Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance Page 64

by Mia Mills

  "Oh my God." Zoey twirls around, "I can't believe you guys did this."

  We're all smiling to the ears seeing her happy like this. We had thought maybe it was a bit too much, but now that we're seeing how she's reacting, it confirms that this was the right thing to do.

  "Although none of us were too keen on the idea that we'd all be under one roof, the mansion is big enough that we might not even notice each other's presence all that much. It's basically separated into almost five sectors mirroring our distinct tastes." I point as I go along, "Gavin's room is closer to the gym and the dining area, mine is closer to the gallery and the music room, Wyatt's is closer to the pool, the courtyard and the kitchen, Ryder's is closer to the game room and the theatre. Your room is in the center of all that, from the time we knew you, it was pretty evident that you liked everything that we were planning to put into the mansion."

  "How long have you guys been planning this?" Her cheeks are red and lined with tears, but I know from how she's beaming with joy that it's happiness I'm looking at.

  "Not very long." I look around, "The house had been up for sale for quite a while, and the four of us had been fighting over it. At some point during the time we were all seeing you, we figured that we should renovate the place to house more people and invite you to live in it. We could visit you on our own time and all. But after what's been happening the past two weeks, we made the decision that it's better if we all lived together instead."

  As we're talking about the house, we finally get to the dining area. Zoey's eyes go over the food spread over the long oak dining table, there are servants waiting near the kitchen area.

  "That is...a lot of food." She turns to us, "Is there a party? Are there other guests?"

  We laugh, finding her excitement adorable.

  "Unfortunately, we're the only company you have tonight." Ryder says, then he makes his way to the chairs and pulls the one at the head of the table out, "Have a seat, Zoey."

  She goes to him and sits down, still marveling over the set-up.

  We all take our spots and smile at each other. This went a lot smoother than we expected. She didn't even put up a fight about how it's a stupid idea to waste our money like this. I guess we finally proved to her that we're not doing this just for the sake of competing.

  "Before we start. We want to let you know something important." Gavin's eyes gaze at her, this is the part we're more concerned about. So all of us are watching her intently and seeing how she's going to react.

  "What is it?" She giggles, "You're all looking at me like I committed a crime."

  "We've decided to step down from our companies." Gavin finally says.

  Zoey's expression goes from joy to confusion then to something I recognized as sadness. Before she can speak, however, Ryder takes the reins.

  "It's not like we've thrown everything away. We still have investments, we're still in the market. But we're no longer going to lead our own companies." He explains further.

  "Everything's been settled, Zoey. No need to be scared for us." Wyatt sounds the most reassuring out of all of us, "We have our own financial advisors, we went through this with them and they don't see any risks in it. In fact, we might be better off without our companies being risked with every move we make."

  "It's been a pretty long ride for each of us in the world of Wall Street. I think we made the right move." I flash her my most confident smile in the hopes that it'll show her that we didn't do this rashly.

  Her eyes are glassy from our confession, "You guys didn't have to do this for me." Her smile is that of love and sadness, she puts her hand over her heart and she clutches her chest, right where her silver necklace is, "I don't deserve any of this. I don't deserve any of you."

  Ryder reaches for her free hand and squeezes it.

  "You do deserve us. Please don't say you don't." I lean forward, "We're not only doing this for you, so don't feel bad about it. We're not being forced into this. No one's coerced us into letting go of things."

  "Then...why...?" She shakes her head slightly and looks at all of us.

  Ryder, whose hand still held hers, is the first to speak, "Because we love you. We found you, someone who—for some reason—brought out the best in what we thought were already the best versions of ourselves. You showed us things about our own selves we would never have realized without spending time with you."

  "You made us feel things too." Wyatt interjects, "I don't know about these guys, but for as long as I've known myself I seriously thought I was going to mess around with women until I was in my mid-fifties. I just couldn't settle down no matter what. But with you I...I just feel the most complete I've been in a long time."

