Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 14

by Stasia Black

  Compared to the anarchy and mob mentality after D-Day, the constant military presence and curfews just seemed like common sense. They were only temporary, after all, she reasoned. Just until everything settled.

  And Jason was such a good man.

  Oh God. Bile rose in her throat again. How could she have ever believed that?

  She cupped a handful of river water and lifted it to her mouth. She swished it around and then spit it out.

  But Jason couldn’t keep up the good guy façade for long.

  It all came to a head when he realized she was pregnant.

  She dropped her head, letting her hair fall into her face.

  Maybe it would have all gone different if she hadn’t tried to pass the baby off as his. But God, she thought she was in love. And when he first noticed her baby bump, he was so happy. And well, she didn’t have the heart to tell him different.

  Plus, and this was the stupidest of all, but she was so messed up after witnessing so much death and destruction, and then being saved by Jason—she wanted the baby to be Jason’s so badly, part of her had begun to believe it was his. Yes, it was impossible and illogical. But she saw now she hadn’t been in her right mind back then.

  She squeezed her eyes shut.

  Of course he realized she’d lied when she went into labor four months early. Or if he’d had any doubts, the healthy, eight-pound baby she gave birth to had erased them.

  She’d started worrying when Jason didn’t come to the hospital in the days after her baby boy was born.

  He had to forgive her, she thought. She’d just explain it, and he’d forgive her. They loved each other.

  But when she was finally ready to leave the hospital several days later, soldiers showed up at the door. They wouldn’t answer any of her questions. She breathed out in relief when they took her to the house she’d been sharing with Jason.

  She was sure once she introduced him to little baby Matthew, he’d fall in love with him just as much as she had.

  But then the soldiers marched her downstairs to the full basement. She’d been even more confused when she saw that the room had been fitted out as a nursery. But why was there a twin mattress in the corner? She slept upstairs in the master bedroom with Jason. Had he hired some kind of live-in nanny?

  She turned to ask the soldiers what was going on, but they were already headed back up the stairs. Matthew started crying and she clutched him to her chest as she ran toward the stairs. It was too late, though. The door at the top of the stairs had already slammed shut. She hurried up to the door anyway and tugged on it.

  It was locked.

  She didn’t know how long she stood at the door banging, little Matthew wailing in her arms. There was never any answer from the other side and it never budged.

  But about thirty minutes later, the downstairs television turned on.

  That alone was shocking enough. It had been more than half a year since she’d seen a screen lit up. This must be more Army equipment that had survived the EMP. She rocked Matthew up and down as she walked back down toward the screen. His little face was red from crying.

  She frowned when she saw a static image of the master bedroom upstairs. She sat down on the couch in front of the television and started nursing Matthew.

  Then Jason walked onscreen.

  He wasn’t alone.

  Shay didn’t immediately recognize the woman. Not until Jason had her pinned up against the wall, hands above her head so he could peel her shirt off.

  It was Brenda.

  That bitch. She’d always done everything she could to get out of her duty rotation back in the dorm.

  Shay could only watch in horrified shock as Jason finished stripping her and then bent her over the bed, spearing her with his cock.

  That cock Shay had spent hours, entire days, worshipping.

  Attached to the man she loved.

  Betraying her only days after she’d given birth.

  That day was just the first of Jason’s cruelties, and by far the tamest.

  He didn’t let Shay out of the basement for six months.

  She was treated to daily shows of him screwing Brenda or Amy or any one of a half dozen other girls.

  The only contact she had with the outside world was when a soldier brought food once a day. She tried to be smart by waiting at the top of the stairs, thinking she could ambush the soldier and escape.

  But the soldier never came.

  That was when she realized Jason must have cameras on her. The soldier only came when she was far away from the stairs, sitting on the couch in the small downstairs living room or in the bedroom. Then he’d drop the food on the small landing at the top of the stairs and quickly shut and lock the door behind him.

  She told herself she hated Jason.

  She told herself her love for him had never been real.

  It had been an illusion, like the good man Jason had pretended to be. The man she’d loved had just been a fake she’d created in her head because she’d been so desperate after months elbow deep in the dead and dying.

  But then, six months to the day of Matthew’s birth, Jason himself appeared at the door.

  And she’d barely stopped herself from running up the stairs to him. Some stupid small part of her still thought, if he’d just let her explain—

  “Have you learned your lesson?” His voice was so cold it cut.

  She approached the stairs. “Would you like to meet Matthew?”

  His features morphed from indifference to scorn. “No, I don’t give a fuck about meeting your bastard. Get up here.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at his feet.

  Shay’s blood stirred. After locking her up for six months, he thought he could just come in and start ordering her around?

  Matthew was napping in his crib so she did march up the stairs, but only so she could give Jason a piece of her mind out of earshot of her precious baby.

  Jason just smirked when he saw her coming.

  Oh, she was gonna enjoy wiping that smirk off his damn face.

  When she got to the top of the stairs, she tried to push past him, but he grabbed her upper arms in a crushing grip. “Just where do you think you’re going?”

