Awakened Animals (A Shifter Novel Book 15)

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Awakened Animals (A Shifter Novel Book 15) Page 8

by Jaden Sinclair

  Kaley rolled from the tree and landed on the ground. She took a couple steps before Stray also jumped down, following her. Then she snapped gain.

  “God, why can’t I just let it go!” Kaley said, raising her voice. “Why is it still there?”

  “Because he’s your mate, girl.” That had her stilling, turning, and looking at him as if he’d lost his mind. “You knew it back then, and you know it still. It’s not going away. He just needs to open his eyes and see for himself.”

  “It’s a fucking mistake.”

  “No, Lora was his mistake, which is why the claiming never happened.”

  “Well, it’s too late.”


  “He still wants her! And I swear if she didn’t die, he’d still be chasing after her ass like a bitch in heat.”

  “Maybe, or maybe not.” That earned him a glare, so Stray rolled his eyes. “Listen, just because she didn’t turn out to be his mate doesn’t mean he didn’t care about her. He thought she was, and yes, I know just as you do that she wasn’t.”

  “Not just that, Stray.” She groaned, covering her face with both hands. Stray waited, and Kaley dropped her hands as tears slid down her cheeks. “She mated another behind his back. Behind my father’s back. I knew before anyone that they were never going to mate. She never carried his scent. When he even tried to kiss her, she would turn her cheek from him. That night, the night she died with my mother, my mother was trying to stop her from going to this other male. They were trying to stop her. They both just knew that Mika was right for our family.” She was huffing now. “None of them thought that what they picked up was me!” she yelled as she thumbed her chest. “That I was the one for him, not her.”

  “Kaley…” He sighed.

  “I want him gone, Stray!” she said, her chest heaving with each breath she took, her face flushed with pain. “He is going to do nothing but ruin my life.”

  “Girl, you’re doing that on your own.” That statement got another glare. “Look, you know as well as I do that he’s not going to leave.” Stray closed the distance between them, taking hold of her arms. “You need to let it go before the anger eats you up. And you shouldn’t fight a battle that you know you’re not going to win here.”

  She twisted out of his hold and took several steps backward, wiping her face as she did. “If you or him think that I’m just going to roll over, then you both better think again.”

  “Kaley, I never…”

  “I mean it!” she snapped, cutting him off.

  Stray saw as well as smelled the pain in her. He rushed up, grabbed her arms, and ended up fighting with her. It took a little strong-arm and he had her still, holding her close and tight against his chest. What shocked him the most wasn’t the fighting, the swearing, even the drinking. What had Stray stilling was when she stopped the fighting, her arms went around him, and Kaley broke down crying. An inner voice told him that this might be the first time she’d really cried since the death of her parents and her sister.

  “Listen to me and I’ll help you. You can’t go at him like this, you will only get hurt.”

  “What do I do?”

  “You need to go about this another way. Behave yourself for a day or so, then strike.”

  She pulled back, looking up at him. “How?”

  “Simple, girl. You let him have the control, and slowly take it back.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” Mika sighed and twisted his napkin around before tossing it onto the table. “Shit, I really don’t know what I’m doing here.”

  “Think that is all of us,” Vesper said. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Is it really that hard to sit down and just talk to her?”

  Mika groaned and rubbed his face. “Vesper, talking to Kaley is not easy. I’ve tried and she bit my head off.”

  “Did you try listening?” He stilled with a frown. “Look, I know I’m the outsider here, but I just get this vibe that what you are seeing is a cover-up. Trust me when I say I’ve done that myself—pretended to be something I’m not to hide the real problem. Drinking, partying, it’s all an outlet.” She sat up and leaned in, putting both arms on the table. “A close friend of mine started drinking heavy when her mother died. It got so bad that she ended up getting in a wreck that left her in a wheelchair, and another even worse.”

  “How worse?”

  “Well, she had to spend some time in jail for manslaughter.”

