Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 18

by Stasia Black

  But seeing to her pleasure wasn’t wetting his dick. And an orgasm might help her relax and accommodate Rafe. It was really only her he was thinking of…

  Gabriel dropped to his knees in front of the couch, between both her legs and Rafe’s. From this close, her smell was overwhelming. Dios mio. He hadn’t smelled a woman like this since Letty.

  Letty’s face swam in the forefront of his mind. Her breasts. Her sweet pink pussy. All the times he’d reach for her in the middle of the night or right after he woke up in the morning, spooning and pressing his erection against her ass. How she’d either giggle and turn in his arms or swat at his shoulder before pulling away and saying, What are you thinking, there are so many things to do today. Get up! Get up!

  He thought if he was ever in this position again, he’d be awash in shame—that he’d feel like he was betraying Letty.

  But it had been almost eight years. And while Shay’s smell reminded him of Letty because Letty was the only other woman he’d ever been with, Gabriel found that, after the initial stomach clench that always came when he thought about Letty, he was back in the moment. With Shay. With her gorgeous, weeping cunt.

  Still, his hands trembled as he lifted them to her inner thighs that were splayed over Rafe’s. Rafe for his part was still moving slow. He’d gotten Shay almost all the way seated on his cock, and then, hands under her ass, was lifting her up again.

  And Gabriel couldn’t stand it anymore. There was only so much a man could take.

  He dove in. It wasn’t a tentative or gentle exploration. No. Screw that. He wanted a face-full of pussy and that’s what he took. He smothered himself with her, elongating his tongue and thrusting it up her soaked entrance. Then he flattened his tongue out and licked up her slit, bottom to top.

  And the way she reacted when he got to her clit? Her whole body trembled like he was an earthquake shaking the foundation of her very being.

  He was a god. Her god. Her entire universe was narrowed down to the cock in her ass and the tiny bud of flesh he sucked into his mouth.

  How could he have forgotten this feeling? Dios mio. He let go of her clit with a little pop and then dove in again, licking all around her pussy. She was so sweet, so, so sweet. He could eat her forever. She’d be his last meal and he’d die a happy, happy man.

  Hearing her whimpers turn to a high-pitched wail as her body began to shake in earnest? It was like touching heaven. He was going to come without even touching himself. She was that hot.

  But then, right before her wail could reach a crescendo, hands dropped to Gabriel’s shoulders and yanked him back from the sweetest pussy on God’s green earth.

  Shay cried out in dismay and Gabriel was ready to lay down with whoever the hell had interrupted his angel before he took her over the cliff to ecstasy.

  But then he heard Jonas’s commanding voice. “Tell us what you’ve been hiding, and we’ll let you come.”

  Gabriel’s eyes shot to Shay and her features, moments ago strained with pleasure, were now transformed. Jonas’s words scared her.

  “You’re going to tell us before this night is over,” Jonas said darkly. “You’re going to tell me why you asked to be punished. We are your husbands and you will not keep secrets from us.”

  Gabriel breathed out hard, not sure if he wanted to punch Jonas or shake Shay to get her to talk. He knew she had secrets. Something in her past tormented her. And she’d come to Jonas and asked him to punish her? What was that about? He hadn’t missed the way that Shay’s eyes dropped and she’d brought her arms up around her chest defensively.

  She put them back down to brace against Rafe’s thighs but there was definitely something there.

  Jonas chuckled darkly. “You’re gonna be stubborn, baby doll? Is that how you’re going to play this?” Jonas stepped up right in front of her face. “Because I promise you, we’ll wear out your every hole before this night is through if that’s what it takes to break down your barriers. Now open up.” He tapped underneath her chin. “Bad girls who don’t tell the truth get their faces fucked.”

  Shay’s eyes flashed at that. And she promptly dropped her mouth open. Like it was a challenge.

  Jonas wasn’t slow to respond, either. He had his pants unbuttoned and shoved them down around his ass in record time. Then he held Shay’s jaw and lifted his cock to her mouth.

  And he did exactly what he promised—he fucked her face. Mercilessly. Relentlessly. He held her head in place and pumped his hips back and forth.

