Rejected By My Soulmate

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Rejected By My Soulmate Page 6

by Justine Leung

Chapter 4


  “Hey B.”

  I turned around smiling, “Hey B.”

  It was an inside thing for me and Brian to call each other B when we wanted to.

  “What have you been up to these days?” He asked grinning.

  “Nothing much. Anyways if there was anything, I probably would’ve told you already, noob.” I replied sticking out my tongue.

  He gasped, hiding a smirk. “Did you just call me a noob?”

  I nodded while holding myself from bursting into fits of laughter.

  “Oh, you’re getting it!” He joked as he started tickling me. Trust me when I say I am terribly ticklish for some reason, but my brother was worse.

  “Stop-stop!” I squealed, squirming.

  “Your fau-“

  "Denise Beverly Thomas, what the heck is with you these days?" a manly voice came screaming at me down the hall, interrupting Brian.

  I turned around giving my brother a skeptical look. Here goes nothing…

  "What do you want?" I groaned.

  Brian bit his lower lip, “Uhhh. I’ll leave you two to talk alone, I guess.”

  With that he left me to face my ferocious looking brother, alone.

  "B, what the hell have you done to my mate? For the past week she hasn’t been acting like her normal self!" he spat, furious. Of course he'd know. He's probably feeling the same thing as Lara since they mated already. Stupid brother wasted no time marking that girl.

  "Me? Erik, have you considered asking your girlfriend before asking me? Really, Peter over there may even know me better than you do and you’re my brother!" I shouted pointing at this guy that was in my chemistry class from across the hall.

  "Are you seriously going there Bev? I could go ahead and say the same for you if I have to.”

  I chuckled, “Yeah, so it would totally be possible for me to get to know my brother more or even talk to him when he’s never home half the time. Sometimes I wish I could trade my life with Alisa over there,” I said nodding to my left side where my friend Alisa was standing, chatting away with her brother and his friends. “At least her brother is protective of her.”


  “Overprotective is better than nothing Erik. You have no idea what’s going on in my life right now.”

  “Dammit,” he muttered under his breath. “Look, can we just look over that for now, just please tell me what's going on between you and my girlfriend, along with whatever is happening with Austin and you. You two don’t seem normal, especially since he’s been banging more chicks than Davidson lately, which says a lot," he pleaded grabbing my arm.

  I flinched at the fact that he just revealed to me. No matter how much I say I hate Austin, just at the sound of knowing that he’s being with others hurt.

  “Bro, as much as I love you and would like to tell you, I’d rather not. I don’t think I’m ready to discuss about it, but if you are desperate to learn more about this, just go ahead and ask your friend. Oh and while you’re at it, help me tell him that I won't be attending the next few pack meetings, possibly a lot... or maybe all." I said plucking his fingers off me one by one.

  He sighed, "Bev, it’s not possible, you’re the third in command, without you in the meetings there's gonna be a problem."

  "I’m not needed here, as long as the alpha and the beta is there everything will go nice and smooth."

  "B, c'mon I'm sure whatever came between you and Austin, or you and Lara, it could work out. Just think about me, baby sis, how it would be without you here!"

  I scoffed and shook my head. "I don't know. You know how I've always hated life and it just always seemed stressful right?"

  He nodded.

  "You know how my diploma is ready for me, and at any second I say out, I could, right?"

  "What is this leading to...?" he asked, eyes twitching.

  "Erik, what I’m trying to say is that I feel like I'm up for leaving now. I can’t stand all this drama anyways, so I might as well leave and take a break from this," I let out, smiling proud of my decision. It's a perfect excuse to leave. I mean what more but to make Austin think about his actions again?

  "Look sis, I know you’re a smartass but do you know what the hell you’re saying right now?" he said.

  I chuckled looking to my right, there he was. Austin’s not so miserable looking now; all I see is a cocky look plastered on his face… but of course he isn't miserable. I mean he has a girl shoving her tits right in front of his face right now, what kind of guy in the right mind wouldn’t love that? Well other than mated guys. I felt Erik's eyes follow to where I was staring at. His jaws dropped, he knew this face. Yeah this face I was making, the disgusted, half jealous look.

