Not Yet

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Not Yet Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  “Oh God, how do we get off Eric’s radar?” Lindsey whispers under her breath as she leans back in her chair.

  I look toward the door to see Eric walking into the classroom. He gives me a giant smile. I don’t know why Lindsey doesn't care for Eric. He’s always nice and doesn't bother me. He glances over to Lindsey and then walks right to us.

  “Have a good weekend?” he asks as he pushes his floppy blond hair out of his face.

  “It was okay.” I shrug.

  “She found a dress for Homecoming,” Lindsey throws in there. She might not care for Eric, but the girl loves to talk. It’s why I think we work so well together as best friends. She can fill silences that might make me feel awkward.

  “You’re going?” Eric asks as he drops down into the seat next to mine, sounding surprised.

  “Yeah. My mom is kind of excited about the whole thing,” I admit.

  “That’s not where you normally sit.” Lindsey leans forward, pointing to Eric.

  “We’ve got a few minutes,” he responds, not glancing her way. I look down at my watch and realize he’s wrong. Class should have started already but Mr. Nixon is late.

  Before I can correct him, Eric is lifted out of his chair by the back of his shirt.

  “What the fuck?” he barks, and I hear a few chuckles and gasps from other students in the classroom.

  I stare wide eyed at Liam, who gives Eric an annoyed look before letting his shirt go and pushing him in the direction of where he normally sits. Eric goes and I don’t blame him. Liam is a big guy and almost as wide as he is tall. He’s not fat but the guy is as solid as a brick wall.

  “You think he was jealous?” Lindsey leans forward and whispers. “Eric was talking to you, though, so what was that all about?” Her voice trails off as she falls back into her seat.

  “Liam doesn't have a thing for me,” I reassure her, knowing what she’s thinking. “Trust me. He comes over to my house and doesn't even look my way. I’m invisible to him.” Drake, too, for that matter.

  “I’m being stupid. I should drop my crush but I can’t.” She purses her lips, mad at herself.

  “We can’t help who we like.” I nudge her with my elbow.

  A smile tugs at her lips as Mr. Nixon walks into the room and finally starts in on his lecture. Thankfully it flies by because I’m starving and our lunch period is next. I don’t think it flew by for Lindsey because she fidgeted in her seat the whole time and I know she’s dying to ask me something.

  “We aren't sharing fries today,” I tell her as we walk out together. I skipped breakfast this morning because I heard Mom and Drake in the kitchen and I didn't want to face them. I was scared the whole Homecoming thing might come up again and I’m still not sure what I’m going to do.

  “I’ll order us three fries if you agree to the Homecoming idea.” That’s what she wanted to get back to talking about.

  I cut her a look. “I don’t even know if Liam is going.”

  “But you’ll ask?”

  I can’t say no to the hopeful look in her eyes. “Fine. I’ll ask.” We drop our bags down at the same place we always sit in the cafeteria.

  “You text your brother and I’ll get our food,” she says and takes off.

  “He’s not my brother,” I mumble, but she’s already gone.

  Her long dark hair sways as she moves through the crowd of people and I drop down in my seat and fish my phone out of my bag. I start to text Drake since I might as well get it over with. It will be the first thing she asks when she comes back with our food.

  “I like your hair down.” I look up to see Eric standing over me.


  He sits down next to me as I send the text.

  Me: Is Liam going to Homecoming?

  “So Homecoming,” Eric starts and I begin to panic. He’s not going to ask me, is he? This whole Homecoming thing is starting to take years off my life.

  “Why did Liam grab you like that?” I change the subject fast and Eric’s smile drops.

  “Because he’s a dick and does whatever Drake tells him. Drake thinks he owns this school but football is almost over.” Eric smirks and leans in closer.

  “Don’t you play football too?” I thought everyone on the team was chummy, but now that I think about it I don’t see Eric on the field much. I know he’s on the team but I forget about him. I also wonder why he’s at my table and not over with the BBs where Drake sits.

