Angels of Light - Beyond the Veil

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Angels of Light - Beyond the Veil Page 16

by Mark Vance

  “That makes sense, if I can just do it. The vividness and trauma of the visions makes any degree of forgiveness a major emotional challenge. If anybody can teach me a lesson about forgiveness though, it’s Native-Americans like Uncle Wohali. No question about it, Native-Americans have more to forgive other people for than most of us will ever know.” he said emphatically.

  “Well, the Bible says that we all have to learn to forgive others if we want to be forgiven for our own sins.” Kay replied. “We must learn to show mercy and forgiveness if we want our Holy Father in Heaven to show us mercy and forgiveness.”

  “I know … I know. It’s just such an uphill battle with everything implanted so deeply in my subconscious and ready to unleash every time I close my eyes. Sometimes, I even see it all happening in the background when I’m wide awake. I can’t make those images go away by waking up or by simply demonstrating forgiveness.” he reasoned.

  “No, but you must ask your Heavenly Father for the strength to not overreact to the stimuli within the visions and for a heart that is willing to unconditionally forgive such an atrocity.”

  “That’s just it … the experience is so real each time that I feel like it’s actually happening to me. It’s like reliving my own airplane crash and murder, over and over again.” he said somberly.

  “Well, I can tell you that none of that matters on the other side of the veil. Over there, you see things from an entirely different perspective and there is no fear of death or desire for revenge. The real James Tyree Bomber Crew isn’t sitting around reliving this tragedy or plotting their revenge. Those are earthly emotions and they have no place in the heavenly realm. The dark side only uses them to cause more pain and suffering on Earth. If the Native-Americans are able to rise above all that and forgive the horrible suffering and injustice imposed on them by humanity, I believe everyone can find the inner strength to forgive a major transgression.”

  “That’s pretty hard to argue against. The trials and tribulations of Native-Americans make my visions and sleepless nights look rather tame comparatively.” he stated.

  “You and I shared our insight with the Cherokee people about discerning evil spirits, especially those masquerading as angels of light. Now, you should let the Cherokee people teach you how to forgive others and remain pure of heart in a world that has taken everything you love away from you, including your hope for the future. Native-Americans are essentially the modern day equivalent of Job. The Biblical story of Job is an account of tremendous personal suffering, galactic loss, and yet enduring faith in the Great Spirit. Whether we follow the Biblical example of Job, or the modern day example of Native-Americans, we can all benefit spiritually from such wonderful examples of how to forgive. The ability to forgive is what enables us to put all the traumas of life behind us and move on as we surrender all our concerns to the Great Spirit.

  Of course simply knowing how to forgive doesn’t mean that Native-American people have lost their ability to still be mighty warriors here on Earth. The Navajo code talkers of World War II proved that by greatly contributing to the Allies success against the Japanese in the Pacific Islands campaign. It’s understanding the spiritual balance between unconditional forgiveness and mastering earthly conflict when it becomes necessary that makes Native-American people so special.”

  “I know at least one that’s pretty special.” he replied, eyeing her affectionately. “I’m certain that acquiring such an advanced ability to forgive is going to be tremendously challenging for me. It’s impossible for me to forget the injustice done to the James Tyree Bomber Crew, even when I’m sound asleep. I only wish that it wasn’t so easy for the rest of the world to forget their sacrifice day and night; even going so far as to dismiss it outright.”

  “The Lord doesn’t want the world to forget any meaningful sacrifice. His Son was the epitome of a meaningful sacrifice that everyone needs to honor and remember. Our Heavenly Father requires us to demonstrate forgiveness, not forgetfulness. I know the Cherokee people will never forget the Trail of Tears or what Jesus went through to earn their salvation. Now, because of what we just shared with the Cherokee people, they will never forget the sacrifice of the James Tyree Bomber Crew. All of us are united by pain, suffering and sacrifice as long as we’re in this earthly realm. But, if we walk in the spirit, we will not submit to the dark side or the weakness of the flesh.” Kay offered reassuringly.

  “I hope you’re right. After all this, it would be a downright shame for the darkness to prevail just because the world continued to turn a blind eye to the sacred gift they were offered by so many brave men.” he said sadly, pausing after he spoke to scan outside the aircraft’s side window. “I know in my heart that you’re absolutely right of course. But … I have to wonder what my Uncle Ray would think if he saw his Service Bible on display at the Cherokee Heritage Center in Oklahoma?”

  “From my experience beyond the veil, I would say that he would be pleased to see the eternal hand of God in all of it, just as we should be.” she declared.

  “Amen … I couldn’t have said it better. We better get fastened in now. It looks like there are going to be a few bumps on the descent into Atlanta, but the good news is … this flight should be landing right on schedule!”

  Choctaw Spiritual Prayer

  Oh Great Spirit Father, Creator of all life below, please hear my spiritual prayer. For I seek guidance in a world where few can lay claim to eternal peace.

  Grant me the vision to see beyond tomorrow’s horizon, yet still accept my daily trials, that must and will be faced to survive.

  Give me the strength to rise each day and breathe the breath of life that you have provided for me.

  Touch my spiritual soul, so that I may use every moment to spread your sacred message of love and peace for all mankind.

  I ask only the privilege to speak my native tongue,and learn the ways of my people, from generations of old.

  Help me to understand and accept that we are of one body, as each spirit flows, from one to another in a sacred hoop.

  Let the trails that bore my ancestors blood and tears, and the chains that bound their freedom serve as reminders to all, of our hate and savagery against one another, and ensure its trust that we as a people choose never to repeat such ignorance.

  Grant Mother Earth the strength to endure all injustices that have been placed upon her, and cleanse her red clay body to renew her growth for new generations to thrive.

  Embrace my mind and grant me the wisdom to seek and receive my ancestral birthright.

  Guide my feet down the passage of forgiveness, of those who have severed my tribal ties, and help me to bind them once more.

  Teach this child, oh Great One, the true lesson of life, its sacred message of love, to spread freely beyond self, and among my brothers and sisters throughout the duration of my earthly existence.

  May your morning sun awaken this weary body, and your night moon allow it to meditate and rest. May your spirit continue to heal and instill within me the meaning of this spiritual prayer, and trust that I use it to serve you well.




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