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Birthright Page 11

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  Shall I allow him aboard?

  Can you hose him off or something first? Sober him up?

  Meredith snickered. Funnily enough, I can.

  Wait, hang on a minute. Nickie reached into the storage compartment in her chair and grabbed the bag of popcorn she’d stashed there for a snacking emergency. Then she sat back and put her feet up. Okay, ready.

  John was too drunk to avoid the sheet of ice-cold water that sluiced from the Granddaughter a minute later. Nickie almost dropped her popcorn, she laughed so hard when Meredith dropped the unexpected shower on him.

  John spluttered and shook himself. “What the fuck, Nickie?” he yelled. “Just let me in. I have to tell you something about Cynthia.”

  He’s going to attract attention soon, Meredith warned.

  Nickie sighed. Buzzkill. I suppose you’d better let him aboard.

  John marched onto the bridge a few minutes later, still dripping. “What was that all about?” he demanded.

  “Have you seen your state?” Nickie pointed at his untucked shirt, his messy hair, and the haphazard way his cape hung from his shoulders. “Be grateful I let you aboard at all.”

  “You would have left me out there?”

  “In a heartbeat,” she told him cheerfully. “But we’re in the middle of a mission and your big mouth was about to blow it, so I didn’t have much choice.”

  John looked at her for a minute, lost for words. Then he came to a resolution of some sort, and the gathering storm on his face passed. “The mission. Fine. I agree with Addie, Jolie is the best person to rule this planet. but Cynthia isn’t all bad.”

  Nickie sighed. “It’s not what we were sent here to decide. If it turns out that the rightful heir is the worst one for the job, then I don’t see how keeping her in power helps the Federation.”

  “I thought you hated the Federation,” John teased.

  “I hate the Federation. I don’t hate the people who live in it. And I don’t hate these people, even if a fuck-load of them are self-obsessed assholes.”

  John had nothing to add to that. “So which sister do we make queen?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Nickie admitted. “Do we leave someone inept in charge? Or manipulate the situation to do what’s right for these people, whatever the cost?” She got up to pace the bridge.

  Nickie? Your heart rate has gone up. Are you okay?

  I’m fine, Mere, but I should have known better than to get involved with any of the Federation’s fucking business. This shit’s getting more complicated by the minute.

  Well, yes. Politics are rarely direct.

  Nickie snorted. You can say that again. Killing Skaines was a hell of a lot easier.

  I could, but I’d rather point out that you have grown beyond that.

  “Are you talking to Meredith?” John asked.

  “She was giving me her version of a pep talk.”

  It was a great pep talk, Meredith countered. I was about to tell you that the next entry in your aunt’s diary has become available, but now I don’t think I will bother.

  In the middle of the night?

  John frowned. “What, the unshakable Nickie Grimes needs a pep talk? These people are going to break into civil war without your intervention. They need someone like you to step in. And if not you, then it will be some mercenary who doesn’t give a shit.”

  Nickie rubbed her tired eyes. “Surely there must be someone in the Federation.”

  “Didn’t your uncle say there was a problem with them interfering? It had to be someone on the outside. That’s a very short list of people. There’s only you, Nickie.”

  Nickie pointed at John. “And you.”

  John shook his head. “I’m heading back to my planet once this mission is complete, but I don’t imagine for a second that this is the last of the problems that the Federation will need solved.”

  “Work for the Federation from outside it? Yeah, no.” Nickie held up a finger. “Don’t even think about suggesting that this will be an ongoing thing. You dragged me into this shit, and as soon as we solve this issue, I’ll be getting on my ship and getting the fuck out of here.”

  She stopped her pacing. “Fuck this. I don’t care what the Federation wants. I’m going to do the right thing.”

  “Which is?” John pressed.

  Nickie grinned. “A vigilante has got to do what a vigilante has got to do. We’re going to make sure Jolie is the one crowned queen.”

  John looked a little doubtful. “And how are we going to do that?”

