Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance Page 45

by Mia Mills

  “Just…go.” Her voice almost cracks when she says the word go.

  Maybe she doesn’t want me to go.

  She suddenly pushes me back and closes the door without saying another word. This moment is really heart-breaking for me. I shake my head. Ouch.


  I am miserable. Completely and utterly…miserable.

  “Oh, your lovely wife?”

  Leo’s words ring in my head over and over as I hug my knees to my chest. The tears stop, mostly because there’s nothing left to expel. There’s a tightening in my chest that doesn’t seem to go away.

  A bottle in my hand, its contents nearly empty, slips and stains the satin white sheets as if blood had poured over it. It’s my second bottle tonight.

  It’s past midnight; I can’t fall asleep from all the hurt and the stress. I turn away from the blank canvas sitting just adjacent to my bed, ready to be painted on.

  I’m still bewildered at how quickly things fell apart, and how unaware the two are of my melancholy. Neither Leo nor Thomas has checked up on me after Leo barged in last night. Maybe they don’t care at all?

  I hate them!

  I hate them so much. All this time, I’m being played like a sap. I thought, for sure, that there was love. I believed that the passion and the pleasure I felt as they touched me constantly was love.

  But there’s no such thing, is there?

  There is no love.

  I should have known. It was too good to be true; this isn’t some fairytale with a happy ending. I’m not Cinderella and they will never be my Prince Charming. There’s no such thing as happy endings.

  I’m never going to be good enough for the two. Who was I to believe that anyway? I’m a random city girl from Manhattan who happens to paint. Maybe the whole reason why they like my paintings isn’t because of the content — maybe they just wanted to get into my pants!

  That’s it!

  What if they were actually in it together? What if they were just pretending to not know each other but, in reality, they actually talked about it before?

  What if they were betting on who will get into my pants first? Is that why they were so eager to win me over?

  Come to think of it, everything happened so quickly. We were fucking by the 2nd day, if I’m not mistaken. Oh my god, I feel so stupid that it hurts.

  “I’m such a fool.” I whisper to myself, voice trembling.

  I wail as I lay back down on the bed, hugging my own arms like a child. My mind drifts to these past few weeks, replaying the memories like a movie in my brain.

  The sex, the gifts, the parties…all of those are nice but the love that I want isn’t really there, right?

  Honestly, I still want to believe that there is some love there. That they really did care. That Thomas didn’t purposely lead me on and cheated with me. That after all these weeks, it wasn’t just the neediness of the flesh.

  But it’s funny how lust disguises itself as love, and how quickly the human brain is able to believe that it is true love. It is unbelievable how good lust is at fooling you.

  “I need a break…”

  My body decides to move itself; my feet take me outside to the cool Florence chill. With no coat to keep me warm or any money to go by, I walk aimlessly around the city streets.

  It seems the skies feel my pain, covering my tears with its own. I barely feel the wetness pouring down on me from the immense weight of my chest.

  Florence is such a pretty place. The olden buildings and pavement transports you to another time and era. I feel like a young Roman girl who had just received word that her husband has died in war.

  Soon enough, I find myself standing in front of a plaza. From a distance, there’s an open museum lined with marble sculptures. How typical of Florence.

  I have no recollection of when I decided to enter the open air museum of Loggia della Signoria. Past the two Medici lions, the symbols of Florence, my eyes fall upon the various sculptures of Cellini, Vecchio, Giambologna, and Fedi.

  I stop dead on my tracks as I look upon a nerve-jangling sculpture by Giambologna: a lady being forcefully whisked away from one Adonis by another. I read the title of the piece.

  “Rape…of a Sabine Woman…”

  The feelings wash over as I tried to decipher the scene. The only word I can think of is this: Dominance. And, honestly, that is exactly what everything feels like. This game Leo and Thomas is playing…is all about Dominance.

  They don’t care who gets hurt. They just want to feel stronger and better than the other. I remember the times we would have sex and, though they do seem to care for my safety…they always put their pleasure first.