  Jonas wasn’t small, either. A fact Gabriel bet Shay was beginning to regret right about now. Especially since Jonas wasn’t shy about shoving himself to the back of Shay’s throat and then down it. At least that’s what it looked like, his cock disappeared so far in her mouth.

  “Why do you need to be punished?” Jonas asked, only slightly out of breath as he continued fucking her mouth.

  Rafe had picked up his pace too.

  Shay’s body jolted every time Rafe dragged her down his length. She choked more than once on Jonas, but he wouldn’t let up.

  Jonas pulled back after shoving in especially deep. A line of spittle connected her mouth to his cock and her lips were red and puffy from the blowjob.

  “Why do you need to be punished, Shay? Tell us now.”

  But Shay just pursed her lips. “I just do.”

  Jonas’s face darkened. “Wrong answer. Fuck her ass harder, Rafe.” Then he lifted his cock back to her mouth. For a second it looked like she might resist him, but when he slapped her lips and cheek with the head of his cock, she opened.

  And it was such a glorious sight, Gabriel couldn’t help unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his own cock. Dios mio. He was going to hell. He’d promised God that if God gave him a wife, Gabriel would treat her only as an honored mother to his two boys. He’d vowed to God—to God—that he would stay celibate.

  But as he stroked his cock up and down as he had so often to thoughts of Shay, he knew that after tonight, it would be impossible to keep up the farce of thinking of her platonically. She wasn’t his friend or his sister or any of the other bullshit he’d been trying to spin for himself over the past month.

  She was a hot, gorgeous sexual being, and he’d never been more attracted to anyone in his entire life. Maybe not even Letty.

  He forced away the last thought as he dropped back to his knees and maneuvered himself between Jonas’s legs and the couch where he could get back to Shay’s pussy.

  Rafe was holding her stationary but moving underneath her with quick, jerking movements that made his balls slap against the bottom of her ass.

  Gabriel shoved her legs upwards and was just able to squeeze in between them to start lapping at her sweet cunt again.

  He held onto her with one hand and grabbed his own shaft with the other. He was still technically keeping his vow of celibacy if he didn’t actually penetrate her, right?

  He thrust his tongue in and out of her channel in the imitation of fucking and dragged the skin around his shaft up and down, squeezing and twisting every time he came to the head.

  Dios mio, he was gonna die. Her smell. Her taste, the way her clit hardened and swelled when he sucked on her and grazed the edge of his teeth along—

  Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh—

  Jonas dragged Gabriel backwards from her pussy again right as ropes of cum shot out of Gabriel’s cock in the most powerful orgasm he’d had in years.

  He slumped to the carpet, still heaving as he stroked his cock one last time and even more cum dribbled out the top and down over his hand.

  He could only watch through half slit eyes as Jonas withdrew from her mouth and gently pushed her sweat-slicked hair back behind one ear. “We can keep this up all night, beautiful. Tell us what we need to know. There’s no place for secrets in this marriage. Why did you think you needed to be punished?”

  Tears spilled down Shay’s cheeks and Gabriel’s chest felt ripped in two at the sight. But when she opened her mouth, he thought she mig
ht finally give. She might finally tell them about the ghosts that haunted her days and nights.

  Because, second only to his children, Gabriel would do anything for this woman who’d quickly come to mean more to him than he’d ever meant for her to.

  Chapter 18


  Her tears were so beautiful. Jonas wanted to taste them. So he did. He bent down and kissed away the tears on one cheek and then the other, his tongue coming out to savor her salt on his lips.

  “Tell us, baby doll,” he murmured, moving his mouth to her ear. “Tell us why you need to be punished. We’ll make it better.” He dropped a hand down her body to tease at her swollen sex. She pressed against him but he withdrew. She was on the edge of climax. So close, he knew, that even a few seconds of friction would probably send her over.

  He lifted his hands and pinched one nipple. Hard.

  She cried out and when her gaze lifted to his, it was a glare.

  Jonas wanted to chuckle. God, she was perfect. Even when he’d dabbled in BDSM back in the day, he’d never found any woman to be so full of contradictions. Submissive one moment and then rebellious the next.