  When he stops, it's Gavin's cue to say something, "We found in you what we thought the market held for us. Exciting opportunities, exploring the unknown and just finding our own adventures." He looks away, for a moment I thought I saw him shed a tear but since it's Gavin we're talking about so I highly doubt it, "You became something we couldn't fathom and resist. A new world opened up to us, one we used to think was unnecessary."

  Zoey looks at me, and I know that look, I saw that look when I told my family I was stepping down from the position. It's not disappointment, really, it's fear.

  "I know what you're thinking." I smile at her, "I'm the heir to the company. I have the responsibilities to keep it." Shaking my head, I continue, "It just doesn't make me happy, Zoey. I thought that if I kept trying to show people what I could do, I'd impress myself as well. But that never happened. All it resulted in was people wanting more from me. All I could do was keep trying to jump higher than I jumped before. And to an extent, that got tiring."

  Tear drops from my eyes, "I just couldn't live like that anymore. And I had been hanging in there until that night you made that speech and we talked. And you told me things not even my own parents saw in me. You knew just how much I've tried, even when all you saw was who I was that night and a few articles people made about me."

  I look away and swallow the lump forming in my throat, "And after I spent more time with you, Wall Street fell apart. I couldn't handle how I had two worlds that couldn't—wouldn't...mingle. I had to let one go. And I wasn't going to let go of the one good thing in my life, that thing is meeting you. I wasn't going to let you slip through my fingers. But I knew I couldn't let my business fail, so I gave it back to my parents. They're old, but they know better. They'll know what to do with it when the time comes."

  I look back at her, "So don't say you don't deserve this. Because you're the most important person in our lives. And you're worth more than the entirety of the market combined."


  Sitting still, staring at my empty plate. I just finished my lunch…the men's decision leaves me in awe. Come to think of it, all four of them decided to step down from any of their responsibilities, and what's more shocking? They all decided that we will be living together — in this mansion.

  You see, I don't really understand what I am feeling right now. Happy? Excited? Confused? Blessed? I am just overwhelmed — but at least in a good way.

  I can feel my lips curling up into a smile. Are they looking at me? Because one thing's for sure, it is definitely obvious that I am really excited about their idea.

  "Zoey" a voice I know calls from my back. I am still staring blankly at my plate. I told you, I am being too obvious, and more than likely he'll ask if I'm okay.

  "Hey Zoe, are you okay? Are you ready to check out your room?" What did I tell you? It's the same voice who called my name, and it's Ryder.

  At this point in our relationship, I am already familiar with their voices. I can recognize them even with my eyes closed. I can tell them apart even with just their backs. I know their scent, their personalities, how to make them happy, what pisses them off.

  Then I look straight at Ryder's gray eyes in response to his call. "Yeah! Yeah, sure!" I shrug as I answer empty-mindedly, just mainly smiling at the thought of their plans with me.
  I am physically here but my mind is flying. Like a ghost lurking, examining every inch of them, scrutinizing their expressions if they are absolute of what they've decided, getting closer to their faces, just looking at them unnoticed. Unfortunately, it is the exact opposite, all their eyes are on me, my every move is noticeable, and it is quite embarrassing showing them the obviosity of my excitement.

  Getting used to this is my top priority because I will be living with them. I need to be more comfortable around them. They mean so much to me, so it is just right to show them my every emotion. No more hiding, I should be true in expressing myself.

  "Let's go? So I could show you your room." my head turns to face Jonah as he continues, pushing his chair backward and extending his hand to assist me.

  Then the rest of us follow—we stand and push our chairs back. I walk sideways away from my chair and grabs Jonah's arm for me to hold on to.

  "This way," he smiles at me and gestures his other hand as we take our steps.

  We all march from the dining area to the hallway going to the principal staircase. The beat of my heart coincides with the click-clack of my heels on the flooring. I am too delighted, that's why.

