The Lost Queen- Mercury's Heir

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The Lost Queen- Mercury's Heir Page 8

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “Any news of the Queen?” Thaddeus asked.

  “No,” Cecilia stated quickly. “Which means we must hurry. She has probably sent more of her guards into the human world to search for her.”

  “What are we going to do with the child?” Thaddeus continued. “Neither of us expected the heir to have produced an offspring.”

  Demetrius shrugged. “She was raised in the human world…their ways are different than ours.”

  “Are we to track down and exterminate the father?”

  Slowly all eyes -with the exception of Drakus- turned to focus on Thaddeus.

  “What?” This time, it was Thaddeus’ turn to shrug.

  “We have to figure out a way to convince her that we mean her and the child no harm,” Cecilia added.

  “But it is impossible for us to do with Erick in the picture,” Demetrius said grimly.

  “We have to try,” Cecilia countered. “Next time we engage, let me talk at least. You and Agatha screwed things up by trying your hand with force.”

  Demetrius sighed. “Go for it. But I cannot promise that I will not walk away without ripping Erick’s head from his shoulders. Fucking traitor.”

  “We don’t know that for sure,” Cecilia argued. “We can only speculate.”

  “We know enough Cecilia,” Demetrius growled. “And for that he will pay dearly.”

  “Our focus should be on retrieving the heir and her child and safely returning them to Mercuria. We will have to send word to our troops so that they can prepare to mobilize.” Cecilia sighed. “We are going to need all the help we can get.”

  “But if the heir has the power to restore magic to the kingdom,” Demetrius added. “She has the power to stop Karrine.”

  The car fell silent and Drakus continued to inch his way through traffic. Time had now become an enemy and they could only hope that the heir would still be found safely in the city before Erick successfully pulled her into Mercuria.



  It took approximately thirty-six hours for the rays of sun to penetrate the darkness and create a hopeful beam of light. Slowly the sun revealed the dying beauty of the once magnificent city, exposing the wilting greenery, the crystal-clear waters that no longer sparkled, and the cobblestone pavement that was no longer littered with life. She stretched in the double sized bed she had built specifically for her shortly after Mercury’s carcass had been disposed of. She dared not look out of her window that overlooked the city streets. Soon, mercenaries and isolated groups of warriors would gather, and bloodshed would spill. Her guards stood ready at the gates. Her personal guardsmen were positioned in every corner of the palace. The city reeked of civil unrest. Food sources were drying up. Many were starving.

  One by one Mercurians fought to seek refuge in the human world, opting to live the rest of their lives without magic than to suffer the consequences of the absence of Mercury’s power. Karrine pushed herself off the silky bedding that covered her large mattress. Running her hands idly through her dark coiled mane, a hologram image appeared in the center of her room. She’d sent several of her revered warriors, WarMen into the human world in search of the heir. She could tell by his grave expression that the news he had to report was not good.

  “Your Majesty,” the entity spoke quickly. “The heir has been located. Her powers have fully awakened. We are now able to track her anywhere she goes.”

  “Good. So, what is the problem? Why is she not in your possession?” Karrine asked with a deep frown.

  “We received word that she had been located and was in preparation for delivery,” the entity continued. “However, upon arrival, not only had she escaped but two of our best were killed.”

  “Where exactly had she been hiding?” Karrine pressed. Irritated did not begin to cover it. Magic in her kingdom was dying and there was no room for failure.

  “She appeared to be living in a southeastern region of Los Angeles,” the entity rattled off. “Her magic is strong…” He paused before continuing. “We searched the perimeter of the house and discovered something that you might find useful.”

  “I do not have time for games Dronos,” Karrine seethed. “You failed to bring me the heir. What else could I find useful at this point?”

  “It appears that she bore a child. There were children’s games and contraptions in the second room,” Dronos replied with confidence.