  Shay wanted to pour out her secrets. Jonas had spent enough time giving pastoral counsel—what was in many ways the Protestant equivalent of the Catholic confession—to know when someone was itching to confess their sins.

  But while she wanted to tell everything, for some reason, there was an equal or more overwhelming force inside her that was keeping her from freeing herself of her burdens.

  And it was tearing her apart.

  “I wish I’d gone deeper into the woods so you’d never found me this afternoon,” she spat. “And you’re wrong. You aren’t the one in control of my pleasure. I am. This was fun and all but you can go and fuck off now.”

  Then she dropped a hand like she was going to get herself off.

  Oh no she didn’t.

  “Henry,” Jonas snapped, grabbing Shay’s right hand by the wrist and pinning it down by her side. “Charlie.”

  Jonas glanced over at Charlie, having no clue if he’d actually comply. If a clan was like a pack, he was claiming alpha tonight. Problem was, there were several others in the clan who were alphas in their own right.

  And that was fine. As long as they followed his lead when it mattered most—when it came to doing what was best for Shay.

  This was not a fucking democracy.

  So Jonas expected another challenge from Charlie. But to his surprise, Charlie just took hold of Shay’s other arm.

  “Shay, please,” he pleaded. “I think Jonas is right. You need to talk to us. We can protect you. I promise, we’ll—”

  Shay’s head whipped toward him. “You can’t promise anything. You men walk around thinking you can make things happen—poof—just because you say so. Well that’s not the way the world actually works. You have no fucking clue—”

  Now she was just starting to piss Jonas off. If she was getting so defensive that she was lashing out at all of them like this, it meant they were hitting a nerve. Getting closer. It also meant she was just going to keep throwing up more walls to try to keep them out.

  But if there was one thing Jonas knew, it was how to commit to a plan of action. He hadn’t finished four years of seminary in three or become one of the New Republic’s top hash growers because he was bad at setting goals and meeting them.

  And it felt like he’d never had a more pressing goal than this. He’d get to the bottom of whatever Shay was hiding even if he had to handcuff her to the bed and keep her as their sex slave for weeks.

  Jonas moved to the couch to the right of Rafe and Shay, still holding her hand. She struggled against his hold and he cupped her face. “Would you like to mention any particular color, baby doll?”

  She paused, all her struggles ceasing for the briefest moment. Jonas met her gaze and could only hope he was communicating all the things he couldn’t say. Come on, baby. Don’t give up on us yet.

  The truth was, no matter how much he commanded her or claimed mastery over her body, Shay was the one who ultimately had all the power here. One word uttered from her lips and it all stopped.

  But when she dropped her eyes and shook her head just the tiniest bit, so slightly that Jonas would have missed it if his attention hadn’t been zeroed in on her every tic and twitch. Satisfaction roared through his chest. She didn’t say red.

  Which meant he’d been right—deep down, she did want their help. She wanted to tell them everything. Her heart was theirs. Now they just had to break down her intellectual barriers. And the way to the heart and soul was through the body. To prove that she could trust them when they were all stripped down to their most basic, raw selves. If she could trust them here, then tomorrow, back in the real world, theirs would be an unbreakable bond.

  “Henry,” Jonas said, “take our wife’s pussy. Bad girls get all their holes fucked until they tell what secrets they’re keeping.”

  Shay’s eyes widened as Henry stepped up, his pants already at his ankles. He stepped out of them and finished unbuttoning his shirt before tossing it to the side.

  Henry had been surprisingly quiet during the whole session. Usually he was one to fight for dominance too, but for whatever reason, tonight he’d been apparently happy for Jonas to lead.

  “You have never looked more beautiful,” Henry whispered as he pushed her knees up and then ran his hands down the backs of her legs all the way to her pussy. “Our beautiful, sexy wife.”

  Shay bit her lip, and Jonas had watched her enough to know it was in anticipation, not fear. Because while this was punishment, it was equally about pleasure. Jonas knew of others who’d lived the Dominant/Submissive lifestyle who operated by much harsher laws of obedience and punishment, but that had never appealed to Jonas.