  “I don’t want that to happen to Kaley, trust me.”

  “I know you don’t.”

  “Vesper, this isn’t going to be easy. In fact, you might want to prepare for it to get nasty around here before it all gets better.”

  “Butting heads is only going to end bad for you.”

  “And what would you suggest then? Because I am all up for advice here.”

  “That I don’t know right now. Don’t know Kaley that well. Maybe get all the booze out of the house for one.”

  “She’ll just go out and get more.” Mika stared Vesper in the eye until an idea hit him. “Unless…”

  Vesper held her hand up. “Don’t tell me.” She pushed away from the table and took Stray’s plate. “I’m going to find Stray.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Mika said and got up. “I’ll take care of this. Might help me to think of a plan or something.”

  Vesper nodded and walked toward the back door. She walked around a bit then stopped when she saw Stray coming toward the house with his arm around Kaley. The sight did something to her. She didn’t care for it but had a feeling that it wasn’t what it seemed either. There was something about Kaley and the way she held onto Stray that said so much.

  When they headed for the pool hours, Vesper hid herself behind a tree, not wanting to be seen or ruin the moment between them. Clearly, Stray broke through Kaley’s shell. But when they stopped at the pool house, he said something to her and she nodded followed by a kiss to the cheek—yeah, that one bothered her big time. Only because Stray hadn’t really kissed her yet, and she just now discovered that she wanted him to.

  Unable to see anymore, Vesper pushed away from the tree and headed back to the house. She looked behind her a few times, making sure that Stray didn’t see her.

  But he did.

  “Vesper!” Stray called out, and she ended up stopping at the back door.

  She had to take a few deep breaths, push back any emotions that she might feel before turning around to face him. She thought she had it together—until she turned. One look at him and what she tried to hold back came pouring out—tears.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Stray closed the distance quickly, pulling her into his arms. Just that small thing had her.

  “Nothing.” She sniffled, and pulled out of his arms, wiping her face. “I’m okay.”

  “Really?” He frowned and wiped some of the tears away. “Crying usually means there is something wrong.”

  “No, I’m fine.” She took a deep breath, blew it out, and smiled. “Just a lot has been going. Guess it just overwhelmed me.”

  “And it has nothing to do with seeing me with Kaley?” He cocked his head to the side and the corner of his lips curved up. “I saw you.” She opened her mouth to deny it, but he cut her off. “It’s okay. This means you are feeling the connection between us.”

  “Is she okay?”

  Stray looked over his shoulder and then back at her. “She will be. This is one big-ass adjustment for all of us. But I think we’ve come up with a plan that might kick-start a few things.”

  “Care to share?”

  “Not yet.” He wrapped his arm around her and opened the door. “Right now, I think you should get some rest.”

  “Are you going to stay with me like you did in the tent?”

  “If you want me to, yes.”

  “I do,” she said low. “Some strange reason I think I feel safer with you there.”

  “Then I’ll stay.”

  Kaley be
haved herself for two days. She came to each meal, sat quietly, ate, and left. She didn’t go out or do any more drinking that anyone could tell. However, on the third day, Vesper knew something was up when Stray came back to the house in the afternoon with a new outfit for her, one that she could never see herself wearing.

  “What is this?” She pulled out a very short skirt, thong, and a top that would only cover her bra and that is it.

  “We are going out,” Stray said. Then he showed her some very loose-looking pants in a bright red with a tank top to match. Her outfit was also red and black.

  “Um, where?”

  “It’s a surprise. Get dressed. W leaving in less than an hour. I just have to get Mika changed.”

  “Ha!” Vesper laughed. “Good luck with that.”

  “Trust me.” He winked at her and went to the door. “Be ready. This won’t take long.”

  And true to his word, the four of them headed out, all dressed up. Mika had the same kind of outfit as Stray, but it was all black, and Kaley’s was multicolored.

  “Does someone want to tell me where we are going?” Vesper finally asked. Stray was driving and Mika sat in the passenger’s seat. Girls in back.