  "That son of a-" I hushed him and gave him a disappointed look.

  "He may seem like one, but you know Jennifer isn't a bitch, so you can't really use that saying."

  "I know, but holy crap. What the hell, he’s your mate right?” he asked as if for confirmation.

  I nodded stopping him from continuing.

  “Does he know?”

  I nodded, “Ever since 2 weeks ago.”

  “And he rejected you?”

  My lips trembled slightly, as I threw myself into my brother’s arms and nodded.

  "He's gonna get a piece of me! I swear, how could he hurt my baby sister?" he screamed out. “I specifically mentioned to him back then that he was to never hurt a single piece of hair on you, and now this? This is way fucking worse!” Raising a fist, he was ready to peel me away from him and run to throw a nice punch to that face of Austin's.

  I quickly wrapped my arm around his waist tightly, holding him back. Yes, I'm as strong as him. “Don't do anything you'll regret!" I yelled out putting a firm grip on him.

  "I'll never regret killing him for doing this to my own sister!" he thrashed around trying to get loose. By the time he was 'killing', everyone’s attention was on us already.

  Most of the people in our school were in our pack. They were all curious. Of course I mean it's not always when you find your beta ready to attack your alpha.

  "What are you looking at? Shoo! Go back to whatever you were doing!" I commanded.

  The ring of my voice echoed through the halls and I saw Austin shoot a look at me from the corner of my eyes. He gave me a blank stare and walked over to us.

  "Austin..." I said in a warning tone. "If you get any closer, I don't think Erik will even hesitate."

  "Why would he want to kill me?" he asked innocently, carefully pacing to us.

  Erik stopped thrashing and gave Austin a venomous glare. "You dare to ask me why? Didn't I tell you to never hurt her?"

  I grinded my teeth together and placed a hand on my brother’s arms.

  "Erik, forget it. He’s not worth it. Pretend I didn't tell you anything."

  You don't want that at all. My wolf said, pain filling my chest again.

  Austin's expression changed as he looked back and forth between me and my brother. Deep in him, I could tell he was hurt by my words. My heart filled with guilt and happiness. Goal accomplished. Kind of.

  “How could you still want to save him?!”

  “It’s not that!” I shouted.

  “Right. Still, Austin La-“

  "Erik! Don't!" I heard my best friend yell out while interrupting my brother.

  I felt him take a deep breath and calm down immediately.

  "Lars, you don’t understand he-" Lara cut him off by kissing him whereas I quickly let go of him and backed off a several meters. I didn’t need to be a witness of their lovey dovey stuff, really.

  They pulled back and a smile replaced my brother's frown. Lara always had that power over him.

  "Mates." I scoffed rolling my eyes.

  "Guys leave that for later." I heard Austin say, him starting to get uncomfortable.

  They ignored him and stayed off in their own world. I walked up to them, ready to break apart the show in front of me but tingles sent through my body
just as Austin pulled me away.

  "Get those filthy hands off me!" I yelled at him shoving him away. The advantages of being strong.

  He stumbled and glared at me while pushing himself off the ground.

  "Do not treat your alpha like this!" he yelled out, jaws set.

  "Kick me out then, I dare you!"

  His body shook, seeming like his wolf wanted to break out and show me who’s boss here, but his brain thought differently. I knew that since he tried to only shake his head and chuckle. "You're not getting rid of me that easily girly.”

  "Oh, did you not receive the latest news yet? I just decided a while ago, but I think I called quits and will be gone soon."

  He looked stunned as my words hit him. "You can't just call quits like that!"

  "Oh but I just did."

  "You wouldn't..."

  "Oh, but I would. Have fun finding another strong wolf to train the new wolves!"

  His eyes widened, looking as if they were going to pop out any second, “Beverly, don’t do this!” he yelled after me as I walked down the hall.

  I just smirked and continued walking.

  No longer than a minute later, I heard giggles coming from behind me. There stood some slut against my locker, being face-sucked by Austin. That son of a… That did it. My heart bursted. Taking deep breathes, I tried to walk to the washroom as fast as I could while maintaining a casual look on my face so no one would notice my odd behaviour. I hate that son of a bitch. No offense intended to Jennifer. Since she’s far from a bitch.




