From Boardroom to Bedroom

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From Boardroom to Bedroom Page 5

by Jules Bennett

  Sophie reached for her phone on her desk. “I didn’t hear anything come through,” she muttered.

  She tapped the screen and, sure enough, there was a message from Nigel about dinner, but she’d also missed two from her brothers. Clearly she needed to check in.

  “Got it.” She smiled at Craig and waved her phone. “I forgot I put it on vibrate earlier.”

  “No problem,” he replied. “So, how’s everything going? Settling in okay?”

  Sophie nodded. “Seems to be going really well.”

  “I overheard Mr. Townshend chatting with a few guys from the camera crew.” Craig stepped into her office and lowered his voice. “He mentioned you and some of your ideas for capturing snippets for teasers for social media.”

  Sophie couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride. Over their lunch yesterday, she’d not only discussed posts but also various ways to showcase small segments to continue to draw new viewers in. She was trying to appeal to all walks of life, no matter the stage a woman was at. Divorced, married, stay-at-home-mom, career woman, whatever. There was something in each cast member that could appeal to any potential female viewer.

  But on the coattails of her pride came the guilt. While she may actually be good at her job, she hated being deceitful. Nigel and Craig and everyone else she’d encountered were so nice to her, making sure she felt like part of the team.

  “Well, I just hope those ideas pay off for Secret Lives,” she replied.

  “Seraphina might be off the show.” Craig cringed. “That won’t be good.”

  So apparently it was still just at the rumor stage—Nigel must not have told anyone but her. She felt quietly honored at his faith in her discretion. Sophie might want to pull out all the gossip on Miranda she could, but she wasn’t about to add anything to the mix or get into the lives of the other women. And there was no way she’d betray anything Nigel trusted her with...unless Miranda’s name came into the mix.

  “That would be a shame,” she replied. “It seems all the women mesh really well together.”

  Craig shrugged. “I don’t know. Between the ratings and the potential loss of one of the cast members, I just hope the whole show doesn’t go under. But, that’s just my nerves talking. We still have some great women.”

  “Do you have a favorite?” she prompted.

  Craig smiled. “Doesn’t everyone? I’m partial to Miranda. That whole Southern charm she has is so fun. Plus, she’s probably the nicest out of the bunch.” He grinned at her. “You look surprised—did you get a different impression of her? It’s always difficult to tell on screen, but even when the camera is off, she treats the staff with respect and is always so friendly.”

  Ugh. Not at all what she wanted to hear. But that was just one opinion and Sophie had just gotten started.

  “Nobody can be that sweet all the time,” she countered with a smile to soften her doubts. “I bet you know some juicy dirt on all the cast.”

  Craig playfully raised a hand to his lips and mimed turning a lock before he shrugged.

  “I knew it,” she joked, but she wished he’d give up a little more information. “How long have you been here, Craig?”

  “Three years.”

  “So you’ve definitely seen the ladies at their best and their worst.”

  He nodded and leaned his shoulder against the wall. “You could say that. There have been a few cat fights behind the scenes.”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” she added. “Strong, independent women like that? There would have to be some alpha tendencies that clash.”

  “They do,” he agreed. “For the most part, though, they get along. Maybe that’s why the ratings have dipped. People expect more drama from such reality shows. These ladies usually pull for each other because they all understand what it’s like to be a divorced woman trying to start over.”

  Or trying to dig her greedy claws into things that don’t belong to her.

  “Plus, they all really bonded over the fires that broke out while they were helping Miranda deal with her new inheritance after her ex passed away,” Craig added. “All of that was something out of a movie.”

  Yeah, Sophie was well aware of what a nightmare all of that had been...and still was. The inheritance, the fires. Royal was still recovering and the Texas Cattleman’s Club clubhouse is undergoing yet another renovation. Only a few years ago the entire place had been revamped and updated. With these recent fires, a portion of the beautiful main building had been damaged.

  But Royal was a tight community. There may be drama and gossip, but when push came to shove, everyone pulled together.

  Sophie’s cell vibrated on her desk and she glanced to the screen.

  It was her brother Kellan.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” she told Craig. “I need to take this.”

  “Of course,” he told her, pushing off the wall and heading to her door. “I’ll let Mr. Townshend know you’ll meet him later.”

  She waited until she was alone before she took a seat behind her desk and answered the call.

  “Kellan. What’s up?”

  “Irina and I haven’t heard from you for a few days. Any news?”

  Irina and Kellan were madly in love after an affair that led to them realizing they were perfect for each other. Irina had been their father’s maid, and had a dark past as a mail-order bride, but Kellan treated her like royalty.

  “Nothing I can use,” Sophie admitted.

  The only thing she’d gained was a stack of steamy fantasies about her utterly delicious boss...but Kellan probably didn’t want to hear that. Divulging the fact that she was working right alongside the hottest man who gave her all the feels and all the dirty thoughts might not be the best idea. And yet, who could blame her? It wasn’t her fault she was having a difficult time focusing whenever Nigel was near.

