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Hawk Page 21

by Belle, Kimberly I.

  “I’m not telling you that, Jen. I would never ask about your sexual dicks.” I start laughing.

  “Alright, alright. Is he above average?”

  “Jen!” I can’t help it but I can feel the blood rush to my face. Hawk is packing more than enough. Well, above average. I don’t want her thinking about his dick.

  “That means he is.” She has a smirk on her face as she walks over to my closet and starts looking for my outfit for the night. She grabs a pair of tight dark blue jeans, heels and a black strappy t-shirt that shows off my back and dips low towards my ass crack.

  “This is perfect,” she says, holding up the top.

  “I don’t know Jen, that’s pretty revealing,” I say looking at the top.

  “I think you would look hot.”

  “I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.” And I don’t want people seeing my scars.

  “Girl, no one is going to get the wrong idea, let alone touch you since you’re Hawk’s lady.”

  “Fine, but I’m bringing a jacket just in case.”

  “I can deal with that. Now, what are we going to do with your hair?”

  “Betty came by this morning to do my hair. She curled it into soft curls,” I say.

  “But you put it up in that bun you always wear. Let’s bring it down. Let me see.” She motions with her hands for me to let it down.

  I grab the clip and let it down. It falls down to the middle of my back. Thank god for extensions.

  “I love it. You have that I just fucked in bed type of hair. It looks hot.”

  “You’re crazy,” I say laughing.

  “You love me. Come, let me do you makeup.” She gestures for me to follow her into the bathroom. She spends half an hour putting makeup on my face.

  “All done,” she says.

  I stand up and take a look at the make-up she did on me. I can’t believe the person looking back at me.

  “Wow. Jen, you did an amazing job. You were always good at doing makeup but you definitely got better. I feel like a different person.” She accentuated my eyes, my eyelashes are dark and curled, I have eye liner on that makes my eyes look brighter and wider. She put fire engine red lipstick on me, something I’ve never worn before. I feel sexy and bold.

  “Nope. You’re still you. Come on. Let’s get dressed and head out.”

  I run into my bedroom while she finishes her make-up and gets dressed. I feel very sexy and sleek in this outfit. I haven’t been out in an outfit like this in a long time. My breasts are pushed up, my ass is being hugged tightly and I’m showing more skin than I have in a very long time. I’ve also never worn this much makeup around Hawk before.

  Jen emerges from the bathroom looking hot. She’s wearing a pair of jeans and a light blue tank top. “You look beautiful,” I say.

  “And you look smoking hot. You’re going to be knocking them dead tonight. Hawk might be mad at me for making you look this good,” she says letting out a guttural laugh.

  “Oh hush, no one’s going to be looking. Come on, let’s go. Hawk already texted me asking me where you were.” I’m really bad at text messaging. I always forget to check them and respond plus I’m always losing my phone.

  We head out in Jen’s car. Once we pull up to the gate, Jen lowers the window so they can security check us. Gear, one of the brothers is manning the gate with a prospect. Security is immensely heightened tonight. More than a handful of guys are around the front gate. I can see that they are all packing heat too.

  “Hey Jen, whose that with you?” Gear asks.

  “Gear, it’s Hannah,” she laughs.

  “Hey, Gear. It’s me,” I wave.

  “Hannah, I barely recognized you. Shit, you look good.”

  “She sure does,” the prospect chimes in. The prospect is checking me out thoroughly. Making me feel uncomfortable. I feel his eyes on my breasts.

  “I’d watch it, she’s taken.”

  “By who? I’ll fight them for her,” the prospect chimes in again, licking his lips.

  “Hawk,” Jen says very matter of factly and his face pales immediately.

  “No disrespect, Hannah. Sorry,” he says.

  “Ya’ll enjoy your night,” Gear says.

  “Thanks Gear,” I yell out before Jen pulls away.

  Jen pulls up to the front and parks her car next to a long row of bikes. We exit the car and head into the clubhouse. I feel people staring at me. I hear a whistle coming from somewhere. What is going on with everyone tonight?

