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USED by Rough INTRUDER Page 1

by Holly Michaels




  A Masked Mans Darkest Desires &

  A Younger Girls Worst Nightmare.

  By Holly Michaels

  Text copyright©2018

  Holly Michaels

  All Rights Reserved

  Caution this book contains uncensored rough sexual contact between an older masked intruder and an unprotected confused young girl. Spur of the moment choices in the hope of surviving.

  All Characters are Over 18 years of Age.

  …“Please, please I’m sorry, I won’t do that again, I’ll do anything just don’t hurt me” sprang to my blubbering lips between uncontrollable sobs.

  The shiny deadly blade moved from my bared shoulder and tapped three times against his growing bulge; he wasn’t even going to talk or spit the evil words out, he wanted me to do this and was using the weapon to point it out so intimidatingly.

  Fuck I wish I was the one that had the knife in hand and I would cut that disgusting man sausage right off. No, I would stab him in the blackness of his massive chest and run from the room, down the stairs to a neighbor’s house and be safe.

  Fuck, who am I kidding if I saw even a drop of blood I would have a panic attack. If I had a weapon, I would be too scared to use it on another living person, yet this stranger dressed in black that shouldn’t be here deserves it.

  In the movies, young girls scream, kick, bite and go down fighting. In real life, do they cower barely dressed shaking, sniveling, and begging in the shadowy corner of a room, ready to offer?…What does he really want?


  Cowering at the end of the bed with my little bare knees tucked up so tightly I offered him my mouth to fuck without any real thought, no rationality at all, just an overwhelming need to do whatever he wanted me to. This is a man, masked or not he would want what every other male in this world tries so hard to pressure me into.

  “What do you want?”

  “Why are you up here?”

  “Say something, oh god please anything at all, please…Tell me what you want.”

  “Why are you in my home?”

  “I…I will suck you is that what you are waiting for, oh dear lord is that what you want, I will do it.”

  “Oh, please anything, take anything, you don’t have to hurt me, really you don’t have too, please.”

  I really should have found a better hiding spot or just laid super still under the covers in my bed pretending to be asleep while he maybe went about burgling our home. It doesn’t have that much in the way of furniture or expensive belongings; it wouldn’t have taken him long. If I didn’t move or make noise up here, he might have never stomped up those tired creaking wooden stairs to investigate.

  The intruder’s breathing is so very raspy and terrifying as the bright pen lights beam he is carrying scanned the rest of the small upstairs room before moving from my bent bare toes with a corresponding image of heat crawling over my bare skin pictured in my brain. The light is moving so slowly up over my hugged legs and stopped at head height entirely blinding my limited squinting sight.

  I didn’t want to close my eyes as his deliberate footsteps thudded with dread even closer on the shiny polished floorboards of my bedroom, but the light made them clench shut with fear and pain.

  My mind screaming ‘This is my room, my safe place!’ on a loop hoping it would somehow make him magically disappear into a grey puff of smoke, or let me wake from this vivid hellish nightmare, somehow safe and all alone.

  The only thing louder than those stomping heavy black lace-up boots, was my heartbeat ringing in my super alert eardrums nearly deafening me. I couldn’t keep my pained eyes open, but every sense knew he was standing before me, blocking any hope of escape and I had nowhere to run.

  Why does this whole thing seem like a stupid dream and not as real as it darn well should?

  Why aren’t I screaming my lungs out for reals?

  What would that lead too in real life, in this very real moment?

  Being beaten to a semi-conscious pulp with my prized straightened natural teeth missing and a jaw that needs surgery to be wired up? Fuck, if you’re lucky, that’s all that would happen, more likely he will probably kill you so slowly and butt fuck you're lifeless little messed up twitching corpse.

  Oh god, I am too young to die, I am just eighteen, don’t let this be the end, anything in the world but that, please god, please!

  The intense light left my stinging closed eyes; they were too scared to open until his massive hand touched my long hair that is already covered in an instant slime like sweat even though my shaking huddled body is cold in the night air.

  Flinching and pleading “Don’t hurt me” has had no verbal responses from the shadowy man dressed in total black from head to toe that is towering above me in a shroud of ominous darkness.

  My eyes nearly disobeyed my minds wishes not to look, not to try and see any trace of his face, not even his lips or bulging eyes not covered by the scary ski mask. I can see his shiny black lace-up boots, the bottom of what maybe jet-black track pants and looking up just slightly his massive brutish hands that are at his hip height.

  In one of his hands with a plain metal ring on the index finger and oversized knuckles is a small metal looking torch and in the other, equally significant fist is a fucking knife. A silver blade washed in the light from the flashlight. Not a big weapon but it would be enough to kill me with. Would it take one quick stab, or would it have to be dragged over and over through my wiggling body endlessly if he used it on me tonight, my very first night home all alone ever?