  “Are you doing okay?” he asked. “I worry.”

  Always the worrier where she was concerned—and even more so now that she was in New York undercover.

  “I’m fine and I promise to let you guys know as soon as I see or hear anything useful,” she vowed. “It’s just taking more time than I thought. So far, Miranda is dubbed a saint.”

  Kellan snorted. “Doubtful. Maybe you haven’t talked to the right people.”

  “Well, there are quite a few here,” she admitted. “I’m working my way through.”

  Sophie kept her voice low since her door was open, but she hadn’t heard any activity out in the hallway.

  “I’m hoping to get into the film room and check out some of the cut scenes,” she murmured.

  “That might be the ticket, and the proof, we need. If she admits to manipulating Dad, or using some trick to push the will through, we’ll be able to challenge it in court,” Kellan agreed.

  “How’s everything in Royal?” she asked.

  “Same. Irina is still planning our big belated honeymoon trip and I’m working on another deal with a developer in Houston.”

  Sophie loved that her brother had found such happiness with Irina. They’d come together after Irina had suffered an abusive marriage. Buck had rescued her by offering her a job and a way out, but Kellan was the one who had truly healed her heart. Kellan and Irina were meant for each other and Sophie was glad they’d finally come back together after years of knowing each other and dancing around the attraction.

  The Blackwood children deserved their own happiness, but Sophie wasn’t sure settling down with some perfect guy was in the cards for her. She certainly wasn’t looking for love. Such an emotion didn’t exist for everyone and she wasn’t holding her breath that it would happen to her.

  But lust? Yeah, that was not an issue.

  Nigel made her want to throw out her vow to hold on to her virginity until the right man came along. She’d decided long ago there wasn’t a right man or anyone she felt worthy enough to gi
ve that piece of herself to.

  She didn’t want to have sex just for the sake of having sex. Maybe she was in the minority with that line of thinking, but she didn’t answer to anyone and she was proud of the fact she didn’t sleep around to feel good about herself.

  Nigel, on the other hand, had her envisioning flings and heated nights...and naughty whispers in her ear with that sexy British accent. Maybe if he’d come along sooner in her life, or if she were here under different circumstances, she would see just what could happen if she let herself go and let her desire guide her decision-making.


  She jerked her attention back to the conversation. “Sorry,” she replied. “I got distracted.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” Kellan asked. “You don’t have to do this. We can find another way to contest the will and make Miranda give up what’s ours.”

  “I swear, I’m fine,” she insisted. “Listen, I need to get back to work, but I’ll be in touch.”

  “Love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she replied before she ended the call.

  Sophie glanced at the time and realized she only had a few hours before she had to meet Nigel. There were a couple angles she was working on for him and she wanted to finish up. The more she proved to be useful, perhaps the more he would trust her with the show’s secrets. He’d already disclosed Seraphina’s personal issue. He was bound to know something about Miranda that went beyond public knowledge.

  Sophie’s entire goal here had hinged on her finding useful gossip or some sort of concrete proof that Miranda had lured Buck into giving his estate to her. Sophie didn’t believe her father had done so just because. But even if he had, Sophie didn’t think she and her brothers should just be cut out of a family legacy.

  Since Sophie was working so closely with Nigel, perhaps she should find ways to use that to her advantage. He would know these women better than probably anyone on the set. They trusted him and confided in him.

  Sophie wasn’t about to use her body to get information—she would never do something like that. But spending extra time with Nigel over dinners or coming up with new ideas to get into his office for extra minutes could lead to conversations she could use later.

  After all... Nigel had clearly made it apparent he was interested. Maybe he would trust her with more and then she could get back to Royal...before she ended up losing her innocence.


  Nigel came to his feet when Roslyn entered the private room. He’d requested his usual spot on the second floor of Manhattan’s poshest restaurant. He wanted no interruptions.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late.” Roslyn pulled off her red scarf and coat, then shook out her golden hair. “It takes quite a bit longer to get around the city than where I’m from.”

  “Country girl,” he joked, gesturing for her to take a seat in the curved booth next to him.

  The hostess took Roslyn’s coat and scarf before leaving them alone.

  The flickering candle and the tight bundle of white roses in a gold vase on the table set a romantic vibe, one he wasn’t purposely trying to create. He’d wanted to spend time with her, and he’d wanted a good dinner. Why couldn’t he have both? The decor wasn’t his fault—it came with the room.

  “I’ll take your crazy traffic into account next time we meet,” she told him.

  “I’ll send my driver next time,” he replied.

  “That’s not necessary. I doubt you do that for your other employees.”

  True, but she wasn’t just any employee. An argument he wasn’t going to have now. He’d just send the car next time and she would have no choice but to allow him to make her life easier.

  “Which reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to ask,” she added, turning to face him. “Everyone in the office calls you Mr. Townshend, yet you told me to call you Nigel.”


  “You’re working closer with me than most of them do. Would you like a glass of wine?” he asked, instead of going in circles with an argument he’d ultimately win anyway.

  “White, please. And nice dodge.”