  “Come, let’s get a drink,” Jen leads me to the bar.

  “What can I getcha ladies?” The prospect tending bar asks.

  “She’ll have a shot of jack and a beer chaser,” a masculine voice says from next to me. It’s a guy I’ve never seen before. He’s handsome and look dangerous all at the same time. His arms are covered in sleeves. He has the most mysterious black eyes.

  “Oh, no thank you. I’ll take a beer please,” I say to the prospect.

  “I’m Fox and what’s your name beautiful?” The guy says as he gets closer to me.

  “I’m Hannah,” I say. “Thank you.” I say to the prospect once he hands me my beer.

  He leans into me and whispers into my ear, “Do you want to come back to my room? I can show you things and make you feel things you’ve never felt.” He places a hand around my waist. I immediately flinch. I feel his hot hand burning on the bare skin on my back like a hot iron. “Don’t worry baby, I’m not going to hurt you.” If I had a dollar every time I heard that. He reeks of liquor and cigarettes. I try to move his hands off me but he holds onto me tighter.

  “Hey asshole, take your hands off her,” my cousin Jen says.

  “She likes it,” he leans down and whispers into my ear. His hot breath feeling wet on my face.

  “You will remove your hands from my woman,” I hear Hawk say loudly and angry from behind me. The guy immediately freezes. I look around at Hawk and he looks like he’s about to kill a man. He’s clenching his jaw and his hands are in a ball at his side. I’ve never seen him look so scary.

  “She’s not taken. I don’t see a patch, cut or tattoo. She’s free game,” the guys says getting closer to me.

  “That’s my woman. You will remove your hands from her body,” Hawk doesn’t even give him a chance. He grabs his hand and folds it back. The guy’s on his knees in no time. I hear something crack.

  “I didn’t know she was yours,” the Fox guy says.

  “Well, now you know. You all know. Hannah is off limits, she’s mine,” he says louder so everyone can hear.

  Some guy comes up to us. His cut says President for Mayhem Makers. “Sorry, Hawk, he means no disrespect. I hope this doesn’t ruin our relationship.” The guys looks terrified. His eye is twitching.

  “He does it again, it will,” Hawk replies. Hawk turns to me. “You okay, baby?” He looks me over.

  “I’m fine. No harm no foul.”

  “I didn’t recognize you. You look fucking hot, Hannah. I’ve never seen you like this. Shit, my cock is stirring,” he says, adjusting himself.

  I lean up and give him a quick kiss on the lips. “Thank you. Jen picked my outfit. I feel kind of exposed.”

  “I think you look amazing. Come, let’s have a drink outside,” he puts an arm around me and we walk together. He looks freaking hot in his cut and tight black t-shirt. Hawk exudes a large dominant energy that makes me want to spread eagle for him.

  Doc and Jax are sitting around the fire pit having a drink as well. I take a seat next to Doc while Hawk grabs a couple beers for us.

  “Hannah, is that you?” Doc says.

  “Hey Doc. Hey Jax. How are you guys doing?”

  They both reply good. “You’re looking great, Hannah,” Jax says with his eyes super wide.

  “Are you hitting on my woman?” Hawk says as he takes a seat next to me. He’s joking with Jax. I think.

  “Just letting Hannah know what’
s out there,” Jax teases.

  “Not funny, asshole,” Hawk retorts.

  He rests a hand on my thigh. We all spend the evening talking with one another. A few different people come and leave. Mainly Doc, Jax, Hawk, and I stay put.

  “How do you like your new home?” Doc asks.

  “I love it. I’d like to have a housewarming party.”

  “Really?” Hawk says.

  “Yeah. I’m proud of my home.”

  “It’s a beautiful home.”

  “So, what have you been up to lately?” Jax asks.

  “Writing a new cookbook. I’m thinking about doing some cooking classes.”

  “I’d definitely attend that. I can’t cook for shit,” Hawk says.

  “Same,” Jax says.

