Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance Page 57

by Mia Mills

  They didn't spare a single thing when it came to the lighting of the place. It makes it look like it's almost sparkling from cleanliness.

  I get out of the car and thank the driver before heading inside where I am greeted by the maître d'hôtel.

  "Good evening, do you have a reservation?" He follows beside me as my eyes scan the place.

  "'m meeting with some people. There should be a table for someone by the name of Gavin Hughes?"

  He smiles and I can't help but admire how white his teeth are, it's like he has had a dental appointment every day of his life, "Yes. Mr. Hughes and the rest of the guests are seated at our best table. Please follow me."

  I give him a nod and thank him. While walking, I continue to take in my surroundings. I don't think I've ever been anywhere as fancy as this place. I mostly just stuck to work and a few nights out with friends. But never anything like this.

  Finally, my eyes land on their familiar faces. And simultaneously I am hit with nervousness and excitement for the night ahead. I thank the maître d'hôtel once again and make my way towards them, making sure to sway my hips as I walk and to look as effortlessly stunning as possible. I can't wait for how this night's going to turn out.


  Wyatt is the first to spot me from the glass doors. I smile at him and wave, it's been a while since I met with all four of them at the same time. I notice that they've all got their own drinks already, Gavin and Ryder both have whiskey, Jonah has bourbon, and Wyatt has wine.

  "Excuse me. Could you get me a glass of white wine, please?" I ask the maître d'hôtel.

  "Of course. Are there any more additional requests?" He turns to the other four, they shake their heads no and he leaves.

  All of us start chatting about how the past few days have been. Wall Street has been somehow busier than ever, I don't know if it's because I'm getting bored with my clients or if it's because of something else. But the market seems a lot harder to anticipate recently.

  Jonah gets up and pulls out a chair for me, I smile at him and take a seat after thanking him.

  "How's work been, Zoey? I hope you're not going through tough times." Gavin takes my hand and lightly squeezes it.

  Wyatt sneaks in a few words, "But if you are, this is the right place to say something. We might be able to help."

  I smile at them, "Work has been good, actually. Plenty of paperwork and all, but this is what I signed up for."

  Ryder drinks down his whiskey and asks for more, "Atta girl."

  "For Christ's sake, Henderson, I swear, if you get drunk even before the food gets to the table, I am leaving." Gavin rolls his eyes at him but Ryder only sticks out his tongue in response.

  "Not drunk at all, friend." He raises his now re-filled glass and swirls the whiskey.

  Maybe by instinct, Jonah turns the attention back to me before things escalate on their end of the conversation, "I'm glad things are going well for you. But I wouldn't expect anything less from the Zoey Foster. I still can't believe that the top market analyst of the year also happens to be the prettiest girl I've ever had the privilege of knowing."

  I can't help but blush at this, "Oh my...that's..." I clear my throat, "You flatter me too much. But I can't say that I hate it." A giggle escapes my lips.

  The other guys tease Jonah for being cheesy, unsurprisingly so. He probably weighed the odds of that happening and still went with it.

  Looking around, I'm more aware of their mannerisms and tone when speaking. Their drinking habits and the things that push them over the edge.

  Sometimes it feels like I've been put in an animal enclosure with other lions and I'm learning how to live like them. Other times it feels like I'm just another meal on a plate. Deep within me stirs the idea that they don't really care for me all that much and just want to win whatever this is.

  My mind rolls back into just a few days ago when I invited them all over for dinner and suddenly I feel doubts creep in and settle in my guts. I'm wondering how they can agree with sharing me and having this weird competition.

  Are they planning something else or is it just as simple as trying to compete with one another? I mean, it wasn't long ago when they were at each other's throats after realizing that none of them had the intention of meeting with me for strictly professional reasons.

  Am I sure that they're serious about this?

  My fingers begin tugging at the seams of my dress and I find myself getting frustrated with my own thoughts. Guilt starts to gnaw at me too, after realizing I had been doubting their intentions even after spending so much time with them.

