Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity Page 25

by Tiffany Carby


  The crowd parted and a man shuffled towards them.

  “Well if it isn’t Prince Charming himself,” Hal muttered.

  He crouched before her and Marguerite ducked her head. “It is you.”

  “Charming, do you know these — people?” the King spat.

  The former prince nodded. “Aye, I do, and what this man says is true.” He pointed to Dain and Andar huddled together. “Those are my sons.”

  Audible gasps and high pitched squeals of denial burst through the crowd.

  “What are you saying, man?”

  He ignored the king and turned to Izybelle. “Could it be?”

  Behind the mask, Adam groaned and those closest stepped back.

  Izybelle bent over him. “Welcome back.”

  “What happened?”

  “Perhaps it’s best you see it with your own eyes. Take off the mask.”

  He reached up then froze. His eyes darted first to Charming, then the King’s. “I — I can’t.”

  Her hands covered his. “Yes… you can.”

  The entire room sucked in a breath as Adam sat and lifted his mask.

  A soft ‘oh’ escaped Izy’s lips.

  Adam’s hands flew to his face. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Father, hand me your mirror.”

  Stunned, the king did so without question.


  The mirror slipped from Adam’s grasp as violent tremors shook his body. Only when Izybelle touched him did they ease.

  “Twenty-one years ago, Rita placed you under a curse.” She cocked her head in their direction and Adam gaped. “She traded your looks for theirs to exact revenge on the man who rejected her. Your father.”

  His eyes settled on the man beside her. Adam flinched as Charming reached for him.

  Tears filled Charming’s eyes. “Son, I’m so sorry, if — ”

  “I’m not your son.”

  Charming jerked before he nodded and backed away.

  Adam’s eyes darted to Rita. “Then how — ”

  Heat warmed Izybelle’s cheeks. “True love’s kiss.”

  He smiled. “And here you thought Elle was my one true love.”

  Izybelle swatted him, her face on fire. She helped Adam to his feet.

  Hal did the same for Rita. She clutched her sons tight.

  “Was it worth it, Rita? Were you happy?” His voice sounded more curious than angry.

  “What difference does it make?” she snarled. “You’ve stolen any happiness we might have found.”

  “Like you stole my entire life from me?”

  She glared but didn’t answer.

  “You know, if you hadn’t cursed me, there’s every chance I’d have turned out just like them.” Rita hugged her boys tighter as he pointed. “Worse, probably. A vain, vacuous shell, filled with nothing but my over-inflated ego and a false sense of self-importance.” Several indignant squeals pinged throughout the room. “But instead, I cook, paint, read, appreciate music, and I love to garden. So, I guess I should thank you.”

  “Thank her? Thank her?” the King blustered as Rita’s jaw dropped. “She kidnapped you, kept you locked in — in a prison, and you’re thanking her? You’ve clearly been mistreated. Your mind is confused. You need help.”

  Adam laughed. “Yeah, out of this room and away from all of you.”

  “And that sounds like our cue to leave.” Hal extended his hand. “Come Marguerite, my sweet.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, not with you.”

  Hal tutted. “Need I remind you of the contract you signed?”

  Her eyes bulged. “No, I can’t. My boys — ”

  “Have a father who finally stepped up.” Hal pried the boys free and shoved them at Charming. “Now it’s his turn.”

  Tears streamed as Rita tried to break his hold. “No, you can’t take them from me.”

  “Why not? You took Adam from his mother and denied him a family not once, but twice. You’ve been a very naughty girl, Marguerite.”

  She dropped to her knees at Adam’s feet. “Please. Don’t let him take me.”

  Izy snorted. “After everything you’ve done — “

  “Look, I don’t forgive her or anything, but because of what she did, I believe I’m a better man than the one I was destined to be. Surely that has to count for something.”

  “So what are you asking kid?”

  “You gave me a door…”

  Hal nodded. “Okay kid, just for you.” He lifted Rita off her knees. “Right, here’s the deal, from sunrise to sunset, every Halloween, you may visit your sons.”

  “What? That’s it?”

  “It’s more than you ever gave Adam. Take it or leave it.”

  “For how long?”

  “Well, you took twenty-one years from Adam. Let’s start with that.”

  Her lower lip trembled.

  Charming stepped forward. “Marguerite, I know I screwed up, but I swear I’ve changed. When I lost my son, I lost everything, but perhaps Adam is right. Perhaps you did me, did us, both a favour. We’re better people than we would have been. Maybe we can make a difference. I’ll be the father I should have been to them, I promise.”

  “Say your goodbyes, my sweet.” Marguerite dove for her sons.

  Around them, the crowd moved closer. Adam’s transformation drew them like moths to the flame. The fairest of them all.

  Izybelle hunted for a way out. “We’re never getting out of here. Hal, you couldn’t like…create some kind of distraction before you go?”

  Hal grinned. “Well seeing we missed Halloween, how about a little trick to make up for it?” He waved his hand.

