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Hawk Page 7

by Belle, Kimberly I.

  “Doc’s on it. Axl is escorting her and he should be back by morning.”

  He’s still hovering in my room.

  “Something else you wanna say?” I ask.

  “You okay man? You’ve been different since Jen’s cousins came into town.”

  “I’m fine. There’s a lot of shit going on. I thought we had all this behind us and we didn’t need to worry about shit rivalries.”

  “We will pull through, we always do and come out on top.”

  “I know brother.”

  We shake hands and hug and he leaves my room. I lay back on my bed and relax. I can’t help but think of Hannah and what she looks like when her hair isn’t butchered and she isn’t bruised. She’s a beautiful woman as she is, she’s probably a knockout when she’s fully herself. I really do hope she gets the help she needs to heal from all the trauma she has experienced. I drift off to sleep thinking about her.

  Chapter 8


  I’m just now waking up from a very vivid recurring nightmare of my ex. I keep dreaming that he finds me and he kills me. There’s nothing I can do in my dream to stop it, he gets me every time. I wake up remembering that I’m in my cousin’s house and that I’m safe for the most part. I can’t believe everything that’s happened to me over the course of weeks. I never pictured my life being what it is now. I’m battered, bruised, I have no job, my ex is hunting me down no doubt and I’m tied up with an outlaw biker gang. My parents would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what their only daughter became.

  I get up to use the bathroom and hear voices out in the house again. Oh god, could this be happening again? My heart starts to pound and I feel myself getting faint. It’s not until I hear my cousin laughing that I realize she’s with either Jimmy or Tim.

  I take a quick shower and put on a pair of leggings and a giant long-sleeved t-shirt with a hood. I really need to get my hair squared away. There are parts of my hair that are longer than the others and parts of my hair that are shaved and growing out. I step out of my bedroom and into the kitchen to find Jen and our two bodyguards sitting around having coffee.

  “Good Morning,” I say.

  “Morning Han,” my cousin says with a giant smile on her face.

  “Good Morning,” both Jimmy and Tim say nodding their heads.

  “How did you sleep?” Jimmy asks. He looks handsome as ever.

  “I slept well thanks.” I’m lying and he knows by the look he’s giving me.

  “What are we having for breakfast?” I ask trying to change the subject. I haven’t cooked since I’ve been to my cousin’s house. Apart from making coffee, I haven’t felt inspired.

  “We don’t have much. We need to go grocery shopping,” my cousin says.

  “Let’s see.” I go over to the cupboards and start pulling things out and do the same in the fridge. “You have enough to make a great breakfast here. Let me do my thing and we can eat in about 30 minutes,” I say to them. I want them to clear the kitchen. I hate cooking with people hovering around me unless they’re going to help.

  “I know that face, I’m out,” Jimmy says. He knows me from a while back and that I hate people hovering in the kitchen. My cousin does the same and leaves and Tim follows behind.

  I manage to find ingredients to make eggs benedict. Instead of Canadian bacon I use regular bacon that’s in the fridge. My cousin had frozen English muffins and bacon and tons of eggs and butter in the fridge. That’s plenty to make a hearty and delicious breakfast.

  45 minutes later….

  I set the table and set out the food settings. Everyone gets two halves of the English muffin, two poached eggs with bacon and hollandaise and some fruit on the side.

  I walk into the living room to find them all watching a movie.

  “Foods ready, if you’re hungry,” I say to no one in particular.

  They all get up and head into the dining room.

  “Wow,” Tim says. “This looks amazing. How did you manage to come up with this?”

  “Wow, Han, I shouldn’t be surprised but I am every time you cook,” Jen says.

  “I’m excited,” Jimmy says rubbing his hands together and sitting at one of the place settings.

  “Let’s dig in guys, I don’t want it to get cold,” I sit down next to Jimmy and dig into breakfast. He makes me feel safe, the familiarity of a man that doesn’t hurt me and never would gives me comfort.