  My phone vibrates in my hand.

  Drake: Why do you care if Liam is going?

  Can’t he just answer the question? I can’t tell him I’m asking for Lindsey because of girl code and all that crap.

  Me: I just want to know.

  “Yeah, I play.”

  I look Eric over and appraise his short but fast stature. I think he might be about football like I was about swim. I did it because I needed something to put on my college applications. That’s my guess at least for Eric. He’s in a few of my AP classes, so he kind of mixes with both crowds.

  “I’m going to Homecoming too.” He reaches out and touches the ends of my hair.

  Oh no, he’s going to ask me. I’m a fish out of water because I haven't been asked out before. I don’t know if it should bother me or not, but if I’d been through this before I might know what to do in this situation.

  “Cool,” is all I say, looking back down at my phone and pretend it’s super interesting.

  “You have a date yet?” he asks, and I fight my outward cringe.

  “Dude, Liam and Drake look pisssssed.” Lindsey drags out the last word as she puts a tray of food on the table. Thank God she’s back and saved me from Eric. “I think they’re fighting.”

  I look over to where they’re sitting and follow her line of sight. Liam and Drake look to be in a heated conversation as they stand next to their table. As if Drake feels my eyes on him, his head turns my way, his eyes lock with mine for a moment and then move to Eric.

  He goes from pissed to livid as he shoves his phone in his pocket and starts to walk right toward me.

  Chapter Eight


  Eric jumps up when he sees me charging over like a bull, but just as I get to the table, I feel a strong hand grab my upper arm and a voice stops me cold.

  “One more strike and I’ve got no choice but to bench you. Is that really what you want?” Coach Chris says in a low voice as I feel the blood pounding in my ears.

  Eric smirks and grabs his bag, walking away from the table like it’s all cool. I jerk my arm free and glare as Coach gets in my face.

  “If you’re riding the bench, who do you think is going in as backup?” His brows pull together in a stern look and I realize what he means.

  Eric is my backup and he’s been trying different positions this year since I’ve given him zero playing time as quarterback. Rage heats my neck as I look over Coach’s shoulder to Ali. Her head is bent toward Lindsey and they’re whispering to one another.

  “It’s one thing to do it on the field, but you do this in the middle of a crowded lunchroom and my hands are tied, son.”

  I glare at him, pissed off because I know he’s right. I nod silently in understanding and he takes a breath.

  “You’ve worked too damn hard for this to throw it away on a shit like him. We both know he’s not getting a ride anywhere, so the only thing you’re doing is ruining your chances.” When I don’t answer he gives me a hard look. “You understand me?”

  “Yes, Coach.”

  He waits a beat and it’s my turn to let out a breath. Once he sees I’m under control, Coach Chris steps back and goes back to his table.

  Liam walks over and hands me my bag. Just then the bell rings and first lunch is over. Ali’s got second lunch, so she stays seated. But her eyes are on me as I walk past her table.

  “Check your phone,” I say as I pass and she nods and looks away.

  Liam walks silently beside me until we are out of the cafeteria and in the quad.

sp; “You want to tell me what that was about?”

  “No,” I answer as I take out my cell and send a text to Ali.

  Me: Watch yourself with Eric. He’s just using you.

  “Drake,” Liam snaps, and I’m surprised because he doesn’t normally raise his voice.

  “What?” I snap back, still pushing for a fight after what happened.

  “What’s going on with you?” He stops in the middle of the grassy lawn and looks at me expectantly.

  My phone vibrates and it’s a text from Ali.

  Ali: I think I can take care of myself.

  I squeeze my phone in frustration and then rub my eyes.

  “I don’t know. I’m just stressed.” I shove my phone back in my jeans before I text back something I’ll regret. “I’ve got a lot on my shoulders with this Homecoming game and what it means for my future. And on top of it I’ve got to worry about someone coming at my sister just to fuck with me.”

