Paranormal Dating Agency: His Twisted Tail (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: His Twisted Tail (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 1

by Melanie James

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Latin Goddess Press, Inc.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Paranormal Dating Agency remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Latin Goddess Press, Inc., or their affiliates or licensors.

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  His Twisted Tail

  By Melanie James


  Calder Lorenson inherits one hell of a mess when he’s thrust into the limelight to fill the role of Alpha at Twisted Tail Pack. With treachery in the ranks, Calder quickly finds himself in over his head. If that wasn’t enough to deal with, pack law decrees that he must be mated.

  With no time to spare, Calder does the only thing he can think of—asks for a little help from a famous matchmaker, Gerri Wilder. Will Gerri be able to locate his mate before the looming deadline? Or will Calder have to face the consequences set by pack law?


  His Twisted Tail


  Books by Melanie James



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen



  Books by Melanie James

  Twisted Tail Pack

  His Twisted Tail

  Black Paw Pack

  Fur Ever Yours

  A Hot Piece of Sass

  Fur Ever Witched

  Twice the Sass

  You Bet Your Sass

  Watch Your Sass

  Literal Leigh Romance Diaries

  Accidental Leigh

  Serious Leigh

  Hopeful Leigh

  Haunting Leigh

  Joyful Leigh

  Disastrous Leigh

  Tales from the Paranormal Plantation

  Gertie’s Paranormal Plantation

  Back to the Fuchsia

  When You Witch Upon a Star

  Karma Inc. Files

  Karma Inc.

  Mission Impawsible: A Karma Inc. Novella

  Shame of Clones

  Éveiller Drive

  Ava & Will

  Kara & Dave

  Laura & Alan

  Jamie & Brad

  Ashley & Jeff

  Valerie & Greg

  Stand Alones

  Conjuring Darkness

  Snowflakes, Exes & Ohs

  Riverton Romance

  A Valentine’s Surprise

  A Deadly Obsession


  To the women in my life who always have my back—thank you. You mean more to me than you could ever possibly imagine!


  To my alpha male—love you.

  Chapter One

  The bright sun hung high in the sky, beating down on Calder Lorenson as he hammered away at another dilapidated roof. Lifting his head, he looked around and thought for the hundredth time that he was in way the hell over his head.

  Being the Alpha of Twisted Tail had sounded great, and he had already experienced some of the challenges he’d known were sure to come with the job. He never expected the transition to be a walk in the park, but sweet Jeebus, he had not expected every house, apartment complex, and building on pack territory to be in a state of total disrepair. Everything needed something, people and buildings alike. As soon as he fixed one issue, five more seemed to spring up. It had been nonstop since the moment he’d arrived at Twisted Tail.

  “How are you doing over there, Alex?” Calder asked, glancing over to the man working beside him.

  “Not too bad. It’s nice to see someone take the initiative to clean this place up, even if you are an outsider.”

  Calder chugged his bottle of water thinking about what Alex had said. It had definitely been a point of contention with some members in the pack. They despised outsiders and wanted nothing more than for him to walk away. “I’m never going to live that down. Am I?”

  “I’m just giving you a hard time. It’s not a problem for me. I’m more interested in doing what’s right for the whole pack, not just a few of the trouble makers. If this pack is going to survive it has to change. And the way I see it, the change you’ve brought has been positive. It’s good for the pack and everyone in it. Those who have a problem with it are the holdouts from Griffin’s reign of terror.”

  Calder nodded. “I figured as much.”

  And he had.

  One of his strengths was the ability to read people. The ability to see who a person really was, what was in their heart and soul, made his job easier at times. It also led to disappointment in people more times than he cared to count. Over the years, he’d hesitated using his gift, feeling as if it were some sort of intrusion. He’d often think, ‘who meets someone and immediately looks at their soul’? His gift was too intrusive and Calder didn’t want to be that untrusting person. Life, with all of its grand betrayals, taught him to be that person.

  He knew that his eyes darkened to a pitch black. He likened it to a second sight—one that gave him a glimpse of one’s soul.

  He had once believed in giving humans and shifters the benefit of the doubt, but being able to see when a person’s soul had been possessed by pure evil had saved his life time and again. The special sight, as he liked to call it, had never let him down.

  Not once.

  Calder had taken advantage of his insight to catch that special glimpse of most of the pack members at Twisted Tail over the few short weeks since he had become Alpha. There was no question in his mind who he needed to watch his ass around, and those who would have his back when shit hit the fan.

  Alex had his back. He was one of the first members of the pack to offer his hand at helping to rebuild the community, wanting more for the people who’d lived under the horrid conditions of their former Alpha.