  “This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted and you did this with frozen muffins,” Tim says. “Where have you been all my life woman? This sure beats eating frozen toaster pastries and toast in the morning.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet man. Han knows her stuff. We’ll be lucky if she cooks more for us. She used to make me the best lasagna dinner, oh and her homemade pistachio gelato ice cream will kill yeah,” Jimmy says letting out a little moan.

  “You remember those meals?” I ask.

  “How could I forget? I was your guinea pig when you made new foods. Me and Jen were your food guinea pigs. I never complained because nothing ever tasted horrible,” Jimmy says as he takes a big bite.

  I can’t help but think of how different my life would have been with someone like Jimmy. I’m knocked out of my thoughts by a knock at the door.

  “Who’s that?” I ask out loud.

  “Stay here,” Jimmy says as he stands. Tim follows suit and they both head towards the door. The knocking gets harder.

  I’m getting nervous. I can feel my heart rate increasing.

  Jimmy mouths to Tim to go out back and around to the front while he answers the door. They aren’t playing around. I watch them move very silently and quickly. They look lethal. Jimmy gets to the door and motions for us to stay where we are and puts a finger up to his lips motioning us to stay quiet. He opens up the door and Tim is standing there with another biker on his knees and in zip ties.

  “What the fuck?” I blurt out.

  I see Jimmy get on the phone. I don’t know who he’s calling.

  “Shit, who is he?” My cousin yells out.

  “He’s trash that needs to be taken out,” Tim says.

  I’m shaken up, I don’t know what to do with myself. I sit at the table while my cousin cleans up nervously and just stare at the guy they caught.

  I don’t know how much time passes by but I hear a bunch of bikes pull up to the house suddenly.

  Everything is a blur and before I know it, 15 minutes pass by and the guy who came to the door is taken away in a giant van with no windows. I hear footsteps walk up the porch.

  “How are you two doing?” Hawk asks as he comes and sits on the couch with Jen and me.

  “We’re fine. Jimmy and Tim took care of things before he could do anything,” I reply.

  “Good. Now, I know you won’t like what I’m about to say but you guys need to stay at the clubhouse.”

  “Say that one more time,” I say.

  My cousin squeezes my arm.

  “Jen, please explain to her. We are going on lockdown.”

  My cousin lets out a huge breath.

  “By the way she just let that out, you know I’m not going to like this,” ‘I say.

  “Hehh that’s the understatement of the year. Why now, Hawk?” My cousin asks.

  “We have more credible threats, and it’s out now that old ladies are the target of the Devil’s Daddies. They aren’t going to stop unless the hit us where it hurts the most and that’s our women. Unfortunately for you two, your caught in the crossfire as you aren’t old ladies. All the other brothers have their families at the clubhouse. We’re locked down. You two are the last to arrive,” Hawk says sternly.

  “Shit,” my cousin blurts out.

  “Can someone please explain what the fuck is going in?” I yell.

  “Sorry, Han we have to move into their clubhouse temporarily. They lock it down, no one gets in or out only for emergencies and work. Those who go out f
or work are heavily guarded.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I can’t believe this is happening. I look for Jimmy. He is part of that world and I trust him. I’m still on the fence about Hawk.

  “Han, we don’t have a choice here if we want to be safe,” Jen says.

  “Jimmy, what do you think?” I ask him. He’s standing off in the corner with his arms crossed. He looks to Hawk to speak.

  “Prospect,” Hawk states, giving him the okay to speak freely.

  “Han, I think you should go. We can only protect you so much here, at the clubhouse there are more of us and we have complete control who comes and goes. There’s too much vulnerability here. We’re the good guys, we aren’t going to hurt you. You know me and my word is everything,” Jimmy says.

  I search his face and I see nothing but sincere concern and the truth. “Okay. I’ll go,” I say.