  Karrine smiled. “Interesting. Very interesting… it is quite possible that Mercury’s daughter produced her own heir, which would more than likely be half human…”

  “And one more thing my Queen,” Dronos added. “We caught the scents of multiple trespassers…one of them being a Cursed.”

  “A Cursed?” Karrine hissed. She glanced away, trying to remember who it could have possibly been? Not many of those born with the gift of Cursed existed within the walls of Mercuria. And those that did were locked away as prisoners. But there was…no. Couldn’t be? Could it?

  “What would a Cursed be doing out in the human world?” Karrine asked herself. She turned around to face the hologram. “Find them! Bring me the heir and her offspring…and also, bring me that Cursed.”

  Dronos bowed his head in submission. “Yes, my Queen.”

  “And Dronos?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty?”

  “Contact the human workers. See what they have found. Tell that human General that our deal will be off if the heir is not found.”

  The hologram disappeared just as quickly as Karrine hurried to her private bath quarters where her hand maid awaited her. She needed to recharge and conserve as much energy as possible because it quickly dawned on her that there are those who would wish to protect the heir. She waited as her hand maid drew the water into the large granite tub, her thoughts darkening by the millisecond. The hand maid, a nymph-like entity with rich dark skin and pale blue eyes, stepped away to retrieve the extra items needed for the bath. Karrine stared into the crystal -clear water, an image of Mercury’s heir manifested within the ripples. Karrine’s frown deepened as she witnessed the woman standing at the foot of a stairway, her palms igniting in the blue-white magic that Mercuria desperately needed.

  “If I have to come into the earth realm myself and drain her of her power, I will,” Karrine hissed through clenched teeth.


  Chapter Sixteen


  Thankfully checking into the hotel took very little effort. Erick had suggested that we room together, but right now, I think that Summer and I need our space. I need to process everything that happened because there is still so much that I do not know. My mother reluctantly confirmed that I am not biologically hers, which means whatever it is that I am, is not human. I am not human. The man in my visions is my father. I know it. Looking back on many of my dreams, I realize that he was warning me. Guiding me. I wonder if he will visit me soon. Hopefully, he will answer some of my questions.

  Erick leads us to our room, which is a double bed suite equipped with a small kitchen, large bathroom stocked with all of the amenities and a window with a full view of the pool. He’s been fairly quiet since our arrival into the city and I appreciate his silence. Summer is the first to enter the room, taking first dibs on the bed closest to the window.

  “Finally!” she breathed as she collapsed on the bed.

  “Well, I will be down the hall if you need me,” Erick announced as he surveyed the room.

  “Okay,” I say coolly as I drop our duffle bags in the walk-in closet.

  “I’m hungry,” Summer declares, still sprawled out on the Queen-sized bed.

  “Alright baby. Ummm, I will order us some food,” I tell her as I slide the closet door closed. I turn to face Erick who is leaning by the door. “Do you want anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good,” He tells me. His eyes focus on me, and I hate it when he does that. I feel like he can see right through me, making mental notes of my fears, and what little hope I have for the future. “I’m not even going to
lie Destiny, I would have preferred it that we hunker down together. If it makes you comfortable, I could sleep on the floor while you and Summer take the beds.”

  I shake my head. “I think we will be fine until the morning.”

  “Are you…” Erick studies me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m good,” I croak. I don’t even believe myself as the words slip out of my mouth. “I’m fine.”

  Erick sighs. “Okay. Well if you need anything, call me.”

  I watch as he gently closes the door behind him.

  “Well that was awkward,” Summer says with a sly grin. I frown.

  “Hush Summer,” I murmured taking a seat on the other bed. “So, what do you want?”



  The fact that Destiny prefers to room alone concerns me. After all we have been through it would have made perfect sense. Now, should trouble arise, I have to hope that she is smart enough to remain in her room being that I am several doors down the hall away from her. She is growing a strong distrust for me to which I really can’t blame her for. She is on the run with a man who magically appears right when she needed him. She saved my life twice already with her power, and not only entrusted her care, but the care of her daughter to me, out of blind faith and I still have yet to answer all of her questions.

