Arctic Moon

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Arctic Moon Page 3

by Lynn Landes

  “Alright. You go tell your dad that we are going back to your house to watch movies. I will go to the shed to get the sled, Hurry!” Caleb orders hers.

  “Okay, good plan.” Leaping up from the ground she turns to run and stops, “I am glad you’re here, Caleb.”

  After she runs, Caleb looks at the wolf whose eyes are shut tight in pain and he sighs, “That makes one of us.”



  Makenna hurries back to the woods and finds Archer growling at Caleb. “Crazy mutt won’t let me near him, Makenna.”

  “Frisbee is special, Caleb. He is smarter than any dog or wolf. Tell him what you want and he will do it.” Caleb is squatting near the panting wolf and trying to reason with him. She struggles not to laugh at the picture they make.

  “Look you need my help and I really don’t want to get bitten again so why don’t you crawl, leap, or walk straight into the sled?” Archer whines and then begins to crawl on all fours towards it.

  Caleb watches in amazement and backs away, giving him plenty of space. Archer struggles to his feet, aided by Makenna. He winces and her heart feels his pain, and he turns and licks her face as though reading her mind. Finally, the wolf falls onto the sled and closes his eyes against the pain in his head. He covers his eyes with his paws and Makenna whispers, “I’m sorry this might be a bumpy ride.”

  With two hands on the wooden sled they hurry along the edge of the woods towards Makenna’s house. It is a long walk, through thick snow and two times they are forced to stop and rest. Archer drinks from her hands lapping the water up gratefully. He wonders about the fate of his pack, did they escape the hunter?

  Caleb pulls the wolf through the woods towards her house, while Makenna tells him how she came to be a guardian of this wolf. She tells him about his mother and the way he glows, and finally they are at the edge of the woods to her house.

  “Why are we stopping?” Caleb asks watching her closely. She is nervously looking around.

  “No reason, lets head to the root cellar around back. It has a light and blankets.” Quickly they make it to the cellar and Makenna throws the doors open, and takes the steps down turning on a light. “Okay, How should we do this?” she asks.

  Archer hears the voices as though in a tunnel. They sound far away and the pain in his head is too much to handle. He feels like his skull is going to crack open. He whimpers but does not open his eyes. Caleb looks at him and says, “I could carry him, but I would rather keep my throat. I can try sliding the sled down the steps.”

  “Whatever, let’s just hurry! Dad will be here soon and I don’t want to deal with that.” Slowly he eases the sled down one step at a time, counting on the way. Four more steps to go. At the last step Makenna pulls the cellar doors closed behind her and turns in time to watch Caleb roll the wolf onto the floor.

  “Hey! He is in pain, Caleb!” She yells and runs to him.

  “Sorry, but he is heavy!” Looking around the cellar he sees shelves lines with dry goods, cereal, pasta, toilet paper, gallons of water. On one side of the cellar is dry goods, on the other is medical supplies. That is what he is looking for. He rushes over and grabs two wool blankets to make a bed for the wolf.

  Makenna jumps up and grabs a water bottle and tosses one to Caleb. “Now what?” he asks.

  “I don’t know, I didn’t see any obvious wounds and I don’t feel any breaks. I don’t think its rabies because he would be foaming at the mouth, and he only does that when you come near him.” She says smiling at him.

  “Ha, ha. Funny, but he does more than that. He bites,” Caleb says holding up his hand. His smile fades when he remembers how the bite disappeared and he wonders what that means.

  “Well maybe he caught a cold from you.” She says softly looking at Frisbee. “He seems to be sleeping now. I can go check Dad’s books. Will you stay with him?” Her dad has tons of technical books on animals.

  “Sure, but bring me a soda.”

  Makenna hurries into the house leaving Caleb alone with the sleeping wolf. He sighs. This break is turning out to be much cooler than he first thought. A glowing wolf and bites that disappear!

  Frisbee begins to whine again, his body arches and a breaking sound comes from his back. His legs go stick straight and Caleb begins to back up towards the shelf. “What the…!” he yells.

  A screaming sound is cut short from the wolf, as his legs slide to the side and begin to grow. His body begins to elongate and Caleb runs for the steps screaming. He explodes from the cellar and slams the door shut, slamming the wood lock closed so the wolf can’t escape.

