The kDira's World Anthology

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The kDira's World Anthology Page 37

by K R McClellan

  Winter lay motionless on her cot, lying on her side, knees pulled up to her chest. Though a tear trickled down her cheek, she was not crying; she would not allow herself to do that. The beating she had endured at the hands of her attackers from their frustration at not being able to tame her didn’t hurt her as much as the feeling of betrayal by her brother.

  But she took pride in that she was certain the mighty Tridan would not entertain the idea of coming to take her again. She had drawn more blood from him than he had from her, and though at times her hands were held back by the two guards, she still managed to break free more than once and use her cat-like nails to rip into the skin of not only her assailant but the two holding her down as well.

  No, she would not cry, not now. She knew that her mother, and probably everyone else in the Blackhorn village would be working on a way to get her back, and she just needed to keep her wits about her until she was safely at home again. She knew of the stories her mother had told of Hayden, and the abuse kDira had taken by his hand, and Winter believed that if her mother could stand up to that and still overcome Hayden, then she, Winter, could do the same against Malak when the time was right.

  Winter closed her eyes. Her tunic was on the floor in a ball, and she had no blanket, but she had no desire to move to put the tunic on. She just wanted to lie there and will time to stop. She needed to rest. Later she would plan.

  In the king’s hut, Malak was receiving word of the encounter from one of the two guards that had attempted to subdue Winter as Tridan did his best to live up to the king’s expectations.

  “She is a fighter, isn’t she?” Malak said, laughing. “But you mean to tell me she got blood out of the three of you, and Tridan doesn’t even know if he got his job done?”

  “King Malak, she is very strong. She is like you in that way,” the guard said trying to soften up the king by complimenting his own strength. “Much like when you defeated the great blackber, Tridan was her blackber.”

  “Nonsense. She just needs to be worn down. See that she gets no sleep tonight. Have someone go in and poke her with a stick every hour. Keep her awake. When she is truly exhausted, she will be easier to deal with.”

  “Yes, my king.”

  “And tell Tridan he has one more chance. If he fails again, I will make him a eunuch and feed his cullions to the woodpigs. And you will see to it that he succeeds, or you will meet the same fate.”

  “Yes, my king.”

  “You may go.”

  Nonham sat in a chair in the corner of the ground floor room. He watched Malak become more and more comfortable in his role. Maybe too comfortable.

  “My king, if I may offer a suggestion. It is only a suggestion, and should you decide not to observe it, that is, of course, your prerogative.”

  “What is it, old man?”

  “I see that you are gaining their obedience through fear, but you must also gain their respect. A compassionate king can also be an effective ruler and a revered and beloved icon that will be remembered for generations to come.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I am saying that you are leaning heavily on reigning with an iron fist. Sometimes a softer touch works better… in certain circumstances.”

  “I see. So you think that I should tone it down a bit? You think that I should show more compassion?”

  “At least until the people get to know you more; you are still new to them. The last king was a worthless slug. All he did was sit in here and have people serve him. They need someone to lead them, to listen to them, and to give them a reason to follow their king.”

  “I see.”

  “You will learn, my King. This is all new to you. Sometimes a little understanding goes a long way.”

  “Perhaps you are right. Tomorrow, you will show me how to be a good king. Tonight, I wish my girls to be here.”

  “The one girl… the one that was injured… she is not well enough to come back. She is in a lot of pain.”

  “I wish her here. She must learn that I do not permit weakness.”

  “Yes, my king,” Nonham said. “I will see to it right away.” Nonham stood up, bowed to the king and let himself out. “So much for compassion,” Nonham said to himself.

  kDira and her party were less than a day out from Midlandia when they decided that they should bed down for the night. They found a spot just off the Great Highway in a small clearing in the woods and made camp. This night they made no fires.

  kDira remembered that near this spot was where she had almost lost her life to a blackber. She wondered how Malak had managed to kill such a beast at such a young age. Then she caught herself, vowing not to think of Malak again until she got to Midlandia.

  The group found a place to sit and nibble on their provisions and drink some bryne. One more day, kDira told herself. Oh, how I am getting tired of traveling.

  cHAPTER 24

  “I think we need to leave Omiroe and Acetec outside, hidden as you and I go in,” kDira said to Agis. “Should something happen, we need someone to go back and tell the news to the village.”

  “Queen Mother,” Omiroe protested, “I cannot allow you to go in with only Agis to protect you.”

  “My friend, should the worst happen, having two more in there will not help us. We are grossly outnumbered either way.”

  “Of course, you are right. I wish we would have brought an army with us, prepared for a siege.”

  “It may come to that, but Malak is my son, and I must try to reason with him first.”

  “As you wish, Queen Mother.”

  “Good. You and Acetec take places on either side of the gate but stay hidden. One of you try to get a good vantage point to see in through the gate as Agis and I go in; the other find a place in a tree or other high point to be able to see into the village. It is important that you know what happens… if something happens. With any luck, we will be walking back out with Winter, our skin still intact. Go now.”

  “Yes, Queen Mother,” Acetec and Omiroe answered in unison.

