Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17)

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Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17) Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “Thank you, Florence.”

  “Good to see you awake,” she said with a big smile as she left them to have their meal.


  Monique was the first of the wives to come and see her a day later. She had called Edward to find out how she was doing and had been relieved when she had heard the report. The others were planning to come by in a day or two. Edward had taken the week off and was running things from his home office so he could keep an eye on his wife and child. Doctor Whittingham had come by to check on her and had declared that she was coming on fine. She had started breastfeeding her son as well.

  “Oh Lord, he is gorgeous!” Monique exclaimed as she took the baby away from Abby and held him in her arms. “And so big!”

  “Eight pounds,” Abby said with pride as she sat next to the woman who had been her employer for such a short time. Now that she had her son she was not sure she would be going back. Besides she was seriously thinking of reconstructing the barn.

  “Honey, what a beautiful child. The combination of his ash blonde hair and dark brown eyes are going to make him very attractive to the opposite sex,” she said with a smile as she looked down at the angelic baby.

  “I am not looking forward to that,” Abby said. They both looked up as Edward came into the room. “We have more visitors.” He bent and kissed Abby gently. “Monique.”


  “My parents and Lisa my secretary. She is supposed to be making sure everything is running as it should at the office and instead she is here.”

  “Because I cannot wait to see the gorgeous child. And besides I had to arrange for pick up at the airport.” Lisa hurried in the nursery and hugged both Monique and Abby, taking the baby from Monique. “Sorry, honey, but I have a boss who is a slave driver and will have to get back to work very soon.”

  “Thank you,” Edward said dryly as his parents came into the room.

  “Abby, darling, you look well,” Eleanor exclaimed as she greeted everyone. “And my grandson! I know I have seen pictures of him but those did him no credit.” She looked down at the child who seemed to be lapping up all the attention. “He is such a darling.” She turned to her husband. “Edmond, look at our sweet grandson!”

  Lisa tore herself away an hour later and then Monique left but Eleanor and Edmond had come to stay for the week.


  “Happy birthday, my love,” Edward said as he handed her a gaily wrapped gift.

  “I had forgotten!” she said as she tore into the gift. Their son had woke them up two times and both times Eleanor had been there to take him as soon as he was fed. “Go to bed, you two, and let us bond with our grandson,” she had said as she shooed them away.

  She took out the stunningly beautiful platinum chain with the teardrop diamond at the end of it. She lifted it and marveled as the sunlight streaming through the curtains struck it and caused it to shimmer and sparkle. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured as she stared at it. “When are you going to stop buying me things like this?”

  “Never.” He took it from her and put it around her neck fastening the clasp and staring down at the fiery stone nestling in her ample bosom. He had watched his son feeding from her and had marvelled that they were his family! “I had planned a surprise birthday party for you but our little man put a rest to that,” he said with a faint smile. “So instead we are going to have a small intimate dinner with my parents, your friend Jenny, and several of my friends from the club as well as their wives. Do you think you are up for it?”

  “I am.” Her dark brown eyes glowed as she looked at him. “Outdoors?”

  “Of course.” He bent and kissed her softly. “It is a beautiful day for a party.”


  He had meant for it to be small and intimate but it became much more than that! Tents had been erected on the immaculately cut grounds and a long trestle table had been spread out where the food would be. It was more of a barbecue and the weather played along with it. Abby got ready as soon as she fed her son and left him in the care of his grandparents who could not seem to be able to stay away from him for very long. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her son was two days old and her belly still had not gone down totally. Also her breasts were heavy with milk and made them more generous but her hair had grown past her shoulders and had become thicker. She still bled and the doctor had told her that it would last another two weeks or so. Edward held her in his arms when they were in bed and his hand had brushed against her sensitive nipples causing them to become involved in heavy kissing with Edward pulling her nipples into his mouth to ease the aching. The dress was a deep green a cross between emerald and moss green and was a Romano’s original. It was deceptively simple and was like a kaftan covering her shoulders and drifting around her body. She wore strappy brown sandals and had caught her hair up on top of her head. She was wearing the diamond solitaire Edward had given her just this morning and diamonds in her lobes. She looked up as he came into the room and watched as his eyes gleaned and became darker. He was her knight and her greatest admirer and she still wondered why!

