Angels of Light - Beyond the Veil

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Angels of Light - Beyond the Veil Page 12

by Mark Vance

  “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

  “I first became aware of this very special book when my great-grandmother, Ray’s mother, showed it to me as a young child. I already had a developing relationship with Ray’s impostor at the time and I could identify Ray in photographs and repeat conversations that I had with his impostor. The fact that he had died years before I was born was a stumbling block for most of the adults in my family. My great- grandmother however was very wise, and she felt that what I really needed was to learn and understand the message of God’s Word, and that the teaching vehicle for that should be Ray’s Bible. Moved by the supposed connection between her son and I, she directed my grandmother, her daughter, to pass it down to me when I was old enough to truly appreciate its astounding significance.

  My uncle’s crash, and the mystery surrounding it, were the cornerstone of our family history for decades. Solving that mystery became a burdensome personal quest that blurred my judgment to the point of utter obsession. The military refers to such a level of obsession as “target fixation” and it essentially occurs when a pilot becomes so fixated with dropping a bomb on target that he flies his aircraft directly into the ground. In like manner, I was so obsessed with solving this family mystery that I ignored written Biblical directives, dismissed government warnings, sought assistance from psychics and mediums, and placed my family at ground zero in a spiritual battle against an enemy with dominion over the realm in which we live. That enemy now considers me a traitor and their own arch enemy because I refused to participate in their diabolical scheme of massive public deception.

  Rather than participate, what we offer you tonight is a very powerful spiritual antidote, and what we hope to convey is an innate understanding of the hazards associated with participating in this master-plan of deception. Above all else, we hope to impress upon you the danger that the dark side represents to all of us and that they will stop at nothing to deceive, manipulate, and control. The Bible I am holding, Ray’s Bible, was ultimately used to spiritually cleanse the crash site in England of demonic activity and to relieve residents of the danger of violent spiritual encounters. Until quite recently, Ray’s Bible, was securely positioned at the highest point overlooking the Black Hameldon Bomber crash site in England. It has since been replaced by a brand new Bible, that by all accounts is functionally equally well.

  To fully appreciate the significance of this spiritual cleansing, you must understand that upon my arrival in Black Hameldon, England, and before my hike to the crash site, I was informed by locals that no truth existed at the crash site, and that local residents believed it was a portal to hell. My personal experience at the site confirmed many of the allegorical stories of the local residents, and when I ultimately refused to participate in the satanic plan of massive public deception, I heard Satan’s disembodied voice expressing his extreme displeasure. He was emphatic that anyone refusing to worship and serve him and his fallen angels would not have any real power in this domain.

  It is also worth noting that while I was in England, and prior to my refusal to comply with the master-plan, Kay was at home in Atlanta, being taunted by Glenn Miller music playing on an unplugged stereo in my upstairs office. We later learned from the pilot’s widow that the song Kay heard, Glenn Miller’s Moonlight Serenade, was the last song that the widow and her husband danced to at the Officer’s Club the night before he left to go overseas. I’ll let Kay share details of that with you momentarily, but you can derive from her experience that it doesn’t matter whether you are in total compliance with the dark side or not. They are still committed to deceiving, taunting, and ultimately destroying you.

  I know many of you are probably wondering why organized religion wasn’t consulted during such an intense spiritual battle? To that I will share that organized religion of the modern world was indeed consulted on two separate occasions for guidance and direction. I am sad and disappointed to report the utter failure of the modern church on both occasions. A spiritual battle requires a measure of spiritual wisdom for any hope of victory, an attribute I found completely missing in the modern church. Instead, I found them more interested in carrying on the traditions of their church and parroting their own man made doctrines. Their total lack of spiritual awareness and insight was not just apparent, but utterly inhibiting to a successful outcome.

  On the other hand, spiritual awareness and insight are fundamental attributes of Uncle Wohali. I implore all of you to thank him for his foresight to arrange this presentation and for having the knowledge and wisdom to shepherd all of us in this galactic struggle of good vs evil. He has become our trusted, stand alone spiritual adviser in the earthly realm, but I must share with you a story about direct intervention from the heavenly realm that we experienced recently. It involved a being that identified himself as Nathan, a charge of Gabriel, the archangel. Although I had successfully repelled demonic entities at the crash site and several other locations, by employing Ray’s Bible like the armor of God, Kay and I learned that even with Ray’s Bible, we required additional assistance during a recent encounter with first tier demonic intruders in our home.

  At the height of that dramatic encounter, we were rescued from certain destruction by an angelic being named Nathan, at the bequest of Gabriel. After he rescued us from a tortuous physical attack, he informed us that demonic entities in the first tier of the hierarchy of darkness are not subject to simple rebuke. He also stated that Gabriel had now forbidden all demonic entities, first tier and lower, to intrude on the space of any member of my family, provided we remain obedient to the Word of God. Our lives were spared at the last minute by Nathan’s direct heavenly intervention. I would describe him for you as not only extremely powerful, but undoubtedly the most beautiful, majestic being that I have ever witnessed. His sudden, glorious manifestation instantly repelled the first tier demons that had invaded our home and were nauseating Kay and I to incapacitation, while simultaneously choking the life out of us. I would also like to share with you that when I dropped Ray’s Bible as a result of my incapacitation, it was a factor in automatically summoning Nathan to our rescue. After our rescue was complete, I retrieved Ray’s Bible from the floor of my office and I found it again miraculously open to John 3:16. It truly is a supernatural book in so many ways.

