Vyken's Mate

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Vyken's Mate Page 2

by Shea Malloy

“Why are you running away from your engagement?”

  She purses her lips. “I don’t like him.”

  “Good,” I say, although I only meant to think it.

  She gives me a strange look. “Why?”

  I pause, searching for a suitable answer.

  “I am satisfied with your answers and believe you’re telling the truth.”

  Her eyes sparkle with hope. “You will let me leave now?”




  * * *

  His response destroys my hope and my last bit of false bravery.

  The tears I’ve been struggling to hold back spill down my cheeks. I can’t pretend I’m not afraid anymore.

  “Please,” I beg. “Please let me go.”

  He frowns. “I am letting you leave. In the morning, you can resume your journey to Danlow.” His voice softens. “It is not safe for you to ride in the darkness by yourself.”

  Immense relief sweeps through me. He’s not holding me captive. He only means to keep me safe. I look past him at the Vyken man just outside the cage’s door. He’s the one who shoved me in here. And the hateful expression on his face says he’d rather I stay a prisoner for the rest of my days.

  “It’s not safe for me to stay here either,” I say.

  He glances behind him then turns to meet my gaze again.

  “You have nothing to fear,” he says. “I will not let any harm come to you.”

  His expression is earnest, and warmth fills my face. The stories I heard about Vykens said they were monsters. I expected hideous, beastly creatures with a vague resemblance to humans.

  What I certainly didn’t expect was a man like Jorgan. He’s handsome with kind amber eyes. His head is shaven at the sides but his dark hair is longer in the middle.

  There’s no doubt in my mind he’s capable of protecting me. He’s the strongest man I’ve ever seen. Although he wears a loose navy tunic with long sleeves, he is visibly fit with muscular arms and strong thighs clad in fitted black trousers. His tunic has a deep slit in the front and I glimpse his bronze chest striped with gold.

  I want to trace each chaotic strip with my finger.

  Feel the firmness of his body under my touch.

  My face burns even hotter from my inappropriate thoughts.

  “Where will I stay?” I ask to distract myself.

  He hesitates before he speaks. “Come with me.”

  He turns and leaves the cage. I follow after him, inexplicably trusting this Vyken man I barely know.

  As we walk away from the cage, the other Vyken man who threw me into the cage rushes over to Jorgan. He says something in a strange language I assume is their native tongue. Jorgan pauses briefly to reply in a cold, sharp voice before he resumes walking alongside me.

  Tall posts with fires burning at the top lights our path as we walk. We past well-constructed dome-shaped buildings unlike the boxy human houses I’m accustomed to.

  Jorgan leads me into one of the larger dome buildings. We enter a sitting area with soft furs and a fire going to keep the room warm. Then he leads me through an arched doorway into a room with a large bed.

  There is a lantern on the bedside table, the fire casting flickering shadows around the room. I marvel at the fact that despite the differences between Vykens and humans, we share so many similarities beyond the basic needs.

  “You will sleep here tonight,” he says.

  The bed sheets look disturbed like if someone had recently vacated it.

  “Is this your bed?”


  “And you intend me to share it with you?” I say before I can stop myself.

  A slow smile creeps across his face.

  “I intended you to sleep alone but I’m happy to keep you company if that’s your wish, little one.”

  I blush at the thought of sharing his bed. I’m ashamed how much I enjoy the thought. The image of us lying together... perhaps naked…

  “My bag,” I say quickly. “Your guards took it.”

  “I will have someone collect it for you.”

  We fall silent, staring at each other. Tension settles between us and I’m suddenly aware we are alone together. I am in this man’s bedroom. I let him lead me here, and even as I stand before him, I still trust him not to hurt me.

  He steps closer and my stomach tightens. Not with dread, but anticipation. Slowly, he raises his hand and gently caresses my shoulder, his gaze lowered to where he’s touching me.

  “As soft as I suspected,” he says in a low voice.