  Calder had heard stories about the suffering the pack had been forced to endure. The tales survivors told about the atrocities the former Alpha had committed against his own pack—from starving his people to forced matings, brutal beatings, and public executions—made him and his wolf sick. Calder would make damn sure life at Twisted Tail changed for the better.

  Signs of the frequent abuses were all around him. But he saw more than a beaten-down pack. He saw people, a pack, desperately wanting a shot at a normal life, one that was free of the never-ending pain and humiliation that had been forced upon them. He saw a pack waiting for someone who cared enough about them to make change happen.

  And change was what it was all about: getting the small community back on its feet again and fixing everything that had been broken, buildings and people alike.

  “I wanted to give you a heads up. I don’t think those wanting to see you gone are going to come at you head on.” Alex pulled his t-shirt off and used it to wipe his sweaty brow.

  “What do you mean?” Calder asked in confusion. Wolves were nothing if not vicious when it came to defending their territory. The most direct route to challenge an Alpha would be i
nitiating a fight. Everyone knew that—or so he thought.

  “There’s been whispers about having people search through all of the formal written pack law. I guess they’re looking for a law that could make it illegal for you to continue on as Alpha. That way they could force you out without challenging you.”

  “Huh. I’m kind of surprised by that.” Calder took another swig of his water.

  “I’m not. They’re a bunch of pussies. They’d never come at you one on one. They know you’d beat their asses and not think twice about doing it.”

  “True,” Calder laughed. “Thanks for the heads up.”

  Chapter Two

  Daisy rounded the corner deep in thought, not paying attention to anything or anyone around her. The dream she’d had the night before rattled something deep in her core. A blaring horn pulled her from the images replaying in her head, but unfortunately it wasn’t in time to save her from plowing into a complete stranger, and knocking them to the ground.

  “Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Let me help you up. I wasn’t paying attention,” Daisy rambled, completely embarrassed by her actions. It was so unlike her to be so careless.

  “No worries, dear. I’m sure it was an accident.”

  The woman stood and brushed herself off. “I’m more worried about you than I am about myself.”

  “I am so sorry. I should have watched where I was going. The last thing you needed today was to be mowed down on your way to—uh, wherever you’re off to this morning.”

  “Relax, dear.” The woman placed a calming hand on Daisy’s arm. “I was just going to enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee. Why don’t you join me?”

  Daisy blinked in surprise. The woman was tiny standing next to her own five-foot-eight frame. It was a wonder she hadn’t killed her when she knocked her down. Yet there the pixie of a woman stood, all four feet, eleven inches of her. Her blue eyes sparkled with a hint of amusement.

  “So what do you say? I promise I won’t bite.”

  “Umm. Sure,” she agreed. Why? She had no idea, but some little part of her mind shouted that she needed to go with the woman.

  Daisy plastered a smile on her face as she accepted the woman’s offer. It wasn’t as if she had anything better to do. She was officially on vacation and headed to find coffee anyway.

  The woman’s bright smile eased any remaining fears Daisy might have had about accepting the invitation. “Good!” She looped her arm around Daisy’s and led the way. “There’s a little place right around the corner. It’s one of my favorites to pop into. I know the owner, and girl let me tell you, they have the best coffee. And the pastries are to die for.”

  “Great.” Daisy tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. “There goes my diet.”

  The woman gave her a once-over with her stunning blue eyes. “Please. I would die to have your height and curves. I forgot to ask your name, dear?”

  Suddenly feeling a bit out of place, Daisy glanced down at the woman holding her arm. “Daisy Parks. And you are?”

  “Oh for the love of Christ, my mind must be scattered this morning too. I’m Gerri Wilder. It’s nice to meet you, dear.”

  The aroma of fresh coffee washed over Daisy the second she opened the door to the quaint coffee shop. “Ahhh, heaven!”

  “Right? I don’t know how anyone can function without it. I know I can’t.” Gerri waved to the woman at the counter before claiming a cozy secluded booth.

  Daisy looked around the shop intently, deciding that Gerri was right. The place was absolutely perfect, and nowhere near as crowded as her normal pit stop. “You know, I’ve lived in this area for years and never once knew this place existed.”

  “Well, now you know. I like this place so much better than some of the big chain shops. The people are so much more friendly, and the crowds are nowhere near as thick.”

  “I agree. Even in this city, there’s nothing quite like getting your morning brew with a side of attitude.”

  Gerri laughed. “You’re absolutely right. So tell me, dear. Are you off to work this morning, or something else?”

  “I’m off for the next two weeks. I finished up a ten-day rotation yesterday. It’s been hectic and crazy, so I’m looking forward to the time off.”

  “What kind of work do you do?” Gerri asked as she motioned for the waitress to take their order.

  “I’m an ER doctor.”

  “That sounds like an intense job. What do you like to do in your down time? Is there someone special in your life?”

