Danger! Bad Boy

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Danger! Bad Boy Page 14

by April Brookshire

  Damn, I was about to cry anyways. Appearing panicked, Caleb rushed over to pull me into his arms. “Shh, don’t cry. It’ll be okay. We’ll just have to be careful for awhile.”

  Wiping at my tears with impatient fingers, I tilted my head back to look up at him. “Are you sure you didn’t give into her so easily because you were afraid of something else?”

  He didn’t meet my gaze when he asked, “What else could I have been afraid of?”

  Breaking away from his embrace, I paced across the room before whipping around. “Me!”

  With guarded eyes, he asked, “Why would I be afraid of you?”

  I hugged myself in a defensive position, peering down at the floor. “Were you trying to protect me or were you trying to protect yourself, Caleb?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” His words were tense.

  “Don’t you, Caleb? Think about it! You could have told me and done exactly what we plan to do now, hidden our relationship. Instead, you lied and said you didn’t love me, you hurt me and for weeks ignored me. I know what my mom said was part of your reason, but I think there was another reason, too.”

  He was getting mad, but I didn’t care. I wanted, needed, the truth. “I think you latched onto that excuse to distance yourself from me. Our trip to Las Vegas was . . . intense. I told you I loved you and you panicked for that reason, also. The player in you came out, the fear of commitment. I think my mom was an excuse to run away from me and your feelings.”

  The look of shock, followed by a look of comprehension made me want to cry more.

  And I did.

  Maybe he hadn’t realized it himself, but subconsciously, he had still been afraid of everything falling in love meant.

  Rushing out of the room, I could hear his steps on the hardwood floor behind me. I tried to shut his bedroom door, but he was already there stopping me. Instead, I went over to the window and stood there with my back to him, looking down at the street below. Silent tears streamed down my face.

  I was so sick of crying.

  I could feel him behind me, just standing there. “Gianna, I love you.”

  My shoulders were hunched, my arms crossed, hands gripping my elbows. “How do I know you won’t get scared and run away again?”

  His voice was husky. “You can count on me, Gianna. I’m completely and fully committed to you. I’m promising forever, if that’s okay with you. You’ll be eighteen in about a year and a half and we’ll tell your mom to go to hell.”

  So, it’d taken a few weeks apart, but love had won out. He wasn’t afraid anymore and I didn’t have to be either.

  Turning around, I launched myself into my arms. His arms automatically enclosed me, offering a safe place. I gave in to what we both wanted, letting him guide me over to his bed.


  Driving back to the suburbs and having to drop Gianna off down the block from her house really pissed me off. We shouldn’t have to hide our love like it was a crime. We weren’t doing anything wrong. Aside from a little premarital sex, of course.

  Halfway to my dad’s condo, my cell rang. Hoping it was Gianna, I checked the caller id. It was my mom. I hit the button to answer, “Hello?”

  “Caleb,” she said in a stern voice.

  “Yes, mother?” We both knew my polite act was bullshit.

  “I just got home and found a pair of panties on your bedroom floor.”

  I choked on a laugh. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Are you going back to your old ways?”

  “Definitely not,” I assured her, not wanting to have this conversation with my mom. “They’re Gianna’s.”

  She let out a big breath over the line. “I know I shouldn’t be relieved, but somehow I am. You being sexually active with just one girl is definitely a relief. Gianna’s good for you. Other than a few calls from your school about ditching, you’ve been surprisingly well behaved.”

  I didn’t know whether to laugh or hang up on her. “I’m hurt, aren’t I still your good little boy?”

  “I wish.” Her tone was laced with humor. “But at least I haven’t had to pick you up at the police station lately.”

  “I was always framed,” I assured her, striving for a sincere tone.

  “Caleb, I’ll never believe someone mistook you for a valet outside that restaurant and that’s why you and Dante went for a joyride in a one-hundred thousand dollar sports car or that someone spiked your drink at a party and that’s why you got arrested for underage drinking when you were thirteen.”

