The Hidden Rose

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The Hidden Rose Page 66

by Jayne Amanda Maynes

  Chapter 20

  Kathy tried getting me to wear the clothes she had for me telling me they were mine, that I bought them the last time I was home on leave.

  Nothing she tried telling me about the last time I was home made sense to me, why would I have so openly shown myself. I remembered everyone in the family laughing at me when I tried to tell them I felt wrong as a boy. The strange part was all I'd done was ask dad a question and they all took that question to mean I wanted to be a girl.

  One of the stops we made on the way home was at a surplus store that said they had everything. I wanted information and knew the only way of getting the information I wanted was to get a radio that was capable of monitoring the military radio frequencies. Since the military usually dealt in code most people wouldn't have any idea what any of it would mean, but I knew most of the codes, or at least I had known most of them.

  “So what do you hope to find out with that?” Kathy asked.

  “I hope to find out just how much trouble I'm in, and whether or not they've called in White Rose or Rose company to look for me,” I said.

  “You think they could find you, even if you don't want to be found?” she asked.

  “I don't know, I know they're the most likely to be able to find me regardless of anything I do to stay hidden. Kathy, I mostly just want to know why they're looking for me, what I did wrong,” I said.

  I kept scanning the radio hoping for anything that might tell me why they wanted me so badly. I'd come to accept I left the hospital without permission, but that shouldn't have gotten the kind of attention they had shown, unless they were worried I might do something really crazy, like defecting to one of the enemy factions.

  “White Rose leader, White Rose one. I'm sure you can hear me White Rose leader, you have my number and it's imperative we talk. I understand you may not be able to gain a secure channel, but we need to talk sir,” Mac said.

  “You're White Rose leader aren't you?” Kathy asked.

  “What makes you think that?” I asked.

  “Because we had to have heard several other messages, but you stopped on that one. Who is White Rose one?” she asked.

  The radio started again.

  “Rose command, White Rose one, sir I don't know why he would run, but I do know unless he wants to be found not even I can find him,” Mac said.

  “Understood White Rose one, orders are we keep looking, they just want to make sure he's safe,” Chris said.

  “Rose command, White Rose leader, Put Chris on the line,” I said.

  “Everyone's worried about you Sam,” Chris said.

  “If they were so damned worried why did they try arresting me? That's bullshit Chris. Are they really that stupid. The doctors back on base were smart enough to know I would have rather rotted in a POW camp then spend a day in their torture chambers. They're lucky I didn't kill that arrogant ass that tried telling me I couldn't get out until he was ready to release me,” I said.

  “Sam you do realize you're not on a secure channel?” Mac asked.

  “I understand that Mac, what I want to know is why they're looking for me. We don't need a secure channel for you to tell me that. Did they call in everyone from the unit or just you and Curtis? And you Chris have you got your whole company searching for me or is it just you and my men?” I asked.

  “Sam they called us in because they're worried about you. Jason asked us to try finding you, even he knows if you don't want to be found chances are nobody could find you,” Chris said.

  I gave a location and time and said if anyone but Chris, Mac or Curtis were there, or I even suspected anyone else was there they might as well kiss the only chance they had of talking to me as a friend goodbye, the next time I saw any of them I would be looking for blood, not friendship. I turned the radio off and waited for Kathy to say something.

  “They're your friends Sam. They care about you,” she said.

  “I hope you're right,” I said.

  “The three of them together couldn't take you could they?” she asked.

  “I don't know, and I really don't want to find out. Those three men are the only ones I trust enough to be honest with me about what this is all about,” I said.

  “You aren't really expecting all three of them are you?” she asked.

  “Not really, no. Mac was transferred to Colonel Wright's company, but if they really wanted to find me I have no doubt they would have called him in, since he and I go back to our days in special forces training. I guess Mac is as close to a best friend as I've ever had. I'm not sure what the connection is I have with Chris, but I know he'll go out of his way to make sure no harm comes to me, and Curtis knows more about radio communications than anyone I know, and no doubt has triangulated where we are right now, if he's within a couple hundred miles of us,” I said.

  “So do you think any of them will show up?” she asked.

  “I think Mac will, from the background noise on Chris' end I seriously doubt he will, but since I have no idea where he is other than in the air it's hard to say. Since Curtis didn't say anything, I'm not positive he's even involved at this point,” I said.