  “You know I like Lindsey, right?” His eyes are earnest, eager for me to believe him, and although I had a lapse in self-control, Liam wouldn’t do that to me. Try and hook up with my sister. Stepsister, I mentally correct.

  “Yeah I know,” I sigh.

  He nods and starts to walk again.

  The sun shining outside is a slap in the face for my mood. It should be rainy and cold because that’s how I’m feeling. I thought inviting Ali to ride with me to the Homecoming dance would eliminate all the bullshit about dates and dances, but it’s just put more pressure on it. I’m all messed up inside and I don’t want to think about it; I don’t have time to think about it.

  When we get to class I sit in the back with Liam by my side. I take a second to let the teacher start the lecture before I take out my phone.

  Me: Sorry about earlier.

  I hit send and wait, not knowing if she’s going to read it before her next class. I’m not sorry about what I said, but I could tell I scared her and I fucking hated seeing that look on her face.

  Ali: It’s okay. I’m not a fan of Eric either.

  Relief like I never expected fills my chest and I sit back and take a breath. Suddenly the knot inside me is loosened and all from a few simple words.

  Me: Liam is riding with me to the Homecoming dance.

  I may have known that he wasn’t interested in Ali, but hearing him say it made me feel a little less petty. I’m also willing to give up more information now that I know she’s probably asking for Lindsey.

  Ali: Aren’t you supposed to be in econ?

  A smile tugs at the corner of my lips.

  Me: Were all three of those fries for you?

  Ali: Yup. Jealous?

  For a fraction of a second I remember what it was like to play with her. To laugh and have fun and not worry about social groups at school and who's dating whom. In these texts I picture the smile she had the day she got her braces off and how she ate so many ribs that night she could hardly walk. All of the best memories from my life are spent with her, and these past couple of years in high school have pushed a wedge between us.

  Me: Yeah. I didn’t get to eat.

  Ali: I heard the Blonde Brigade doesn’t allow food at the table anyway.

  Me: Let’s ditch fourth and go to Joe’s.

  I don’t know why I send the text, but as soon as I do I worry that I shouldn’t have. We used to go to Joe’s on Fridays after little league and get ice cream and hot dogs. It’s still one of Ali’s favorites.

  Ali: I can’t.

  Me: K

  I send the quick response and angrily shove my phone in my backpack. My sudden surge of nostalgia made me forget that we’re just too different to be like we used to be. My phone vibrates but I ignore it as Mrs. Lance keeps droning on.

  At least I tried, but it’s better to just keep my distance. In a few short weeks I’ll be far away from here. From her. The thought makes my insides ache more than before and I have to focus on something else.

  There’s a dark part of me that hurts and it’s the reason I lash out. It stirs inside me like an angry beast and I’m afraid if I call on it then it will consume me. I know exactly why I keep my distance from Ali, and it’s a shame that I carry with me every day.

  It’s because I’m in love with my sister.

  Chapter Nine


  “Morning.” My eyes spring open at the sound of Drake’s voice. They widen when I see he’s lying in bed with me.

  He’s over the blanket completely dressed in his jersey and a pair of jeans. It’s game day. They always wear their jerseys on game day, but this is not just any game. It’s the Homecoming game and it’s a big deal for our whole family.

  “Happy birthday.” His crooked smile is so sweet and I can’t remember the last time Drake was in my bedroom, let alone in my bed.

  “What are you doing?” spills out of my lips as I sit up.

  He’s been doing a lot of weird crap these past few weeks. It might not look weird to other people, but he’s been friendly and sending me random texts here and there. He called me down for breakfast so I had to hang out with everyone each morning.

  He’s making it impossible to avoid him. Every time I turn around I’m nearly tripping over him. Lindsey is loving every second of it because wherever Drake is so is Liam. I thought Drake was around more because Liam asked him. If I’m reading Liam’s grunts right, he’s totally into her.

  This stuff at home, though, doesn’t have anything to do with Liam and Lindsey, so it has to be something else. Could Mom and Dad have said something to him about being nicer to me? They could’ve seen we’re not close anymore and asked him about it. I know the two of us would bend over backwards for them because my dad is my kryptonite and Mom is Drake’s.