  Chapter 9


  “Good. Get your shit packed and let’s head out,” I say to Jen and her cousin. I’m pissed. Hannah doesn’t trust me. She needs confirmation from the fucking prospect. I need to find out exactly what kind of history they had. I don’t like her trusting another man’s word over mine, especially a prospect, I’m the fucking president.

  “Jeez, you could be a little nice about it. You just don’t want our deaths on your hands,” Hannah says before storming off.

  “Sorry Hawk, I apologize for my cousin,” Jen says.

  “I hear you Jen. Don’t apologize for me because I’m not sorry,” Hannah yells out.

  I wipe my hands over my face in frustration and disbelief. I can’t believe this woman, it’s almost comical. She’s going to make life hell.

  20 minutes later…

  “I’m ready. Let’s go to prison. How long exactly are we on lockdown?” Hannah asks as she walks out from the hallway to the living room.

  I stand up right in front of her. “Until we determine the threat is eliminated,” I say. She checks me out from top to bottom landing on my dick then my face. I don’t know if she realizes she’s checking me out. I clear my throat.

  “You don’t expect us to fuck you in return do you?” Hannah blurts out. Where the fuck did that come from?

  “What kind of club do you think we are?” I say laughing.

  “I saw those girls when I went there. I hope you don’t expect us to do that,” she says huffing and crossing her arms across her chest.

  “Hannah, stop. They aren’t like that. Those are club whores, they want to fuck them,” Jen says.

  “Can we please get going? We are going to follow you on our bikes,” I say.

  “Where’s Jimmy?” Hannah asks.

  “He’s back at the club. Jax, Axl and I will be escorting you. Don’t worry you are in good hands. Consider yourself lucky, you have more than half the leadership watching your asses,” I reply as I walk out of the house. I’m pissed. I feel the tension in my body rising.

  I walk ahead to make sure no danger is present. Axl is outside keeping watch with Jax. I can’t believe I’m taking so much lip from someone. I would have her ass for talking to me like that if she was anyone else. Jen and Hannah follow behind me. Hannah has a backpack on her back, and Jen had a luggage that we already took out to the car.

  “Is that all your bringing?” I ask confused. Women usually have a lot of shit.

  “It’s all I have,” she says quietly.

  Fuck, I feel like an asshole for asking. She was this loudmouth a few minutes ago and now she’s defeated by my fucking asshole questions.

  “Okay. Well, let’s get you to the clubhouse.” I open the door for her. “You follow me Jen, Axl and Jax will follow behind you.

  “Got it Hawk,” Jen replies giving me a mock salute.

  It takes 15 minutes to get to the clubhouse. We’re on serious lockdown. We even notified the local PD what was going down. We have a few brothers that are cops. As soon as I pull up to the clubhouse I’m greeted by one of our brothers Fox, he’s sly like a fox but as big as a bear.

  “Hey Fox, everything good?” I ask him.

  “Yeah Pres, Delta and Doc got security set up quick. We have 15 brothers patrolling outside and the rest are inside. We’re taking shifts to make sure no one is in and out without us knowing,” he replies.

  “Good. I’ll catch up with you later. We have the last two packages coming in. Lock it down. No one in or out. You know the drill,” I order.

  “Got it, Pres.”

  I pull up to the front of the clubhouse and park my bike. Jax and Axl follow behind. Doc and Delta’s bikes are parked here as well. I motion to Jen to park her car here in the front. She does as I say.

  I go to Hannah’s door and open it up for her. I’m a gentleman deep down. Jax does the same from Jen. He grabs the bags as well.

  “Come on, let me show you where you will be staying,” I say to them both.

  They follow behind me as we walk through the clubhouse. There are families out in the clubhouse rec room. The club whores know not to act out when family is nearby. We protect them as well if they chose to stay during a lockdown. We haven’t had many lockdowns in the past.

  “Jen and Hannah this is your room. I hope you don’t mind staying together,” I say.

  “But Hawk, these are your quarters,” Jen says with a confused look on her face.

  “I have another room,” I say. We recently refurnished and expanded the clubhouse. Leadership has a new wing. Not that far from where our old rooms were but we have bigger rooms now.