  But if she knew my truth…

  I’m so lost in my thoughts I nearly walk past my room. While Destiny and Summer have the suite, I opted for a standard single bed room. All I need right now is a shower and a bed. Besides, it’s almost three o’ clock and I think it is best that Destiny is given some time to herself now. Closing the door behind me, I head straight for the tiny bathroom, instantly regretting that I too, did not pay for a suite. My six-foot four frame damn near towers over everything. But, whatever. You get what you pay for.

  Reaching over into the tub, I cut the shower on and watch with disdain as the water rushes out of the shower head with a blast. Steam quickly rises, prompting me to undress. God, I love hot water. The shit massages my tense muscles in my back, chest and legs, soothing away the aches from the day’s revelations. Not only do we have the Queen’s personal guards on our asses but Mercury’s loyalists. An image of Agatha, the blonde with the bad attitude and lethal right hook, filters into my mind. I can’t stand that bitch.

  Prior to Karrine usurping Mercury’s throne, Agatha and her followers used to come to my neck of the woods and taunt those of us with the “gifts of death”, daring us to use it. Agatha was born of a founding family, meaning her ancestors helped Mercury establish Mercuria. Mercuria may have been sustained by Mercury’s magic, but its laws and social structure were built on the principals and beliefs of those who were in Mercury’s inner circle. She was damn near royalty.

  Agatha parades around the small inner-city township on her unicorn steed accompanied by her loyal followers to test out her own magic. Straight silvery blonde strands hung loosely from her head to her waist. Her pale skin glimmered with the beauty of the moonlight even under the bright rays of the sun. She was considered the most eligible bachelorette, earning the attention of every available Mercurian male in the kingdom. Even those with deadly magic.

  She carried with her a large bow after having established herself a marksman – and a formidable one at that. She proved that war and fighting were her elements and had been offered a position to serve on the king’s Special Female Infantry. She stopped short in front of a mixed crowd of Drainers, Necroes and Blood-letters, her expression unreadable. Her three followers, females of equal status but of lesser magic, flanked her. I had just exited the local apothecary after having to acquire an elixir for his ailing neighbor and stopped short behind the crowd of onlookers. Pulling my cloak over my head, I watched as Agatha studied the group and wondered what prompted her visit.

  “I have come here by Order of the King,” Agatha announced as she slid off of the large animal. The unicorn snorted, nodding its head as if agreeing with its rider. “One of you here is a thief!” she accused, looking each member of the crowd in the eye.

  “No one here stole anything!” an older male shouted from behind the crowd. “Leave us be! The King has left us all here to suffer whatever fates await us.”

  Agatha’s eyes narrowed, and slowly she parted her way through the crowd, unafraid of the potential harm she placed herself in. A Drainer could easily with a single touch strip away her magic, rendering her defenseless. A Necro could whisper in her ear and snatch her soul, while a Bloodletter could manipulate the blood that coursed through her veins, killing her instantly in a thousand different ways. Not one dared to meet the temptation, because what Agatha possibly held in her possession.

  Agatha approached the aging male, meeting his hateful glare. “Like I said,” she began slowly. “I am here by Order of the King. Someone stole a particular item that belongs to the King’s Guard. Where is it?”

  The older male’s frown deepened. His creamy white skin and abysmal black eyes, a long silky salt and pepper beard that hung like a curtain from his chin to chest and gave him a sinister appearance.

  “No one stole anything. You are in the wrong place. Now go away.”

  The older male held his hands behind his back, and I looked on as those hands illuminated a deep crimson glow. I inch closer, wishing that that this man will simply stand down. I force myself to resist the urge to summon the darkness that beckons me—the tension in the air so thick, it felt suffocating.