  Different thoughts are juggling in my head. I raise and slide my other hand on Jonah's arm just to get more grips because I feel like fainting. My entire body feels weak. This would be the first, just plainly because of too much excitement.

  Have you ever felt that? Well, this is me right now, most people who knew me always thought that I am indestructible, but right now I am just feeling so fragile.

  I want to feel like a princess whenever I am with these guys. I want their tender loving care. Just being with them makes me feels that I am the queen of the world.

  I bet you heard that somewhere, but yes! That is exactly what I am feeling while we are walking up these stairs. Gavin, Wyatt, Ryder, and Jonah — they are chatting as we take our steps up to the second floor, but here I am talking to myself, searching for a perfect word that would best describe my feeling.

  We are reaching a spacious hallway. We walk along it as we passed two doors from the left and right, I bet those rooms will be theirs. We continue to walk forward to this massive two-door room ahead of us, and that would be the entrance to my room if I'm not mistaken.

  I am getting excited as we go nearer. Few more steps and we come to a full stop. I scan my eyes to every detail of this door. From side to side of the door frame is an opaque glass. And if you would open the door, this huge circle glass in it will be in its half shape.

  "Close your eyes!" Wyatt exclaims from my back and I do what he said.

  I close my eyes as I take a deep breath and exhale, but before totally shutting it, I see Wyatt and Ryder walking towards the doorway, I’m guessing that they are holding the knob to open it. I walk along when Jonah takes his steps forward. He is making sure that I will be able to see the entirety of my room once I open my eyes.

  Slowly Jonah releases my hands and I hear footsteps walking inside.

  "Open your eyes," Wyatt tells me.

  "Surprise!" they hail in synch.

  I can't believe my eyes. Right in front of me is living set. All leather white pin-buttoned two long couches and two single-chairs. They are arranged in a receiving way, directly facing the door. That, if you are too tired from work or too drunk to go to your bed, you can just hop right in.

  Behind my dining set is a colossal glass window, my room is on the east side of the mansion, giving me a full view of the entirety of the garden. I turn to look at the left side of my room. There I see an office glass table with the latest PC model on top. The books on the bookshelves are just behind it.

  I excitedly look towards my right, and I see my bed. It seems I need to have a step-up stool to be able to jump in. It is a California king bed, wow, we could really share this room, this is perfect for us.

  I know we have separate rooms, but since I have the biggest, no one can tell me no and who I'm going to be with in here. On the far right, is the shower…it's a glass shower by the way. And wait, taking a step forward just to see clearly what I'm seeing…Oh My God! The tub is made out of glass too! Dang, they really do prepare everything for this new set-up of our relationship.

  "Alright, so I guess we should go…for you to be able to enjoy your room." My head shifted immediately to Ryder when he said they'll leave for me to enjoy the room.

  Me? Enjoy it? Alone? No way!

  "What did you just say?" my face is kind of pissed, but not in a mad-angry kind of way — just trying to be cute and flirty if you know what I mean. "I am not going to enjoy this room alone." I seductively tell them what I want them to know. "Don't you guys want to enjoy that bed…with me?" I point the bed with my eyes and back to them as I seductively look under my lashes.

  "Oh wow! That would definitely be fun." Wyatt voices out.

  He loves my idea I see that. I smile at him as I hold my hands together in front of me, moving sideways with my left foot on tip-toe trying to be cute. If that's even a word, like I said, my reputation for being tough is not effective with these guys.

  "Yes, why not, we can all enjoy this room together." Jonah is slowly walking towards me like a lion preying on a poor hare. His eyes are fierce, simply indicating that I am about to be pleased today.

  Jonah is standing in front of me. He raises his hands and holds my face…he advances and kisses me. No matter how many times I've kissed them, how many times we had sex, I still have the strong desire for their every kiss and every touch.