  “We start by having you lure Cynthia to your ship so we can grab her.” She stood and yawned. “The plan can wait until tomorrow.”

  John nodded. “It is late. I’d better get back to my ship.”

  Nickie waved him off. “Yeah, you’d better.” She left him to see himself out and dashed back to her quarters.

  Once inside with the door locked, she dropped onto her bed and closed her eyes. She hoped this entry continued the anecdotes about her and Tabitha’s time together when she was tiny. Sleep, again, could wait.

  Hit me, Meredith.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Orbiting the QBBS Meredith Reynolds, QBS Achronyx, Bridge

  Tabitha paced the bridge while she went through all of the pre-flight checklists with Achronyx.

  She wanted to be out of here already.

  The last two days had dragged, despite the fact that every minute had been filled with the thousand tasks she had to complete before they could leave for Arista. The Tontos had returned from their retreat in the small hours of the morning, and she was waiting less than patiently for them to arrive at the ship.

  “Achronyx, where are they?” She pouted. “I’ve missed them. They should be here by now.”

  “They only returned from Zaphod a few hours ago. Hirotoshi has just boarded. The others are on their way. I am also anxious to get to Arista, Tabitha.”

  Tabitha dropped into the captain’s chair and huffed. “I know. It’s been eating at me ever since Barnabas told me about it.” She sighed. “I feel responsible. I should have known what was going on out there. I’ve let my snitches run too freely recently.”

  Hirotoshi arrived on the bridge. “Perhaps, Kemosabe, it is time to tighten your grip on them again?”

  Tabitha spun her chair around and jumped up, stepping closer and hugging Hirotoshi. “You’re back! How was Zaphod? And your contemplation?”

  Hirotoshi dropped his bags by his station and opened his arms to envelope Tabitha in a brotherly embrace. “It is good to see you too. Zaphod was much the same as always. The Abbot and Stacy send their regards.”

  “Stacy’s living in the main temple?”

  Hirotoshi inclined his head. “She is nearing the end of her days. You may want to make time to say your goodbyes soon.”

  That saddened Tabitha. She remembered the first time they’d met, how vibrant and full of life her friend had been. “It’s difficult to see people age when we just stay the same.” She sniffed as the grief hit. “It’s like I can’t escape loss at the moment. Shin, Todd, and now Stacy is going to die while we just live on forever.”

  She leaned into his hug and Hirotoshi held her close while she cried.

  When she was spent, he handed her a handkerchief he produced from seemingly nowhere to dry her face.

  “All things must pass. It is the way life works, Kemosabe. Even for us, eventually.”

  “Thanks, Hirotoshi.” She sniffed. “I guess it just got to me for a minute.”

  “It is only natural that such news would shake you.”

  Achronyx interrupted, “Tabitha, the others have arrived onboard the ship. They have gone to unload their gear. We can leave whenever you are ready.”

  Tabitha scrubbed her face with the handkerchief, then handed it back to Hirotoshi with her Ranger face on. She strode over to the captain’s chair and dropped into it resolutely. “I was ready two days ago. Let’s get the hell out of here. We have a colony to save.”

  “As you
wish, Ranger Tabitha,” Achronyx intoned cheerfully.

  Arista System, Planet Terminus, Dark Side of the Fourth Moon, QBS Achronyx, Meeting Room

  The Achronyx Gated in at a safe distance from the main planet. Tabitha wanted to get a closer look at the system before they made a move.

  She had Achronyx tuck the cloaked ship into some debris around the massive moon and got to work investigating.

  The time was well spent.

  While the Tontos were busy preparing to put boots on the ground, Tabitha and Achronyx had gotten themselves acquainted with the spread-out colony before calling the briefing.

  Tabitha’s armored boots clanked on the floor as she paced in front of the wallscreen where Achronyx had put up an infrared image showing the population center on the main planet. “The people are mostly concentrated on Terminus, which has the most infrastructure.”

  “What about the other planets?” Hirotoshi asked.