  I drove to the location I had given and found a motel where I could park my car out of sight again. I needed to know they were willing to follow my instruction before I let them know I was here. I sat in the room waiting while the time of the rendezvous approached. I figured someone, not necessarily Mac, Curtis, or Chris would try coming in so they could claim the prise of capturing the most illusive special forces officer the military had seen. Sure enough I saw three cars drive into town none of which would normally have any business in a town like this one. As the drivers each got out of their cars I saw the bulge of the gun they had under their coat.

  “Kathy I need you to do something for me,” I said.

  “What is it Sam, just tell me it won't put me in any danger,” she said.

  “It shouldn't, but if they know you're with me it could. Will you trust me to watch your back, if these assholes try anything I'll make sure they can't finish it,” I said.

  “Tell me what you need,” she said.

  “I need to you go over to the restaurant and get us something to eat, also while you're there give this note to the man standing at the door. Don't say anything just slip him the note on the way out and come on back,” I said.

  “The guy standing at the door right now? Sam there is no guy standing at the door of the restaurant,” she said.

  “Trust me he'll be there waiting for that note. If you wonder what he looks like he stands about six feet six inches, and is built like a brick wall. He has a scare at the corner of his left eye. If you must say something, just say the White Rose doesn't like liars,” I said.

  “I take it that will be Mac?” she asked.

  “If it's Mac the note will tell him the new location and time to meet me and who he can bring with him,” I said.

  “I suppose I'm supposed to just disappear after giving him the note?” she asked.

  “No you're supposed to come back here with the food so we can eat. If it's Mac he won't try following you because he knows he would be dead before he got close to finding out what room we're in,” I said.

  “I take it there are others over there hoping to have a chance?” she asked.

  “Four that I counted, but again if it's Mac you give the note to they'll be to busy dealing with other things to worry about following you back to the room. If Curtis is with Mac those others will have more trouble staying awake then they can handle,” I said.

  Kathy headed over to the restaurant and placed a to go order looking around the restaurant trying to determine who was there that didn't belong. I watched as she slipped the note to the waitress and paid the bill, on her way out walking right past Mac. There was definite fear in her eyes as she slid by him making sure to stay far enough away there was no way of passing anything to him.

  “Why did you give the waitress the note?” I asked.

  “Sam you didn'
t tell me he was as big as a house,” she said.

  I kept watching and saw the waitress approach Mac and hand him the note. He thanked her and walked over to a table and sat down alone.

  “Mac it seems someone doesn't understand instructions so we'll try this one more time. Here is the address of where you can meet me this time without all the secret service and FBI. If you aren't alone with the possible exception of Curtis and or Chris I'll take it the only way for me to have peace is to destroy everything that means anything to me about my time in the service. I hope I've made myself clear, and the only reason you have this chance is that I gave you this location on an unsecured radio channel.”

  He looked out the window and nodded, the look on his face an expression I knew all to well. He hadn't invited the others who were there and hadn't been told about them either. When he saw them he only hoped I would understand and give him another chance.

  “He looks sad,” Kathy said.

  “He was afraid he had lost any chance of ever talking to me again because of all the FBI that are here. Let's eat then it's time to go,” I said.

  When we got to the next location I again got a motel room where I could park out of sight and keep an eye on the rendezvous site.

  I waited five minutes after Mac got there before asking Kathy if she would again go give him a note.

  “Sam do you have any idea just how terrified of that monster I am?” she asked.

  “Mac isn't a monster Kathy. He actually has a very nice personality. I'm asking if you're willing not saying you have to,” I said.

  “What you really want is for me to bring him back here with me?” she asked.

  “No actually I just want you to give him a note,” I said.

  “He'll remember I was the one at the other restaurant,” she said.

  “More than likely, but I doubt he'll say anything about it,” I said.

  “Give me the note,” she said.

  I went to the other room I had arranged for Mac to wait for him. While I waited I thought of what I'd say when he got there. Twenty minutes later I was still waiting and confused that it was taking so long.

  “You aren't the easiest person to find when you don't want to be found. I take it that was your sister?” he asked.

  “Afraid I'd ambush you Mac? Do you really think that little of me?” I asked.

  “Curtis couldn't get away Chris set me up with one of his radio people so I was hoping you might understand when I wasn't able to show up last time alone,” he said.

  “I take it Chris' man didn't know how to scramble my transmission for anyone but you and Chris?” I asked.