  His caress makes me shiver. I should be afraid but I’m not. Heat pools between my legs. I’m aroused. Dear God above, I want him. And in his darkened amber eyes, I see his desire for me too.

  “Sleep well, little one,” he says, dropping his hand to his side.

  Abruptly he turns and strides out of the room before I can say anything else.

  I take a deep breath to clear the tension in my body. I overcome my disappointment he didn’t want to explore my body any further. I shouldn’t want such things either. He is a Vyken man and I am a human woman. Surely it would be seen as an aberration for us to lay together? We hardly know each other.

  Nevertheless, as I lay on the bed and smell Jorgan on the sheets, I close my eyes and privately fantasize he’d stayed. That he’d pushed my dress from my body and claimed me on his bed.

  That he would be my first.

  I open my eyes and sigh. Despite my tiring day, I feel too alert to fall asleep. Father would explode if he ever learned I slept in a man’s bed. It’s still so early in the morning. Has he discovered me gone?

  Eventually, the night’s events takes its toll and I drift off to sleep. It feels as if all too soon, sunlight is coming through the window, stirring me awake.

  I sit up. I’m briefly disoriented by my different surroundings when I remember what happened. When I swing my legs out of Jorgan’s bed, I’m pleasantly surprised to see my bag leaning against it. He kept his promise.

  I’m startled when I hear a frantic voice. I stand and leave Jorgan’s bedroom. From the doorway, I see Jorgan hugging a Vyken female.

  It disturbs me she might be Jorgan’s lover. It shouldn’t. Jealousy for a man who isn’t mine and one I hardly know is beyond ridiculous.

  Jorgan and the woman separate. He says something to her in their language, his expression concerned. She parts her lips to respond when she looks in my direction. Her eyebrows lift in shock.

  She speaks something in their language in an alarmed voice, pointing at me.

  Jorgan turns to look at me and then pats her shoulder.

  “All is well, Asara,” he says. “She is my guest.”

  “A human?” She gawks at Jorgan.

  “The guards captured her last night out of suspicion but she was only passing by.” He leads her over to me. “Willa, this is my sister, Asara.” I smile in greeting and Jorgan continues. “Asara is one of our healers and her patient’s health is worsening despite her efforts. She and the other healers are unaccustomed to treating some of Earth’s illnesses. Last night, you said you are a nurse. Perhaps you can help?”

  I nod. “I would be happy to.”

  Jorgan turns to his sister. “Will you let Willa help, sister?”

  Asara hesitates. “Do you trust her?”

  Jorgan nods once. “I do.”

  His admission both surprises and pleases me.

  Asara smiles at Jorgan then meets my gaze.

  “Then I will trust her too.”



  * * *

  The evening sky is darkening by the time I emerge from one of the buildings that serve as a hospital.

  I’ve been so busy, I haven’t noticed the time rapidly slipping by. Today, I went beyond my usual role as my father’s assistant. I was apprehensive at first, conscious that I didn’t have formal training like my father. But years of working alongside him as he treated patients taught me enough to help where I could.

  After I examined Asara’s patient, I worked to help the others. Father has a brilliant, inventive mind. He creates his own special remedies and pain relievers. Thankfully, I brought some of Father’s medicinal concoctions with me and I was able to offer it to those who needed it.

  Unfortunately, there are still more that require help and I’m out of medicine. Father is the only one who knows how to make it. Would he want to help the Vyken people? I believe he would. Despite his hardheaded ways, he has a kind soul.

  But I would have to meet with him. And if I do, he’d ensure I can’t run away from my marriage to Archibald again. One can only hope Archibald no longer wants to marry me because I’ve made my disinterest very clear.

  Father would simply find another man to take his place, I think with dismay.

  “I am so grateful for your help today, Willa,” comes Asara’s voice from behind me. I turn and she reaches for my hands. Gratitude shines in her eyes. “The patient is already doing better. He says he is in less pain.”