  “Kennna!!!!” He screams as he runs to the house. She meets him at the door with a scared look on her face.

  “Gun! Do you have a gun? Call your Dad right now!” he screams running for the phone.

  “What is wrong with you?” she yells grabbing the phone from him.

  “HE’S changing! Holy crap! I think he’s a werewolf!” Caleb starts to look for anything that could be a weapon. He knows where his uncle keeps the shotgun. “Shotgun!” he mutters and runs to the gun cabinet. Locked!

  “CJ! What the heck…” she starts to say but the screams start from the cellar and the sound of glass exploding stops her.

  “WE have to go NOW!” he grabs her wrist and starts for the door only to yell in frustration when she jerks away from him and runs out the back door towards the cellar.

  “Makenna! Not again! You are going to be the death of both of us!” he yells following her. He stops long enough to grab a big knife from the kitchen.

  Standing outside the cellar door Makenna is terrified. Not of Frisbee but of what might be happening to him. “Please be okay,” she prays as she slides the lock open.

  “You are crazy! You aren’t letting him out, Makenna!” His large hand presses firmly on hers.



  Makenna stares at her cousin and knows he is right. Whatever is happening might be dangerous to others. She lifts a small hand gun loaded with a special dart.

  “Look, I grabbed one of Dads dart guns. If he comes at us we tranquilize him, he will sleep, not die! Then we can see what’s really going on, okay?”

  “Okay. Good idea, but be ready. I saw some crazy stuff, Makenna!” Silence greets them, no sound is heard as the door swings open and the cellar is dark. Only the light of the moon illuminates the stairs below. The light that was hanging above has been broken and one of the shelves has been pulled over. Glass and boxes are everywhere. Caleb switches on his flashlight and holds his cousin back with the other hand.

  “Wait! Let me shine the light around, okay.” A whimpering sound is coming from one area. Slowly they descend down the concrete steps. Caleb shines the light in the direction of the sound, holding tightly to his shaking knife with the other hand. When the light touches the corner where the sound is coming from they both scream!

  They scream, and Archer screams back. He holds up his now hairless hands to block the light from the flashlight. A naked boy is crouched in the corner growling at them like a wolf!

  “Makenna, look at his eyes!” Caleb says in amazement. They are liquid silver, the same exact shade as Frisbee.

  “It can’t be Frisbee, Caleb!” she says shocked!

  The moment he hears her voice, he lifts his head to sniff the air. It is her! His girl! He stops growling and stares at her.

  “Archer,” he replies in deep voice. “I am Archer.” Chills break out on his body and he wraps his arms around his legs to cover his nakedness.

  Caleb backs away and grabs a blanket, “Turn around, Makenna.” He snaps out the order and tosses the blanket towards Archer, being sure not to get to close.

  “Thank you,” he says dragging the blanket over his shoulders he stands to his full height. He is shorter than Caleb but looks to be the same age.

  “What are you? Who are you?” Caleb asks making sure to keep Makenna behind him. She pokes him in the back and side steps him.

  “I am
Archer,” he repeats.

  “Are you a werewolf?” Caleb snaps holding the knife up towards him. The moon glints off the blade and flashes around the room.

  “I am… I was a wolf.” Archer says glancing at Makenna.

  Their eyes meet and she smiles at him and he steps towards her. “No! You will not touch her!” Caleb snaps out stepping between them.

  “He wouldn’t hurt me, Caleb. He’s my friend.” Makenna says.

  “Your Naked Friend!” Caleb snaps in frustration. “We don’t know what it… he, is!” he reminds her. “He already bit me once and you won’t be next.”

  Archer hangs his head and looks ashamed. “I am sorry, Caleb. I was afraid you were going to hurt me, like the hunter who traps the wolves. I would never hurt Makenna.” She smiles in triumph and then gasps.

  “Sam is trapping them! I knew it!” Archer takes a step towards her again but his legs threaten to give out.

  Caleb looks at the two of them like they are crazy. “We are standing here talking to a werewolf! Let’s go Makenna! If he isn’t a threat to us, like he says, then he can stay here tonight and we will figure out what to do about him.”