  "Mom… dad… I want to head off to college." I blurted out, fidgeting with my teddy bear that was in my hands.

  Currently we were in my room, on my bed, me telling them my new decision.

  "Sweetie why the sudden decision? I thought you were set on graduating high school like every other teenager around here." my mom stated, quoting my words from last year.

  I know what you’re thinking, probably along the lines of ‘Last year? You would’ve been what, 15?’ Yeah, I know I'm such a nerd.

  "I don't know, I just figured high school is getting frustrating and I might as well graduate early and get a job."

  My dad nodded while thinking.

  "Dad, do you think you could help me arrange this? As soon as possible?"

  He gave me a daddy pout, and wrapped his arms around me. I rest my head in the crook of his neck and hugged him. “Bees, do you have to leave your poor papa?”

  “Daddy, I’ll be back for holidays and I’ll probably be only gone for 2 years? 3 years tops.”

  He pulled back and stared right into my puppy dog eyes I was giving him, then he finally sighed.

  "I'll do whatever I can, baby." he said planting a kiss on the top of my head, then left to make calls.

  They already knew which school I wanted to go to... or well had to go. I was told to apply a while ago. I was also accepted a while ago too.

  I smiled, "Mom, do you think you could help me start packing?"

  “Of course sweetie, just give me a few minutes to process this through my brain.” she said holding a finger up.

  I got up slowly and dug out my suitcases as I waited for her to think it through.

  "Okay, I’ll help now—“ She took one look of me, “Oh god. You’re growing up so quickly! It still feels like the day when my five year old angel was running around with seven year old Austin, and Erik screaming as they chased you around for tag." she said tears welling up.

  "Aw mom, you know I would come back and visit you guys whenever I have the chance." I embraced her in a tight hug.

  She sighed, "Beverly, does your brother know about your plans?" she asked as we started to grab some of my clothes.

  "Yeah, he was there when I thought of it."

  "Oh." She said surprised.

  I looked around my room. Today will be the last night I'll be here. Tomorrow I'll head off for the University in the Greater Vancouver area in British Columbia. I slowly dragged my legs around as my mother worked quickly to get boxes and start packing my daily needs. Suddenly, my mom stopped midway of dropping my pair of black chuck taylors in the box.

  "Sweetie, you know you’re going to have to drive there right?"

  I nodded in response, then went back to slowly drag my legs towards my closet. Finally, when I got there, I realized I forgot what I was looking for… Oh well, might as well start with my blue duffle-bag.Now what to pack… what to pack... Let's see. I skipped over the piles of clothes on the floor and dug out my small stash of make-up. Trust me, no matter how much of a tom-boy or unladylike one person could be, there will always be at least some part of girly-ness in them, and for me, it’s make-up. Quickly, I dropped in the make-up I usually use; it’s not much though, just a few eyeliners, a chap-stick, lip gloss, mascara, and my 88 palette by Coastal Scents. I barely use it, but I guess it might come in handy sometime.

  Walking over to the table outside of my bathroom, I took a few bottles of water and chucked it in my bag too. Those will come in need when driving, there’s no way I’m going to bother to stop at a gas station for just water. I looked at the bag again and sighed, where am I gonna get all the money I possibly need to spend. Running over to grab my comb, I almost smashed into my mom. Tears streamed down her face as she went through some old memories from photos. I put my bag down and sat beside her.

  "My little Denise, I just can’t believe you’re going to leave home already." she said running her hand over the picture she was holding. "Look at this picture of you and Erik."

  "I'll miss you." she sobbed, but then suddenly she burst into laughter. I looked at her shocked.

  "Uh, mom?"


  "Why are you laughing?"

  "I can't believe I'm crying so much already. Will it be worse when Erik leaves too?"

  "Mom, I promise you he won't even take a step out of this state for longer than a vacation period... I mean he's the beta of the pack. Anyways, he’s got all his friends here."

  "But sweetheart, you have friends here too, don't you?"