  We spend the rest of the evening laughing and enjoying each other’s company.

  It’s around 2 in the morning and my exhaustion is kicking in. I’m leaning on Hawk feeling my eyes get heavy.

  “Hawk, I think it’s time for me to go home. I’m too tired,” he’s been talking with the President of the Corrupted Saints for the last hour. I have no idea what they are talking about. I’m surprised they’re even letting me listen in. I’m a little drunk.

  “Hey man, I’m gonna take my woman to bed. I’ll catch up with you later,” Hawk says to the other guy.

  “No, it’s okay, Hawk. I can get home on my own. You guys are talking. I don’t want to interrupt.”

  “Hannah,” Hawk says.

  “Hawk,” I say back.

  The other guy walks away. Hawk stands up and offers me his hand.

  “Come. Let’s go to bed.”

  I stand up and I feel my legs buckle. Hawk immediately catches me and holds me close to him. He lifts me up and bridal style carries me.

  “Hawk, put me down.”

  “Not gonna happen. You’re drunk,” he walks straight to his bedroom. He throws me down onto the bed. I basically plop backwards onto the bed and laugh. Hawk climbs on top of me and hovers over me. He leans down and kisses me deeply. I reach down and start rubbing his dick. He grabs my hand to stop.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Baby, you’ve had quite a bit to drink. I don’t want to fuck unless you’re fully coherent.”

  I pout. “But I want you inside me.”

  “Not tonight. Tonight we sleep and do that relationship shit. I’m going to grab you some water.”

  I feel myself falling asleep. I’m super relaxed. I have my eyes closed and I can’t help but think I need to wash my face and I need to brush my teeth.

  “Baby, open up,” Hawk says.

  I open up and he starts brushing my teeth. I’m surprised to say the least.

  I grab the brush from his hands and lean up and start brushing my teeth. He helps me up and I stumble to the bathroom to spit.

  “Thank you,” I say. I feel myself swaying.

  “Hannah, let me help you.” He leads me to the toilet and I take a seat.

  “I finished.”

  “Let me clean your face. I know you don’t want to sleep with makeup on your face.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’ve had a girlfriend before and it’s also a bitch to get off my sheets,” he grabs a packet of makeup remover wipes and starts cleaning my face for me.

  “Where did you get these?” I ask super confused.

  “I had a prospect get them for you. I saw you had them at your house and I’ve seen you use them before. I wanted you to have what you use at home here as well.”

  He bought these for me and is now cleaning my face. I grab his hand to stop it as it’s on my face. I look up at him with admiration.

  “Thank you for being so good to me.”

  “Always baby. Nothing but the best for you,” he leans down and kisses me.

  “You taste like cinnamon. What is that”

  “It’s a new toothpaste.”

  “I like it,” I feel myself swaying on the toilet.

  Hawk picks me up again and gets me into bed but walks away.

  “Where are you goin?” I ask him.

  “I need to take a leak. I’ll be right back.”

  The next morning…

  I wake up with a warm body against my back. Hawk is completely naked, I can feel his dick on my thighs. I’m wearing just a t-shirt and my panties; he must have changed me.

  “Good morning,” I hear come from behind me.

  “Morning,” I say as I roll over. I immediately grab my head. “Shit.”

  He immediately props up on his elbow. “You have a hangover,” he says laughing. “I put some ibuprofen and water on the nightstand.”

  “It’s not funny. Did we have sex last night?” I ask worried.

  “What do you think?” he asks.


  “And why’s that?”

  “My vagina doesn’t feel like we did.”

  “Is that so?” he says with a lifted eyebrow.

  “Yup.” I don’t ever want to have sex drunk. I want to be fully coherent before I do anything.

  “Nope. We didn’t have sex. You tried but you were too drunk, baby. I didn’t think you would want that,” he says. I love this man. He knows me well.

  “You were right. And that is why I like you so much.”