  She clenched her teeth. “Outside. I’m a little lacking in Vitamin D because someone locked me in a fucking basement.”

  Jason’s eyes sparked at that. “Good to know you haven’t lost your spirit. It would have been so boring if you had.”

  Boring? Son of a b—

  “Your pussy better still be tight after pushing out that brat.”

  He pulled her through the door and into the living room even as she sputtered in fury. “You’ll never know because I’ll never let you near me again, you fucking—”

  He ignored her and shoved his hand down the front of her flimsy leggings. She grabbed at his wrist but couldn’t budge it.

  “Come on, baby. If there was one thing we were always good at, it was this.” Then he crashed his lips down on hers and pushed her up against the wall.

  And damn him, damn him, but he was right. Sex with him was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Andrew had been her first serious boyfriend and he hadn’t known a clitoris from a collarbone. But Jason, oh God, Jason…

  She hated how wet she grew around his fingers. What was wrong with her? Within minutes, he had her on the edge and she hated him for it. Hated him and loved him.

  He was crazy. Maybe certifiably. Who the hell locked someone up in a basement for six months? And then slept with other women every night for all of that time, flaunting it in their lover’s face?

  A crazy person, that’s who.

  But being back in his arms, feeling the heat of him around her—God she’d missed him. She hated herself for it but she had.

  So she kissed him back. But she used her teeth. She lifted his shirt up and dug her nails in. She hate-loved him.

  And maybe that meant she was a little crazy too.

  But when he spun and dropped her on the c
ouch, yanking her leggings down, she helped him pull them off. Only moments later, he was impaling her with his cock.

  He wrapped her ponytail around his fist the way he always loved to do and jerked her head back just far enough to look her in the eyes. “Tell me how much you missed me.”

  She glared at him. “Fuck you.”

  He just grinned maniacally and thrust even harder.

  It was a quick, brutal fuck, and Shay came so hard white spots filled her vision.

  She’d barely come down from it before Jason pulled out of her and stood up.

  She blinked in confusion at his still full, hard cock, trying to catch her breath. “Did you—”

  But he lifted a walkie-talkie before she could finish. “Come in now.”

  “Who are you talking to?”

  Jason just smiled at her. It was a smile like she’d never seen on him before. Reaching down, he snatched her leggings and underwear off the floor, crumpling them in a ball and walking toward the kitchen. She scrambled up off the couch to follow him, suddenly feeling extremely naked. “Give me those back. Who’s coming in?”

  “That was just the appetizer, baby,” Jason said as the back door opened and two people came in. Brenda and another man. “They’re the main course.”

  Shay moved quickly behind the island in the kitchen to cover her naked lower half. Thank God she still had her top on.

  But as soon as she had the thought, Jason pulled a knife from the block and approached her. Oh God, was he going to kill her? He really was crazy.

  He grabbed her around the waist and she screamed.

  “Help me hold her, Juan.”

  The other man came forward and grabbed her. She struggled even harder against the both of them, screaming her head off.

  But when the men let her up, she realized Jason had only sliced down the back of her shirt. He yanked it down her arms where it fell in a useless puddle at her feet. She wasn’t wearing a bra and she crossed her arms over her chest in a futile attempt to cover herself.

  “She’s beautiful,” Juan said, running a hand down her back to her ass. She swatted at his hand and jumped away from him.

  Jason laughed. “That she is.”

  “I don’t know what you think is gonna happen here, buddy,” Shay spat, “but it’s not.”

  “Now darling, don’t go being rude to our guests,” Jason said. “I’m famous for my hospitality. And Juan here is one of my best lieutenants. Mi casa es su casa. Sharing my woman is one of the highest honors I can bestow.”

  “A true honor,” Juan said, eyes locked on Shay’s breasts. “And in return, I share my beautiful Brenda.”

  Brenda sidled up to Jason, running a hand down his chest and smiling coyly like the slut she was.

  Shay held up her hands and backed away. Fine. She was done with this. They could have their fucked-up games. Jason wanted to keep her locked up down stairs? All right. She’d stay a hermit. She’d take care of her son and do her best to forget the name Arnold Jason Travis ever existed.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Jason’s voice cracked like a whip.

  Shay stopped, everything in her wanting to scream at him that he was a fucking psycho and she was leaving this shitshow before it got any crazier. But she swallowed it down and responded, as calmly as she could, “I’m going back to my room.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  She was about to lose her shit and yell at him when he continued, “It sure would be a shame if anything happened to little Matthew,” Jason said, cold stare locked on her. “That’s his name, isn’t it? Matthew?”

  All the breath expelled from her lungs and in a single moment, her complicated feelings for the man in front of her sorted themselves out.


  If he was saying what she thought he was saying, the only emotion she had for him was hate.

  “What are you saying?” she asked, barely able to choke the words out. She had to have it wrong. He couldn’t really be—

  Jason shrugged, nonchalant. “Just that accidents happen. Babies are so fragile.” Again he leveled her with his cold stare.

  Shay’s entire body trembled. With fury. And fear. And hatred. But above all, with the desire to do whatever it took to keep her baby safe.