  Tabitha twirled her finger. “Next set, Achronyx.” Achronyx switched from the overhead view of Terminus to a split view that showed the centers of population on the other planets in the system. “There are smaller outposts on the planets Brinma and Vatu to support the mines and manufacturing facilities they have there. The exoplanet, Eulia, is uninhabitable due to a lack of breathable atmosphere and questionable gravity. But it’s made up of mostly of iron and other useful ores, so they claimed it as part of the system.”

  “What are they manufacturing?” Hirotoshi asked.

  Tabitha shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. I think we’ll find out when we go planetside. I want to speak to the people who live there. The people of Terminus are shipped out to work the mines and factories, but their families are here on Terminus.”

  Hirotoshi nodded. “That is a wise course of action. What about our so-called gang’s headquarters? Do we have a location?”

  Tabitha grinned. “You bet your ass we do. I even have a live feed. Show us the compound, Achronyx.”

  “There will be a short time delay due to our position,” Achronyx told her. “I’m having to route it through the planet’s satellites, and they are not anything I would describe as modern.”

  Tabitha waved her left hand, tapping her right fingers impatiently on the armrest. “That’s fine. Just get it onscreen.”

  The screen switched to an infrared feed of a solid sandstone building on three distinct levels. The L-shaped building was surrounded on all sides by a wide, high wall. The infrared showed that there were people on all three levels, and more around the courtyard and on the walls.

  “We know that our targets are inside this compound, and so are the children.” Tabitha scowled at the moving red blobs on the screen. “I think Barnabas was a little off in his description of these dead-fuckfaces-walking as a gang. There’s way too much organization here for some two-bit bullies to be running it.”

  Ryu frowned at the building on the screen. “The operation does appear to be much larger than we anticipated. They have taken over the infrastructure. This looks to be the colony’s administration center.”

  “It was,” Achronyx confirmed, “until the criminals took control. The main concentration of gang activity appears to be here on Terminus. I’m picking up communications between Terminus and the other three planets, as well.”

  Tabitha turned back to the screen and glared at the compound, where the infrared showed slow-moving dots at intervals on the walls. There were more people moving around on the first and second floors.

  On the top floor, the infrared showed rooms with rows of stationary hotspots that Tabitha could only assume were the children.

  Tabitha leaned forward with both hands on the table. “The children are alive for now. Whatever the hell is going on down there, it’s not worth risking their lives to go rushing in. We need to get some more information before we act.”

  Ryu scratched his cheek. “Yes, like what the criminals want the people here for so badly that they’re willing to do something this despicable to innocent children.”

  Tabitha pulled out her chair and sat down. “It doesn’t matter why. They’re not going to live long enough to explain. I thought the Skaines were bad, but this? This is the lowest thing someone could do.”

  “It will not stand, Kemosabe,” Hirotoshi reassured her. “We are here, and we will put an end to the evil.”

  “Damn right, we will,” Tabitha agreed. She slapped the table. “Okay, enough talking. Here’s how we’re going to do this. I’m going to Terminus with Hirotoshi to talk to the people and dig around the gang’s headquarters. Ryu and Katsu, you guys take a Pod out to the smaller colonies on Brinma and Vatu. Jun and Kouki, you go to Eulia and find out what’s happening in the mines out there.”

  “Would it not be better to remain together?” Jun asked.

  Tabitha shook her head. “I would normally say yes, but we need a picture of what’s going on out there as well. I don’t want to clear out one roach nest only to discover there was system-wide infestation all along.”

  “That…is actually a sensible plan,” Jun agreed, looking at Ryu, who allowed a tiny shrug of his shoulders as he grinned. “Very well.”

  Kouki looked away from the screen, his eyes clouded with anger. “But when we have all the information we need...”

  Tabitha nodded once. “We destroy the gang together — with extreme prejudice. Nobody gets away with this kind of shit on my watch or any of yours.” She stood and clapped her hands. “What are you all waiting for? Next stop is the armory.”