  “Dancing,” Kaley answered with a slight grin.

  “Dancing?” Vesper huffed. “I-I don’t know how to dance. And why are we dressed like this?”

  “Don’t worry so much,” Kaley said. “Stray can teach you. It’s an easy thing, the kind of dancing we are doing.”

  “What?” Vesper asked.

  “You still remember how to dance, don’t you, Mika?” Kaley asked. Mika turned in the seat, eyes right on Kaley. “Or have you forgotten?” She turned to Vesper. “We used to go dancing a lot when my sister was alive—the four of us. She loved to go to this salsa club and I begged once to go along. Of course I couldn’t dance, but Stray showed me how that night.”

  “It was a blast,” Stray said with a short laugh. “Only took her like twenty minutes max to learn all the steps.”

  “It’s a basic dance, but you can do it many different ways,” Kaley added. “Which is why Lora loved it so much. I come here all the time.”

  “Sure you do,” Mika added.

  “Stop being an old fuck, will you?” Kaley snapped at Mika. “It’s going to be fun, and you could use some fun. Turning into an old grumpy prick.”

  Stray busted out laughing and Vesper had to cover her mouth to hide the smile and keep her own laugh tucked in.

  Mika pointed his finger at Kaley. “Watch that mouth of yours.”

  The club was packed, and that had Vesper feeling a panic attack rising up. Stray took hold of her hand and gave it a squeeze then kissed her knuckles.

  “You’re going to have a blast.”

  “Then why am I scared?” she asked him.

  “Because you said you can’t dance. But don’t worry about that now. By the time we leave here, you will know how. I promise.” Stray smiled.

  “You sure do make a lot of promises.”

  “And I’ll keep each one of them.”

  They followed Kaley to the front door. Already, there was a long line of people waiting to go in. She went right up to the bouncer, said something to him, and then motioned for the others to follow herself, bypassing the line.

  Sure enough, the club was packed, the dance floor crowded. Vesper could only stop and stare, unable to move. Someone pulled on her arm and her feet went along, but eyes didn’t move from the dance floor and on the wild gyrations of the dancers. She ended up sitting next to Mika, but Kaley didn’t.

  “Don’t mind if I borrow him for a moment, do you?” Kaley asked Vesper. Vesper could only shake her head. “Thanks.”

  Stray got pulled toward the dance floor, but Vesper couldn’t see him amidst all the people.

  “I can’t believe I let them talk me into this,” Mika said over the loud music.

  “Do you really know how to dance like that?” she asked, tearing her eyes from it to look at him.

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “Can…can you teach me?”

  Both of his eyebrows went up. “You want me to teach you and not Stray?”

  “You can start and he can finish.” She watched him closely, fearing for a moment that she might’ve gone a bit too far.

  “Why not?” he said with a slight grin.

  Kaley ended up being right. Learning the basic moves to the dance took no time at all, and Vesper found herself on the dance floor with Mika, moving in a circle motion around the floor close to him. And she loved the dance. It had her feeling free and alive. In fact, she started to smile, then laugh as he moved her fast around, stopping every so often to twirl her, to the left then right.

  “Look at you!” Stray called out, which stopped Mika. Both were breathing hard.

  Vesper didn’t hold back. She let go of Mika and pretty much jumped into Stray’s arms. “I love it!”

  “Sort of figured you might,” Stray said.

  “Where’s Kaley?” Mika asked.

  “Behind you.” Stray nodded. Mika turned around and saw Kaley dancing alone. She had her eyes closed, hips moving back and forth, arms out, feet moving. “Why don’t you finish the dance before someone else gets his hands on her?” Stray said.

  At the moment, when Stray suggested it, Kaley opened her eyes and looked right at Mika. Vesper picked up the vibe right off and became mesmerized by them.

