American Sherlocks

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American Sherlocks Page 33

by Nick Rennison

  ‘I freely admit, gentlemen, that it is a question which I cannot answer, and you may rest assured that the press will eagerly await the decision of the Supreme Court if it is considered necessary to carry the matter that far.’


  Created by Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935)

  In 1878, the poet Anna Katharine Green, disappointed that her verse had not received the recognition she had hoped for it, decided to try her hand at fiction. The result was The Leavenworth Case, often cited (not entirely accurately since there are other claimants) as the first mystery written by an American woman. The book, with its story of a rich man’s murder, investigated by a detective from the New York Metropolitan Police Force named Ebenezer Gryce, was a great success and launched Anna Katharine Green on a career as a crime writer that lasted more than forty years. Gryce returned in a dozen further novels, in some of which he was paired with a proto-Miss Marple figure, a nosey spinster with an eye for crime named Amelia Butterworth. Green also wrote other crime novels and published several volumes of short stories. The Golden Slipper and Other Stories appeared in 1915 and introduced another character to her readers. Violet Strange is an attractive young woman, a debutante who is at home amongst the upper echelons of New York society. She also leads a secret life as a professional sleuth, investigating crimes of all kinds to provide herself with an income of which her father knows nothing. The Violet Strange stories are not as pioneering as the longer fiction Green wrote decades earlier but they are skilfully crafted and entertaining, and their lively heroine is one of the most engaging of the era’s female detectives.


  ‘No. No.’

  ‘She’s a most unhappy woman. Husband and child both taken from her in a moment; and now, all means of living as well, unless some happy thought of yours – some inspiration of your genius – shows us a way of re-establishing her claims to the policy voided by this cry of suicide.’

  But the small wise head of Violet Strange continued its slow shake of decided refusal.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she protested, ‘but it’s quite out of my province. I’m too young to meddle with so serious a matter.’

  ‘Not when you can save a bereaved woman the only possible compensation left her by untoward fate?’

  ‘Let the police try their hand at that.’

  ‘They have had no success with the case.’

  ‘Or you?’

  ‘Nor I either.’

  ‘And you expect –’

  ‘Yes, Miss Strange. I expect you to find the missing bullet which will settle the fact that murder and not suicide ended George Hammond’s life. If you cannot, then a long litigation awaits this poor widow, ending, as such litigation usually does, in favour of the stronger party. There’s the alternative. If you once saw her –’

  ‘But that’s what I’m not willing to do. If I once saw her I should yield to her importunities and attempt the seemingly impossible. My instincts bid me say no. Give me something easier.’

  ‘Easier things are not so remunerative. There’s money in this affair, if the insurance company is forced to pay up. I can offer you –’


  There was eagerness in the tone despite her effort at nonchalance. The other smiled imperceptibly, and briefly named the sum.

  It was larger than she had expected. This her visitor saw by the way her eyelids fell and the peculiar stillness which, for an instant, held her vivacity in check.

  ‘And you think I can earn that?’

  Her eyes were fixed on his in an eagerness as honest as it was unrestrained.

  He could hardly conceal his amazement, her desire was so evident and the cause of it so difficult to understand. He knew she wanted money – that was her avowed reason for entering into this uncongenial work. But to want it so much! He glanced at her person; it was simply clad but very expensively – how expensively it was his business to know. Then he took in the room in which they sat. Simplicity again, but the simplicity of high art – the drawing room of one rich enough to indulge in the final luxury of a highly cultivated taste, viz.: unostentatious elegance and the subjection of each carefully chosen ornament to the general effect.

  What did this favoured child of fortune lack that she could be reached by such a plea, when her whole being revolted from the nature of the task he offered her? It was a question not new to him; but one he had never heard answered and was not likely to hear answered now. But the fact remained that the consent he had thought dependent upon sympathetic interest could be reached much more readily by the promise of large emolument – and he owned to a feeling of secret disappointment even while he recognized the value of the discovery.

  But his satisfaction in the latter, if satisfaction it were, was of very short duration. Almost immediately he observed a change in her. The sparkle which had shone in the eye whose depths he had never been able to penetrate, had dissipated itself in something like a tear and she spoke up in that vigorous tone no one but himself had ever heard, as she said:

  ‘No. The sum is a good one and I could use it; but I will not waste my energy on a case I do not believe in. The man shot himself. He was a speculator, and probably had good reason for his act. Even his wife acknowledges that he has lately had more losses than gains.’

  ‘See her. She has something to tell you which never got into the papers.’

  ‘You say that? You know that?’

  ‘On my honour, Miss Strange.’

  Violet pondered; then suddenly succumbed.

  ‘Let her come, then. Prompt to the hour. I will receive her at three. Later I have a tea and two party calls to make.’

  Her visitor rose to leave. He had been able to subdue all evidence of his extreme gratification, and now took on a formal air. In dismissing a guest, Miss Strange was invariably the society belle and that only. This he had come to recognize.

