Nightworld Academy: Term Three

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Nightworld Academy: Term Three Page 2

by LJ Swallow

  "Hello, Katherine. How was Christmas?" I ask. She might want to start term with the same attitude, but I’ve more to worry about than her.

  She blinks at me. "I’m sorry, what?"

  "Christmas. Holidays."

  "Didn’t your vampire puppy dog tell you we don’t ‘do’ Christmas?"

  "Katherine stayed at the academy," pipes up the girl beside her, and Katherine shoots her a filthy look.

  "Why?" blurts Amelia.

  "My parents are on business and I couldn’t join them," she snaps. "I wasn’t the only one who stayed."

  What does ‘your vampire’ mean?

  "Oh look, we have potions together, Maeve." Katherine taps the paper again. "Cynthia, write this down too."

  I’m on the verge of snarkily asking Katherine if she can write when Amelia interrupts.

  "How about that coffee, Maeve?" She looks at me pointedly. "You can finish copying the timetable later."

  "Can’t I copy yours?" I complain.

  "We don’t have all the same classes," she says. "Different magic specialisation. Sorry."

  "Huh." Katherine peers at the lists. "The Mental Magic class list is missing."

  Amelia side-glances me. We noticed too and presumed the academy haven’t recruited anybody yet. The missing sheet confirmed to me that Tobias has gone.

  He did lie.

  "I’ll miss Tobias." Katherine sighs. "I bet you will too, Maeve. I swear you were his favourite."

  "Coffee!" interrupts Amelia and gives me a light shove.

  I feel Katherine’s eyes boring into me as I head away.

  The cafe is crowded with students exchanging stories about their holidays. I touch the necklace Ash bought me, the silver chain and blue pendant warm against my skin. I wish Ash had visited like Amelia did, or I’d had the chance to visit him, but I understand his and his family’s need for privacy.

  Two girls at the table beside Amelia and me discuss their new gifts too, and I shake my head. Some things here make the place almost human.

  I drop my hand from my neck as I notice someone watching me from the opposite side of the room.

  Some things make the school very un-human.

  Andrei sits on one chair with his feet on another. We haven’t spoken since the winter ball. I left in the daytime on the following day so never had a chance to see or thank him. We’ve never exchanged numbers, which means he couldn’t contact me using that well-used phone in his hand.

  This guy does weird things to me—I never expected a vampire would set my heart beating faster or my body would crave his attention. It’s crazy. I’m crazy. I have a perfectly normal and caring guy who would lavish attention on me that Andrei never would.

  If you could call a huge guy on the verge of becoming a dragon shifter normal.

  I sigh. What is normal?

  Andrei’s legs are hugged by scruffy black denim and his greying T-shirt has a faded logo on the front. Even though his face is half-hidden by hair as usual, his bright eyes are fixed on mine.

  Andrei tips his chin in greeting but instead of returning to his phone, he continues to study me. The hairs on the back of my neck lift under his scrutiny— Andrei’s actions the evening of the ball changed everything between us.

  We can’t pretend we don’t care about each other any longer.

  "I’ll be with you in a minute." I leave Amelia enthusing to Jade about her trip to my town and walk over to Andrei. He moistens his lips as I approach and his look becomes wary.

  What do I say?

  "Hi, Andrei. Did you have a nice holiday?"

  He stares for a moment then laughs at me. I scowl. "Sorry. Your over-politeness sounds weird. I’m fine. Thanks."

  Andrei looks at his phone.

  "Omigod." I take the phone from him and place it on the table. "Are you ignoring me already? We have a lot to talk about."

  "Not here and now, we don’t. I’ll speak to you later." Huffing, I sit and cross my arms. He looks over my shoulder to avoid my eyes. "I’m sorry I never told you what Tobias did on our field trip, okay? You have your apology, so can you leave me alone now?" He takes his phone back.

  "Wow. Rude, much? And for the record, I understand why you didn’t tell me."

  Andrei doesn’t respond. Seriously? I refuse to leave, hoping to annoy him into talking to me, and the tension crackles between us.

  "I thought we were past this, Andrei."

  His eyes meet mine again. "Maeve. Please. I can’t deal with you right now." His voice is softer, almost pleading.