  Mika didn’t really move, Kaley did. She started a dance toward him, and when she got closer his hands came up, as though a spell had been cast over him. Mika went toward her as she danced backward. His hands came up, as did hers, but neither touching, just hips and legs moving. Arms went up in the air, fingers intertwined, and Kaley got turned around, pulled back against Mika. They danced as one, together for a few seconds, then he turned her again and pulled her close. He moved her from left to right at least four times before pulling her in close once more. His leg moved between hers and the two swayed in harmony, their hips in unison as one.

  Out of nowhere, Mika sort of pushed her away, took one hand and twirled her several times before pulling her in, then out, in again, and out with a deep dip. Kaley in turn did a swaying upward motion into his body before settling in and rocking her hips into his. The look on Mika’s face spoke loud and clear—he wanted her. When Vesper looked at Stray she saw him grinning, as if he had planned this all along. Instead of asking, Vesper went back to watching them, and others on the floor began to part, giving them even more room as Mika swung Kaley around.

  Together they went around in a wide circle, then Mika stopped, swung her out in a twirl to the left, another to the right, then in front. She slid down between his legs where she did another twirl before sliding up his body.

  Time felt like it stood still and everyone else in the club just went away. The two looked at each other, faces so close that Kaley wondered for a moment if they might end up kissing.

  They didn’t.

  Instead, Kaley brought her arm up around his neck, his leg back between hers, and the two once more moved as one. Then Mika stilled and gave Kaley one long dip that turned into a wide sway that ended with her swinging up close to his face once more. To end it all, in that moment, Kaley kissed Mika on the mouth, stunning him, then pulled out of his arms and got lost in the thick crowd of people.

  “I see it now,” Vesper said to Stray.

  “Yeah, but the big question is, will he?” Stray said. “Come on, let’s dance.”


  Mika walked out into the night with a beer in hand and his mind full of questions—one being what the hell happened tonight? One minute he was working on the bills, trying to make sense of Kayley’s spending, then the next he was dragged off for a night of dancing. He didn’t mind. The break was good, but Kaley’s kiss stunned him. That he never would have seen coming. And it filled him with the big question. Why?

  “You still up?” Stray came out from the house, a thick sandwich in hand.

  “So are you.”
  “Hungry,” Stray said, smiled and took a big bite. “Have fun?” he asked with a mouth full of food.

  “I will admit, it has been a long time since I went out dancing,” Mika said with a nod before taking a drink. “Vesper is a natural.”

  “Thanks for showing her. I was going to, but Kaley grabbed me too fast. She still has it.”

  “Well, when one goes out clubbing every night they tend to not lose it.” Mika took another few drinks, going silent for a bit. “So the pool house work for you two?”

  “Yeah, Margret got it all cleaned up. She even unpacked our stuff.”

  Mika gave a short laugh. “That’s our Margret.”

  Stray went to one of the patio chairs and sat down, putting his feet up on the table. “So what has you up so late then? You should be super tired with all that dancing.”

  Again, Mika went quiet, his mind racing over things that he didn’t understand, feelings that stirred.

  “Okay, what’s on your mind?” Stray asked.

  “Hum?” Mika looked at him, brows up.

  “You are lost. Why don’t you come and have a seat and tell me what has you so distracted?”

  “I’d rather not.” Mika finished his beer and turned to head in, maybe for another.

  “Mika.” Stray’s voice had enough of an effect that Mika stilled, but he didn’t look back. “You’re doing the same thing as her now.”

  “Stray, this is something I need to sort out myself.”

  “What is?” Mika shook his head. “Talk to me, man. If you can’t talk to me, then who can you talk to?”

  Mika closed his eyes and tried to sort out the thoughts, but instead of getting them straight his mouth opened and things started to come out. “Was I so wrong about Lora? How could I have been so fucking wrong about her?”

  “We are half human.”

  Mika turned then and went to the table and sat down, plunking his bottle on the table. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “What doesn’t?”

  “Her…all of it!”

  “You’re not making any sense here.”


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