  While we are discussing heavenly intervention, Uncle Wohali has asked me to specifically mention the power of praying parents and the resulting impact their prayers have on heavenly intervention. It cannot be overemphasized that the power of a praying parent, on behalf of the physical, mental, and spiritual well being of their child, is considered a top priority prayer in the realm of Heaven. I encourage all of you that are parents to stroll boldly into the Throne Room of God and pray without ceasing on behalf of your children.

  Before I turn our presentation over to Kay and allow her the opportunity to share her experiences with you this evening, I would like to emphasize two things that are easy to lose sight of in this highly charged, other-worldly discussion. First, it is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but with respect to my Uncle Ray Wilkins and the James Tyree Bomber Crew, imitation has shown itself to be repugnant, and an incredibly unfortunate disservice. I therefore implore all of you in the Cherokee Nation and elsewhere to include my Uncle Ray Wilkins and the crewmen of the James Tyree Bomber Crew in your formal prayer time. These men stood tall battling Hitler’s Nazi Germany during the greatest conflict the world has ever known.

  The fact that demonic entities attempted to disabuse and dishonor their sacrifice by using it to their own advantage, does not lessen the magnitude of these men’s sacrifice. Even the demonic entities indirectly acknowledged that, when as part of their diabolical masquerade they declared “a sacrifice made out of love of country is a sacred gift.”

  “The second point I would like very much to emphasize is Native-American correlation to the Biblical e
nd times scenario, and why it is vitally important that all of you remain spiritually pure. Uncle Wohali has asked me to offer these two Biblical references for your edification regarding this very important matter …

  “The Tribe of Gad shall be plundered for a time but it will overcome in the end.” Genesis 49:19

  “In the last days, God declares,“I will pour out My Spirit on all people, your sons and daughters will prophecy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

  Acts 2:17

  “As part of our commitment to assuring the ongoing spiritual purity of the Cherokee Nation and all Native-American people everywhere, Uncle Wohali has asked us to loan Ray’s Bible to the Cherokee Heritage Center for public display to the Cherokee Nation, all Native-Americans, and the visiting public. We have agreed to do so with only one stipulation. All we ask is that while reflecting on the supernatural power of this heaven sent little book and the magnitude of this other-worldly story, that everyone take a moment to honor the James Tyree Bomber Crew from World War II. It is my hope to one day meet the real James Tyree Bomber Crew in Heaven, and until that day, to never be burdened by their imitators again.

  And now, I’m going to ask my wife, Kay to share her thoughts and experiences on this subject with you. I believe that once you hear her speak, you will agree that she has a unique perspective on spirituality, as well as extensive experience beyond the veil. Kay if you would please.” he beckoned, as Kay arose and approached the podium, hugging him briefly as they exchanged places on stage.

  “Hello, my name is Kay Lacey and I’m really excited to have the opportunity to share this with all of you. Before I begin, I would like to thank my Uncle Wohali and Aunt Awinita for arranging this presentation and inviting Steve and I to share our experiences with you. I would also like to offer my personal Native-American lineage for your consideration and hopefully your acceptance. On my mother’s side of our family, both my great and great-great grandmothers were full blooded Cherokees. As a matter of fact, my great-great-grandmother was born in New Echo-ta, the original capital of the Cherokee Nation, near present day Calhoun, Georgia. My father’s side of our family is equally represented by 100% second generation Choctaw lineage. Both sides of my immediate family reside in Texas and Oklahoma to this day, because over a century and a half ago our ancestors endured the travesty of the Trail of Tears.

  I have heard and experienced the spirituality of my ancestors since I was a little girl, and because of the Native-American spirituality that we all share, I know that what I am about to tell you will be received without judgment or condemnation. I should preface the details of my first spiritual encounter by saying that experiences of this sort began several years before I was lucky enough to meet Steve. The spectacular nature of what he and I have shared with the Black Hameldon Bomber Crew is certainly unrivaled in its intensity and breadth. But, I believe that my latent Native-American spirituality, in conjunction with a near-death experience that I had as a child, combined to make me especially receptive to matters well beyond our physical world, beginning when I was very young.

  The near-death experience I refer to happened when I was a young girl, swimming with friends one Summer afternoon in a rain swollen, Texas canal. After diving into the canal from an elevated platform adjacent to a waterfall, I felt the powerful undercurrent of the waterfall dragging me deeper and deeper down as soon as I entered the water. In mere moments I was struggling helplessly against the undertow, in a futile fight for my life. When those futile efforts ultimately resulted in the large inhalation of water, my spirit actually left my physical body, but remained nearby in the murky canal, as I watched unemotionally while my physical body continued to flail helplessly. I was drowning, moments from certain physical death and unable to save myself.