  Worst of all, they won’t even tell me the truth! My insides stir as I gaze upon the woman’s face. She looks pained. She looks terrified.

  She looks…like me.

  I fall to my knees as the realization kicks in. The clouds roll and clap as my eyes widen. “That’s it — I will make him pay. I will show her…and the world…just how far you’ve fucked me up. They will know how much you’ve taken from me.”

  My resolve strengthens as I stand slowly, never keeping my eyes away from the woman. “If they don’t want to tell me the truth then I will show everyone the truth.”

  The way my feet take off makes me feel like I am flying through the streets coming back to the house. Immediately, I strip off my clothes and toss them to the hamper. A long, white evening gown takes its place.

  With no time left to lose, I grab my brush and mix the colours on my palette.

  Breezing through the canvas, my hand moves in a hurry to paint the image that is etched into my mind. The memories of that day those two Adonises took turns to take me in my room. I vividly remember how Leo stuck his thick cock inside my ass as Thomas fucked my tight, wet pussy.

  I work tirelessly to finish the image in my mind. The figures start to take shape, the woman with her mouth agape in both pleasure and pain being penetrated by two handsome young men fighting for dominance.

  Thomas’ ass is thick and round; Leo’s thighs are tight and muscular. Their hold on her is tight.

  I smirk as I paint her on top of Leo, riding lovingly on his cock with her legs spread apart for Thomas. Her cunt is taking Thomas’ thick, hard shaft so well.

  I paint the exact scene from memory, no changes and no censorships.

  I’m not exactly known for censorship.

  My pussy can’t help but moisten as the memories replayed over and over in my head. But instead of love, I feel furious that I even let them get to that point where I am utterly under their spell.

  It becomes hot around me as I furiously scatter paint across the canvas: mixing, blending, fixing, and hiding all the shame into the work.

  I am hurt.

  I am defeated.

  I will make you feel how painful it is to love you.

  Whoever Thomas’ wife is, I will make sure she sees this magnum opus. I will make sure she sees how unfaithful her husband is. I’m going to ruin him like he ruined me.

  I wake up the next morning after having fallen asleep on my chair. The painting is nearly finished, and just needs a few artistic adjustments here and there. I can smell the coffee from downstairs.

  The door knocks and I hear Thomas’ voice. “Hey, breakfast is ready sweet cheeks!”

  I don’t respond.

  “Addie? You awake?” He calls out again but I try to keep myself silent. “Hmm…She must be sleeping in then…”

  His footsteps start to echo away from my room and I breathe easy. I can now finally finish the rest of my work.

  I work on the background of my masterpiece. “It should be dark. It should put us into focus.”

  Black smears the canvas as my left hand carves out the angles and curves of our bodies. This is fine art, small details are important.

  By the time I am finished, it’s already past noon. Thomas checked up on me again for lunch but I didn’t respond. I don’t want to see him right now.

; I take another bottle of wine from the wine racks and look over to my work. It’s a masterful display of passion and dominance in a chiaroscuro fashion.

  Now that I look at it, my chest hurts again. I wanted this memory to be a happy memory. To be a memory of the time I was able to share solid connections with them.

  But now, I’m going to have to use this memory as a way to get back at him. I cry as I frame the artwork with the darkest and most tattered pieces of framing wood that I could find.


  The gallery is filled with people tonight. Leo has done an incredible job in making sure the marketing of the event is a tremendous success. Looking down from the second floor, I see the room start to swell with the multitude of people, swarming like bees to a hive.

  Intimate works of art covers almost every wall of the pristine hall. Champagne is circulating throughout the venue, as more people start to pour in. 10 more minutes, I think to myself as I look over my golden Rolex watch.

  From a distance, I notice the star of the night come in the room in a gorgeous white evening gown. The gown accentuates her plump tits and the curve of her bottom. She’s so beautiful, I kind of want to just grab her and go.

