Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance Page 41

by Mia Mills

  “Thank you.” I smile and slide my body inside the car.

  I try to gaze outside through the window from inside the limo but the windows are heavily tinted that I can no longer see where we are going. Not that I really know Italy. Where could we be going this early morning? I ask myself.

  The car is quite fancy; it is full of different bottles of first-class wine. Leo must be noticing me staring at the bottles.

  “Anything you like?” He insists to ask.

  “No, thank you. It’s too early to drink.”

  “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.” Leo shrugs.

  “Where are we going anyway?” I finally ask him since I am getting anxious.

  “You’ll know when we get there.”

  Thomas looks at him with a serious look on his face.

  “Come on Leo, quit fooling around.”

  “Fine, we’re going to my manor in Chianti.”

  “Oh.” It’s surprising that he finally tells us our destination.

  “Finally!” Thomas yells and places his hands on the back of his head.

  On the way to Chianti, we all have a lot of conversations which they both talk about business stuff and I am just here nodding to them, just agreeing on them mostly. The conversation suddenly changes that the topic is now about my paintings.

  “Congratulations Addie, it looks like you’re growing on painting portraits.” Thomas smiles at me.

  “Thank you Thomas.” I look at Leo. “Listen, both of you, I appreciate that you inspire me to do a great job in creating beautiful pieces. I am forever thankful that I get to spend time with you guys while doing my job.”

  “Of course, Addie, you’re welcome. You are a great artist anyway so we can’t argue with that.” Thomas flashes his warmest smile.

  Even though they still argue most of the time, which I think is ridiculous since they are both in business world anyway, I still think they have a chance to be friends or at least tolerate each other when we’re all together. I don’t actually understand the reason why they seem to argue since the first time they see each other.

  I mean, they should just understand each other and maybe try to be business partners, but I think that would be reaching too much. But I know they will get there somehow, they’re not that much different anyway.

  I suddenly remember what happened yesterday when I was actually in the process of painting these two Greek gods. The way they touched me both physically and emotionally, make me glad since we’re all almost close friends ever since we arrived here in Italy. For me, their presence alone is so much overwhelming because of their sex appeal.

  I break out of my thoughts when their voices boom inside the limo.

  “I think Addie’s painting of me is the magnum opus. It will fit perfectly in her lovely collection.” Leo brags as he looks at Thomas raising both of his eyebrows.

  “You wish. I am certain that Addie’s painting of me will be the best of her work since I look better than you are.” Thomas argues.

  “Why don’t we let the artist decide?” Leo winks at me.

  “I know she’ll pick me but sure, humor me. Addie, who do you think is the best model for your artwork?”

  “Oh come on, there’s no need for both of you to argue, I think both of you did well that I just imitated what I saw.” I chuckle.

  “At least she didn’t need to enhance my dick size, unlike others.” Thomas suddenly looks down on his crotch area.

  I think I should stop them from fighting. It’s true that they’re both great in terms of their body which I am not able to resist. I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish that painting since my hands gave in easily when I saw their hot body.

  “Oh trust me man, she refurbished everything you have for the painting to get better.” Leo fires back.


  “Hey, that’s enough. Stop it, both of you. You’re both giving me a headache.” I manage to utter as I break their argument.

  It’s great timing that the limo suddenly stops and pulls up.

  “We’re here.” Leo announces.

  “Finally.” Thomas replies with an obvious angry expression.

  The driver opens the door of the limo and we all walk out with an awkward silence. I look up at Leo’s manor and it is fucking huge. Come on Addie. At this point I should really expect outrageous mansions and planes because Leo and Thomas are rich.

  Leo on the other hand, is a traveller himself and most likely to be a collector, so I don’t doubt that he invests on such properties like this.

  There are a lot of trees everywhere and the shrubbery and the garden are trimmed properly, so I make an effort to be careful not to step on the grass. The pathway branches into different ways and the one we are walking on, leads to the main door. A large outdoor fountain with cherubs carved under is nicely placed at the exact center of the manor.

  After a long walk, we finally head towards the main door and it opens immediately.

  “Good morning sir.” A butler wearing a black coat and a tie with a white shirt underneath warmly welcomes us as he puts his arm in front of him and stands straight like he is always ready to do anything for his master.

  “’Afternoon.” Leo nods and responds with his booming voice.

  The butler opens the humongous door and lets us enter inside this enormous place. A grand staircase with a red carpet on, splitting in two and ascending to the second floor is the first thing that captures my eyes since I only see these kinds of things in movies. Everything inside this house is elegant and it matches the feel of the whole place.

  Leo holds my hand and whispers to my ear.

  “Do you like it?” I grip on his hand tighter.

  “Yes, everything looks so classic and elegant.” My head keeps on looking upwards, spying on each detail on each corner that is carved to perfection. “Renaissance, if I need to describe it.”

  I also notice the shiny floors are actually made up of marble and a large chandelier is hanging at the center of the ceiling, illuminating everything with its brightness.

  “Leave us first. I want to show them around.” Leo says to the butler.

  “Yes sir.” The butler bows and leaves us free to roam inside the house.