  Shit, don’t even think of it and get all hysterical, it won’t help you, not now.

  Bad, evil, outlaws and thieving criminals hate leaving witnesses? Or is that just on late night television where they try to scare the bee Jesus out of us for ratings success?

  Screams choked at the base of my throat like wet razor blades that wanted to rob me of air as my head felt like it may explode with every terrifying new thought. Urine splashed in an unexpected, uncontrollable burst from my body as its warmth spilled down the gap between my tightened thighs quickly pooling between my clenched bottom cheeks.

  I am going to die tonight before I have had a serious relationship before I have even had a chance to start a family of my own or a productive life away from my overprotective family.

  What were my last words to my dear mother, to my big cumbersome father, to my adorable little baby brother and my closest friends at school?

  What were they, nice or mean?

  Fuck, fuck, I don’t know, I don’t frigging know!

  Covered in my god damn wee, cowering like a beaten dog and soon to be dead, what can I do? He must be thinking of my stupid offer or what to do with me. What will I do, bite his dick if he pulls it out, headbutt his crotch, scream, cry, beg – damn you brain think, think, think!

  Brains and good looks must be able to beat sheer size and apparent brute male strength. This is not the dark ages for crying out loud where people can go all caveman or just do whatever they like. Heck no we have the internet, DNA on police shows that find people no matter what and we are living in a civilized western country.

  Bugger all that shit isn’t going to worry a god damn thief, forensics is only used after a body has been found it isn’t ever going to help me while I am still breathing, not here and not right now.

  Fuck me, does he even want a blowjob? That would have to be a hundred million times better than the painful or deadly possible alternatives.

  Why isn’t this low life scum at least saying something instead of towering above me? How long has he been standing there watching me, just looking down on my bent up shaking body
with nowhere to run or hide?

  Shit, maybe he is gay or thinking of tying me up.

  Why did he break into our home, where not even wealthy compared to some of the houses on this street? If I were a robber type filthy person, I’d be running out the door like the flash finding someone still home in the darkness.

  Shit scared and so utterly stupid I offered up my mouth, what is so wrong with me? It’s not like I think every man wants me to suck his cock, but most do.

  I panicked, oh lord what now?

  It’s not a big knife, maybe a pocket type one with a fold out blade no more than two inches long, Jesus it looked so much more significant before, but it is by his hip at my head height. Maybe I could spring upward and catch him by surprise, or perhaps that would be the thing to send him from interested in a submissive hot looking trapped girl to an intruder with a murderous rage.

  I can’t move even if I genuinely wanted to; I can’t trust or feel my legs any longer that are shaking uncontrollably, they would fail me and the wooden floor beneath me smells and is wet with my cooling urine. He is so big and probably superhumanly strong.

  “Please don’t hurt me” sprang to my quivering lips as my mind scrambled with the most potent of instincts just to survive this appallingly unrealistic ordeal. Escaping, fighting, resisting no longer seemed a viable option although a part of me still ached to die trying and not to make it easy for this masked home invading monster.

  Through my blurry tear-stained eyes, I saw the wrinkled hand with the knife drop to my shoulder before the coolness of the steel registered on my wet skin. My heart skipped a beat like it was going to stop than raced even faster ready to explode thinking this is it, where I get fatally stabbed or have my young throat cut savagely from ear to ear. But there was no immediate pain as my burning lungs reminded me to breathe and gulped audibly loud for air.

  He cut the thin shoulder strap to my pale pink satin nighty, and my hands clutching my knees together never tried to move as one side of it dropped exposing my small goose bump covered breast. The knife moved to my other shoulder as my mesmerized head followed its silver gleam and it effortlessly cut through that remaining strap also.

  I wanted to cover my breasts that always embarrassed me with their small cup size and tiny pink nipples, and to hide my treasured modesty, but I didn’t move, I just couldn’t.

  The breathing coming from above me sounded nearly animalistic, but I didn’t look upward into the intruder’s eyes. Something inside me screamed if you don’t see his face, you will live. Don’t even peek just at his uncovered eyes and lips and there is no reason in the world that he must kill you, you won’t ever be able to describe him to authorities or pick him out of a police line-up.

  That inner voice of survival had taken complete control of my trapped blank body although other voices within my mind had commands they weren’t in charge, not now, not if I wanted to see tomorrow, hug my mother, or play annoying Pokémon with my darling little brother ever again.

  His massive hand touched my hair, not roughly like I half expected when I saw it move but I still tried to pull away. The other hand with menacing steel blade moved closer to tap its flat side against my tensed shoulder. Making my eyes widen and the intruder finally made a sound instead of just heavy breathing. It was something between a chuckle and a low evil growl that made the fine hairs on my skin stand to attention.