  “I look good?” I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Leo clad in a white suit that hugged his annoyingly Adonis-like figure.

  I give him a light shove. “Fuck off. You look like a twat.”

  “She, on the other hand…” I gesture towards Addie. “She looks beautiful no matter what she wears. Nonetheless, I admit. I do enjoy watching her without any of it.”

  Leo cracks a smirk and a soft chuckle. I know he thinks the same, especially with the number of times we have done it together. The idea of having her stand there in front of these people with nothing but my hands covering her smooth, pale body make my pants tighten.

  “You’re not worried, are you?” Leo asks.

  I shake my head with a frown. “Of course not! I predict she will do absolutely well. I’m sure all of her paintings will sell tonight. I’m eager to bet on it. Besides, if these wealthy peeps don’t buy the pieces, I will. I have the money for it. And don’t you dare try to buy any. You already bought all her first pieces!”

  “Pfft…Fine. I need to go and introduce her.” Leo pats my shoulder and squeezes it.

  He makes me look at him while he leans to my ear. “And try not to show that hard-on you’re sporting, alright? It’s fucking embarrassing.”

  I groan and shove his hand off my shoulder as he makes his way down the marble steps. I look at the time again. After a quick look at a mirror, I start to step down to the main crowd with a mumble.

  Damn! I look good. It’s show time.

  “Good evening!” Leo starts his speech, looking absolutely comfortable talking on the stage. He obviously has done this many times before. I take a glass of champagne and take a sip as he continues.

  “Thank you for coming to our exhibition opening. I know everyone is excited to meet the extraordinary young artist whose works you’ll be viewing today. So, without further ado, it is my honour to introduce to you one of the most talented artists of this generation…the ever beautiful Miss Addie Briggs!”

  Camera shutters and hands clapping resound through the hall as Addie steps onto the stage. The slit on the side of her dress shows off her porcelain legs.

  She takes the mic from Leo’s hand and faces the crowd. “I want to begin by thanking everyone for attending our exhibition. I’m actually quite overwhelmed with all this.

  This year has been such a fruitful year, and it’s all because of your support. Today’s exhibition celebrates the world of intimacy. It’s something I have recently just discovered for myself, and something I wish to share with all of you.

  I hope the pieces will tickle your imagination and emotions — to compel you to want, to feel, to experience true and honest intimacy in your lives. Again, thank you and enjoy the show.”

  I clap along the crowd as Addie poses for the cameras. Her eyes dart around the room. Our eyes meet for but a moment, with the feeling of electricity suddenly shooting through my hot body. But her eyes avert mine just as quickly as it fell upon me moments before.

  Liebesleid starts to play in the background as I wander around the hall, talking to people. As expected, everyone is amazed and delighted with her works. I have several patrons wanting to buy her works already.

  Better news comes when the art dealer tells me that some of the paintings are entering bidding already. My portrait better be included in the bidding list because that piece is gorgeous!

  Walking past the crowd, I see Addie by the tall, marble arches. She is talking with a man who looks like a buyer making small talk. As soon as she recognizes me, I notice her forehead wrinkle and she immediately excuses herself.

  I follow her to the balcony, where she settled with champagne in hand. Discreetly, I wrap her in an embrace from behind. Her body stiffens slightly as I pull her closer.

  “I bear good news for you! Everything is selling out. Three of the paintings are entering bidding, with a few more coming.” I whisper to her ear.

  “Mmm…” is all she gives to me as a reply.

  What a weird reaction coming from her. I have no idea where this is coming from. Maybe a little sugar will cheer her up.

  I gently take her arms and hands, lifting them and starting to slow dance. “Smile for me, princess.”

  She doesn’t look at me. In fact, she looks absolutely pissed. I frown and turn her to face me.

  “You’re so cold, Addie. What’s wrong? Did I do something?” I ask her. I keep turning her face towards me but she keeps turning away.

  I groan and pull away from her. “Jesus, Addie. Just tell me what’s wrong!”