  They're humans. Sure, they might be the four key players of Wall Street, but they're not heartless. At the end of the day, all of us just want someone to care for us the way we can't.

  My wine arrives and I take a sip, promising myself to try and give them a chance. It's not fair for me to jump to conclusions just based on my own biases.

  I might just not be used to the way that they're handling things, but there should be a logical explanation for what we're doing. It might not be the usual way that people date, but from what I've seen over the course of a few weeks, I know that they're really interested in me.

  And not just sexually. I mean, yes, we do fuck a lot. But that's not all that we do. I've learned things about them that you can't read from tabloid newspapers and finance magazines. Things that you won't get if you just look through their financial reports and their accounts. There's more to them than just being bachelors of Wall Street. There's essence.

  I hate myself a little bit for even letting my doubts sway me from that thought. I can't believe I harbored so much insecurity when it comes to this situation.

  To be honest, I thought I had known myself pretty well, but after that, I'm not so sure I'm as confident as I thought I was.

  I find myself staring at Gavin and reminiscing at how just a few months ago I was reading an article about him stating he was a cold man who knew business the way he handles his iron-clad heart. They don't know just how wrong they are. They've only seen Gavin working, they don't know how he is away from his desk, away from his company.

  Jonah has been likened to a frightened pup lost in the kennels of the hounds of Wall Street. Yet for all the times we've spent together he's actually one of the bravest of the bunch. Unwavering and always trying to push forth.

  Wyatt's only been known to be a playboy who probably knows nothing about the business. A sort of "dumb blond" stereotype. But somehow whenever he speaks, he manages to analyze things about the current flow of stocks without so much as flinching or checking if he's right. Because he knows he is. If he wanted to, he could probably work from home with no issues whatsoever.

  And Ryder, who is sometimes called the lone wolf of Wall Street, has been nothing short of accommodating and warm. Perhaps from a business perspective, he appears to not want any sort of association with others. But that's rarely the case when the four of us are together. He's quiet and reserved, but he knows just as well as the others when to speak up and what to say.

  I realize all of a sudden that throughout my thoughts, I've actually been smiling.

  They've changed my perspective on business a lot. Before I had only wanted to survive on Wall Street and be the best. But now I want to be more than that. To prove to myself that I can be more than that.

  "Zoey, you okay?" Jonah smiles, "You've been quiet."

  Warmth envelops me even in the cold night, "Yeah. I feel great. I was just thinking of things."

  He opens his mouth to speak, but then his eyes dart to the doorway. As I turn, I catch the scent of food, making my mouth water. It's only now that I realized how hungry I am.

  The staff set the table when they're done, Gavin takes a deep breath and looks at all of us.

  And then, after picking up his fork, he announces, "Let's dig in."


  I have to say, I'm incredibly unsatisfied with some things.

  Not with the food, gods no. It's some
thing that concerns Zoey. If I had any say in the matter, I'd rather meet with her alone and enjoy her company without worrying about the other guys. And yet from time to time, I do find it interesting that we're able to co-exist peacefully like this. How long has it been since Gavin and I actually had a proper discussion about things without bringing business into the discussion?

  It's also nice to see that your competition has a human quality to them. Sometimes we get too caught up with our own companies that we forget these companies we're up against are all made up of thousands of people who are just trying to get by and succeed, just like us.

  That doesn't change the fact that we're all pining for Zoey and still somehow hang out together albeit all the sexual tension floating in the air makes things more awkward than sexy.

  Still, I can't bring myself to think of what it'd be like without the others. I don't think I'd like having to fight for Zoey's time.

  At least, this way, we all get the chance to see her equally. No one gets a special pass or anything.