  The two moved out to get into position. Agis looked at kDira and frowned. “Are you sure about this plan? An army would make me feel a lot better too.”

  “It’s too late for that now. I must not second guess myself. We will give Omiroe and Acetec a few moments to get into position and then we will go.”

  “If Malak was not your son, would it be so hard?”

  “If Malak weren’t my son, I would be walking in with an army.”

  “You might want to remind him of that when we get in there.”

  “King Malak, there are visitors at the gate!” a warrior said, having run across the Town Square to deliver the news to the king who was strolling about, talking with Nonham.

  “Who are they?” asked Malak.

  “They claim to be kDira and Agis of Blackhorn.”

  Malak stopped and smiled. “Mum and her kreb. How charming is this? A family reunion. Escort them in. I will see them.”

  The guard turned and ran back to the gate to allow the visitors entry.

  “Sylys, I am sure they are here to take Winter back.”

  “They can try,” Malak laughed. “Come, let’s find out what they have to say.”

  Malak made his way to the gate, followed closely by Nonham. As the king and Nonham closed the distance they could see kDira and Agis standing near the Town Square, unarmed, with three guards watching closely.

  “Are you sure three guards is enough?” Malak said lightheartedly as he approached the group. “I mean, it is the great kDira, Leader of the Blackhorn.”

  “Hello, Malak,” kDira said. “You look well.”

  “Aww, she cares,” Malak said, looking at Nonham.

  “I know you,” kDira said, also looking at Nonham. “You are one of those that kidnapped me and took me to Hayden to be tortured and raped. You are Nonham.”

  Nonham had hoped his face, now covered with a beard, would not be recognizable.

  “Your memory is impeccable, kDira.”<
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  “Why have you come here?” Malak demanded.

  “You have Winter. We have come to take her home.”

  “This is her new home now.”

  “Malak, she is your sister! How could you—”

  “Half-sister! She is my half-sister, and the half that shares the same blood as you, I do not recognize as my sister. So, for that reason, she is just a breeder as far as I am concerned.”

  kDira was shocked by what she was hearing. The Malak she had known had evolved into something her worst dreams had predicted; he had become the true son of Hayden.

  “Still,” Malak continued, “I will not breed with her. I do have enough moral fiber to not cross that line. She will be bred like any common breeder. In fact, she has already started being enjoyed by the tribe.”

  Agis lunged at Malak but was stopped by a sword across his chest, warning him off. Malak looked at him.

  “You think you could take me?” Malak jeered, cocking his head to the side and looking at Agis out of the corner of one eye. “Perhaps we will find out, one day. Today, I am not in the mood to spill blood on my beautiful Square.”

  “Malak, please…” kDira said, with a hint of begging. “Let Winter come home.”

  “It is not going to happen, mum. I am Midlander, and she is our breeder now. That is the way the game works. You should know that better than anyone.”

  “Could we at least see her?”

  “I do not think so. She is tired and needs her rest.”

  “Please, Malak my son, please let me see her one more time?”

  Somehow, perhaps it was kDira calling him son, or perhaps it was that something remained of his compassion, but his heart changed just a little.

  “Fine. Nonham, fetch the female.”

  “But Sylys, is that necessar—”

  “Fetch the girl!”

  “Yes, Sylys.”

  Nonham turned and headed off to retrieve Winter. kDira looked at Agis, and then back at Malak.

  “Sylys? That was Hayden’s name also.”

  “Sylys is a title. It means King.”

  “I see. So, like Sylys Hayden, you are now Sylys Malak?”

  “You catch on quickly. They call me Sylys or King. It does not matter which one they use.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to see Winter.”

  “I do not think you will like what you see, but that also does not matter.”

  Omiroe, having watched kDira and Agis being escorted into the village and the door shut behind them, slowly made his way over to the side of the village opposite that of Acetec. He noticed that there were fewer guards on the wall along the side than there were in the front by the gate. He found a giant hickoring tree and began climbing the back side, away from the view of the walls of the village. He hoped Acetec had found a similar vantage point. He settled onto a sturdy branch where he had a direct bow shot at two of the three guards on this side of the wall, and one guard on the front wall. He also had a direct line of sight to the gathering in the Town Square.

  “Hello,” a hushed, whispered voice said from nowhere.

  Omiroe almost slipped off his limb and fell to the ground, had it not been for him catching his grip at the last second.

  “Up here,” the voice came again. Omiroe looked up.

  “Charlomine?” he said in his own whisper. “What are you doing here?”

  “We’re keeping an eye on you. Ari and I came to help out.”

  “Ari is here too? She should be flogged for bringing you with her.”

  “I brought me with her. She had no choice. So, what’s the plan.”

  “We don’t have one, but if something happens, can you shoot that third guard down the wall? The one all the way down?”

  “Sure, that will be easy.”

  “Good. You might have to take out some guards in the village as well, but don’t do anything unless I say so.”


  “Where is Ari?”

  Acetec had already found a spot high in a tree himself, with a clear view of what was going on within the walls of the village. He could see kDira and Agis in the Town Square, as well as Malak and several other people he assumed were guards. He could see Omiroe settle into a tree far across the village, just outside the opposite wall. He could see several guards on his side and several more on Omiroe’s side of the village. The guards were paying more attention to the conference in the village than keeping watch outside the walls.