  I knew she was making light of all the trouble I’d caused, purposely ignoring the worst of my transgressions.

  And I loved her for it.

  She hated talking about when I got arrested for putting a guy in the hospital, landing me in juvenile hall for a few days and on probation afterwards. I’d never regret it, though. If I saw a guy hurting a woman, then I’d be the one hurt him. I did it back then when Claudette’s ex showed up at her apartment to beat her. I did it again when Josh repeatedly hurt Gianna.

  The fact that Claudette, my older upstairs neighbor at my mom’s place, and I were only in a casual relationship didn’t matter. I would do the same for any female. Being on probation was what held me back from hurting Josh even worse than I had.

  The asshole got off lucky.

  Back to the present, I told my mom, “I’m sorry for being such a pain in the past. Things are different now. I have a reason to be good.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice. “Gianna?”

  “Yes,” I agreed, grinning like a fool.

  “Has her mom come around?”

  My grin disappeared. “No, she’s still being stubborn.”

  “What are you guys going to do?”

  “Whatever we have to, see each other secretly for now.”

  “Why your father married that woman, I’ll never understand.”

  I pitied my dad, but I wasn’t sure I understood either. “He loved her, I guess. I think he still does.”

  “Well, at least one thing came out of it, you met Gianna and now I can sleep at night without worrying what kind of trouble you’re getting into.”

  My mind wandered to what kind of things I’d like to be doing at night with Gianna.

  My mom interrupted my thoughts, “So you love her?”

  “Yes.” The stupid grin was back. “I’m keeping her.”

  “I’m happy for you, honey.”

  “Thanks, mom. I’m happy for me too.”

  “You’re welcome to bring her here anytime.”

  “Thanks. I just got to dad’s. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, honey.” She hung up and I threw my phone into the cup holder.

  When I got home I’d fill my dad in on the situation between Gianna and me and hope I’d have his support also.


  “Gianna, who dropped you off earlier?” my mom asked, her voice filled with distrust.

  As soon as I was through the front door earlier, I’d run up the stairs to my room. Now, I was sitting and eating dinner at the dining room table with my mom and Chance. This was the room I’d first met Caleb in. I stifled a sigh and tried to hide how happy I was. I might not have been doing a very good job, which had brought out my mom’s easily suspicious nature.

  Trying to act casual, I brought down the forkful of spaghetti I’d been about to eat. “My friend, Ian.”

  My mom’s eyes narrowed, not satisfied with my answer. “Tell me about him.”

  Not feeling one bit guilty about lying to my treacherous mother, I went right into it. “Let’s see, he’s really handsome and plays football at Denver West High School.”

  I had to hold back laughter at the thought of Ian as a jock. He was so not the type. I saw him more as the head of an illegal gambling ring, taking bets behind the gym on sporting games. Although, with his swanky upbringing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he golfed or played tennis. I’d have to ask him. I rocked a tennis court.

  My mom looked pl
eased, some of her earlier doubt gone. “Are you dating?”

  I gnawed a chunk of my French bread off, trying to divert her attention. My mom hated it when I didn’t eat ladylike. Chance copied me, grunting as he tore at a piece of bread with his teeth. I gave him a wink.

  “Gianna!” my mom snapped to get my attention.

  My mouth full of bread, I answered truthfully, “We’re not dating.” I managed to hide my horror at the thought. I liked Ian as a friend, but now the thought of being with anyone but Caleb made me want to shudder, and not in the good way Caleb made me do it.

  “Gianna, don’t talk with food in your mouth,” she scolded.

  I took another bite of spaghetti. “Well, stop bugging me when I’m eating.”

  Okay, lying to my mom was actually something I was enjoying. My own little revenge for all the hurt and hassle she’d put me and Caleb through.