  "What is that supposed to mean?"

  He shrugs. "Whatever you want it to."

  "Wow, Andrei. Is this because I’ve exposed Tobias and he ran? Are you worried you don’t have a mentor?"

  "Tobias? He’s a lying bastard." Andrei swipes his fringe from his eyes. "And Tobias hasn’t ‘run’ anywhere."

  My heart skips a beat. "What?"

  "Tobias. He’s back."

  Chapter Three


  I rush through the building, out of breath already, as I haul myself up the stairs to the classrooms. My shoes slap along the tiled hallway as I rush past the darkened, empty classrooms and arrive at the Mental Magic room.

  Pausing with my hand on the door, I attempt to control my breathing. This can’t be true. He wouldn’t come back.

  The door is unlocked and I stride inside, across the runes, then peer around the dark classroom. There aren’t any candles or lanterns lit, and I struggle to make my way through the desks and chairs to the door at the classroom’s rear.

  Tobias’s study. If he’s back, I’ll tell him I’m not frightened, and that I’ll expose him.

  The door is ajar and, as I peek inside, my brain finally catches up with my ludicrous idea I’ll find Tobias here.

  The small study is as bare as when I last saw the room—apart from two cardboard boxes: one on the desk and one on the floor.

  No Tobias.

  I smooth hair from where strands flew into my face running up here, then turn to leave. A figure stands in the doorway to the classroom and my heart judders.

  Tobias is silhouetted against the light from the corridor. He remains still and quiet, and I wish I could see his face and expression. The last time I was alone with this guy, he told me terrifying secrets.

  Tobias warned me he couldn’t get close to a witch, what it could do to him—and hinted what he’d do to me.

  "Class doesn’t begin until Tuesday, Miss Foster," he says in an even tone. Struggling for words, I move away from the study door in case he pushes me inside and threatens me again. "Or did you want to speak to me about something else?"

  He moves from the classroom doorway, and I edge around the opposite side of the room, ensuring several desks separate us as I inch towards the exit.

  Tobias halts. "What’s wrong?"

  "You can’t come back here," I whisper through the dark.

  "I can, and I did." He speaks in a matter of fact tone, as if nothing untoward ever happened.

  "Then I’m going to Theodora to tell her what you did to me. Who you are."

  "There’s no need, Maeve. I told you, Theodora already knows."

  Tobias turns away and light glows as he lights a nearby lantern. The light highlights the impassive look on his face.

  "I don’t believe you. And I mean it. I’m going to speak to Theodora tomorrow."

  "And I don’t care. Ask her," he says, moving closer again.

  This time I stand my ground, ignoring the pneuma vampire’s immediate pull on my energy. "I will." He laughs softly at my childish comeback. "We all know," I say. "The whole group. You can’t blackmail us all like you did Andrei."

  "Let me see." He holds out a hand. "Jamie—using Blackwood magic, Ash—would do anything to keep you safe, Amelia—I can give her access to Ravenhold."

  "And me?" I ask hoarsely.

  "I don’t need to spell that out, do I?" he whispers.

  "I don’t trust you," I blurt. "You might hurt somebody. Me.

  "I saved your life once, Maeve. It would not be arrogant of me to say I will again." There’s a desk between us but with each heartbeat, each word spoken in his beguiling tone, I have to fight moving closer.

  "How do you do that?" I whisper.

  "What am I doing?" The candlelight flickers across his face and accentuates the otherworldly beauty in his sharp features and sensual mouth.

  Hell, Maeve. Not again.

  "You confuse me, even when you’re not touching my mind."

  "Do you mean your physical attraction to me, Maeve?" I shiver at how he says my name, the words, the undertone. "Does that bother you?"

  What point is there in denying this? "Yes, but I feel that way because you’re a pneuma and attractive. You do this to me deliberately. It won’t work, Tobias. I wouldn’t let you touch me."

  "Of course not." His mouth pulls at one corner and the unhidden desire in his eyes catches my breath.

  "I’ll speak to Theodora. If she knows you’re an escaped convict who abuses his position at the academy, and accepts this situation, then fine. I won’t be able to do anything. But I won’t come near you and you need to stay away from me."