  Daisy paused, unsure of how to answer Gerri. Sure, she seemed sweet and all, but did she want to overload her with the baggage that was Daisy’s life? Thankfully she was saved from answering by the waitress’s interruption.

  “What can I get you?”


  Gerri was the first to speak again after the waitress left. “I’m sorry. You can tell me to fuck off if you want. You don’t have to answer. It’s in my nature to be nosey. Especially when it comes to all things love. I really can’t seem to help myself.”

  “It’s not that. I just don’t want you to think I’m nuts. I’ve scared many people off by opening my mouth, thinking they actually cared about what I had to say.”

  “Oh please—I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t care. Besides I don’t think there’s anything you can tell me that I haven’t heard before. I’ve been around for a while.” Gerri laughed at Daisy’s assumption. She felt a strong connection to this girl who had run into her.

  Sure, she could have avoided the collision with her. Her wolf had warned her well in advance—but so had something else. She was destined to meet Daisy. Why? She didn’t quite know, but she had a feeling that should would know why soon enough.

  “So is there someone special in your life?”

  “No. Not recently,” Daisy sighed.

  Was that a hint of sadness she detected?

  “Buck up, dear. There are plenty of handsome men out there who would scoop you off your feet in no time flat! You’re stunning with that dark hair and bronzed skin. And those curves—it’s enough to make an old woman like me jealous.”

  “Ha. Hardly. Besides, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly tiny like you. That’s what all the rage is today. I’m tall and have curves and love handles, and I swear to Jesus, each of these suckers weighs twenty pounds,” Daisy said as she motioned to her chest.

  “Please. I know what men are looking for. I run a dating agency and you know what? Not one of my clients has ever complained about a girl with curves. Honey, your body type is exactly what’s asked for the most.”

  “I find that kind of hard to believe. All the guys I’ve ever dated have criticized me at some point in our relationship about my curves. They’ve all been full of backhanded compliments. You know what I’m talking about, right?”

  Her voice dripping with sarcasm, she continued on, “I used to love it when one of my exes said, ‘You’d be smoking hot if your ass wasn’t so big.’ Gerri, I could go on and on with the stories, but it’s just not worth it. I’m fine with being single for now. I’m tired of being picked apart by guys who think they’re better than everyone else, and don’t get me started on their over-opinionated families. I just don’t need that sort of drama, so I’m focusing on my career for now.”

  Gerri thought about what Daisy had said, but—knowing the girl was completely wrong in her outlook on love and relationships—she had to find a way to help her. Daisy may have dated before, but Gerri would bet her ass that she’d never dated the right type of man. Which led to her next question. “Have you ever dated a shifter?”

  Daisy looked up at Gerri, puzzled. “A shifter? Umm, no. I’m fully human and pretty certain a requirement of dating someone like that is having the ability to shift into an animal. Which I don’t.”

  Gerri smiled at her naïve comment. “Do you have any shifter friends?”

  “No. I haven’t lived in this area all that long—well, a few years, but I don’t really have any friend
s. Human or otherwise.” Daisy blushed. “I guess I’ve gotten used to saying I’m new here or I haven’t lived here long. It’s kind of been my go-to excuse, even though it’s not exactly true anymore.”

  “Well, now you do.” Gerri reached across the table, lacing her fingers with Daisy’s. “We were destined to meet today.”


  Daisy had no idea why she was drawn to Gerri, but she was. It was more than her friendly face and her soothing yet inviting smile. The woman was a firecracker, just like her Aunt Lucy had been before she’d succumbed to cancer.

  “Can I ask you something?” Daisy leaned in to whisper the question to Gerri.


  “Why did you ask if I’ve ever dated a shifter? Have you?”

  Gerri laughed at her question. “Oh, girl. You are too precious.” Gerri fished one of her business cards out of her purse and slid it across the table to Daisy. “I run the Paranormal Dating Agency.”

  “Wait! What?” Her chin nearly hit the floor. The sassy look on Gerri’s face left her speechless.

  “My clients are all shifters.”

  “Wow.” Daisy had a million questions and no idea which one to ask first. She’d never met a shifter in person. Well, none that she knew of. It was always possible, but the only way to tell that someone was a shifter was for them to transform from human to animal in front of you—and that had certainly never happened.

  “And you were the one worried about scaring me away,” Gerri joked. “The look on your face right now is priceless.”

  “Yeah. How about that?” Daisy’s mind was blown. “So how does it work? Your dating agency, that is? Are guys in the shifter world like regular human guys?”

  “Let’s break it down. One question at a time. My service works like any other dating service out there; the only difference is that I specialize in helping shifters find their mates. Men are men, no matter what species, but generally speaking shifters are different with their relationships than humans.”


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