  The case (well known at the time) was, in the fewest possible words, as follows:

  On a sultry night in September, a young couple living in one of the large apartment houses in the extreme upper portion of Manhattan were so annoyed by the incessant crying of a child in the adjoining suite that they got up, he to smoke, and she to sit in the window for a possible breath of cool air. They were congratulating themselves upon the wisdom they had shown in thus giving up all thought of sleep – for the child’s crying had not ceased – when (it may have been two o’clock and it may have been a little later) there came from somewhere near the sharp and somewhat peculiar detonation of a pistol-shot.

  He thought it came from above; she, from the rear, and they were staring at each other in the helpless wonder of the moment, when they were struck by the silence. The baby had ceased to cry. All was as still in the adjoining apartment as in their own – too still – much too still. Their mutual stare turned to one of horror. ‘It came from there!’ whispered the wife. ‘Some accident has occurred to Mr or Mrs Hammond – we ought to go –’

  Her words – very tremulous ones – were broken by a shout from below. They were standing in their window and had evidently been seen by a passing policeman. ‘Anything wrong up there?’ they heard him cry. Mr Saunders immediately looked out. ‘Nothing wrong here,’ he called down. (They were but two stories from the pavement.) ‘But I’m not so sure about the rear apartment. We thought we heard a shot. Hadn’t you better come up, officer? My wife is nervous about it. I’ll meet you at the stair-head and show you the way.’

  The officer nodded and stepped in. The young couple hastily donned some wraps, and, by the time he appeared on their floor, they were ready to accompany him.

  Meanwhile, no disturbance was apparent anywhere else in the house, until the policeman rang the bell of the Hammond apartment. Then, voices began to be heard, and doors to open above and below, but not the one before which the policeman stood.

  Another ring, and this t
ime an insistent one – and still no response. The officer’s hand was rising for the third time when there came a sound of fluttering from behind the panels against which he had laid his ear, and finally a choked voice uttering unintelligible words. Then a hand began to struggle with the lock, and the door, slowly opening, disclosed a woman clad in a hastily donned wrapper and giving every evidence of extreme fright.

  ‘Oh!’ she exclaimed, seeing only the compassionate faces of her neighbours. ‘You heard it, too! A pistol-shot from there – there – my husband’s room. I have not dared to go – I – I – O, have mercy and see if anything is wrong! It is so still – so still, and only a moment ago the baby was crying. Mrs Saunders, Mrs Saunders, why is it so still?’

  She had fallen into her neighbour’s arms. The hand with which she had pointed out a certain door had sunk to her side and she appeared to be on the verge of collapse.

  The officer eyed her sternly, while noting her appearance, which was that of a woman hastily risen from bed.

  ‘Where were you?’ he asked. ‘Not with your husband and child, or you would know what had happened there.’

  ‘I was sleeping down the hall,’ she managed to gasp out. ‘I’m not well – I – oh, why do you all stand still and do nothing? My baby’s in there. Go! go!’ and, with sudden energy, she sprang upright, her eyes wide open and burning, her small well-featured face white as the linen she sought to hide.

  The officer demurred no longer. In another instant he was trying the door at which she was again pointing.

  It was locked.

  Glancing back at the woman, now cowering almost to the floor, he pounded at the door and asked the man inside to open.

  No answer came back.

  With a sharp turn he glanced again at the wife.

  ‘You say that your husband is in this room?’

  She nodded, gasping faintly, ‘And the child!’

  He turned back, listened, then beckoned to Mr Saunders. ‘We shall have to break our way in,’ said he. ‘Put your shoulder well to the door. Now!’

  The hinges of the door creaked; the lock gave way (this special officer weighed two hundred and seventy-five, as he found out, next day), and a prolonged and sweeping crash told the rest.

  Mrs Hammond gave a low cry; and, straining forward from where she crouched in terror on the floor, searched the faces of the two men for some hint of what they saw in the dimly-lighted space beyond. Something dreadful, something which made Mr Saunders come rushing back with a shout:

  ‘Take her away! Take her to our apartment, Jennie. She must not see –’

  Not see! He realized the futility of his words as his gaze fell on the young woman who had risen up at his approach and now stood gazing at him without speech, without movement, but with a glare of terror in her eyes, which gave him his first realization of human misery.

  His own glance fell before it. If he had followed his instinct he would have fled the house rather than answer the question of her look and the attitude of her whole frozen body.

  Perhaps in mercy to his speechless terror, perhaps in mercy to herself, she was the one who at last found the word which voiced their mutual anguish.


  No answer. None was needed.

  ‘And my baby?’

  O, that cry! It curdled the hearts of all who heard it. It shook the souls of men and women both inside and outside the apartment; then all was forgotten in the wild rush she made. The wife and mother had flung herself upon the scene, and, side by side with the not unmoved policeman, stood looking down upon the desolation made in one fatal instant in her home and heart.

  They lay there together, both past help, both quite dead. The child had simply been strangled by the weight of his father’s arm which lay directly across the upturned little throat. But the father was a victim of the shot they had heard. There was blood on his breast, and a pistol in his hand.