  "I agree. Apart from class. Mental magic is important, especially to you."

  I grit my teeth at his subtle teasing. "Do you know one reason I’m determined to perfect my mind control skill? To defend myself against you."

  "Perfect. Then you have motivation."

  I scowl at his condescension. "I do. I’ll learn how to get into your head."

  I tense as Tobias edges around the table, and my pulse raises as if I’d run up and down stairs ten times instead of once.

  "But you’re already in my head, Maeve."

  I could lose myself in his thrall, in the gaze that controls and confuses me, but he will never have the opportunity to do that again.

  "If you allow one of your boys closer, be careful who you choose," he whispers.

  "I’m not going to ‘choose’," I retort. "Nobody will ever possess me or my powers."

  I’m shocked by the words and the realisation that comes with this. I will fight for my safety and those I love. I will fight Tobias.

  "I am sure you’re right," he says. "Nobody could hope to possess you."

  The closer Tobias steps, the tighter his energy holds onto mine. But this is more. Tobias radiates a sexual energy as strong and confusing as any lamia’s. I struggle between stepping away or trying to hold his challenge. Beat him. Make him back off.

  Andrei’s words by the bonfire, about keeping enemies close, ring in my ears. Tobias is one enemy I will keep at a distance.

  "I’m not your enemy, Maeve. I’m a colleague, and I will help you." His eyes drop to my mouth. "But yes, stay away unless we need to be together. I think that would be wise."

  He steps back and allows me to pass him. As I do, he gently touches my arm and I jerk to a halt. "I’m sorry I lied to you. I wish things could be different between us." I lift my eyes to his, readying a retort, but catch a glimpse of the Tobias he hides behind his stiff formality. Honesty. Vulnerability. "And for the record, I don’t do anything to you consciously. This is as difficult for me as for you."

  For a fleeting moment, I believe Tobias.

  But that’s what he wants.

  Chapter Four


  I sit in the Walcott common room, alone and drinking hot chocolate as I mull over my meeting with Tobias. My heart still thrums and adrenaline courses through my veins, but I won’t let him ruin my night. Hopefully Amelia will be here soon—and Ash, who’s texted to say he’s back.

  Ash kept in contact over Christmas and every day my stomach would flutter in excitement when he sent a text. I stepped back and gave him space, not contacting him until he made contact with me. The shocking events with Vincent must’ve pushed our kiss low down on the scale of important things, but he still took time to stay in touch over the holidays.

  That kiss. Wow. I’ve never been kissed with passion like his. This was more than toe-curling; I could’ve stood forever in his embrace as the snow piled onto us. I’d happily have stayed until I resembled one of Amelia’s ice sculptures, while Ash’s kiss heated me from deep inside.

  Of course, Amelia knows—I told her one evening when she stayed, unable to keep in my secret. Her surprise confused me, until she admitted she expected me and Jamie would hook up.

  This bothers me.

  Does Jamie think the same?

  Somebody winds their arms around my neck from behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder. I don’t need to turn to know the muscular arms belong to Ash.

  I’m amused when he leaps over the sofa and sits beside me, but that’s wiped away when he seizes my face and plants a huge kiss on my mouth. My stomach flip flops, heat flooding through my body and into my cheeks.

  Ash moves and runs his thumb across my lips. "I missed you."

  "That was quite an entrance, Ash." I rest my forehead against his as he wipes away the stress of my meeting with Tobias. "I missed you too."

  Ash wraps his arm around me, dragging me close before kissing me again. His scruff scratches my cheek as his lips move gently against mine. Worried we’ll be dragged into another mind-melting kiss, I wriggle away.

  "You don’t mind, do you?" he whispers, brow creased.

  Jade sits opposite, her hand frozen in mid-air holding crisps that never made it to her mouth. I glance around and spot another girl from my elemental magic class gawking too.

  PDAs with the academy’s most popular guy? Bad move.

  Nobody speaks and the background music grows louder in the silence. Thank god there’re only half a dozen people in here.

  "I guess we’re public now," I say to Ash.

  "Good." He drags me into a bear hug and kisses me again. In exactly the same way, only this time I’m engulfed by his arms, my body lighting up where we touch.