  Arista System, Planet Terminus, Colony Outskirts

  Tabitha and Hirotoshi stepped out of the Pod and were smacked in the face by a wave of dry heat. The Arista beat down on them like Tabitha liked to beat on the Skaine, and it was difficult to even draw breath without the air scorching their lungs.

  Tabitha wiped her forehead with the hem of her cloak and shuddered as a wide rivulet of sweat dripped from her neck down her spine. “Desert. How wonderful.” She adjusted her armor’s temperature controls to provide some relief from the heat, and shuddered again when they kicked in and the sweat down her back became ice-cold. “Achronyx, cloak the Pod in case any of the locals find it and decide to try to take a joyride. I’d hate to get back here and find a fried colonist.” She looked around, noticing the shimmers of heat floating over the ground in a few places. “Although they’re probably all as dried-out as jerky anyway, living in this heat.”

  Hirotoshi adjusted the hood of his cloak to cover his eyes from Arista’s glare and set off walking. “The longer we stand around complaining about the heat, the longer we will have to endure it.”

  Tabitha pulled up her own hood to avoid the burning rays. “All I’m saying is that there are better places to build than in the middle of a desert.” She caught up. “Where do they even get their water?”

  “There is water here.” Hirotoshi nodded to the dark clouds on the horizon and kept trekking through the loose sand and scree. “This is a well-established colony. You can be certain that they have developed systems for dealing with whatever challenges the environment presents.”

  “True.” Tabitha knocked a tumbleweed out of her path. “We’re pretty resilient as a species.”

  They left the box canyon they’d landed in and made their way toward the buildings in the near distance.

  “It’s pretty grim out here,” Tabitha remarked, kicking one of the many small rocks that littered the ground beneath their feet. “I always wonder why people choose to settle so far from home in such harsh environments.” She stuck a finger inside the collar of her armor in the vain hope it would provide some relief from the irritation it was causing her. “Why not find somewhere all lovely and lush, where things grow, and the planet doesn’t try to turn you into a pot roast inside your armor?”

  “It’s the desire to push the boundaries, Kemosabe. To be human is to crave individuality even as you close in with your fellow man to fight for survival against the odds. Surely you of all people understand that?”

Tabitha screwed up her nose when she almost tripped on an embedded rock. She was still sweating in her cloak-covered armor despite the temperature controls being set to full. “Yeah, I do. But still, this is not the kind of environment I would choose to live in just so I could express my need for individuality.”

  Hirotoshi turned his head to look at her. “The Empire is always in need of source materials, and colonies like this supply a great deal of that. That’s why they had so much assistance from the Empire in the first place.”

  Tabitha’s eyes lit up. “Do you think they still have the original colony ship? I haven’t seen one of those in forever.”

  Hirotoshi shrugged. “It is likely. We have visited many places over the years where the colony ship was repurposed as a monument for the colonists to gather at.”

  Tabitha was in the mood to argue. “Yeah, but there have been more where the colonists stripped their ship down to components and repurposed the whole thing as soon as they began to build.”

  Hirotoshi nodded. “That is true. I suppose we will find out soon enough.”

  The buildings ahead soon came into focus, as did the small group of armed colonists standing between Tabitha and Hirotoshi and their goal.

  Tabitha waved at them. “Hey there!” She counted two men and four women, two blasters, a shotgun, and a pair of nice-looking pistols of a rough make she assumed was local. Interesting. They manufacture weapons here. More interesting is, Barnabas didn’t know that.

  I noticed, Kemosabe. I think we may have the reason our colony was invaded.

  One of the men stepped forward with his blaster raised, wavering between her and Hirotoshi. “Who’re you, and what are you doing here, strangers?”

  Tabitha shrugged back her cloak and tapped the Ranger badge that hung around her neck. “We’re here about your gang issue.”

  The man primed his blaster, and it began to emit a high-pitched sound. “You ought to turn around and go back to the Empire, Rangers. There’s nothing you can do here except get us all killed.”

  The noise coming from the blaster was like a drill to the brain in Tabitha’s enhanced hearing. Achronyx, can you do anything about that whine?


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