. That’s why I asked her here. This means something to her too.”

  The pain in PlayaSlaya’s
face flared to anger at that.

  “You don’t understand. You don’t get it!” Even from ten paces away Kaiden could see he was shaking with rage. “Fine. You don’t have to. I’m your guild leader. I give orders and you obey. That’s how this works! Hell, I pay your salary, Nando. The only reason you can afford to be in this game is because of me!”

  “Not anymore,” Nando said calmly. “And after today you won’t be the leader of Maximus. You don’t deserve it. Not after this. A lot of the members have been asking for new leadership, but I kept quiet so you would keep paying the bills. No more. I’m taking control. You can take your money and leave.”

  Ouch. That had struck a chord. Kaiden flinched but PlayaSlaya stumbled backwards as if he’d been physically assaulted. The anger in his face built to rage and he clenched his teeth so tight Kaiden swore he heard something pop.

  “I built this guild. You’re not going to take it from me. I am Maximus!” PlayaSlaya roared and moved so quick Kaiden didn’t even have time to get his shield up.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  PlayaSlaya had his axe out before anyone could react. In one smooth motion he lunged forward and brought it down on Skaia’s head. She backpedaled, trying to get out of range, but the blow had already taken nearly a quarter of her health. Looked like it’d been a critical, too, considering Skaia was on fire – a fact made all the worse because her healing abilities were on cooldown from tending to the party on the way in.

  Ability: Concussive Strike

  PlayaSlaya brought his Star’s Heart War-Axe down on the floor and a blazing trail of energy surged toward the already stumbling Skaia. She was a medic, extremely useful in combat, but rather squishy in one-on-one – and it showed. Concussive Strike took another chunk out of her health and its knockdown effect slammed her into the wall.

  “I am Maximus!” PlayaSlaya shouted again and charged.

  Ability: Sucker Punch

  A savage punch that deals 2x base damage. The first time this ability is used each combat it deals an additional 2x damage.

  Nando stepped into his path and scored a savage blow to PlayaSlaya’s chin but was beaten aside by a counter attack in the form of the Involuntary Launch ability which flung him into the ceiling. PlayaSlaya continued forward, the blades of his war-axe glowing red hot.

  Ability: Fiery End

  The blow connected with Skaia and her health dropped to zero, her scream drowned out amid an explosion of flame.

  Party member killed!

  Skaia’s corpse slumped against the wall, still flaming as the attack’s damage-over-time ability continued.

  PlayaSlaya wheeled on Zelda next and launched into a leap, axe raised. Titus jumped into its path and caught the blow on his shield, then lashed back with a hammer strike. PlayaSlaya was already gone, though, wheeling to the side, then spinning back in to get at Zelda.

  He’s killed Skaia, taking away our heals. Now he’s focusing on our DPS, Kaiden realized. He moved to rush forward, hammer in hand, but Nando held him back.

  “You handle this Werner asshole. Hurston and I got Playa,” he said, then charged, fists lighting up with one of his brawler abilities.

  “Keep Zelda alive!” Kaiden shouted to Titus, then joined Thorne in spinning to face Werner.

  “Odds aren’t on your side anymore,” Kaiden said, advancing on him.

  “Not exactly to plan,” Werner retorted, looking entirely unconcerned. “But I’m max level and you two are barely into the fifties.” He laughed. “This will be a cakewalk. I’m a blast warden, the best damage-dealing class in the Corps. I’ll have you two dead bef—”

  Thorne’s hammer caught him under the chin and snapped his head back as his health bar dropped to the mid-eighties. The blow caught him by surprise and Werner fought to raise his hammer-gun and take aim, but Thorne gave him no room to breathe.

  “You always were a snide asshole,” she said. “But now you’re a snide asshole who’s out of his depth.” She smacked him again, then landed another blow on his head, dealing critical damage. Her charge bar filled with each attack and Kaiden’s visor brought up a line of text reminding him of the power warden passive.

  Ability: Improved Aggressive Mindset (passive)

  Each successful attack you land will regenerate X charge where X is 15% of damage dealt.

  Werner retreated, eyes wide at the unrelenting aggression of the attack. He fired off an Improved Scatter Shot to cover his retreat but Thorne was ready for it.

  Ability: Improved Instigated Fury

  The fervor of battle sweeps over you. For the next 8 seconds each time you take damage your base attack increases by 15%.

  The Improved Scatter Shot struck her right in the chest and Thorne looked down to the dozen or so scorch marks on her armor, then back up to Werner. He swallowed audibly as their eyes met.