  “What do you think?” she asked as she turned to face him. He was wearing faded denims and a blue dress shirt.

  “I think that I have fallen in love with you all over again,” he told her huskily as he caught her in his arms. “I am content and so happy that sometimes I cannot help but grin like an idiot.”

  “Nobody calls my smart handsome husband an idiot, not even you.” She placed a hand on his face and he leaned into her.

  “Ready?” he asked her huskily.

  She nodded and he took her arms and led her out.

  She had fun! Leesa and Kelly had come earlier and had seen the baby and Ciara, Monique, Kelsey, Olivia, Aaliyah, Deandre, and Felicia had come along with their husbands. Edward’s secretary Lisa had come with her husband as well as Jenny who had started dating someone from accounts.

  Edward had his arm around her as they made their way to get something to eat. She cut the huge three tier cake with him and he fed her from his lips.

  The party broke up at ten and they went to see to their son who was still sleeping before turning in. Edward took off her dress and shoes and massaged her feet before putting on her nightgown. He lifted her breasts in his palms and rubbed his thumbs over them tenderly. “Edward,” she whispered.

  “I know,” he said with a broken sigh. “I am aching for you, my sweet.”

  “So we improvise.” She unbuckled his jeans and reached into his underwear and took out his erection.

  “Baby-“ He broke off as she brought her head down and took him into her mouth.

  He shuddered as her tongue touched the tip of him and then ventured down. “Abby! Christ!” he muttered as she took him deep into her throat. He endured it for a few more minutes before he pulled out. She started protesting but he pushed her back onto the bed and came up and over her. He pushed her breasts together and placed his wet rigid penis between the folds closing his eyes as he moved towards her mouth. She used the tip of her tongue and taste him whenever he came to her mouth and before long he was flooding her chest with his orgasm, his body shuddering over her. He climbed off her and went to get a wet towel to wipe her off. He took off the rest of his clothes and came beside her, bending his head and taking her nipple inside his mouth. She clung to him as she felt the flood of her orgasm mingling with the light bleeding at her pubic area.

  Later that night after they had showered together and were wrapped in each other’s arms Edward whispered in her ear, “You complete me,” before he drifted off to sleep.

  Abby did not fall asleep at the same time but held her man as he slept on her breasts, her heart melting as she stroked his firm buttocks. He had not bothered to put on any clothes and she held him to her as the tears trickled down her cheeks. She had found a love that had taken over her life and she welcomed it joyously!

  The end.

  I've Got You

  When he'd raise your child as his o
wn, you've got a good one

  A sexy BWWM pregnancy romance by Jenny Cater of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Aleshia’s running away from her toxic, controlling boyfriend.

  She’s pregnant, and he’s only using the baby to control her even more, so she decides to make a break for Miami to be near her sister.

  Soon she’s hitting Miami Beach, looking for apartments with handsome realtor Cameron.

  They hit it off, and soon the two decide to go on a date.

  But when she tells him about her pregnancy and crazy ex, he backs off.

  Way off.

  She thinks she’ll never hear from him again, but not long after he calls to say he has the perfect property for her.

  Will business be the only desire Cameron has for Aleshia?

  Or will seeing each other again show him he needs a Nubian queen like her in his life..., baby an' all?

  Find out in this exciting, emotional romance by Jenny Cater of BWWM Club.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Chapter 1

  Aleshia’s fingers clacked across the keyboard. Before her, an article sprung to life, forming from nothingness into something coherent, tight and polished. To her left lay a cup of coffee, almost completely drained. To her right lay her mobile phone, screen lit, which she glanced at every now and then, hating herself each time she did. She waited for pizza to turn up at her door. She knew at this point she was doing little else other than trying to drown her sorrows, though she didn’t really care. Aleshia was entitled to it.