  “You could say that, I think I could have done a better job on the radio than he did. Sir I have to ask what this is all about?” Mac asked.

  “I was hoping you could tell me Mac. All I want is to go home and get rested up before starting classes at the training center,” I said.

  “What I heard is you collapsed while talking to the President, again you were showing sever signs of anemia. A doctor claims he suggested you stay in the hospital a couple more days and you became violent so he ordered you tranquilized and placed in restraints. He said he stepped out of the room for a few minutes after injecting a tranquilizer in the IV you had and before he made it to the main floor there was a report you were out of bed and no one knew where you were,” he said.

  “I never got violent Mac. I might have told that quack I had no intention of staying in his little house of horrors, but you know how much I like hospitals, and the arrangement we had on base so I wouldn't have to be in one there. Mac that should have been in my file, so there shouldn't have been a problem unless someone wanted to make a problem of it,” I said.

  “I suspected as much. Sir, General Talbot doesn't believe the doctors story any more than I do, and Major Jacobs and Colonel Wright aren't buying the doctors' story either. They need you to report to the base where you live and tell your side. All anyone wants as far as I know is to make sure you're safe,” Mac said.

  “Have you got a secure way of contacting General Talbot?” I asked.

  “Of course I do why? I'm sure if you wanted to call the number you have, it would still work,” he said.

  “There's only one problem with that Mac, I don't seem to be able to remember, thus my asking you, and having not calling sooner,” I said. “Lieutenant I need to speak to the old man.”

  “This is General Talbot, Sargent I hope you have good news to report, I'm not very happy with your reports so far,” Jason said.

  “I don't know if Mac has any better news to report or not sir,” I said.

  “This line is secure, talk to me,” Jason said.

  “I'm going to put my sister on the next flight home, and Mac and I will report to only you at the base by my home. Sir, I don't trust anyone else other than those I told Mac I'd be willing to meet with,” I said.

  “I'll be on the next flight, when can I expect to see you?” Jason asked.

  “It will take about three days for me to get there. Sir I didn't do anything wrong,” I said.

  “I know that Captain. I've seen the videos and they do contradict what the doctors been saying, Sam I need you to remember exactly what happened if at all possible. I'll have a copy of your medical file. I wish I could say I'll be the only one there, but I'm afraid it's gone to far for that. Maybe if you'd called in sooner,” Jason said.

  “I couldn't call sooner, sir. I couldn't remember the number. Sir, I'm still very tired, if the President hadn't insisted on me going to Washington none of this would have happened. I was supposed to be on leave so I could regain my strength. I just want to go home so I can get some rest,” I said.

  “I know son, I know, and I'll do everything I can to ensure that happens,” Jason said.

  I told him three days and I meant three days. I knew he would be there if at all possible and that he would do everything he could to insure any trouble coming from what happened wouldn't affect me. All I wanted from the start, when I learned I was being taken off the front line was to go home and get some rest before starting my new job of teaching others the skills they would need to survive at a job only a few could handle.

  Kathy refused to fly back and leave me in the hands of, as she put it, that brute. Mac and I both laughed.

  “Ma'am you brother is safer in my hands than you can possibly imagine. Sam and I have been through hell together and anyone that wants to start trouble for Sam is starting it with me,” Mac said.

  “Just the same I'm staying to watch out for my brother,” Kathy said.

  “I could order you to go Kathy. You really don't want that do you?” I asked.

  “I'm older than you are Sam your orders mean shit to me, I'm staying with you and that's that,” she said.

  “Mac I doubt either of us could stop her from staying with us,” I said to Mac. “If you're going to stay with us there are rules you'll have to abide by. First I am in charge, chances are if there is any trouble I'll know before anyone and as Mac can attest I can usually find a way out of the trouble, but it means doing what I say when I say.”

  “Being an officer has made you arrogant,” Kathy said.

  “Ma'am, the Captain may be arrogant, but he is the best at avoiding trouble. I've seen him figure a way out of messes everybody else thought were impossible.”

  It took an hour of arguing before Kathy finally agreed to the terms. I knew she would question me every time I tried giving an order, but I also knew if our lives depended on it she would follow my orders without question.

  We arrived at Kathy's the day before I told Jason I would be there to give my side of what happened. I knew if at all possible Jason would be there and I had a feeling he'd have all my men and possibly Kenny, Chuck and Chris there as well.