  “Is his family rich?” I hated when she asked questions like that, as if money was more important than character. I’d always suspected the main reason she let me spend so much time on the weekends with Cece was because her parents owned a restaurant and were in the process of expanding to a second location. They weren’t millionaires, but they’d totally renovated a modest home in Cherry Creek.

  I gave her a fake smile, one I’d first learned in all those stupid pageants and had perfected while in high school. “Very rich, you’d totally approve.” She was making me angry and I couldn’t help adding, “I think his dad is single. Want me to hook you up? He could be husband number three.”

  “That was uncalled for, Gianna,” my mom chided.

  Whatever, I wasn’t the one who’d driven away one husband and threw away another perfectly good one, no, a great one. At this rate, she’d be on a fourth husband by the time she was forty. She was so narrow-minded she didn’t realize how stupid she was being. She might be fairly young and attractive still, but she wouldn’t be both of those forever. Scott had loved her and there was no guarantee she’d find another like him.

  She frowned. “But you still spend the night at Cece’s house, right?”

  “Yep,” I answered, wanting to change the subject. “So, Chance, how was school today?”

  “Fine,” he mumbled then took a drink of his milk. He had spaghetti sauce on one cheek and I wiped it with a napkin for him. He moved his head away as if I were harassing him. He’d been quiet since Scott left and it was just another reason for me be pissed at my mom. How many dads was he going to lose because she was a dumb bitch?

  “This Ian sounds like a good catch,” she commented.

  Having a mother who encouraged me to be a gold digger was sickening. “Maybe I’ll date him so I can get knocked up by a rich guy like you did.”

  It was true. The child support my dad paid was more than the average adult’s salary. And even when they first got together in their teens, I don’t think it was a coincidence that she’d dated a guy who came from money.

  She was momentarily shocked but then surprised me by reaching over to slap my face. Cheek stinging, my eyes immediately went to Chance, who now looked like he was about to cry. I felt guilt about my part in the upheaval in his life. Since he was five, he’d known a stable home with a good stepdad. Now he had to deal with a divorce and a family in turmoil.

  I glared at my mom. “Do you have to act like a psycho in front of my little brother?”

  She returned my look, not about to admit she’d ever done anything wrong. “Go to your room.”

  Jumping out of my chair, it toppled back to hit the floor. “I’m calling dad!”

  Her face went white, knowing he’d chew her ass out for hitting me. “Gianna!” she yelled after me as I ran up the stairs. I wasn’t about to let her talk me out of it. Slamming my bedroom door, I made sure to lock it.

  My dad didn’t answer his cell so I tried his home phone. He must have checked the caller id, because he answered with, “Gianna?”

  Riled up, I rushed to say, “Why did you have to breed with a crazy person? I mean, wasn’t there anyone better to choose from in the mental hospital?”

  My dad, always ready to listen to me vent about my mom, laughed. “What has she done now? I’ve told you before, you’re always welcome to move here and live with me in Houston.”

  I scowled. “Are you still dating that bimbo?”

  “Mia’s a surgeon and hardly a bimbo. But no, we aren’t together anymore. She’s still a good friend.”

  “I still think she slept her way through medical school and she has fake breasts.”

  I was glad they weren’t dating anymore. When we would visit my dad, Mia would suck up to me and Chance in front of him, but when he wasn’t around, she’d act like we didn’t exist. She was never outright mean, but it used to confuse the heck out of my little brother. Good stepmother material, she was not.

  I sighed sadly, thinking how much easier life would be if I lived with him. “Dad, can’t you move back to Denver?”

  He groaned. “You’re making me feel like a terrible father, Gianna.”

  “You’re an awesome dad. You just have poor taste in women.” In a softer voice, I said, “Chance and I need you.”

  “I’ll think about it,” he promised, not sounding too sure. “We’ll see.”

  “That’s all I ask. Just think about it.” I decided to play dirty. “With mom divorcing Scott, Chance won’t have a man in his life.”

  I realized it was a deliberate change of subject on his part when he asked, “Your mom mentioned something about Scott’s stepson.”