  Omigod. These kisses aren’t for public.

  "Jeez guys, get a room." I jump away from Ash to see Jamie plonk himself opposite us.

  Jamie was on my mind a lot over the holidays, and I hated I couldn't contact him to see how he was coping. His hair grew longer over the break, now rivalling Andrei for the ability to hide his face when he wants. The light in his eyes I saw the first day I arrived is no longer there, replaced with the wariness they’ve held since I first told him my vision. The relaxed, happy Jamie who danced with me disappeared when Tobias took the Blackwood pendant.

  "When did you arrive back?" I ask, trying to ignore how my lips buzz from Ash’s kiss.

  "Half an hour ago. I was looking for you and Amelia, but I see you’re busy." He arches a brow.

  "Amelia’s showering," I say. "She’ll be here soon."

  Jamie’s eyes drop to where my hand stays firmly in Ash’s. "How’s things, Ash? Is Vincent doing okay?"

  "He’s coping." Ash strokes the back of my hand with his thumb. "He’ll improve once he stops hiding in the pub. He doesn’t want to see anybody."

  "Hmm. That’s not good." Jamie sinks back against the chair. "Years as a captive would screw with anybody’s head."

  I balk at Jamie’s bluntness, but Ash just shrugs. "He has a lot to catch up on, but he needs time."

  "Doesn’t Vincent have friends who want to see him?" I ask.

  "Yeah, but he’s hidden himself over Christmas. Fair enough, because that’s what Mum wants." He grins. "I can’t believe Vince came home. It’s like a nightmare has ended."

  Despite his smile, Ash’s face shows the strain of recent weeks, but he’s not the broken guy I saw dragged away from his brother’s half-dead body.

  Amelia shouts "Jamie!" and bounds across the room.

  He stands up, arms outstretched to welcome her, and she throws her arms around him. He wraps his lean arms around her in a huge hug. My stomach sinks that Jamie never hugged me when he walked in, but how could he if I was wrapped around Ash?

  Amelia pouts. "I can’t give you a hug, Ash, since Maeve seems to have you all
to herself."

  Ash shakes his head and stands before lifting Amelia from the floor in a huge embrace. She gasps as he squeezes her, then swats at him. "That’s enough, put me down."

  "You said you wanted a hug." Ash sets her back on the floor and chuckles.

  "Yes, but I don’t need reminding how small I am." She huffs and sits beside Jamie.

  Jamie chews his lip. "Fine that we’re being all happy and chatty, but there’s a lot to unpack from last term."

  "Amelia has a huge suitcase to unpack," I joke and am rewarded with a stern Jamie look.

  "You know that’s not what I mean. Has anybody spoken to Theodora yet?" he asks.

  "Calm down, Jamie. We just got back from the holidays," protests Ash.

  Jamie ignores him. "I asked about Tobias when I was home. Nobody knows much about him."

  "You didn’t tell people what he said, did you?" I reply.

  Amelia waves a hand. "Shush! Tobias has left now. The Confederacy can deal with him."

  I drag a hand down my face. "Tobias hasn’t left."

  Ash jumps away from me. "What the hell? Is he crazy?"

  "Have you seen him?" asks Jamie.

  I nod but don’t elaborate.

  "Theodora knows who he is," I continue.

  "Which worries me," says Ash. "Not because of the Ravenhold connection, but if his story is true, there’re Dominion sympathisers in the academy."

  "Will you keep your voice down," urges Amelia.

  "Not the best time for this conversation, I agree." I cuddle up to Ash again. "We can speak to Sofia tomorrow and ask if she can arrange a meeting."

  Ash makes a low sound in his throat. "No."

  "Why not?" Jamie leans forward. "Do you know something?"

  "No. But can we trust her? She’s a—" He pauses. "A professor. Can we trust her?"

  My spirits sink. Witch.

  "I trust her," I say indignantly.

  "I do too, but we need to be in agreement. I say we head straight to Theodora," says Jamie.

  "Maybe talk about this later?" Amelia tips her head to a group behind us. "When there’re less people around. Ash, talk to me about your Christmas!"


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