  I don't want to admit it, but Ryder and Wyatt are actually growing on me. Kind of like brothers. I mean, Gavin and I had been close since business school, we sort of lost touch somewhere down the road. But it's rekindled after meeting Zoey. It's obvious that she brings out the best qualities of us. Sure, we fight every now and then, but we fought even before we met her. It was a sort of ritual. We felt the responsibility to appear hostile towards each other in the name of our own businesses.

  Now I realize that all that was just drama for Wall Street to eat up. While we were fighting amongst each other, other people found ways to rise above their ranks.

  They might not be on the same level as us right now, but if we had continued fighting I'm certain that somebody else would have taken our spots at the top.

  While I was lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that Zoey had stood up, it's only until she speaks that I'm dragged out of my mind.

  "If you guys will excuse me for a bit, I just have to use the restroom." She says. And somehow, the way the light from the chandelier hits the back of her head makes it seem like she has a halo. I try my best not to let my jaw drop at her sheer beauty.

  We all nod and she goes her way, I snap out of my daze and straighten my shirt.

  It's almost like she reeks of aphrodisiac, my head feels like it's slightly swirling and my skin tingles just from the memory of her in the nude. Somehow I manage to convince myself to stop thinking about these things before I get too aroused.

  I decide to joke around to take my mind off the image of Zoey in my head, "So...we've all been hanging out with her for a while now. You guys think it's time we talk about what we're going to do? I mean, we very well can't share her, right?"

  We all laugh, and for a moment I thought we were on the same page. Even though I know that I don't mind having to share Zoey with them.

  I'd rather we all have her than one of us takes her for his own and we all stop hanging out.

  It's a bit funny how with Zoey being in our lives, we find friends in each other.

  When we're done laughing, Ryder breaks the silence, "If it comes to sharing Zoey. I'd rather it be with you guys than other suitors."

  Wait...did he just—

  "I agree. I've accepted that probability for a long while now." Gavin interrupts my thoughts, "It doesn't seem like she's going to want to choose, anyway."

  I blink fast, this can't be real. Did we actually just reach a consensus? Us? The most arrogant, stubborn, aggressive, and greedy bunch? We actually agreed on something without fighting about it?

  Jesus Christ. Does Zoey even know how powerful her charms are?

  "Oh man." Wyatt leans back into his seat, "Here and I thought you guys would fight to the death. But it seems like we're all in the same boat now, huh?"

  All eyes are on me, I realize it's because I haven't really said if I'm okay with how things are. A split-second feels like it's stretched longer than a minute in this one moment. And it only takes that one split-second to make myself find the answer I've been searching for.

  There's no fear in me. That's what I find. There's no panic or paranoia. All I can feel inside is a sense of peace. I already know what to say.

  "I'm all for it, too." I smile, genuinely, at them, and they return it with their own, "It's what's best for Zoey too. I don't want to force her to make a decision when she doesn't have to."

  As my eyes scour over them, I realize that they agree with me. None of them want Zoey for just sex. We all actually care for her. And maybe to an extent, we might even care for each other.

  For the first time in a long time, I realize I've formed a deep bond with people. I've focused solely on pleasing my family and showing the world what I'm capable of that I forgot to check if I was doing great for myself. It's sad to think about it, but that's the reality of my situation. I lost touch with my own identity and just became a vessel for the company.

  An image, a symbol. Whatever it is people want to call it. And that's no way to live.

  People might say that this relationship is odd and disgusting, but it's not. It's consensual. We all learned to actually give a shit about each other and we all want the best for Zoey. No matter what people call it, if Zoey's fine with being together with all of us and not having to choose, then other people don't matter.

  I don't know what the future holds. But I'll do anything to make sure these bonds don't break.


  After for some much-needed primping and the obvious call of Mother Nature, I step outside and look around. This place is huge. It merely astounds me, I think to myself.

  Chandeliers and vases glisten around me, I glance and walk towards the area in which the restaurant is at. Right—I say with determination. Where I am standing, I see blue skies…the poolside... I find myself drifting. My eyes are closed as thoughts of fantasy lure my senses.