  Hannah and Jen walk into the room. “Thank you,” Jen says. “Do you know if I will be able to go to work? The strip club and the tattoo shop still need to be run,” she asks. Hannah has been quiet. I can’t tell if she’s fuming or just accepted the fact that she’s here. She walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.

  “We will have you escorted to work. Our rivals think that you’re Jax’s old lady. They won’t stop to get at leaderships women. None of the leadership have old ladies but you and your cousin have been pegged as ours. Until we can eliminate the threat we need you guys to stay put, you will only be allowed to go to work and back,” I say sternly.

  “I understand. Who will be escorting me?” she asks.

  “Jax and Tim will be escorting you to and from work,” I reply.

  “Okay. Thanks for everything, Hawk,” she says as she sits on the bed.

  “Let us know if you need anything. I’ll have the prospects check in on you,” I say.

  Hannah walks out of the bathroom at that moment. “Where’s Jimmy?” she asks.

  “He’s busy,” I reply. “Can I help you with something?”

  “I think you’ve helped enough,” Hannah replies.

  “Hannah, quit it. They’re just trying to help,” Jen replies.

  “Well, I’ll let you ladies talk. Holler if you need anything,” I say as I walk out.

  She has some nerve talking to me like that. No one talks to me like that and lives to see the day. I’m only being lenient because she’s been through hell and I find her fucking intriguing.

  “Pres,” Jax says from behind me as I walk to the rec room. I need a drink.

  “Hey man, what’s going on?”

  “Doc’s been looking for you. He has something important to tell us. He’s in church.”

  “Let’s go.” We head towards church.

  I walk in with Jax and all my leadership is present.

  “Doc, what’s going on?” I ask as I take a seat at the head of the table.

  “Hawk, I had my contacts in the police department take a look into Hannah’s boyfriend and it looks like he has ties to the Devil’s Daddies. They have been feeding his drug habit for a while now. He gives them protection in exchange for drugs. He recently fell into trouble because he hasn’t been paying them. He’s racked up a huge amount of debt. They’re looking for him and he’s looking for her.”

  “What the fuck. How is it possible for her
to be connected to this all?” Shit, this is not good. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

  “What’s worse is he said that she has money and now they want her to pay,” Doc continues.

  I slam my hands on the table. “Do we know anything about their plan?” I ask pacing the room.

  “My contacts and the bugs say that they are planning on attacking in a week’s time. Her boyfriend is still back in his state looking for her,” Doc says.

  “Do we have their exact plans? Who’s in charge?” I ask getting more pissed as the time goes on. “I need answers.” I slam my hands on the table.

  Doc and the rest of leadership spend the next 3 hours discussing information and the plan.

  3 hours later…

  “Shit. This changes everything,” Jax says rubbing his face in frustration. All my brothers look exhausted and frustrated.

  “No shit,” Delta says.

  Doc just uncovered a bunch of rotten cops, drugs, trafficking, and fucking rapists in the Devil’s Daddies club. The bugs have told us more than we needed to know regarding their business dealings. We found out who their new President and leadership is now that the small fuck was terminated. This is more than we ever expected to find out. We have placed a call to our ally clubs and they are all expected tomorrow night. We’re letting the fuckers come to us but what they won’t expect is the force we have.

  “Alright, we have the plan in place, now we wait,” I say. Normally we would bring the fight to them but we don’t want to drive them away or give them a hint of our plans by driving drones of bikers into their territory.

  “I need a fucking drink and a pussy,” Delta says adjusting his dick.

  “I agree,” Jax states.

  “I couldn’t agree with you guys more,” I say. Leadership doesn’t normally fuck club whores. We typically leave them for the brothers. There are too many patch chasers and by fucking a norm we are able to keep our anonymity and weed out the patch whores.

  “I’m fucking starving. Let’s get food since pussy is off the table unless you want club pussy,” I say as I stand and leave the room.


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