  I smile at the good news. “Make sure he drinks water and rests frequently. In a short time, he should be well again.”

  Her features become earnest. “You are the first human my community has come to trust, Willa. You can teach us so much about surviving on this planet. We would appreciate it if you stayed a bit longer.”

  I consider Asara’s suggestion. It sounds so tempting. I can stay and learn from the Vykens as they learn what I know too. Instead of pledging my life away to endless days of prayers at the nunnery, I can do here what I actually want in life: help the sick so that they can be well again.

  Jorgan’s approach, interrupts my thoughts. The sight of him makes me warm with pleasure and fills my stomach with flutters of excitement. I haven’t seen him since this morning when he asked for my help.

  If I were to stay here, I would be close to Jorgan too.

  But is that truly a benefit? Wouldn’t it be torture? Although Asara and her people appreciates my medicinal knowledge, I doubt they would accept my inappropriate feelings for their leader.

  “I would love to stay, Asara,” I say, looking past her at Jorgan. “But I can’t.”

  Because I want what I can’t have.

  Asara turns, following my gaze. Then she looks at me with a secretive smile.

  “We’ll see,” she says cryptically. When Jorgan stops before us, she smiles. “I have sent word to the cooks. They prepared a great meal for Willa as a show of thanks for her help today.”

  Jorgan nods then looks at me.

  “After we eat, I will escort you safely to Danlow.”

  I nod. “Thank you for your generous offer.”

  His stare is so direct and unwavering. My self-awareness grows. Asara darts a gaze between us, that secretive smile returning. God above, I think she can read my thoughts. I think she suspects how I feel about her brother.

  “Willa has worked so hard today for us,” Asara says. “She should stay one more night. Let her rest before her journey.”

  “I wouldn’t mind staying another night,” I say.


  Without waiting for Jorgan’s response, Asara takes my hand and leads me to her home. Her table is laden with food that smells delicious. As we eat, I think about my father and guilt stabs at me. I’m here enjoying myself with good food and pleasant company, meanwhile he’s probably worried sick about me.

  When the meal is over, Jorgan and I are about to leave when Asara speaks.

  “Jorgan, you should take Willa to the hot bath. It will help her rest and recover for her journey tomorrow.”

  Asara’s smile is sly while Jorgan’s look of surprise morphs into an amused smile. It’s as if they had a conversation entirely through thought and I wonder if that’s possible with Vykens.

  Jorgan and I leave Asara’s home and share a silent walk. A few Vykens who see me, give me tentative smiles and nods of acknowledgement. It warms my heart and puts a smile on my face until we pass by the one Vyken male who captured me the night before. His scowl darkens when he looks at me. He gives Jorgan a stiff bow of greeting before he stalks off.

  “I’m not accustomed to being so openly hated,” I say, quietly. “I feel as if I’ve done something wrong to him and I need to apologize.”

  “Do not let Cano’s behaviour upset you,” Jorgan says. “You have not wronged him. Your apologies will only go to waste. Cano lost his wife and son when we arrived. It’s doubtful he will ever forgive their deaths.”

  “I’m sorry that happened to him,” I say, saddened by the truth. “I’m sorry my people’s first reaction to your arrival was violence.”

  Jorgan’s features turn pensive. “I have wondered if the Vyken people would have reacted the way humans did if the situation were reversed. I believe it would have been the same. We may be from different worlds but we bear so many similarities. It is natural to fear what we don’t understand. Our presence would have seemed like an invasion. A threat to human existence.”

  “Perhaps, but as someone who heals the sick, I can’t stand the fighting,” I say. “I long for the day we can accept our differences and learn from each other.”

  He smiles. “That is my wish too.”

  Jorgan leads me into his home but only long enough for me to put my bag down. Then he guides me outside again into the cool night. He takes me a short distance to another building, opening the door and stepping aside to let me pass.

  It’s brightly lit. Steam emits from a large pool of water in the very center. But as I’m marvelling at the bath, Jorgan grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it off.