  He had no need to become Shay’s absolute God. No, instead he’d rather use pleasure and pain together as a means of breaking down barriers and in this case, of giving Shay the freedom to let them take on whatever burdens were weighing her down so badly.

  “Destroy that pussy, Henry.”

  Henry didn’t look at him once or even acknowledge him. No, his eyes were locked on Shay, ping-ponging up and down from her face, to her breasts, to her sex.

  He dragged his cock up and down the lips of her pussy, circling her clit with the tip of his cock. Twin expressions of ecstasy took over both their faces.

  “She doesn’t get to come until we say so,” Jonas reminded him with a harsh clip.

  This, finally, earned Jonas a glare from Henry. Jonas just lifted one smirking eyebrow toward the other man. Henry only shook his head and focused his attention back in on Shay as he began to breech her. Henry was a similar size to Charlie—big but not huge like Rafe or as thick around as Jonas’s own girth. Whereas Charlie’s shaft was straight as an arrow, Henry’s was slightly crooked. Would that make it easier or harder for him to bring their wife pleasure? Or was it simply something different, which made it novel in its own right.

  Either way, as soon as Henry impaled her with his cock—and he did not go slowly or gently, Shay’s eyes shot open. Rafe had just pulled her down deep on him and she cried out.

  “So full. I don’t know if I can—”

  “You can,” Henry whispered through gritted teeth. “You can take us both. Relax, lovely. Let us in.”

  “Do you love it?” Jonas got up, leaning one knee on the couch. “I bet you love it, don’t you, baby doll?” he whispered in her ear. “You’re stuffed so full of cock. The pressure on your G-spot has got to be insane.” He held up a hand for Henry to stop and again, Henry followed direction without balking.

  “You’re so close, baby.”

  Shay dropped her eyes closed as Jonas caressed her face, running his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. Then he leaned in and kissed her. Not just any kiss, either. It was a kiss that said, you’re mine. It was a kiss that said, stop fighting and give me all your burdens. And it said, you’re so damn hot all I want to do is fuck
your brains out.

  Okay so that last one might have been unintentional but damn, she was so hot. For a moment he got lost in his purpose because she kissed him just as hungrily in return.

  Then she pulled back and looked at him with those huge, green eyes of hers. “May I please come, sir?”

  She asked it so prettily.

  And it was a crock of shit.

  Utter fucking bullshit.

  She was trying to direct things again. Making a show of being submissive all the while thinking she could lead them around by their dicks.

  Jonas didn’t break her gaze as he said, “Change of plans.”

  Only when he saw the uncertainty enter her eyes did he look away, up to Henry. “Back up. You can have her mouth. Let her taste herself on your cock.”

  Henry seemed only too happy to comply. Shay on the other hand went tense all over. Jonas watched her, waiting to see if she’d say red.

  As Jonas stood up and then he and Henry exchanged positions, Jonas watched Shay more carefully than ever. As Henry positioned his cock at her lips, Jonas reached down and caressed her cheek. “Snap if you need us to slow down or stop. Your mouth will be too full to say anything.”

  Shay blinked rapidly but nodded.

  “Out loud. Tell me you understand.”

  “I understand.” There was a slight tremor in her words but otherwise, her voice was strong. And, Jonas noted with some satisfaction, she wasn’t yelling at them anymore. Some part of her was edging closer to surrender.

  Now to take her all the way there.

  His hand still on her face, Jonas urged her to open up and allow Henry in. Henry groaned as her lips closed around the head of his dick and her cheeks hollowed with suction.

  Just the sight had Jonas’s cock going steel.

  And they’d come to it, finally.

  Jonas pulled his shaft out of his pants and stroked himself roughly, staring straight at Shay’s pretty pink pussy. Meanwhile, Shay’s eyes were locked on his thick cock even while Henry held the back of her head and slowly fucked her mouth.

  They both knew that every time Jonas fucked her it was a tight fit. What he lacked in length, he made up for in girth. And now, for him to enter her while her ass was already so stuffed full of Rafe?


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