  “Please, please I’m sorry, I won’t do that again, I’ll do anything just don’t hurt me” sprang to my blubbering lips between uncontrollable sobs.

  The shiny deadly blade moved from my bared shoulder and tapped three times against his growing bulging groin area; he wasn’t even going to talk or spit the evil words out, he wanted me to suck his vile cock and was using the weapon to point it out so intimidatingly.

  Fuck I wish I was the one that had the knife in hand and I would cut that disgusting man sausage right off. No, I would stab him in the blackness of his massive chest and run from the room, down the stairs and to Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers home and be safe. Fuck, who am I kidding if I saw even a drop of blood I would have a panic attack. If I had a weapon, I would be too scared to use it on another living person, yet this stranger dressed in black that shouldn’t be here deserves it.

  In the movies, young girls scream, kick, bite and go down fighting before their assured overly gruesome demise. In real life, do they cower shaking, sniveling, and begging in the corner of a room too scared to make a sound and fearing certain death?

  Like me?

  What would my mom do if she were in this situation, my best friend Kelly, my school guidance councilor Ms. Sally-Ann, I’m at home it doesn’t feel even real, and he is here. Nobody, no textbook, no school no story, teaches you how to deal with immobilizing shitty fright and the doom eating into my soul that wants to survive.

  Am I a real chicken?

  A coward that wants to live!

  My hands although visibly trembling reached up as if guided by something other than my muddled conscious thoughts to find the edge of his tracksuit pants pulling them downward exposing muscular hairy legs.

  The massive hand of the nearly silent masked intruder with the shiny blade only moved away slightly from my skin as his other hand laced firmly into my long hair. My blurry eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness of the room since the small flashlight had been turned off or discarded but they wanted to stay shut. His semi-hard cock was nearly on my nose, and it smelt terribly of sweat and maybe traces of disgusting urine. The foreskin wasn’t pulled back; it looked as if something thick and glistening was already dripping from the small opened ring of excess flesh hiding his cocks mushroom shaped head.

  It pushed against my nose and left a greasy glob of something, maybe sperm that made my stomach turn and threaten to regurgitate my late-night dinner of nachos and cheese.

  Bite it, bite it! Screamed at me relentlessly from within but my little hand curled around its semi-hard girth and pulled the skin back to expose the sickening warm mushroomed head of his cock. It smelt of sulfur, and it was swelling in my fingers light grasp. My unsteady hand slid along its length, blood filling its swelling girth, nothing at all like the few boys from school’s little cute bouncing offerings I had experienced.

  The more it expanded and grew the further it bent upward as it straightened so quickly as he shuffled his boots nearer to my cowering body. My eyes were still too scared to look upward as his hand pulled firmly into my long hair painfully tilting my head backward. He had thick curls of untrimmed black pubes that covered his large hanging man-sized balls and spread over the insides of his muscular legs.

  He grunted like a wild dirty pig shuffling his ridiculously large feet forward that were caught up in his pants pooled around his boots and ankles. This is my chance, to twist his grotesque dick already in my hand hard, and he will be disabled with pain and unable to run or chase me.

  Do it, do it!

  Who am I kidding his hand is clutching my hair by the roots now, and the other has a real god damn knife in it. I am nearly frigging naked and now kneeling in a pool of slippery urine about to suck a total stranger's fat cock into my opened mouth when every sense is dulled by my brain.

  Dear lord, why aren’t I doing something different, why does this feel like it isn’t really happening and at the same time my heart is about to explode or stop, why?

  My tongue darting out must be guided by something, its absolutely not conscious rational thought is it?

  My insides are on fire with threatening vomit lurching upward burning at the base of my throat. How can I possibly have the Intruder’s slime coated cock head rubbing all over my spread out little tongue? Why in the hell does he trust me not to bite it in two and leave him with a bloody stub where his perverse tool of violation used to hang? His hips are thrusting forward as my mouth opens to accept more and he lets out a grunt of pleasure when I gag and try to push away fruitlessly.

  His hand in my long hair won’t allow my head to budge as he stretches the edges of my d
rool filled mouth and makes my convulsing throat burn. I can’t breathe as my small hands clutch at his broad hips trying to push away madly. The wiry abrasive pubic hairs flattened my snot covered nose as my lungs burn and ache for much needed precious air. His relentless pushing is somehow making my throat open completely to accept his swollen fat cock even further before he pulls back just enough letting slobber spill from the corners of my stretched lips down my extended chin.

  A few small gulps of air around its hard thickness is all I can quickly get as he bashes it back in so savagely. In and out so hard where my only thought is, am I to die tonight, while always struggling to get air as my brain feels disconnected from reality and loose in my violated skull. The murder noises leaving my throat were far from any cock sucking effort I had enjoyed playing with in the past, it was thoroughly perverse rough face fucking from the worst possible beast on this planet.

  In my room.


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