  “I’ll show you around, Addie.” Leo smiles.

  I grab Thomas’ arm and interlock my arms as well, keeping him nearby as Leo shows us around since I already sense anger in Thomas’ face.

  We ascend on the grand staircase and on a wall, I see a large painting of Leo, dressed in an old-fashioned clothes like a prince. Thomas suddenly chuckles and points his finger on the painting.

  “What a great way to keep people out of your house. Put up a painting of yourself wearing ridiculous clothes in the living room.” Thomas chuckles.

  “Shut the fuck up, Thomas. You just don’t know anything about art.” Leo looks at Thomas with anger.

  I know it’s my queue to stop them from arguing before it gets worse.

  “I like it.” I simply say.

  “I’m glad you appreciate it Addie. Well what can I say, she’s an artist Thomas, never underestimate her.” Leo utters.

  “Well, it’s your lucky day Leo.” Thomas responds.

  We reach the upper floor which is full of doors that leads to different rooms, a normal person can get lost here in this house without any doubt. Leo shows his finest collection of some of the paintings he had bought way back, whose artists are familiar to me.

  I take a peek through the large glass windows and I smile out of excitement that we are going to stay inside this place for a while. Leo grabs my hand as he leads me to one of the bedrooms. He opens the door and I immediately go in and check out my room.

  The room is nice—my bed has an Egyptian cotton laid out a white mattress with a bedpost and a thin white drapes hanging to the bed, a leather chair that is quite bigger than what I had in Thomas’ suite, and what amazes me the most is there is an enormous balcony where I can see the full view of the whole manor.

  “This i
s your room, Addie. I hope you like it.” Leo rubs the back of his neck.

  “Of course! The view from the balcony is the best part, honestly.”

  “Yeah, I chose this room for you because of that.”

  “Thank you, Leo.”

  “My room is on the other side of your door and Thomas’ room will be across our rooms.”

  “Great.” Thomas responds sarcastically.

  I immediately unpack my bags and Leo helps me put things in order. I bring my easel and other materials out, just in case my brain hatches an idea of what to paint.

  It’s almost 11 o’clock in the morning when we decided to go downstairs to eat. Leo calls his butler and leads us to the back of the house where the vineyards grow—a large plantation of grapes, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables are planted in each section.

  The butler leads us to a table that is already set and is just waiting for us to sit and enjoy our brunch. We are all on our seats as the maids prepare our table and serve us the main course which is a roast beef cooked to perfection that is nicely placed on large plates.

  “Which would you like as a refreshment sir?” The butler asks us.

  “Go ahead Addie, which one do you like?” Leo looks at me.

  “Um, I’ll have the finest Merlot from your own vineyard, please.” I manage to reply after a few seconds of thinking.

  “Alright, Madame.”

  After a few minutes, our meal and wine is served and as we eat our lunch and enjoy a good laugh, Leo suddenly changes the topic.

  “I have invited a local reporter from Mousse Magazine who will feature a sneak peek for your upcoming artwork.” Leo says as he takes a sip of the wine in his glass.

  “What? Why did you do that?” I manage to ask.

  It’s surprising that he has to do a lot of things just for me to be successful in my career. Deep inside I suddenly feel nervous when I heard that Leo had invited someone from the media. I am confident about my works because it highlights the life of two hot billionaires, Leo and Thomas, but this is making me anxious that I have to face the media.

  On the other side, I am excited as well since this is my first international feature and possibly my big break. I should not miss this big of an opportunity that Leo is giving me.

  I just recently opened my art gallery back in Manhattan not too long ago from now and here I am in Florence, almost living my dream, and as an artist like me, it is a great opportunity for me to create an art that will continue to encourage inspiring painters to not give up on their dreams, no matter what happens.

  It seems that Thomas is actually right. I should let other people see my artworks and inspire them in the process.

  “Why not? Your artworks are great and it needs to be shared to people of the world.” Thomas adds while he takes a bite of his bread.

  “I appreciate that, but I don’t know if I can pull through.” I look down.

  “You’re gonna be fine, Addie. You are a great artist than you think.” Leo squeezes on my hand tightly and rubs it with his other hand trying to calm me down. “I wouldn’t buy those pieces if they weren’t as marvelous as the painter.”

  Out of nervousness, I sigh.

  I know I can do this, I’m sure.


  I wish that Addie and I can just lie in bed all day long, holding each other tight but then the arrogant man, Leo, ruins everything with his selfishness. He even dragged us all the way from my suite to his humongous manor just to impress Addie.

  He’s really good at being obnoxious, especially when he’s about to wreck my business. Sometimes I still want to punch him on the face—but I practice restrain, since I respect Addie more than I respect him.

  I hate to admit it but, dining here in Leo’s manor is a great experience as well, especially when the table is set up on the vineyard where there are full of trees and fruits. The weather is windy and sunny at the same time, but not too much that it gets in our way.

  I enjoy the food and the wine that had Addie chosen for us to have, I believe I have drank more than three glasses already despite having only started eating the main course.