  Startled, I wondered just how much she’d told my dad. Generally, they didn’t get along, but every once in a while they’d have a real conversation.

  “Yeah?” I prompted, trying to sound innocent.

  “That you were seeing him?”

  “Uh-huh,” I responded vaguely.

  “That she didn’t approve?” Unfortunately, my dad was going for the same vague approach.

  “Overreaction on her part,” I assured him. “You would have liked him, dad.” That was probably a lie. Caleb was a father’s worst nightmare. Well, maybe not worst since there were guys way worse than him.

  “Are you still seeing him?” Unlike my mother, I hated lying to my dad.

  “I want to,” I hedged, afraid he’d tell my mom if I confided in him.

  In a tired voice, he said, “Just be honest with me, Gianna. I’d rather you tell me the truth.”

  “You won’t tell mom?”

  “I won’t tell your mother.”

  “I love him.”

  My dad, just a year older than my mom, was still youthful in personality. Not like the woman downstairs who was only thirty-three but acted like she’s fifty-three. I knew he’d understand where I was coming from.

  “Just be careful,” he advised with evident worry. Unlike my mom, my dad was more able to treat me like an equal. He would never try to order me around like she did, but he would want to help me make smart decisions.

  “Don’t worry, dad, he loves me too.”

  “I’ve got another call coming in, sweetie. Have Chance call me later?”

  “Sure, and you’ll think about moving back here? There are plenty of people who need nose jobs and tummy tucks here in Denver.” As a plastic surgeon, I imagined it wouldn’t be simple for my dad to move here, but after a lot of effort it’d be worth it.

  “I promise I’ll think about it.”

  After getting off the phone with him, I flopped down onto my bed and turned on the television. I hadn’t told my dad about my mom smacking me because I didn’t want to make the situation worse than it was.

  Ignoring the reality show on TV, I thought about my cute boyfriend. It was so amazing being back together. He’d changed so much from the guy he used to be. I trusted him not to hurt me. Even if I couldn’t claim him publicly, he was mine. He’d said the most romantic things today. Well, romantic for him and in between saying lots of naughty things. Not that I minded the naughty stuff.

  I was anxi
ous to see him at school tomorrow. Maybe we’d ditch and sneak off somewhere together.

  Reluctantly, I pulled out of my backpack the book I was supposed to be reading for English. Our teacher had let us pick between Slaughterhouse-Five and The Scarlet Letter. My class had chosen Slaughterhouse-Five and the way the plot jumped around it was like a Quentin Tarantino movie. It was interesting, but I wished it had more romance in it.

  I started to drift off to sleep while reading, but shot up when my phone beeped a text message alert. It was from Caleb.

  Caleb: Hey, beautiful, I’m going to sneak into your house tonight and bang you

  I slapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter. Some things never changed. I’d better savor the few romantic words he’d said today and last night ‘cause he still thought like a player most of the time.

  But now he was a one-woman player.


  “Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice,

  but falling in love with you was beyond my control.”



  I’d never thought there’d be a day when receiving attention from hot girls would be a chore, something undesirable.

  As a cute brunette moved so close to me on the cafeteria bench her breasts were brushing against my arm, I felt something hit the back of my head. Twisting around to look down at the floor behind me, I spotted a baby carrot. I glanced up to see Gianna giving me a dirty look from one table over.

  I gave her a helpless look and gesture. Rolling her eyes, she turned her head away to listen to whatever some guy had to say to her. Kevin, I thought his name was. Why the hell did he have to talk to her with his head so close? Did he just glance down at her chest?

  I wasn’t sure I’d make it through a year and a half of this crap. Bending down, I picked up the baby carrot and chucked it at the guy talking to her.


  It thumped him right on the forehead. His eyes shot to mine, looking pissed, until he noticed my killing look. His face blanched and he must’ve got the message because he jumped up out of his seat in the pretense of taking his tray to the trash.


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