  I feel a tingling sensation on my cheek, then a burn. I frown at her and touch the red cheek. “Addie! What the hell is wrong with you? That hurt!”

  She opens her mouth as if to say something but nothing comes out.


  I did it.

  I literally just slapped the shit out of Thomas Wells.

  Having done that actually…makes me feel very good. And then the realization sinks in and I stare at him hoping that he wouldn’t hit me back.

  My initial reaction is to pull away and step back a few paces. But, holy shit, that felt good.

  “Look, Mr. Wells. I’m not going to be your pawn any longer. And if you don’t want to come clean to me, then I guess that’s that. So, please, just leave me alone.” I tell him, looking him in the eye and trying to back my words with actions.

  He looks stunned. I’m not sure if it’s because of the slap or because of what I said. Probably both?

  “What the hell are you talking about, Addie? What do I have to come clean about?” Thomas asks, completely bewildered.

  I groan loudly. He still won’t talk? Fuck, fine. I guess I need to remind him.

  My finger digs onto his chest as I lean close, seething. “I know about your little secret. I heard you and Leo, and I am not happy about it.”

  “Hold on — What secret? And me and Leo? I don’t get it, Addie.” Blondie responds again. God, I want to strangle him.

  “You’ve been keeping secrets from her, Thomas? Oh gasp!” I hear Leo say as he walks to us. He sounds so condescending; I hate it!

  As he walked right beside me, I turn to him and hit his chest. Seems like it was pretty weak considering he just laughs at me. “Don’t you dare play this off, Leo Patterson! I’m upset with you too!”

  Leo stretches his arms up in defeat and he laughs. “Woaaah! Okay, seriously, what are you upset about? We have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “You tell me! You’re the ones keeping secrets here! If you’re not going to come clean, get the fuck out!” I yell loudly.

  Leo puts a finger to my mouth. “Shhh…Not so loud, baby girl. I came all the way here ‘cause you two were being so loud. The guests were wondering what the hell was up.”

  “Addie, l
et’s make this easy. Come on. Just tell us.” Thomas rubs my arm as he talks.

  Oh my god, I really have to spell it out for them huh?

  I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. “I heard you two talking the other day.”

  “And??” The two guys reply to me in unison. I knew it! They know.

  “‘Oh, your lovely wife?’ Does that ring a bell??” I yell at them. Suddenly, their faces drop.

  I am so pissed right now. I turn away from them and grab another glass of champagne before swallowing it in one quick gulp.

  “Oh my god, you think I have a wife? Is that it??” Thomas sounds like he can’t believe what he’s hearing.

  Suddenly, I can hear laughing from these two smug assholes. I look at them in frustration. What’s so funny about all this?!

  Thomas clears his throat and shakes his head, but still unable to keep the chuckles from coming. “Oh Lord, this is golden. Addie, baby, you’re sorely mistaken. I’m not married at all.”

  “Then what we you guys talking about? In the room? And that phone call while we were in the limo coming back here to Florence? What was that all about?!” I’m so close to tearing up again.

  “She’s so adorable when she’s all feisty like this.” Leo comments, making me even more cross.

  “Shut it, Leo.” Thomas hisses at him before smiling at me.

  Thomas wraps his arms around me, giving me a hug. I squirm but getting upset is slowly getting tiring. I just lean to his embrace and try to keep myself from sobbing to keep the make-up on.

  Leo throws his arms in the air and lets out an exasperated sigh. “Goodness, Addie. Is this why you were all sad and dismissive?”

  “Damn right, it is!” I whine at him before Thomas smothers my face with his chest. The smell of his perfume hits my brain quickly.

  “Addie, I’m being honest. I’m not married.” Thomas reassures me as he strokes my hair.

  Leo sits on one of the balcony chairs and shakes his head. “You’re ruining your own surprise, little missy.”

  “What do you mean?” I blurt out. “At this point, I don’t want any more surprises. Got it?”


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