  Behind her formed a furnished, shabby apartment, bare of possessions. Aleshia took exactly one suitcase of personal objects with her on the move, a state to state transition from rural Minnesota to the vibrant city life of Miami, Florida. The city itself was intimidating, the exact opposite of rural life, quiet country and red-neck neighbors.

  Aleshia had always been interested in the idea of living in a big city, with everything within reach, and an overabundance of different jobs. Her old home left little choice for work opportunity. Either she worked in a shop as a sales assistant, farmer, or waitress, or moved away for better options. Local areas were the bare bones of what a city offered. She had taken to online freelancing, tired of the options, but unwilling to move from the area, because her partner had not wanted to move, and because she liked the countryside.

  There was always a trade-off when it came to living. Either you lived in the country, surrounded by the peaceful presence of nature, friendlier people, or you lived in the smog choked, noise polluted city with people spilling into the streets, jobs at every corner, everything you could ever wish for within reach.

  Her hands formed into claws at the thought of Peter. She clacked ferociously at the keyboard, words forming like bolts of lightning, a snarl on her face. Peter. Fucking Peter. Typos appeared, one after the other. She slowed down, correcting them, then gulped the rest of her coffee.

  Nowadays, any surfacing memory of Peter left her either in a state of incandescent fury, sadness, or extreme apathy. She was past the days where she curled up in the corner, sobbing into her tissues, or whimpering to her sister. She was past his mood swings, his shouting, his constriction of her social life, and the floods of messages left on her phone afterwards, begging for her to take him back.

  No way was she falling into that trap again.

  Halfway through the article for her client, the phone rang. It buzzed out the chorus of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing. She checked the number, stopped typing and pressed the accept button.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Aleshia! How you doing, babe?”


  “Settling into the new apartment alright? Internet sorted?”

  “I sorted it three weeks ago, Vaneese.” Aleshia suppressed a burp. “I’ve told you this already. How’s things with you, Dijon and the squirt?”

  Aleshia’s sister instantly brightened up at the subject of her family. Her medium-pitched voice burbled in answer. “Oh, they’re fine. Dijon’s very busy at work now, it’s picked up business. He’s getting clients every day. Amy’s been asking after you. She wants to know when you’re coming over next.”

  “Later on, if you want. I’ve just got this article to finish, and I’ve wrapped up my jobs for the day. You’re at home?”

  “Yeah. Picked up Amy from school. Come have dinner with us. I know all you’re going to be eating over there is noodles, burgers, and shit.”

  “I’ll have you know, burgers are tasty,” Aleshia said. “Nothing like a hot, dripping pizza in the gullet to keep me from thinking about that asshole.”

  “You’re eating crap?” Vaneese’s voice was sharp, disapproving. “A lot?”

  “Not much,” Aleshia said, suppressing another burp.

  “Don’t,” Vaneese barked. “You cooking anything for yourself?”

  “I can’t cook. You know that. You were the talented one in our family.”

  “I know you can do some things.”

  “No. I’ve not been cooking. Just ordering take-outs.”

  Vaneese sighed. “Look, if you're gonna eat shit, then come over to our place every day. I’ll cook you something good. You can abuse yourself as much as you want, but that baby ain’t done nothing wrong.”

  Aleshia scowled. “I wish I could kill this stupid fucking thing. It’s part of him. It’s a fucking bane on my life. Everything went wrong because of it.”

  “That’s no way to talk.” Vaneese’s voice continued to crack at Aleshia like a whip. “You know it’s not the baby’s fault. It never was. That’s just you lashing out now.”

  Aleshia swallowed her resentment with difficulty. Finally, she croaked out the words, “I don’t want to raise it alone.”