  During the dying process, I felt the presence of Jesus materialize alongside me as I continued watching my body swirling around in crystal clear lucidity, even though visibility in the murky water was almost zero. In the presence of Jesus, I began to experience a complete life review of my time on Earth. At no time throughout the process did I feel anything other than complete peace. It was near the end of my life review that a friend jumped into the rain swollen canal and heroically retrieved my limp body. With the benefit of onshore, life saving first aid, I found myself suddenly back inside my physical body, trying to reorient to the physical world, and respond to those around me.

  The memory of that near-death experience has stayed with me to this day, and I have never been afraid of dying since that Summer afternoon in Texas many years ago. One lingering physical side effect has been my inability to maintain a working wristwatch. I have tried repeatedly to wear a wristwatch since that day, but I have never been able to make one run properly for more than an hour. I am told that this side-effect is common among people that have had a near-death event. I believe that the heightened sense of spiritual awareness brought on by such an experience, impacts the flow of energy around the affected person, and it conflicts with mechanisms designed to measure time in the physical world.

  I attribute that heightened sense of spiritual awareness to the second experience that I would like to share with you. It is somewhat eerie, but provides a teachable moment for all of us. Not long after my near-death experience, I was asleep in my bedroom, when I was awakened by a strange woman’s voice emanating from inside my closet. The closet door, which I had purposefully closed hours earlier, was wide open, and a lovely woman was standing inside the closet. She was well illuminated, and wearing a beautiful gown that was free flowing in a non-existent breeze. The mysterious woman beckoned me to come toward her, calling me by name repeatedly in a very motherly, inviting manner. She also repeated the phrase, “Come here Kay, Hershel wants you” several times, while continually motioning me toward the closet.

  Frozen with fear, I did not respond, but remained motionless in my bed all night. The light of morning found me absolutely static in bed and the closet door tightly closed. Electing to head straight for my mother to share the experience, I found my mother uncharacteristically non-responsive to my concerns and ultimately outright dismissive. She insisted that it was all just a nightmare and nothing to be taken seriously. Years later, as an adult, my mother confided in me what she had been unable to share with me that morning when I was a young girl. My mother disclosed that a man named Hershel had been the previous owner of our home and that he had died in the bedroom where I was sleeping.

  While I believe that the alluring entity in this experience was decidedly negative, other spiritual encounters I’ve had have been much less definitive. With respect to the Black Hameldon Bomber Crew, Steve and I suffered galactic confirmation bias, wanting desperately to believe that it was really his uncle and fellow crewmen. The risk of offending a loving spirit that was providing intimate knowledge and acting as a guardian angel totally overwhelmed our ability to discern good from evil, and it spiritually corrupted both of us in the process.

  On one particular occasion, while Steve was on a trip and I was home alone, I encountered the other-worldly figure of a man standing in the doorway of our living room. My encounter was brief, but so overt that I felt certain the man wanted more than just my awareness of his presence. He was dressed in World War II flying attire, and seemed intent on being recognized as one of the Black Hameldon Bomber Crewmen. Shortly after the encounter, I confirmed his identity by reviewing an enlarged photo of the Black Hameldon Bomber Crew hanging in Steve’s office. The man’s haunting image, pleasant smile, and intense gaze were easily identifiable in the photo since he had been standing in my living room doorway only minutes before. The apparition was totally committed to making me believe that he was the Black Hameldon Bomber’s navigator.

  I offer that experience to emphasize that a lack of spiritual discernment makes you weak and vulnerable to demonic manipulation and deception. A lack of discernment essentially reduces you to the innocence and vulnerability of a child. The Bible clearly delineates that we are t
o “test the spirits,” “not blindly accept their presence at face value to avoid offending them. What we test for is their spiritual alignment with the Word of God. If what is being conveyed, portrayed, or experienced does not entirely align with Holy Scripture, then the source is evil and you must flee from it. The Lord’s angels are powerful messengers tasked with carrying communication from the Supreme Being of the universe to human beings awaiting salvation. The Lord’s angels serve the Lord unfailingly. They do not stare silently from open doorways, or masquerade as deceased human beings. They do not taunt, manipulate, or deliberately induce fear. They are powerful, swift and sure, not tentative, underhanded and deceitful.

  With regard to taunting, Steve mentioned the Glenn Miller music playing in his office in Atlanta only minutes after he encountered an entity mimicking his deceased uncle at the American Military Cemetery in Cambridge, England. I was home alone in Atlanta, something well understood by anyone married to an airline pilot. The fact that the music was emanating from an unoccupied room upstairs, on stereo equipment that was deliberately rendered inactive, was both inexplicable and utterly disturbing. I was not familiar with the title of the song that kept playing repetitively, and it required some trial and error once Steve returned from England, to match the correct song to my memory of the haunting melody.


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