  He sits up holding a cupcake and lights the candle. “It’s your birthday,” he reminds me.

  I know it’s my birthday but I still don’t get why he’s in my bed. He brings it closer to me and I find myself shaking my head, a smile pulling at my lips.

  “Make a wish.”

  My eyes meet his as I lean forward and close them. I make my wish and blow out the candle, and when I open my eyes he’s still sitting there. I wish this to be real because I miss him so much. When I see he’s still there, on my bed and not looking pissed off, my heart soars.

  He pulls the candle out of the cupcake and holds it out for me. I suck the icing off the end out of habit and it’s not until I’m actually doing it do I realize what this looks like. I’m licking the icing off the end of the candle while he’s holding it and watching me. We’re both in my bed and I realize the position we’re in and it sends a weird thrill through my body.

  “Thanks,” I sputter, jerking back, and my face heats. He doesn't call me out on it as he pulls the wrapper from the bottom of the cupcake.

  “I don't want to overshadow your birthday with the Homecoming game,” he tells me, handing me the cupcake. It’s too early for the dessert but I take a bite anyway. It’s my birthday and Drake knows my favorite kind of cupcake. His.

  He knows how to make the best icing I’ve ever had. He used to make it for me all the time; then things changed and I stopped asking. Every now and then when he still makes them I always snag one and eat it in my room. I didn't see him making them last night so that means he got up early just for me and my heart flutters.

  “It’s no big deal,” I tell him after I swallow my bite.

  He reaches over and his thumb grazes my cheek. We both freeze as our eyes lock and that same buzz tingles across my skin. Something’s been different these past few weeks, but this is nothing like that. He drops his hand away quickly and springs from the bed. I watch out of the corner of my eye as he quickly untucks his jersey and lets it hang down in front of him.

  “It is a big deal and I wanted to be the first to tell you happy birthday.”

  I lick my lips and watch him step back from my bed. Did he feel the same thing when he touched me? I squeeze my legs together, thankful I have a blanket over them. My nip
ples tighten and I try to tug the blanket up without making it look obvious.

  “Thanks,” I say again.

  He nods as he turns to leave and almost runs into my closed bedroom door. He pulls it together before he walks out and shuts the door behind him. When I look down I can very clearly see through my thin sleep shirt and I groan, shoving the rest of the cupcake into my mouth.

  That’s why things have changed.

  I can’t control my body's reactions around him and it doesn't help that he keeps popping up on me everywhere. I fall back onto the bed and another groan leaves me when his scent fills my lungs. How long was he lying next to me? My body starts to tingle all over again and I have the need to slip my hand into my shorts but I fight it. That would be so wrong. I told myself I wasn’t going to do that again. I can’t think of my stepbrother while I touch myself, but it’s all my mind conjures when I ache. I’m starting to think something is wrong with me. No matter how hard I try to picture a faceless man, somehow Drake is always there.

  I need to shower, so I roll out of bed to get ready. When I’m clean and dressed I grab my bag but I’m not even out of my bedroom door before my parents are all over me. When I enter the kitchen I see Drake’s making French toast. If the day keeps going like this I’m not going to be able to fit into my Homecoming dress tomorrow.

  I eat every bite before leaving for school. Drake says we should ride together, so I get in his car. The drive is short and Drake tries to make small talk but it’s hard for me to look at him. I keep thinking that somehow he knows I got turned on while he was in my bed.

  When he pulls into the parking lot I’m out of the car before it even stops. That doesn't deter him, though, and his long legs catch up to me easily.

  “I talked to Mom and she said you’d be ready around six tomorrow. I made a reservation so we can go to dinner first.” This is starting to feel like a date, but if Mom and Dad aren't seeing that and neither is anyone else, then maybe I’m the one overthinking it. Maybe I’m over-wanting it but I push that crazy thought from my head.


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