  Archer stays where he is trembling in exhaustion. Weak and tired from the transformation, he sinks to the ground and drags another blanket to the corner.

  “I must rest now,” he whispers unable to stay awake any longer. Caleb and Makenna fall quiet and stare at the wolf boy in the corner.

  “We have to help him, Caleb.” She whispers.

  “I know. Let him rest. We can grab some clothes for him and see if your dad’s books say anything about a wolf turning into a boy!”

  Archer sleeps a deep and healing sleep. The moon calls to him softly.

  “Archer. You need to wake now, he comes for you!

  “Mother Moon?” He answers.

  “Yes, my child. The hunter comes drawn to the gift that flows through your veins. You are the last of the Arctic Wolves. If he gets your blood, he will become a monster unlike anything the world has ever seen!”

  “Why do I have this gift? Is that why the other wolves hate me?” He asks trying to understand.

  “They are afraid of what they do not understand. You must lead the pack to safety and stop this hunter. Your girl is in trouble, Archer. He will try to hurt you, by hurting Makenna.”

  Archer answers with a growl deep in his throat. “He will not hurt her. She is the only one to ever show me kindness. I will protect her!”

  “There is more for you to know…” Mother Moon starts to say, but a loud noise outside wakens him.

  Archer leaps to his feet, heart pounding and readies to fight. He crouches on all fours and creeps along the corner of the room in darkness waiting for the threat to show itself.

  The cellar door creaks open and footsteps descend, one then another, slowly as if trying not to be heard. Archer leaps at the enemy and pulls him down to the floor.

  “AHHHHH!!!” Caleb screams and the clothes in his hand scatter. Pinned to the floor by the naked wolf-boy, Caleb glares up into silver eyes.

  “No threat, huh! Get off me!” Caleb rolls to the right and throws the boy across the room. He stands with his mouth hanging open and watches Archer land on all fours, as if he were still a wolf. Then lightning fast Archer shoots past Caleb and up the stone steps to freedom.

  Caleb glares at the white bare butt of the wolf-boy shooting up the steps, out the doorway and sighs. He jumps up grabbing the clothes off the floor and grumbles, “This is not going the way I planned!” He runs out after him. He has to get him dressed before anyone sees him. How the heck will he explain a naked boy running around like a wolf!

  “Archer!” he yells after him. He sees the boy staring up at the woods and skids to a stop and can’t help but laugh, when he lifts his leg to take a whiz on a tree! “No!!!” Caleb tries to yell but he can’t stop laughing.

  “Dude, Puts some clothes on!” he yells and drags him back to the cellar. They are probably going to be too big, but it will have to do for now. Quickly he shows him how to put the underwear on first. Next the pants and sighing with relief the shirt, socks, and shoes follow.

  Archer stands looking at Caleb and for the first time he looks almost human. He looks like a normal teen, long shaggy black hair, pale skin but his eyes will be a problem.

  “Put these on like this.” Caleb says and shows him how to put on the sunglasses. “They will protect your eyes. Perfect.”

  Archer sniffs the air, Caleb sighs, “Almost perfect. Come with me.” Caleb leads him up the cellar steps and outside once more.

  Makenna comes out carrying a plate with food on it. “I thought you might be getting hungry.” He smiles at Makenna and runs to her. When he is close enough to feel her breath, he lifts a lock of her hair and sniffs it. She smiles closing her eyes as he smells her neck and her heart beats a little faster.

  “Ummm, okay we need some ground rules,” Caleb says shoving him back away from Makenna, only to snatch his hand back when Archer growls at him, again.

  “Archer, catch!” Makenna tosses a piece of rolled up fish, then laughs in delight as he leaps up and catches it in his mouth.

  “That’s good. More!” He replies.

  “Okay, No!” Caleb snaps, taking the plate from Makenna. “Humans do not leap in the air to catch food with their mouths, Archer. We use utensils. Let’s start from the beginning, rule number one: No growling at humans.”

  “Yes, I have one, No sniffing humans, any parts of their body!” Makenna says getting excited.

  “Only you. I like the way you smell.” Archer says to Makenna as he takes the plate from Caleb and squats on the ground. He continues eating and listens carefully. She blushes and looks away feeling pleased.