  “I earned my levels, Werner. You had some intern grind them out for you.”

  “Damn this game,” Werner growled then charged up an Improved Kinetic Grenade. “PlayaSlaya! Take down Zelda and loot that database!”

  His only response was a growl and Kaiden spared a glance back to see the guild leader unloading a barrage of attacks against Titus’ shield. Hurston was already dead – Kaiden must have missed the notification – and PlayaSlaya still looked to be gaining steam. He was a hell of a fighter. His armor helped in no small measure, absorbing far too much damage than any suit of armor should. And his Star’s Heart War-Axe was flaming brightly, boiling from deep within as if there was an actual star inside. Combined with PlayaSlaya’s max level and obsession with PVP he was a near unbeatable opponent. Somehow, though, Nando seemed almost a match for him. With the support of Titus – harassing PlayaSlaya with Energy Grip and Shield Slams – and Zelda – blasting away with every ability in her arsenal – Nando was just barely keeping pace with PlayaSlaya.

  “PlayaSlaya!” Werner shouted again, then in a panic, threw the grenade at Zelda.

  “Zelda! Look out!” Kaiden shouted but Thorne was already in motion. She stepped into the path of the grenade and tanked the damage from the ensuing explosion – and her base damage increased by another fifteen percent.

  Ability: Gravity Sledge

  You channel a massive amount of charge into your hammer. Your next attack deals 250% base damage and on a successful hit knocks the target into the air. They take fall damage on landing.

  “You’re a criminal and a murderer,” Thorne growled, then swung her axe into Werner’s chest with a rising blow. A shockwave burst out at the impact and he was flung into the ceiling. He slammed into the rock there then thudded back down to the floor. From the attack and the fall damage combined, his health dropped down to forty percent – and Kaiden hadn’t even thrown a blow yet.

  “I’ve been waiting to beat you down for a long time, Werner,” Thorne said, advancing on the stunned man. The expression on his face said he was totally out of his depth.

  He scrambled to his feet, then retreated across the room, back toward the door he’d come in through.

  “Let me in!” he shouted as he ran toward it.

  Kaiden burst into motion and ran him down with his increased dexterity.

  With no charge yet, he led with a hammer strike to Werner’s back, then raised his weapon to attack again.

  Werner spun and fired a quick Improved Scatter Shot into Kaiden’s chest, but Intangible Defense nullified any damage from the shot.

  “I’ve got this under control,” Thorne’s voice came from behind. It was calm but seething, like a fire that’d burned down to coals but when disturbed revealed a far more intense heat beneath. And then she flew past him, launched into the air with Heroic Leap. She landed between Werner and the door with a shockwave that crashed into Werner.

  He stopped dead in his tracks, seemingly frozen.

  “You’re right,” Thorne said, advancing toward him slowly. “Blast wardens do deal the most DPS of the warden classes – when at range. Power wardens, though,” she said, looking down at her hammer,
“are specialists in close quarters.”

  Ability: Hammer Sweep

  Werner’s health dropped further.

  “And blast wardens are pretty shit up close. Something you would have known if you’d actually leveled your class. Actually cared about this game. But you didn’t. It was just a means to an end for you, wasn’t it? Just a way to keep working your way up the corrupt ladder of the Party.”

  “I should have killed you when I had the chance,” he growled. “In the real world. Not in this child’s game.”

  “There are a lot of things you should have done, Werner. But instead you made me party to your corrupt investigation into Zelda’s parents. Instead you killed innocent civilians then blamed it on the resistance. Instead you lied and you cheated. You abused your power and lorded over the world like it was your plaything.” Thorne clipped him with a hammer strike. Not enough to kill him. Just a wounding blow.

  “You thought you were untouchable. Thought you were safe in your corrupt power. How do you feel now, little man? Do you feel powerful?” She hit him again and he cursed.

  “If I ever see you again, I will end you,” he snarled.

  “Oh, we’ll meet again,” Thorne said. “Once the Party is in ruins and justice comes calling. And you better believe, Werner. Deep down in your blackened little heart, you better believe I’ll be there. I’ll be the one who brings you in.”

  With that, she wound up for one last attack. Werner didn’t even try to resist.

  “Damn you,” he snarled.

  “You first,” she said.

  Ability: Gravity Sledge

  The blow connected and Werner flew clear across the room. He was dead before he hit the ground and rolled to a stop.


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