  Because in that second, looking around, she realized that she was powerless. Jason had ‘guards’ stationed all around the perimeter of the house. Even without them, he could easily overpower her.

  She had no chance against him.

  Her voice shook as she responded after a long silence, terrified of saying the wrong thing. “They are fragile. W— What do you think is the best way to keep him safe?”

  A smile curved Jason’s lips. He liked seeing the fear in her eyes. She could tell. Who was this monster and how had she not seen it in him before? “Making my guests feel welcome would be a good start.”

  Shay’s stomach sank as she looked back to Juan. He was still staring at her tits, a smug smile on his face.

  Oh God. Oh God, how was she going to—

  “Come to daddy,” he said, reaching out for her.

  And in spite of her absolute disgust with the idea, she forced herself to take several steps toward him. He wasn’t bad looking. He was fit, medium height, and in any other situation she might have even found him attractive.

  But right then, everything about him—from the way he looked at her to how he licked his bottom lip to the way he blatantly rubbed his hand over the tented front of his pants—totally repulsed her. She shuddered even as she stepped into his touch.

  Jason grinned, obviously enjoying her discomfort. He grabbed Brenda and kissed her hard, his eyes on Shay the entire time.

  Shay shook her head. What? Did he think he was making her jealous? After threatening her son, was he really egotistical enough to think she’d keep having feelings for him?

  She looked away from him and focused on Juan. Jason wanted her to service his friend? Fine. She’d get this done as quickly as possible.

  She ran her hand down her neck to her breasts, pinching her nipples and letting out a little gasp. Obviously fake, but it looked like it did the job for Juan judging by the way his eyes went dark. He reached for her again and she let herself be pulled into his arms.

  It’s just sex, she told herself. It was just her body. Not her.

  So when Juan reached down and stuck his fingers inside her, she forced her body to relax. “Fuck, she’s wet,” Juan said, the excitement clear in his voice. “Bitch wants it. She wants it bad.”

  Shay licked her lips. “Yes. I want it. Fuck me. Please.” She wracked her brain. What else did people say? Like, dirty talk? “Fuck me with your big cock.”

  Apparently that did the trick because Juan flipped her around so she was bent over the island in the middle of the kitchen.

  “You sure I gotta wear a condom, man? Bitch is so hot. I wanna feel every inch of this cunt.”

  “Wear the fucking condom.” Jason’s voice was even colder than it had been earlier, if that was possible. Shay didn’t look up at him. She closed her eyes. Just get through this. Then she could go back to her baby. She heard the rip of a wrapper and then felt a cock probing at her entrance. Where Jason had been only fifteen minutes before.

  The thought made her want to cry. Which made her want to punch herself in the face. What, was she really going to cry over that monster?

  Juan’s cock kept bumping around her sex but not going in. Jesus, did he not know where it was? She reached down between her legs, cringing when she took hold of his shaft. He was much smaller than Jason.

  “Ooo, yeah baby, that’s right. Put me in.”

  She put him in.

  He started pumping away so fast her eyes popped open. Jesus, did this guy think he was a jackrabbit? Did he think this was how women liked it?

  Whatever. As long as he finished quick. She squeezed her eyes shut and held on to the edge of the island counter, ignoring the way it bit into her stomach every time he thrust.

  But after another couple minutes, the pressure of his cock grew less and less until it barely felt like he was fucking her at all. She frowned.

  Um. Seriously? Could the bastard not keep it up?

  “She’s just lying there,” he said in a whining voice.

  For fuck’s sake.

  If she wanted this over with, she was going to have to take care of it her damn self, wasn’t she?

  She pushed away from the counter and Juan moved with her, his pathetic cock slipping out. She glanced down at it. Dammit, he’d shrunk so much he was barely keeping the condom on. She reached down and grabbed his cock, giving it a few rubs up and down while she pulled him toward the living room. It immediately perked back up.

  Spring wildflowers. She tried to think through all the different types. Anything other than thinking about the fact that she was literally leading some strange dude around by the cock. There were bluebonnets, obviously. Then Indian paintbrush. Pink primroses. Mustard—

  They were finally to the living room and she pointed to the floor. “On your back,” she ordered.

  Apparently Juan was the kind of man who liked taking orders because he immediately laid down on the soft carpet. His cock was still only half-hard, though, so as Shay got to her knees and straddled him, she grasped her own breasts and pinched her nipples. Then she dropped one hand down her belly and circled her clit.

  The groan she let out was genuine. She’d tried to fake orgasms before with her last boyfriend and he could always tell. If she was going to get this done, there was nothing for it but to go for broke.

  So with one hand she fingered herself, and with the other, she stroked Juan. It did the trick. Only half a minute later, he was hard.

  “You’re so fuckin’ hot, baby. Just like that. Shit. That feels so fucking good. Ride me, baby. Ride daddy good.”

  Ugh, could he just stop talking? That would make this whole thing go easier.

  She grabbed his dick and lowered herself on top of it. Thankfully as soon as she started riding him, grinding down and swirling so that her clit got friction with every thrust, he did finally shut up. He just started making a series of groans, his features contorting and his face turning red.


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