  “That’s why you're here,” Vaneese replied. “You stay with us. We’ll help you. I’ll help you. I always will. But I want you over here later. Alright?”

  “Okay,” Aleshia said.

  “And you block his number. You hear me? You block that maniac’s number.”

  “I can’t.” Aleshia hated herself for admitting this. “He’s the father. I can’t blow out the father, can I?”

  “He doesn’t care about the kid, babe.”

  Vaneese’s words triggered a fresh wave of hate. Aleshia held it back. “I know. Damn it, I know. I just… part of me hopes he’ll change his tune. Even though I’ve fled to the other end of America. I know it’s stupid, and it doesn’t make sense, but I keep having that impression, you know? I can’t freeze out the dad. What if he wants to be a part of its life, and he’s just scared or something?”

  “I understand, babe.” Vaneese persisted in soothing her distraught sister. “But I think as long as you keep holding onto thoughts like that, he’ll continue to have a grip on your life. You know this. He is not a good man. This is why you came here. And don’t worry. We're gonna sort it out together, you and me.” She paused a moment. “So, I’ll see you later?”

  “Yeah. See you later.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Aleshia hung up. She then went back to her laptop, and opened up a file on her computer. Upon it was a collection of poems, personal thoughts and feelings she had felt over the years.

  Heart crumbling, she opened up her most recently scribbled poem, tapped out in a desperate drunken moment, after an argument on the phone had left her reduced to tears.

  There is life in me

  And it’s bathed in hate

  I’m sick of all the lies.

  You should have been mine

  But I realized too late

  The serpent behind your eyes.

  She examined the poem, recalling fragments of the emotions she felt. She right clicked,
deleted it, then emptied the recycle bin.

  A few hours later, Aleshia had finished the article, showered, and prepared herself for visiting her sister, one bus ride away. She checked herself in the mirror, combing back damp black hair into a ponytail that reached the top of her shoulders, placed pale lip gloss on her lips, and reluctantly trimmed her eyebrows. She’d been letting herself fall apart, recently. She scrunched up the pizza box from earlier and roughly forced it into the trash, and prepped up the bag to be thrown in the dumpster when she left her apartment. Two plates with matching cutlery and stained coffee mugs congealed in the sink.

  She puffed out her chest like a frigate bird’s, examining her bra, and admitting she probably needed to get one with a wider girth, as it pinched too tightly. She needed a lot of things, in all honestly. New friends, a different way of living her life, and to stop threatening her body to obesity by stuffing it with junk food every day.

  On the bus, Aleshia stared out the window, noting small flecks of dirt in the corners, but otherwise the overall cleanness of it. Buses in the countryside were much more mud-choked. What surprised her most about Miami was that despite the immense size of the city, with a population of 5.5 million, the air felt clean. Not as clean as where she came from, but there was the faint whiff of salt on the wind from the sea.

  The atmosphere of Miami felt bright, even though Aleshia had held the misconception that the entire East coast was prone to bitterly cold winds from the Atlantic ocean. She imagined sunny summers and shivering winters.

  Vaneese choose to inform her that it never snowed in Miami. Ever. Sometimes they had snow flurries, but nothing settled. The climate didn’t allow it. Dressing up for the cold apparently meant wearing a hoodie over your flip flops. At first, Aleshia couldn’t comprehend that a place in America could not have snow.

  She did a tiny bit of research and discovered Miami itself resembled more of a tropical zone, ranging from a wet season to a dry season. The proximity to the sea kept the place as one of the more desirable locations for many Americans. For anyone who loved the countryside, or ever wanted to live by the sea, Miami was a good place to start. Aleshia should have figured by the pictures she had seen, of breezy palm trees, clear blue waters and bright blue skies. Her view of the East Coast had been marred by her one time trip to Boston, during a particularly cold slash of wind that chilled her to the bone, and of the people shivering in the streets.


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