  After a couple hours watching movies together in bed, I get up and get dressed and head out to my house. I can’t believe I drank so much. I’m not much of a drinker either. Hawk said he would be by later. He has to take care of club business. Once I get home, I shower and change into a large t-shirt and fall asleep on my couch. I wake up four hours later to someone knocking on my door. I get up and with outlooking answer it.

  “Hi, how can I help you?”

  “Are you Hannah?” It’s a delivery man. He looks to be my age and he’s super muscular. He’s holding a large box. What in the world?

  “What’s this? I didn’t order anything.”

  “Where would you like it?”

  “You can put it on the ground here.” He walks in slightly and drops the box on the ground.

  “Can I have you sign?” he holds out a clipboard with a signature sheet. I grab his pen and sign.

  “Thank you.” He leaves and I rush immediately to open the box. Once I make the first cut to open it, I’m hit with the smell of candy. I open it completely and inside the cardboard box is another box with flowers. I read the note and it says “Our apologies and best wishes to the first lady of the Blazing Saints. All the best Mayhem Makers MC.” The flowers are in a black box and they are massive. There must be at least five dozen red, white, and yellow roses in this floral arrangement.

  “What the fuck,” I say out loud. I was not expecting this at all. I grab my cellphone and take a picture of the flowers. They are huge and heavy. I pick up the box as best as I can and I place it in the center of my coffee table. I send the photo of the flowers Hawk. He immediately calls me before I’m able to send my actual message to him.

  “Hey Hawk. You called me before I could actually send you my text.”

  “Where did they come from?” I can tell he isn’t happy.

  “I was just about to send you the note. Hang on.” I snap another photo and send him the note.


  “What? What is it?” I’m immediately worried thinking I’m in danger again. My anxiety is rising. I can feel it in my chest. I need to remember what my therapist tells me about relaxing.

  “Sorry, baby. I’m a jealous asshole. I thought another fucker was sending those to you. I’m glad they sent you those. Those fucks disrespected me, the club, and you.”

  “They called me the first lady. What the heck is up with that?” I laugh nervously.

  “Well, I’m the president, you’re my lady,” he says matter of factly.

  “Oh gosh. Anyways, are you coming over later?”

  “I can’t, baby. I still have the other clubs in town.
I promise things will calm down in a few days, then you will have me all to yourself.”

  “Okay. I’ll miss sleeping next to you,” I say.

  “Me too. You’re snoring calms me,” he jokes.

  “I do not snore,” I scoff.

  “It’s cute,” he mocks again.

  We continue talking for another 15 minutes then hang up. I go back to my couch and sleep some more.

  Chapter 25


  6 months later….

  “Hannah baby, you almost ready?” I yell out to her from the living room of her house.

  “Yeah, just a minute Hawk. I can’t find my other shoe,” she yells breathlessly.

  “Do you need help?”

  “Nope, found it!” she yells excitedly. She’s always losing something.

  She emerges from her bedroom dressed in a beautiful black tight mini dress. It has long sleeves and one of her shoulders is exposed. Her hair is down and to the side exposing her long sexy neck.

  “Damn! I’m a lucky man. You look beautiful.”

  She walks over to me and gives me a kiss on the mouth. She smells fucking delicious like vanilla candy.

  Hannah and I are going to the launch of Saints Coffee. It’s been a little over 6 months now. Hannah decided to name it Saints Coffee instead of something with her name on it. We thought she should have branded it with her name because it’s known in the cooking world but she didn’t want it. The club didn’t want so much credit either but she was very adamant about it. We beta tested her coffee with a few retailers and now are fully launching her website and online store for the coffee. She was also picked up by 3 major retailers around the country. People love her coffee. The club is 100 percent stocked all the time too. She’s also came up with 6 other coffee blends, two of which are officially launching tonight.

  “I can’t wait. I love spending time with everyone. I’m excited to finally and officially launch the online store. I hope people love the new coffee blends. The original blend has been doing so well.”

  “Baby, I love the Hangover Blend you made. It really does put an extra kick to your ass to get ya going,” I say. She lets out a small chuckle.

  “Let’s get going,” she says excitedly.


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