  Kathy didn't really have room for me any longer since she now had two kids and chose to put them in separate rooms. I knew I didn't have much in the way of clothes other than one or two uniforms, if even that. I loo
ked in the closet and found it so full of womens clothing if I had a dress uniform it would take more time to find than I really wanted to spend looking. By chance I spotted a jacket sleeve that looked about the right color and found three dress uniforms all hanging together. I thought it very strange that two of them were womens uniforms and looking at the ribbons and name tag were mine. Surely I wasn't foolish enough to have bought and worn womens uniforms other than in private where I would be the only one to ever see.

  I was going to need the mens dress uniform for the meeting with General Talbot in the morning. And found a pair of dress shoes buried under what must have been over one hundred pairs of womens shoes.

  “Aunt Sam, how come you dress like daddy?” Kelli, Kathy's oldest asked.

  I turned around and saw Kathy's oldest daughter standing there.

  “I'm sorry Kelli, did you say something?” I asked.

  “I just asked how come you dress like daddy? Last time you were here, you didn't dress that way,” she said.

  “I'm not sure I understand Kelli. This is how I always dress. Are all theses clothes your moms?” I asked.

  “No silly their yours. You bought them last time you were here. Mom said she wished they were her size though,” Kelli said.

  “I'm not sure I understand any of this. Why would I have all these clothes, their all womens clothes,” I said.

  “Last time you were here you said you wanted to be my aunt Sam, mommy and daddy both said it was okay, then you and mommy took me with and went shopping and bought all these clothes,” Kelli said.

  “You're mommy went with?” I asked.

  “Yep! You seemed so happy last time you were here, but now you seem really sad,” she said.

  Either Kelli had lost her mind or someone had been telling her stories about me that seemed hard to believe. The only other alternative was that something happened that didn't make sense to me, and I was loosing, or had lost my mind. There was no way I would risk being exposed for my secret while I still wore an Air Force uniform, to do so would mean a dishonorable discharge, or at the least a medical discharge under less than honorable conditions. I wasn't about to take that kind of risk.

  “You need something Mac?” I asked.

  “I was just wonder if we were staying here tonight sir?” he asked.

  “They don't have room for us here. I just need to get a few things and we'll get a motel,” I said.

  “Sir I couldn't help over hearing what your niece was saying,” Mac said.

  “Let me guess, now you're wondering about my sanity?” I asked.

  “No sir not at all. I have a niece that thinks it's great having an uncle willing to let her practice putting on makeup and painting fingernails with. She's never called me aunt before, but then I doubt they make womens clothes big enough to fit someone my size. I'll bet you look really pretty all dressed up though,” he said.

  “Mac you may be big enough to make three of me, but you aren't big enough I can't knock you on your ass yet,” I said.

  “I didn't mean anything, other than I think it's great you're willing to let her learn that way,” he said.

  “Mac I don't remember any of what she was talking about, the part that scares me the most is there are two womens dress uniforms in that closet with all my ribbons and name tags on them. I don't remember them either. If anyone even thought I was cross-dressing I could be kicked out with a less then honorable discharge. Nothing I've done could change that,” I said.

  “Yes sir I'm well aware, I don't agree with that, but I know someone who got found out and was given a dishonorable discharge. He was a damn good man unlike the ass that turned him in,” Mac said.

  Mac didn't care if someone he had to work with dressed as other than they were. Could I have really bought all these clothes and dressed in them the last time I was home? What would Mac think if I dressed in them now? There was one way to find out.

  “Tell me Mac since you seem to think I'd look pretty wearing this kind of clothes, which one of these outfits do you think I would look the best in? I see there are a few wigs here too, so I want you to be honest. You pick it out and I'll put it on and see if Kathy will help with makeup. You have to promise you won't tell anyone about this though and you have to pick out the shoes as well, it looks like there are more than enough in here,” I said.

  “You're serious sir? I can pick out any outfit here and you'll put it on?” he asked.

  “It's that or we head for the motel before you get to find out if my sister can cook,” I said.

  I started going through the drawers while Mac looked through the dresses hanging in the closet. Kelli ran in the other room calling mommy, mommy. I found only womens panties in the drawer that had underwear in it. And in the sock drawer there were pantyhose and stockings but no socks. I picked up a pair of seamed stockings and held them to my face smelling a trace of perfume on them and a vision passed through my mind of me wearing them with Chris.

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