  As we lock our lips, he then runs his fingers down my neck, to my shoulders slowly sliding the straps of my dress off. When I feel the straps fall on my arms, I let go of my hands from holding on from his chest. Letting the dress slips from my elbows then slowly to my forearm and down on my feet.

  Immediately one of them kneels behind me, kissing my butt cheeks. I know that scent, it's Wyatt. He then pulls my pink lace-up making my ass peek and then he bites it. I jerk and bite Jonah's lip as a reflex. "Yes, baby bite me" Jonah commands. Then I kiss him ferociously like a hungry beast.

  What Wyatt is doing down under is making me crazy. As he bites, kiss, suck my butt cheeks…he caresses his finger on my pussy. I can't help but release a moan. "Mhmm" moaning as I suck on Jonah's lower lip. As soon as his lip slips from mine, he slides his tongue down to my neck.

  I'm tilting my head up then slowly open my eyes to check on the other guys. They are moving forwards towards us. They walk towards each of my side — standing. I hear them open their zippers. Gavin pulls my resting hand on Jonah's shoulder towards his fly. He tucks my hand into letting me grab his cock out, and then I fist my finger rubbing it back and forth making it even harder. Gavin hums in return as he gropes my breast massaging it then eventually pinching my nipple.

  On my right side, there stands Ryder, my sweet Ryder. He raises my hand from the other side of Jonah's shoulder towards his face, he licks my palm and one by one he encloses my every finger inside his mouth. That! That thing he does arouses me more, what if we go intense, not just foreplay but real sex. What are they capable of? Because I have not yet figured it out. You may say we had a couple of sex, you are right, but every sex has different fury, different extent, always different. You can never tell what could happen next.

  After soaking my hands, Ryder and I look into each other's eyes. Me trying to concentrate on keeping an eye contact as I take pleasure in what the others are doing to my body, while he is running my fingers over his chest guiding it down to his cock. Grabbing it out of his pants I am groping it.

  Now that I have two cocks in each hand, I channel out my frenzy to each of their man meat. I am holding on it as tight as I can, going faster and faster as I feel more aroused. My libido increases when I see them enjoy the moment—the moment that I am giving…handjob. They are loving it, I can tell it by their body movement and how they run their hands on me. This is such an achievement, I kudos myself for that and I give myself a pat on the back for doing thi
s right…and good.

  I tilt my head up when Jonah gropes my breast and suck on it. Oh dear! What am I going to do with this? I am relishing this momentousness but my body is freaking out, it becomes hysterical as it reacts to every touch they give from each part of my body. Do you get it? I am going crazy…I am losing track on where to focus. Everything feels good, I am feeling ecstatic.

  Jonah is doing really well with my breast, I look down to him. From my left tits, he slides his tongue down to the center, then up to the other boob licking my right nipple. He looks up at me when he's licking it, and he's doing it harder which made me tilt my head back again. He is teasing me, showing me how he can control me with his tongue, how he's going to make me wet, how to make me go insane.

  "Oh fuck!" I cried out when I jolted to Wyatt's motion. He slides his finger in me—in and out hooking his finger while hitting my g spot. He pulls down my underwear falling on top of my dress. He spreads my legs a little wider playing with my very wet pussy.

  "Damn, you're so wet babe," Wyatt told me as he continuously slides his finger in and out my pussy.

  "Ooohhhh" I moan to the rhythm of my body as both Jonah and Wyatt gives me pleasure. And not just that, with my hands, groping and rubbing two cocks, well that makes me hornier. Holding their man meat is so sexy and how, how their hard lust muscle pulsates under my palm, oh gosh! You better try it for you to know, but nuh-uh! Not with my men, these bad boys are mine. You can go ahead and find your own sex machine…sorry, not sorry.

  Wyatt glides both his hands up from my legs to my waist and grabs my hair sideways. "Let's lay you down on the bed" He whispers in my ear and kissing it and licks. It makes me moan and craves for more, but they all stand around me leading our way towards the bed.


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