  My head swivels. His muscular chest and arms are bared to me and I openly stare. The golden stripes cross all over his skin like beautiful scars.

  Heat that has nothing to do with the steam coming from the bath rises to my cheeks. Jorgan toes off his boots and my shock increases when he grips the waist of his trousers and starts to pull them down.

  The years of propriety instilled in me says I should protest. I am an unmarried, untouched woman. The only naked man I should lay eyes on is my husband.

  But I say nothing. And instead of turning away, instead of leaving, instead of striving for some semblance of propriety, I reach my trembling fingers to the ties on my dress. I tug on them, loosening them.

  I want to see Jorgan fully unclothed.

  And I want him to see me bare too.

  When my dress slides down my body I step free of it as well as my underthings. Naked, I’m shaking. I’m conscious of Jorgan’s stare on me.

  What is he thinking?

  Is he pleased with what he sees?

  The tension between us is thick and heavy. My face on fire, I let my gaze drift slowly down his body, admiring every deep groove and his muscular frame. My gaze dips lower to that place between his legs and the thick flesh there makes my eyes widen in fear and excitement.

  Jorgan comes over. He stops right in front of me. And because my gaze is low, I can’t help but notice his thick flesh between his legs. Embarrassed I lift my gaze to meet his.

  My face is on fire. My whole body is warm. Because he’s so close I’m shaking even more. Standing so close, I’m now reminded of the night before when we stood just like this. How he lifted his hand and caressed my skin.

  His gaze is dark and the desire in his eyes is evident. It thrills me that he wants me.

  “You are very beautiful,” he says.

  I smile. “And you are very handsome.”

  He shares my smile. Then he reaches for my hand. His touch sends a spark through my skin. I’m closely aware of the heat from his fingers against mine.

  “Come,” he says as he leads me toward the bath. He helps me enter it slowly. The hot water stings my skin. Gradually, I get accustomed to the heat and it’s incredibly enjoyable.

  “This is very relaxing,” I say.

  Jorgan nods as he enters the bath. “It is. I use it as frequently as I can.”

  “How do you heat this much water?” I ask. />
  Jorgan points to a large rock in the water where most of the steam is rising from.

  “We heat the rock in fire and then put it in the water.”

  “That’s brilliant. Is that how you heated water on...” It dawns on me then I don’t know where Jorgan and his people came from.

  “Aulor. That was the name of my home. Our planet.”

  “Why did you leave?” I ask.

  “The planet was dying. My father and many of the other leaders had the ability to harness the remaining energy from the planet’s core and use it to create the Rift.”

  “And your father?” I ask. “Where is he?”

  “He was killed during the war when we first arrived. My mother stayed behind, preferring to die with her home.” Before I can respond, he continues. “You have mentioned your father but not your mother. Surely she must be worried about your disappearance as well?”

  “My mother died when I was young from a sickness my father could not cure,” I say. “It’s just been Father and I for so long but his behaviour has chased me away.”

  “It is not my place but I encourage you to make peace with your father,” Jorgan says. “All too soon they can be gone and you may regret never saying the things you wanted to say.”

  “That’s true.” I sigh. “Although my father is so stubborn. He refuses to listen to what I have to say. He insists I marry even though I don’t want to.”

  “Why don’t you want to marry?”

  “Because the man he intends for me to marry isn’t someone I would choose. I want someone I love.” Our gazes hold as I speak. “Someone strong and handsome and who will care for me as I would care for him.”

  He stares at me intensely and I blush. He comes closer. He stares deeply into my eyes. Without warning, he reaches for me, pulling me against him. His mouth descends on mine in a deep kiss. He wraps his powerful arms around me holding me tight against his hard body. I moan into his mouth, clinging to him by wrapping my arms around his neck.

  My breasts are pressed close to his chest. He groans into my mouth. Below his waist I can feel his flesh thickening and hardening, prodding me.


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