  As I am lying near the poolside, my cool black Chanel sunglasses make me indifferent. I am wearing in what seems to be a two-piece black monokini. Damn right, I look hot!

  I stand up and up goes a swimsuit in which my assets appear to be plump in shape. Definitely accentuating my figures. Suddenly in just a few seconds notice, I take off my towel in what covers my thighs and go towards the hot tub.

  Yes, I'm walking in a Jacuzzi, if you will. And I am hot, my dear. I strip off what remains of my body.

  I probably have an audience staring at me too. The four hot bigwigs.

  Poof. I stop for a moment and pause. This makes me laugh nervously.

  But then again, what might happen if that ever happens, huh? Smirk, if you will, Ms. Foster. You are really a bitch, don't ya’ think so?

  My eyebrows rise up and I begin walking like a notorious dominatrix towards the dining hall. That includes my ass moving from left to right. Like a bitch, literally.

  I see the familiar faces caught my attention. They surround me and they also make contact. All eyes are on me, yet again.

  Smiles and laughter ensue. But I wonder why? I don't think it's because of me, right?

  I overhear Jonah conversing with the others. However, all I hear are faint voices because of the crowd. I can't seem to wonder why they can't stop looking at me.

  Maybe because they find me beautiful? How awkward.

  Something must be on their minds. Something must have been planned while I was in the bathroom.

  Now, I sit in my designated seat and boy, it’s getting hot in here! I grab my glass and sip on some wine. I do not even know why the hell am I drinking but I am not usually the drinker to be the least. Ryder looks at me and says, "Hey, you okay? You seem troubled?" I shrug.

  I shake my head nervously. "No, no. I'm fabulous." "I was just thinking about…stuff."

  "Stuff about what, exactly?" Wyatt joins in.

  "Well, I have this plan. I don't know if y'all are up for it, though."

  "Do tell us, then." The four chimes in like they're all lions about to attack and clobber up some meat.

; "I have the craziest idea. Why don't we all go skinny dipping? I passed by the poolside earlier. The Jacuzzi seems tempting." I grin mischievously.

  They all look at each other and all are in agreement. Knowing these boys, they would be up for anything I would ask for. I have them all up on my sleeve.

  "I'll go ahead first; this wine makes me exploding hot already. ‘sides I'm full." I ready my purse and stand up from the table.

  Ryder seems to notice my wobbly steps. "You guys go ahead. Zoey's not feeling well." He motions them as he stands up and walks up to me to help.

  "I need to rest for a while." I faintly say to him.

  "I'll accompany you to a guest room." Ryder says as he helps me continue walking. Fuck, am I tipsy?

  My head and stomach hurt as I struggle to walk. This is not happening the way I want it to.

  Ryder pushes the floor elevator button to go up. "Don't worry, we're almost there." He says with a smile.

  As the elevator door closes, we are the only ones inside. We both realize this at a moment but Ryder does not seem to do anything.

  I push him up against the wall and begin to slowly kiss him. Our cheeks meet and Ryder is noticing that I am indeed tipsy. In fact, I am warm and red.

  He feels the gush of drunk flush inside me already bursting into flames. Our eyes are closed while our mouths are into each other, hungry with thirst. A thought comes to my mind that I am indeed as hornier as I would ever be.

  Why is he so damn hot all of a sudden? I wonder while my tongue grazes upon his.

  Ding. I guess that's our floor. Drat, as I am unamused.

  "Come." Ryder pulls and grabs my hand as we walk through the floor.

  He opens a door with his card. Then it flashes with green light sound. I can't help but notice my heartbeat is going at a faster rate than this sound.

  As the door slowly opens, he pushes me through the wall and kisses my lips, already wet from our make-out session recently. He brushes my hair towards the side and kisses my earlobe and the back corner of my nape. I feel a sudden rush comes towards me.


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