Fighting for His Princess

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Fighting for His Princess Page 3

by Shaw Hart

I pout into the dark and even though I know that he can’t see me, he can still read me.

  “I’ll give you what you want, Princess, but then you need to get some sleep, ok?”

  I nod frantically as Kit rolls his hips against me. He chuckles at my enthusiasm as he slowly slides his fingers under my borrowed shirt. They tickle as they slide over my stomach and I wiggle against him. We both moan as I grind against him and my moans grow louder when Kit’s fingers finally reach my sensitive nipples.

  My breasts feel heavy as Kit molds them in his hands. His erection is still pressed against my ass and I can feel him rocking against me as he continues to play with my breasts. Kit’s hands are rough with callouses and I moan as I feel them rub along my skin, closer and closer to my sensitive nipples. Kit rolls the stiff peaks between his skilled fingers and I moan at the sensation. I can feel myself climbing higher and higher and suddenly I’m afraid of what will happen when I finally reach the peak.

  I’ve never had anyone give me an orgasm before and I’m not sure what to expect. Kit kisses down my neck, biting and licking as he goes. He pinches between my nipples as he bites down where my neck meets my shoulder. I moan, tilting my head to the side to give him more room to work.

  He drops one hand down to my hip, running his hands against my skin. His fingers brush along my hip bone, back and forth over and over again as I writhe against him. I’m so close and I can feel how wet I am. I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve never had any interest in the opposite sex before but now it feels like the only thing I will ever feel again is lust. One hit and I’m already addicted. I want to know what else Kit can make me feel.

  Kit’s fingers finally dip beneath the fabric and I can feel them as they run through my short curls. His fingers move lower and rest on top of my wet lips. He groans in my ear, biting down slightly on my shoulder once again as his fingers slowly spread me open and dip inside to find my drenched center. The rough texture of his fingers is in direct contrast to my soft flesh and my orgasm starts to barrel down towards me.

  One long finger glides up my center, slowly circling my opening and dipping inside. He tucks the tip of his finger inside of me, jiggling it slightly before he uses my cream to rub my hard clit. His touch is featherlight as he slowly circles the hard nub. I bite my lip, pushing my hips further into his hand as I search for what my body needs most.

  “Kit, please.” I beg when I can’t take it anymore.

  “I’ve got you, Princess.” He says, sucking along my neck as his thumb presses down hard on my clit.

  That’s all it takes and I’m splintering apart in his arms. I vaguely hear someone screaming and it takes me a minute to realize that it is me. I’m shouting his name into the dark room over and over again as his fingers wring out the last of my orgasm.

  When I finally come back down to Earth, Kit is slipping his fingers out from my panties and I hear him as he pops them into his mouth, licking and sucking my orgasm off of his fingers. He moans at the flavor and I swear I almost come again just from the sound.

  Kit wraps both of his arms around me again and fits me against his large form.

  “Sleep now, Princess.” He orders and for once, I don’t argue.

  Just like in the alley, as soon as his arms wrap around me a sense of peace and safety engulfs me. My eyes slide closed, too tired from the day and from that orgasm to keep them open any longer.

  Chapter Four


  I wake up with my princess tucked up tight against my side. Her ass is pressed up against me, cradling my rock hard cock between the lush mounds. I flashback to how she had come apart in my arms and my cock twitches between us. I bite back my moan as she rubs herself against me. She lets out a breathy sigh as she continues to rock against me in her sleep.

  I let her continue, trying to soak in her unguarded moments. I know that as soon as my princess wakes up, she’s going to go back to trying to push me away. I know that we need to learn more about each other but nothing that I find out about Stella is going to make me turn away from my princess. I wish that there was another way to prove to her that I’m never going to let her go, that we belong together. I guess she’ll just have to learn that I’m never going to stop fighting for my princess.

  Stella starts to stir in my arms and I tighten my grip, knowing what’s coming. She tries to stretch, groaning as she wiggles her toes and stretches her arms above her head. I can tell the second that she remembers what happened. Her body tenses up and she freezes. I tug her closer to me and run my lips along her exposed neck. I can see the marks that I left on her last night and my cock stiffens even further.

  Stella wiggles in my arms, trying to put some distance between us and I sigh as I let her go. She rolls out of bed, standing on the side facing me as she tries to smooth out her hair. She’s looking anywhere but at me, as she fiddles with the hem of my t-shirt, pulling it tighter across her large tits. I can make out her nipples through the thin material and it takes everything in me not to reach across this bed and drag her back against me.

  “I should get going.” She says as she looks around for her clothes.

  “Why don’t you take a shower, or another bath, while I make us some breakfast.” I say as I stretch in the bed.

  I don’t want to let her go but I made her a promise last night and I need to show her that I’m someone that she can trust. I slip out of bed and stand in front of her in just my boxers. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her until she’s flush against me. I hear her suck in a breath as she presses against me and I lean down until my mouth is hovering above her ear.

  “When you’re ready, I’m going to bury myself in you so deep that you’ll never get free of me.” I promise.

  I place a kiss on her neck, sucking on one of the marks that I left on her last night before I let her go. She nods at me before she spins on her heel and starts to head back down the short hallway to the bathroom. I watch her ass twitch back in forth in my short t-shirt before I snap out of it, running after her and beating her into the bathroom.

  “Shower or bath?” I ask, adjusting myself in my boxers as I stand between the two choices.