  Agatha looked away and smiled. I knew that smile. It was a smile that promised pain. It was a smile that guaranteed suffering. And then it all happened within an instant. Agatha smashed two small vials of toxic purple gas, which was harmless to those without Death Magic. I darted out of the way to avoid inhaling the noxious gas, taking refuge in an abandoned shack across the street from Agatha. I looked on in horror, my own palms tingling with sensation and need to unleash his Curse upon the four females. As each of the members of the small crowd collapsed, clutching their throats as they struggled to breathe, one by one the four females executed the helpless Mercurians. One by one, I watched as throats were slit, until the streets bled red.

  For many moons after that, I could hear Agatha’s laughter.

  I continue to scrub my body with soap and hot water, the cold rage from the memory of that night still filtered through my blood. How could a king so beloved sanction the death of innocent citizens all because of the magic they were born with? And with Karrine as Queen, life for Mercurians was no better. Mercuria was as good as dead. Even if Karrine managed to drain Destiny of her power, Mercuria would continue to exist under the thumb of a ruler far worse than the previous…unless Destiny took the throne.

  But then what? Destiny had been raised in the human world all her life. She knew nothing about the laws and bylaws of the kingdom. She didn’t even understand her own power. What good could she do for Mercuria other than restoring the magic that keeps it alive?

  “Fuck the throne,” I grumble out loud. I cut the shower off and step out onto the ceramic floor. I reach for a folded towel left under the sink and stop short to look at myself in the mirror. Steam and condensation blurred out my image, but from what I could see staring back at me is a male who feels older than what he is. I see the memories of heartbreak and a vow that I cannot break.

  Chapter Seventeen


  A sense of peace floods my spirit as my daughter takes a healthy bite of her burger delivered by the Room Service staff here at the hotel. You don’t realize all you have to be grateful for until you are forced to return to basics, or when all that you took for granted is threatened. Last week had been nothing but ordinary: Summer cringing as I sing songs ranging from Lil Jon and the Eastside boys, to Usher and then a hardcore conclusion with Justin Bieber during our usual school run. From there, I would head back to work for the usual daily dollar just to go home and do it all over again the next day.

  Now here we are in a hotel without a clue as to what our next m
ove will be. Summer can never go back to an ordinary life. Neither can I. I take a bite of my drum stick, relishing the lemon pepper flavor. I’m so stuffed the next best thing to do is to drift off to sleep, but instead I reach for the remote and cut the television on. And just as quickly as peace settles in, it is instantly disrupted when the screen comes to life with an image of the attackers at Denny’s. I dropped my half-eaten drumstick onto my plate and lean in closer. The news report shows clear shots from the video footage in Denny’s of the dark-skinned male with dreads and his blonde accomplice. Another image pans in of Erick, but the image of his face is blurry. I see another blurred image of Summer and I running for the car.

  The news reporter, a middle-aged man with poorly covered bad skin, shifty eyes and a tone laced with skepticism, leaned his microphone into the direction of the manager. I remembered the man; our eyes met the moment my daughter and I skidded to a halt as Erick hit one of the attackers with his dark magic.

  “They came into my establishment,” another man said with a shaky voice, “and I don’t know, it was like a scene out of Star Wars or something. Energy balls were flying out of their palms and they just destroyed everything! And there was a woman and child with them. I think they’re hostages. We need the FBI on this one or the CIA. Hell, call in the Men in Black if you have to—”

  The reporter quickly pulled his mic back to him and concluded with, “If you have any idea of the whereabouts of these individuals, the local police department is urging you to come forward. The suspects have been deemed as highly dangerous. Whatever advanced technology they are using could be linked to the work of terrorists. State and local agencies are now involved, so once again if you or anyone you know has any information—”

  “Are we going to be okay?” Summer asks me, her big brown eyes wide with worry.

  I sigh, wishing I had a solid answer for her. “I don’t know. I can only hope that we will be.”


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