  Suicide! The horrible truth was patent. No wonder they wanted to hold the young widow back. Her neighbour, Mrs Saunders, crept in on tiptoe and put her arms about the swaying, fainting woman; but there was nothing to say – absolutely nothing.

  At least, they thought not. But when they saw her throw herself down, not by her husband, but by the child, and drag it out from under that strangling arm and hug and kiss it and call out wildly for a doctor, the officer endeavoured to interfere and yet could not find the heart to do so, though he knew the child was dead and should not, according to all the rules of the coroner’s office, be moved before that official arrived. Yet because no mother could be convinced of a fact like this, he let her sit with it on the floor and try all her little arts to revive it, while he gave orders to the janitor and waited himself for the arrival of doctor and coroner.

  She was still sitting there in wide-eyed misery, alternately fondling the little body and drawing back to consult its small set features for some sign of life, when the doctor came, and, after one look at the child, drew it softly from her arms and laid it quietly in the crib from which its father had evidently lifted it but a short time before. Then he turned back to her, and found her on her feet, upheld by her two friends. She had understood his action, and without a groan had accepted her fate. Indeed, she seemed incapable of any further speech or action. She was staring down at her husband’s body, which she, for the first time, seemed fully to see. Was her look one of grief or of resentment for the part he had played so unintentionally in her child’s death? It was hard to tell; and when, with slowly rising finger, she pointed to the pistol so tightly clutched in the other outstretched hand, no one there – and by this time the room was full – could foretell what her words would be when her tongue regained its usage and she could speak.

  What she did say was this:

  ‘Is there a bullet gone? Did he fire off that pistol?’ A question so manifestly one of delirium that no one answered it, which seemed to surprise her, though she said nothing till her glance had passed all around the walls of the room to where a window stood open to the night – its lower sash being entirely raised. ‘There! Look there!’ she cried, with a commanding accent, and, throwing up her hands, sank a dead weight into the arms of those supporting her.

  No one understood; but naturally more than one rushed to the window. An open space was before them. Here lay the fields not yet parcelled out into lots and built upon; but it was not upon these they looked, but upon the strong trellis which they found there, which, if it supported no vine, formed a veritable ladder between this window and the ground.

  Could she have meant to call attention to this fact; and were her words expressive of another idea than the obvious one of suicide?

  If so, to what lengths a woman’s imagination can go! Or so their combined looks seemed to proclaim, when to their utter astonishment they saw the officer, who had presented a calm appearance up till now, shift his position and with a surprised grunt direct their eyes to a portion of the wall just visible beyond the half-drawn curtains of the bed. The mirror hanging there showed a star-shaped breakage, such as follows the sharp impact of a bullet or a fiercely projected stone.

  ‘He fired two shots. One went wild; the other straight home.’

  It was the officer delivering his opinion.

  Mr Saunders, returning from the distant room where he had assisted in carrying Mrs Hammond, cast a look at the shattered glass, and remarked forcibly:

  ‘I heard but one; and I was sitting up, disturbed by that poor infant. Jennie, did you hear more than one shot?’ he asked, turning toward his wife.

  ‘No,’ she answered, but not with the readiness he had evidently expected. ‘I heard only one, but that was not quite usual in its tone. I’m used to guns,’ she explained, turning to the officer. ‘My father was an army man, and he taught me very early to load and fire a pistol. There was a prolonged sound to this shot; something like an echo of itself, following close upon the first
ping. Didn’t you notice that, Warren?’

  ‘I remember something of the kind,’ her husband allowed.

  ‘He shot twice and quickly,’ interposed the policeman, sententiously. ‘We shall find a spent bullet back of that mirror.’

  But when, upon the arrival of the coroner, an investigation was made of the mirror and the wall behind, no bullet was found either there or anywhere else in the room, save in the dead man’s breast. Nor had more than one been shot from his pistol, as five full chambers testified. The case which seemed so simple had its mysteries, but the assertion made by Mrs Saunders no longer carried weight, nor was the evidence offered by the broken mirror considered as indubitably establishing the fact that a second shot had been fired in the room.

  Yet it was equally evident that the charge which had entered the dead speculator’s breast had not been delivered at the close range of the pistol found clutched in his hand. There were no powder-marks to be discerned on his pyjama-jacket, or on the flesh beneath. Thus anomaly confronted anomaly, leaving open but one other theory: that the bullet found in Mr Hammond’s breast came from the window and the one he shot went out of it. But this would necessitate his having shot his pistol from a point far removed from where he was found; and his wound was such as made it difficult to believe that he would stagger far, if at all, after its infliction.

  Yet, because the coroner was both conscientious and alert, he caused a most rigorous search to be made of the ground overlooked by the above mentioned window; a search in which the police joined, but which was without any result save that of rousing the attention of people in the neighbourhood and leading to a story being circulated of a man seen some time the night before crossing the fields in a great hurry. But as no further particulars were forthcoming, and not even a description of the man to be had, no emphasis would have been laid upon this story had it not transpired that the moment a report of it had come to Mrs Hammond’s ears (why is there always someone to carry these reports?) she roused from the torpor into which she had fallen, and in wild fashion exclaimed:


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