  Leo announces his plans for Addie today which involves inviting a reporter from a local magazine to chat with Addie about her next masterpiece. This news makes her excited but I can see in her eyes that she’s a bit nervous and very vocal about it, as she will be facing the media.

  While we’re on the middle of enjoying our food and having a great line of conversation, Leo’s phone rings all of a sudden. Addie looks at him like she is a bit annoyed that he is using his phone but is trying to ignore it.

  “Excuse me, I’m really sorry…I have to get this.” Leo can barely finish his words.

  Addie does not say anything, she just look down and takes a bite and grabs the wine bottle as she pours it into her glass.

  “Go ahead.” I wave my hand as a signal for him to go for a while.

  He stands and leaves the table to answer his call. Knowing Leo, it might be the head of the local magazine coming today. He’s just very spontaneous about the things he wants to do and that it one of the reasons why I hate him since his spontaneity had let me down before.

  As Addie and I finish our meals, a bit of awkward silence dawn upon us. When Leo left the table, Addie’s expression got a bit more serious than when Leo mentioned about the local magazine reporter who intends to interview Addie for her upcoming work.

  I can feel that she’s getting a lot more nervous, but I believe that agreeing to interview with the reporters will give her the upper hand. It will make her gain more exposure and will surely help her with her career. I feel so much tension in her eyes so I try to calm her down by holding her hands tightly while staring straight at her eyes.

  “You’re going to be okay, don’t worry too much. Believe me; this will help you a lot, especially in a time where artists are just basically popping out of nowhere.” I try to sound so reassuring.

  “Thank you, Thomas. I guess I’ll just do my best, like what I do with my artworks.” She finally smiles.

  “You’re the best anyway. You don’t need to exert too much effort.” I smile back to her and kiss her lips. “Just have fun.”

  Leo walks towards us, totally ignoring the fact that I had just kissed Addie in front of him since he is flashing a big grin on his face. I know right then he will deliver great news.

  “The local magazine reporter already called me and they said they are on their way here for you, Addie.” Leo excitedly announce while holding his phone on his other hand.

  “Alright, I’ll get ready for the interview.” Addie courageously says as she goes inside the manor where we both follow and walk after her.

  As Addie goes upstairs to prepare for the interview, Leo and I patiently wait for her to go downstairs. I sit on the velvet couch and grab my smartphone out of my pocket to get my daily dose of the market. The couch moves a bit as Leo sit beside me while trying to check out what I am doing on my phone.

  I clear my throat but Leo still continues to extend his neck, peeking on my phone.

  “Do you mind?” I turn my head against him and raise both of my eyebrows as I get to show that I am really pissed off.

  “Sorry, just wanted to know how the market’s doing.” He says sarcastically.

  “You have your own phone, why don’t you use it?” I reply with a serious tone.


  He reaches down to his pocket and takes out his phone and unlocks it as well.

  We stay silent for a minute which kind of annoys me since I don’t like this awkward silence. Fortunately, Addie got ready as fast as she can. She looks so lovely with her dress and high heels on, as she walks down the grand staircase.

  “So, how do I look?” She gazes on our eyes while smiling.

  “Perfect.” I respond and smile.

  Addie’s cheeks turns red as she sits on the couch across us. After a while, the butler comes in the living room almost rushing towards us.

Sir, the reporters are here.” He announces to Leo.

  “Just in time.” Leo smirks, knowing his idea is working out great.

  As the female interviewer and Addie steps outside to begin the interview, while, Leo and I chose to stay inside the manor and just check out Addie if she needs anything.

  I wonder what is she talking about? Her nervousness wears off as I peek to see her confidently answering the questions.

  I slightly turn my head against Leo who is on his phone, scrolling messages. This time, I sit on the couch across him trying not to make this moment awkward.

  He seems really positive about having the reporters here to interview Addie. I think this guy must care for her as much as I do too, since he has done nothing but help her build a successful career for her since the first day they met.

  Fuck, am I really swooning over to Leo’s side?

  I take a look outside to check out Addie, who is confidently talking. Of course I couldn’t hear whatever she’s saying but from my view, her eyes twinkles and she flashes her brightest smile which I have never seen before.

  I have actually never seen her happy like this. I turn my head towards Leo who is gazing at Addie as well.

  “Hey Leo.” My lips finally make words, trying to break the silence.

  “What’s up?” He responds.

  “I…um, just want to apologize for being such a dick towards you.” I place my hand on the back of my neck and rub it.

  “Is this some kind of trick?” Leo looks at me, “…oh no Thomas, I should be the one apologizing in the first place because um…you know, about what happened to your business.” He sighs in between his sentences, trying to say the right words.

  “Well, regarding that…” I sit up straight on the soft couch.

  “I still give you shit about that, but you know, I learn to realize that your apology will not matter now anyway…but, your ass is lucky since Addie doesn’t want us to argue all the time.”

  “Well yeah, can’t argue with that. I know it’s really difficult for you to just let that go. I am kind of open about helping you cope with your loss in business.” He replies.

  “Nahhh…If you still can’t figure, I’m as rich as you now.” At this point I smile.


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