  Nigel merely smiled with a wink as he got the waiter’s attention and ordered drinks. Once they were alone again, he shifted toward her.

  “Craig tells me you’ve been busy all day. I believe the words he used were huddled over your computer and muttering to the keyboard.”

  Roslyn smiled and tipped her head. “I may have been working on a few things.”

  “Such as?”

  She turned and reached inside her bag and procured a folder. “I was hoping you’d ask. I went ahead and came up with some possible scenarios for some upcoming segments. Just a few things that would entice viewers to keep tuning in and expand your base.”

  Intrigued, and more than turned on at her work ethic and passion, Nigel eased closer. He wanted to get a look at what she’d brought, but he’d be lying if he claimed he didn’t want to just get closer, to inhale that sexy floral scent that permeated from her. For such a country girl, she seemed to blend right in with this city life. She worked hard, hustled harder and had class, beauty and brains that just begged for anyone around her to notice.

  Why was he torturing himself? Why didn’t he just find another woman to spend time with...and one that would guarantee a satisfying ending to the evening?

  Because none of the women he knew fascinated him like Roslyn Andrews.

  Nigel listened to her talk, watched as she flipped from one graph to the next and even discussed pulling in a few celebrity appearances, perhaps at a cocktail party hosted by one of the ladies.

  “Because if they hype up the event on their social media, you will instantly expand your viewer base,” she finished.

  Nigel extended his arm along the back of the booth. “Impressive.”

  Her smile beamed and her eyes sparkled. “I really think the solution to your problem is simple, but it will require a little grunt work.”

  Story of his life. He’d never met anyone who worked harder than him...until now. But her ideas and ingenuity were the exact match he needed not only to keep his show afloat but to rise higher than ever in the rankings.

  “Let’s take a break,” he told her. “I skipped lunch and I’m hungry enough to order one of everything.”

  Roslyn laughed. “I’m not sure I’m that hungry, but I’d love an appetizer or bread to go with this wine.”

  They ordered and once they were alone again, Nigel wanted to dive into more about her personal life. There was a need to learn everything about her, which he couldn’t explain, and wasn’t even going to try. It had been a long time since a woman intrigued him like Roslyn. Everyone in the office who had met her so far had been just as fascinated and impressed by her work ethic and her drive... Her sweet Southern accent also went a long way in charming some of the men.

  Nigel didn’t like it, but he couldn’t blame them. Roslyn was the complete package.

  “So, you came to the city because you wanted a change after your father’s passing,” he began. “Are you enjoying the lifestyle here? Other than the traffic, that is.”

  “It’s definitely an adjustment. I’m not sure I’d ever get used to all the chaos. Texas is a big state and I’m used to land and green grass with sunny blue skies.” She hesitated before tipping her head and leveling his gaze. “Where are you from originally?”

  She wanted to turn the tables? Fine by him. He didn’t mind sharing his backstory, especially if that meant she was just as interested in him as he was in her. Maybe that was his ego talking, but he didn’t miss the way she looked at him. He’d been hit on and charmed by many women—a man in his powerful position was prone to such things. Roslyn wasn’t trying to seduce him with her pretty words or sexy clothes...yet she did all the same.

  Everything about her turned him on and the differences between them kept tugging at
him to uncover more. Because the more he found how different they were, the more he realized how much they complimented each other.

  “My family is back in Cumbria, England,” he told her. “Beautiful countryside and I love it when I’m there, but I also love the city. No reason I can’t have the best of both worlds. I understand the appeal of vast land with green as far as the eye can see. That sounds like where I grew up.”

  “I bet you have horses,” she guessed, curling her fingers around the stem of her wine glass. Yet, she never took her eyes off him as she smiled.

  “We do,” he replied. “It’s something my grandmother and I always shared a passion in. When I go home, we always have a date at the stables.”

  “You’ve mentioned your grandmother before. I take it you two are close.”

  Roslyn shifted in her seat, causing the strands of her hair to brush against his hand behind her back. He couldn’t resist sliding the ends between his fingers, his eyes darting to the golden strands.

  “Your hair is so damn soft,” he muttered before he could stop himself.

  “Your grandmother.”

  “I’ve never felt her hair.”

  Roslyn laughed. “We were talking about your grandmother.”

  “We were, but I’d rather talk about you.”

  She hesitated for a second and the moment was broken. He pulled his arm back, not wanting to make her uncomfortable or come across as a creepy boss. Hadn’t he told her he wouldn’t get involved? How did she continue to pull him in? It was that damn mind of hers. She was too fascinating, too intoxicating. He continually wanted more.

  “Tell me more about this hometown of yours,” he said. “You know, Miranda also lived in Texas for a time.”

  “I’m aware,” she replied. “I made it a point to study up on all the cast. I assumed that was part of my job, right?”

  “Always circling back to work.” Nigel shook his head and reached for his glass. “I’ve never met anyone who cares about work as much as I do.”

  “Well, I care about my job and making a good impression,” she stated. “I’ve always believed anyone can make a difference, no matter how small their position or their financial background.”


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