  Screams erupted everywhere. And not, ‘eek I have a speck of dirt on my shoe’ screams, they were ‘I’m dying’ kind of screams. Haves streamed from the Ballroom.

  Out of the chaos, Jaq appeared. “Geez, a couple mirrors break and all hell breaks loose. What gives?”

  Adam and Izybelle dissolved into laughter. “You didn’t?”

  Hal puffed out his chest. “Just doing my bit for the cause. Be seeing you, kid.” Orange smoke swirled, as Hal and Rita disappeared.

  “Huh, guess that’s why she hates orange.”

  Charming wrapped his arms around his sons, well two of them, and dragged them out of harm’s way. “We’re going to leave too.” Dain and Andar clung to him, like small children. Hard to believe they were actually adults. “Adam, perhaps — ”

  Adam raised a hand. “Not tonight.” He drew a deep breath. “But soon.”

  Charming smiled, and with a nod, led the others away.

  Jaq positioned himself between them. “And then there were three.” He glanced at Adam and shook his head. “Mate, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I’d never have believed it. You turned out to be one of them pretty boys after all.”

  Adam frowned. “Is it that bad?”

  “Mate, you like literally glow now.”

  He turned to Izybelle for confirmation.

  She shrugged. “You’re kinda overwhelming.”

  “Well, shit.” He surveyed the piles of untouched food on the table.

  Izybelle couldn’t see what he grabbed, but he squished it between his hands. Her eyes launched from their sockets as he smeared it all over his pretty new face.

  “Oh, man. Why’d you have to go and do that for?”


  Jaq waved him off. “Nothing.” He swiped his finger over Adam’s cheek and stuck it in his mouth. “Just a waste of perfectly good chocolate is all.”

  The three friends collapsed against each other as they laughed. Izybelle marvelled at the moment. Three friends. All different on the outside, yet underneath, exactly the same. Perhaps there was a reason to hope.

  “Well, this has been a hoot, but what say we get outta here?”

  “Yeah, just give me one sec.” Adam reached for her. “So, here’s the thing. Apparently, we kissed. But the problem is, I was — you know, kinda out of it, what with getting stabbed and all, so I thought, maybe we could do it again.”

  “With that face?” she shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Hey, I thought looks didn’t matter.”

  “That was then, but this — ” she squealed as he tugged her against himself.

  “I love you, Izybelle, now kiss me.”

  She wet her lips. “Beast,” she whispered.

  “Beauty,” he replied. “Now kiss me.”

  Izybelle swore she heard fireworks explode the second she touched his lips. There were definitely no violins, but there was this one, really annoying whine.

  “Oh, geez, you two. Get a room will ya.”

  Izybelle broke their kiss when she giggled. “Sorry.”

  Adam kissed her forehead. “Promise me we’ll ditch this guy first chance we get.”

  “But he’s your friend.”

  “Right, don’t have too many of those, guess I better hang onto him.”

  With Adam’s arm slung around her shoulders, they joined Jaq who took his other side.

  “So, mate — seeing as how you and Little Red are a thing now, mind if I take a shot with Elle?”

  Izybelle covered her mouth as Adam clapped Jaq on his back. “So, here’s the thing…”

  The End

  (for reals this time)


  Thanks for reading. I may have stretched the ‘Tricks or Treats’ theme a little, but I hope you still found it enjoyable.

  2018 is my break out year for getting my work into print, and sometimes I have to wonder what the hell I was thinking.

  Coming up with new story ideas, writing to deadlines and word limits (which I am constantly breaking) is way harder than I ever imagined it would be. Even with all the encouragement I’ve received, most days finishing seems impossible. But the fact you’re reading this means I’ve pushed through the obstacles, procrastination and finished.

  Thanks for sticking with me. I’m a work in progress. Not sure I will ever be finished, but hopefully with each new project, I’m a little more polished, a little closer to where I want to be.

  Here’s where you can find me:





  MK Moore


  For Daryl. Obsessed doesn’t begin to cover it, does it? I love you, forever!

  Xander has been trying to claw his way out of the “friend zone” for six long years.

  Kasey has loved Xander for those same six years.

  Too bad they never talked about it before now.

  Enjoy this little Halloween treat from M.K. Moore. It might be sweeter than candy, but it’s hella steamy too.

  Chapter One


  Kasey fucking Porter is the object of my obsession. As I walk up to her in the student union, I would know her ass anywhere. I have a Pavlovian response to her, because I would be able to pick that ass out of a lineup. Some drooling is done my part.

  She has on the sexiest black dress I have ever seen with knee high black boots. It has me wanting to drop to my knees and worship at her feet. Her blonde hair is down, which surprises me because she always has it up in some kind of elaborate braids and styles. She is wearing a tiny leather jacket, which does not look warm enough.

  The need to wrap my arms around her and keep her warm forever is a priority. Every other swinging dick in the room is staring at her and I want them to know that she is mine. I don’t think she has noticed the stares, but I can still feel my jealousy rising.