  "Yeah, but just not as many. You see mom, people here know me as that girl with the smoking hot brother." I said my face crumpling in disgust.

  "Hot brother?" my mom asked laughing still.

  "I don't even know what people see in him, good thing he's mated, or else I don't think he would've been able to fling off a thousand out of two-thousand girls off him." I said scrunching up my face.

  “Out of two-thousand? Sweetie, what—“

  "I mean him, hot? Ew. I mean mom! Think about it. I have to hear Lara talk about him every single day. Save me."

  "Sweetie, I'm sure once you find your mate, you'll be just like Lara. Love-struck." she said, getting up to grab some tape to seal the box she was packing.

  As if. If only she knows that I've already found him, and I'm really doing this to avoid him and let us have some space.




  "Here Bev, I'll give you a hand, go rest." Erik said, taking the box of belonging out of my hands. He shoved in it the trunk of my car.

  "Is that everything?" he asked staring at the lonely two boxes and one suitcase.

  "Yeah, why?" I asked. Did I not pack enough stuff? I mean in my point of view, I think I already packed too much. Or mom helped me pack too much.

  "Nothing, just thought you would pack more. I mean it's a few years Bev. You won't be back much, and well you’re not going to be bringing much back and forth."

  "Bro, I'm staying with Aunt Clarisse and Uncle Ashton. I've been there before, I already have stuff there... so what's the point of bringing a whole bunch of other stuff?"

  "I just thought you would bring more memories with you." he said getting all teary.

  “Awww, will big bad beta of a brother miss me?” I cooed.

  He scowled at me, “No.” he lied.

  "Well it’s okay, I'll still really miss you bro." I whispered in his
ear, as I pulled him in for a hug.

  "I'll miss you more baby sis." he whispered back.

  "Not possible!"

  "I'm sure Austin will though."

  Great way to ruin the mood bro, I thought.

  "Bev I'm a hundred percent serious."

  "If he does he'll come say a bye tomorrow."

  "He would."

  I snorted. As if.




  ‘Ur what!? – Brian’

  I looked at the text Brian just gave me. Just about a minute ago, I told Brian about how I was planning to leave tomorrow.

  ‘U know what I said. –Beverly’

  ‘I’ll b @ urs in 20 with Cheryl. – Brian’

  ‘Kk. – Beverly’

  Sighing, I threw my phone on the bed, and headed downstairs. Might as well go for some ice-cream while waiting. Skipping down the stairs, I ran into the kitchen and started digging into the freezer for my chocolate cookie chip cookie dough ice cream.

  I dug my hand all the way in, blindly searching. As the searching went-while I randomly felt the items in the packed freezer-my hand started feeling numb. Wriggling my arm out, I felt my elbow hit something. It then fell on my feet, causing me to jump up and bounce on one feet. Fudgeballs! It hurt.

  Ding Dong

  What the hell? I thought he said twenty minutes! That was totally not twenty minutes! Cursing as I headed for the door, I flung it open. “What.” I scowled.

  “Nice to see you too, sweetheart.” Brian said just as Cheryl flung herself at me. “Bev! Don’t leave! Don’t leave me alone with all these monsters!” she cried dramatically.

  “Cher, did you just call me a monster?” Brian questioned narrowing his eyes at her.

  “Pssh, no.” Cheryl waved him away sarcastically.

  Smirking evilly, Brian walked right up behind Cheryl and whispered stuff in her ears that I tried to block out. I’d rather not hear whatever stuff he would rather like to do to her. I mean, just mated couples are pretty uncontrollable at times.

  I cleared my throat just in case so they wouldn’t start anything in front of me.

  “Right, sorry. Anyways I’m dead serious about not leaving me. Bev you’re like a sister to me, you can’t just leave like that!”

  I smiled briefly. “I’ll be back for the breaks and there’s also video-chatting.”

  “Fine, but for tonight, let’s watch and movie and talk all night. No wait, no. Then you won’t get any sleep and wouldn’t be able to drive tomorrow. Screw…” she trailed off thinking of a solution.

  “It’s fine, I mean it’s the last day right?”



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