  Acetec looked around and saw nothing.


  Again, Acetec looked around. His eyes raced across the ground all around the tree he was in, then over to the wall, then in the area all around him in the tree.

  “Acetec, it is me, Ari. I am in the tree right next to you.”

  Acetec scanned the other tree carefully and finally saw his old friend perched comfortably on a branch at the same height as himself. Ari was a natural at hiding in plain sight.

  “What are you doing here?” asked Acetec.

  “I thought you could use a hand,” Ari replied.

  “I thought kDira forbade you to come?”

  “Shhhh, we must be quiet.”

  “Winter, are you alright?” kDira asked, spotting her daughter, who was obviously bruised and battered. “Malak, what have you done to her?”

  Escorted by two guards, hands tied behind her back, Winter was led to a short distance behind Malak. Winter had evidence of bruises, and her lower lip was swollen with traces of dried blood on it. Her right eye was blackened, and she walked with a bit of a limp.

  “In all fairness,” Malak said, looking back at Winter, “she brought it on herself. She is the one that put up the fight. Honestly, the guards were simply defending themselves.”

  “Yes, I bet they were. Winter, how are you?”

  “I’m fine, mum. But you will be less one son if he doesn’t let me go!” she said, struggling against the two guards holding her arms.

  “Malak, you made your point. Let her go.”

  “My point? Just what do you think my point might be? Do you think this is just a childish tantrum? Do you think I am just acting out? No, dear mum. This is my destiny. Have you heard of the provicy? Have you heard of the Book of Sylys?”

  “Yes,” kDira admitted. “I have heard of it. It says nothing of you kidnapping your sister.”


  “Okay, your half-sister. Let her go. She has done nothing to you.”

  “Winter will be staying here with me. She is a Midlander now, like it or not.”

  “Malak! You will let your sister go, now!” kDira demanded.

  Malak, slightly shocked by the change in tone, took a step towards his mother. He looked her in the eye, and though he could feel Agis also staring at him, Malak kept his gaze firmly on kDira.

  “You are not talking to a small boy anymore. You will address me as King Malak, or I will have you cut down right here in this plaza.” Malak paused to see if kDira would say or do anything. She did not. “Call me King Malak.”

  Two of the guards took a step closer to kDira and Agis. Three others stood tall, weapons ready.

  “I said call me King Malak!”

  kDira looked her son directly in the eyes and inhaled. She could smell the perfumes that he must have bathed in to cover the stench of being a king.

  “We will be leaving with Winter,” kDira said through her clenched teeth.

  “Mum, do you remember what you did to Hayden? Remember? Do you remember how you maimed him? I have heard all the stories. I know what you did to humiliate him.”

  “Hayden was lucky I did not kill him.”

  “He could not even defend himself.”

  “He managed just fine.”

  Malak turned and walked over to Winter. He circled around behind her, looking at kDira the whole time. “You do remember, do you not?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Hold her tightly,” Malak said to the guards holding onto Winter’s a
rms. They complied by tightening their grip.

  Without any more warning, Malak bent down, pulled one of Winter’s feet up and back and with one swift motion, severed her Achilles tendon. Winter screamed in agony as kDira and Agis made a move towards Malak.

  “Guards, seize them and take Winter back to her cage. See that her bleeding is tended to. She will not be running away any time soon.”

  Quickly, five guards moved toward kDira and Agis, but in that very instant, two of the guards dropped to the ground, arrows piercing their hearts. As Winter struggled against the two guards holding her, one of them also fell to the ground, dead. Winter spun loose from the grasp of the other guard and after an attempt to put weight on her injured leg, fell to the ground.

  Malak was stunned to see what was happening as he watched guard after guard fall to the ground, leaving him more and more alone with kDira and Agis. The remaining two guards met a similar fate to those that had fallen before them, one with an arrow through his windpipe. Malak was alone with the two angry Blackhorn, and he knew it could not be good.

  “Guards!” he yelled, trying to alert the others in the village. “Guards! Help your King!”. He was not aware that all the guards on the walls had already been taken down, just like the others.

  “Get Winter to the gate!” Agis yelled.

  kDira took two steps toward Malak, looking at him. In a flash, she swept his legs out from underneath him with a sweeping kick. Malak hit the ground hard, and as he did, she planted a solid kick to his jaw, then she ran to Winter to help her up.

  Winter did everything she could to help kDira get her to the gate, fighting through the burning pain in her foot and her inability to put any weight on it. Behind them, kDira and Winter could hear the rumblings of other Midlandia warriors gathering weapons, preparing to support their new king.

  “Get that gate open!” kDira yelled as she ran with Winter.

  Agis lifted the bolt and cracked the main gate open. The three slipped out and ran down the path towards the Great Highway as fast as Winter could move. Within seconds they were joined by Ari, Omiroe, Acetec, and young Charlomine. Omiroe scooped Winter into his arms and ran, carrying her. The Blackhorn took no time to exchange greetings; they simply continued running for their lives.


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