  “Hey Xandy. How are you today?” Kasey’s sexy voice does something to me every time I hear it. She is the only person on the planet I would allow to call me by that name. Even my mother calls me Xander Nathaniel and the guys in my frat call me Aldridge.

  “I am good, Duchess. How about you?” Duchess is the nickname I have always called her. It started the first time I saw her. She looked regal and classy as fuck. I knew she would be mine. From that moment forward, I had to call her something. Duchess stuck, and it gets her to flash me her beautiful smile every single time I do.

  “I am good. Do you have any big Halloween plans tonight?” She asks and that’s what does it. I have no choice but to invite her to a fictitious party.

  “Yes actually. I am having a costume party tonight if you want to swing by,” I say casually.

  “That sounds really fun. What time?” She says as she plays with her hair. The scent of her hair is the same orange blossom scent as always and makes me hard as a rock.

  “Uh... Eight?” Shit. Why did I make that sound like a question?

  “I’ll be there,” She says sweetly, before kissing my cheek.

  As she walks away, my hand immediately goes to my chest and I rub at it. The feeling I get in my chest every time she walks away from me, makes me damn sure I never want her to walk away from me again. As she turns around and gives me the cutest little wave, I wave back at her.

  I leave immediately following our exchange and head to the liquor store on 8th street. On my way, I shoot a quick text to the guys letting them know we are having a party tonight. They don’t give me too much shit, because they love to party.

  It seems I will have to return last weekend’s kegs, before I can get new ones. I also pick up several bottles of liquor and some chips. No one is coming for the food, but I figure we should have something on hand if someone needs to sober up.

  The Sigma Phi Alpha House is the perfect place to party. We have a strict 21 and older policy in our frat. In fact, to join the frat you need to be twenty-one. The off-duty cop who mans the door, uses a magnetic reader to make sure every id is legit. There are no underage minors allowed.

  Hammond University in Montclair, Virginia “cares” about its students. I think they want to avoid lawsuits, but then again, I can understand that.

  When I first saw Kasey Porter during Freshman Orientation, I knew then and there she ruined me for other women. I can honestly say I haven’t so much as looked at another woman from that day forward. There are no words to describe how beautiful she was at eighteen, and now at twenty-four she her beauty has only gotten more enhanced. The curviness of her body has been the main attraction in my dreams. I have jacked off repeatedly to the thought of her body wrapped over mine for six solid years. Don’t get me wrong, she is hot as hell with her long curly blonde hair, pale skin, and her curvy body that won’t quit. It is more than that, because I get lost in her green eyes. I love being in the same room with her and talking to her about everything and nothing.

  Going the architecture track takes a little longer than other careers, but it is still less than a doctor. Graduation is in less than three months and I have got to make my move. Tonight, must be the night. Once the fake party idea was out there, I had to roll with it. I figured it would be the perfect way to finally let her know how I feel.

  I actually, know her very well. We have had dinner, studied, and talked about our families at length over the last six years. She had been getting out of a relationship that lasted five years. Which is why I didn’t make a move after the very first second I met her.

  I can now say, I feel comfortable knowing almost everything about her. It seems I have been trying to claw my way out of the ‘friend zone’ since the second day. We’ve spent almost every day together, unless it was to go home for the holidays. Both our parents do a lot of traveling and more often than not, she invited me to her house. Where she has made the best Thanksgivin
g and Christmas dinners I have ever had.

  The two of us are both from wealthy families. I am an only child and she has three younger sisters, all of whom go to school here. There is also a younger brother, but he is six and still in elementary school. They are considered legacies because both of their parents and three out of four grandparents went here.

  There is a dorm and library named after the Porter Family. Hence the reason, the girls share a small house off campus. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve crashed on the couch there, wishing I was in Kasey’s bed. I guess it would be fair to say that she is my best friend.

  Two years ago, when I was in New York City for a vacation with my family, I walked by an old family jewelry store. It wasn’t a chain or household name store, but the window display caught my attention. There was a gold ring with a small diamond, completely surrounded by a circle of diamonds in the window on display. When I saw it nestled in the purple velvet of the display, I knew it belonged on Kasey’s finger. I could have afforded something bigger, but I know Kasey wouldn’t like something like that. I couldn’t by the ring fast enough and have been holding on to it ever since. Being in love with someone who doesn’t know you exist is crushing to both the ego and my soul. She is my other half.

  As the president of Sigma Phi Alpha, it wasn’t hard to convince my buddies to have the party. They are excited to be around drunk college girls, who are barely wearing any clothes. My buddies are all clowns, who should seriously use this time to grow up.

  Kasey is an early childhood education major, but she been in all my classes since freshman year. I am an architecture major and I don’t see how she would need Urban Planning for teaching though.

  But, now that school is almost over I am running out of time and I have had enough of this shit. If I don’t claim her tonight, I feel like I will miss my chance and that cannot happen.

  That one little kiss she gave me earlier, gives me all the hope in the world that she feels the same way that I do. Her smiles are just for me. The light in her eyes is just for me. Her thighs clenching while she talks to me… Yeah, that’s all for me too.


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