  “Definitely, No urinating in public or howling at the moon!” Caleb says trying not to laugh.

  Archer stares at the two of them, reminded of the moon he says, “My time grows short, and we must talk.”

  The smiles fade and Caleb asks, “How is it possible for you to speak to us?”

  He wipes his hands in the snow and picks up the plate and walks towards Makenna, “Because we are one.”

  Makenna stares at him with butterflies in her stomach. “What do you mean, we are one?” she asks softly. She shivers as a cold wind blows her hair around her shoulders.

  Archer looks at them and struggles with how to explain it. “Inside the shell that each spirit wears, we are the same. Some carry shells that are human, some carry shells that are bird…”

  Excitement builds and Makenna understands. She looks at Caleb in awe, and he says, “So all animals and humans are the same, spirits inside of bodies?”

  “Yes and No. Not just animals, but All living beings.” He takes Makenna’s hand and pulls her towards the trees, he places her hand on the bark of the tree. “Alive! Do you understand?” reaching down he picks a piece of grass from beneath the snow, “Alive!” Turning over a rotted tree stump he points at the bugs beneath, “Alive!”

  “Okay, now I’m confused. How can we be the same, they are each unique beings.” Her scientific mind is struggling to keep up.

  “Makenna, he means inside we are the same. The spirit or soul of each living creature is the same, from the same source.” Caleb explains and points to the sky.

  Archer looks at Caleb with surprise, “I have decided to like you now.”

  “It’s about time.” Caleb snorts.

  “The same source, like heaven, Archer?” Makenna asks.

  He smiles at her for the first time and places her hand over his beating heart he replies, “We are one.” Looking up at him she whispers back, “We are one.”



  Sam stalks the wolf pack through the woods on Dr. Slade’s property. He knew the girl would lead him to the pack. Once you see the Arctic Moon reflected in the eyes of the wolves, you never forget it. As a child Sam was taught the legend of the Arctic wolves from his grandfather. He was Inuit, some call them Eskimo. He
never really believed the stories until he saw it with his own eyes.

  Sam was eight when his grandfather captured a wolf in a trap. The wolf pack had been causing problems for the hunters for months. A few of the wolves had attacked some of the women and children. Many wanted to move, but his grandfather refused. It was the night of the Arctic Moon. The big blue moon glowed brilliantly in the sky and reflected off the snow, giving everything a touch of blue.

  The trap was dug deep, and layered with grass, twigs, and topped with a powder of snow. No one believed it would work. More traps were laid, some with rope, some dug holes, all for the same reason. If the Alpha was stopped, the pack would move. They caught a wolf, but it was not the one they were hoping for. The female lay in the bottom of the trap howling for her mate, jumping to get out. She was not strong enough. The wolves came to her aid and so did the hunters. Sam followed with some of the other boys, excited to be on their first hunt.

  The pack circled the hole trying to figure out how to get her out. When they smelled the hunters they began to growl. They would not leave her. The hunters faced the wolves with the trapped wolf between them and lifted their spears. Now they would take care of this growing problem. His grandfather drew back his arm to throw the spear but a brilliant beam of Arctic moon light touched the Alpha male. He threw back his head and howled, the howl turned into a scream. He fell onto his side and began to change! The pack backed away in fear, their leader was in distress. Not sure what to do they ran away into the woods, yelping. Only the she wolf and her mate remained. He lay twitching on the cold snow and the hunters dropped their spears and fell to the ground in amazement. A tall man stood up from the ground, where the wolf once was.

  His silver eyes flashed with anger and he growled low in his throat. No one moved as he reached down into the hole to pull his mate to safety. He placed her gently on the ground never taking his eyes off the hunters. He runs his hand through her fur, checking for wounds. Sam never took his eyes off the pair. The she wolf sniffs the man with the silver eyes and sinks her teeth deep into his arm, biting him. She whines and backs away, while he grabs a handful of snow, rubbing it across the wound and washing it clean. Frozen in terror, the hunters remained face down in the snow, while Sam watched in silence. The man doubled over in pain and falls to the ground screaming. A popping sound occurs once more and the man transformed back to a wolf, before running off with his mate.


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