  “You know that I’m perfectly capable of taking a shower or bath by myself. I don’t need you to do things for me.” She says, her hands slamming down on her hips as she faces off against me.

  “Like I told you last night, you are my princess and I will treat you as such. That means spoiling you. So, shower or bath?”

  She glares at me for a beat before she rolls her eyes and points to the shower. I nod, heading over and opening the glass doors. I twist the knob, checking the water and making sure that it’s not too hot before I turn back to her.

  “Need me to wash your back?” I ask, trying to keep the hopeful note out of my voice.

  She gives me a hard look but I can still see the hunger burning bright in her eyes. She shoos me out of the bathroom and I smile as I close the door behind me. I pull on a pair of jeans and a clean shirt before I head downstairs and into the kitchen. I decide to make some pancakes and bacon and I pull everything I need out, getting to work.

  I’m just flipping the last pancake out of the pan when I hear my princess start to come down the stairs. Her high heels clomp down the stairs and I know without looking that she put that short pink dress back on. I sigh. I’m going to miss seeing her in my clothes.

  I set two place settings at the counter and walk over, pulling a chair out for her. She walks past me and I reach out, gripping her waist and lifting her onto the stool. Her mouth falls open and I drop a quick kiss on her cheek before I turn around and grab the two cups of coffee that I made.

  “Sugar or cream?” I ask as I set it down in front of her.

  “Yes, please.” She says, biting into a slice of bacon.

  I put sugar and milk into her cup and pass it back to her, taking my seat at the counter next to her. I try to ask her questions about herself while we eat, desperate to learn everything about her, and she gives me
brief, one-word answers back.

  Where are you from?


  Any particular part of Texas?


  How old are you?


  When is your birthday?


  What’s your favorite color?


  What do you do for a living?



  “Landing Strip.”

  I frown at hearing that she works in that shitty strip club and I try to figure out a way to get her to quit and never ever set foot in the place but before I can, she’s carrying her plate over to the sink and turning to look at me.

  “I really need to head home now.”

  “Yeah. Let me grab my keys.” I say, dumping my dishes in the sink too.

  I grab my keys, leading her back out to my truck and lifting her inside. I reach over her, buckling her seatbelt and I smile when I see her roll her eyes. She’s stopped arguing with me already. I hope that she’s getting used to being taken care of because I have big plans to spoil the shit out of her.

  She tells me her address and my hands tighten on the steering wheel when I realize that she lives only a couple of blocks from the strip club. It’s in the shady part of town and I hate the thought of her falling asleep there each night. She’s not safe there. She belongs with me.

  I pull up outside the derelict building, parking at the curb and shutting the truck off. She looks at me curiously as I hop out and round the hood. She’s already opened the door but I can still help her down. She sighs as I wrap my hands around her waist and lift her out of the truck. I slide her down the length of my body and smile when I see the way her breathing picks up.

  “I’ll walk you inside, Princess.” I say, lacing our fingers and tugging her toward the front door.

  She tugs her dress down slightly as we walk up the path. I hold the front door open for her and follow her inside, frowning when she doesn’t head up the stairs but turns and heads down the hallway.

  “You live on the first floor?” I growl. “Do you know how dangerous that is?” I demand.

  She shoots me a glare over her shoulder as she puts her key in a door not far from the main entrance. This only proves to me that she needs someone to look out for her. I sigh as I follow her into her apartment and jerk Stella behind me when I see a strange guy sitting at a desk in the living room.

  “What are you doing?” Stella asks as she tries to step out from behind me.

  “You know this guy?” I ask, trying to keep my anger in check.

  “This is Larry. My roommate.” She says like I’ve lost my mind.

  She lives with a guy? Well, not for long. There’s no way I’m letting my princess live with some guy who isn’t me.

  I scowl at the guy who leers at Stella as she walks out from behind me. I growl when I see his eyes run over the length of her and pull her back behind me so that his beady eyes can no longer see what’s mine.

  “Kit! Knock it off!” She huffs.

  She tries to step past me again and I block her, my eyes locked on a scrap of fabric that I can see peeking out from under Larry’s leg. I storm across the room towards him, fists clenched tight at my sides and I almost smile when I see his eyes widen with fear.

  Yeah, asshole. You should be afraid of me. Very, very afraid.

  I reach under his leg, ripping the scrap of lacy fabric out and shoving it in his face.

  “What the hell is this?” I growl.

  “Those are my panties!” Stella yells from behind me, sounding outraged.

  “Why the hell do you have them?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him even further as I get up in his face.

  “I-I” Larry stutters and my fists clench even tighter as Stella makes her way over to us.

  “Have you been stealing my panties, you fucking creep?” She yells and I growl as I watch the pervs eyes dart around the room. That would be a yes.

  “Stella. Go pack a bag. You’re staying with me.” I command and for once, she doesn’t argue.

  I watch her spin on her heel and head into a room off to the left before I get back into Larry’s face.

  “You don’t go near her ever again. Is that clear?” I growl.

  He nods his head frantically and I stand right as Stella comes out carrying two bags. She drops them on the ground before she heads back into the room for the third. I walk over to her, picking up the two bags in one hand and grabbing the third from her hands. I nod for her to walk ahead of me, shooting one last warning glare at her ex-roommate as we head out the door. I toss Stella’s bags in the back of my truck before I help her inside. I lean on her seat, cupping her face and turning her head so that she meets my eyes.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah. I never liked that guy and I knew that he was a perv. I guess I should have noticed that some of my panties were missing.”

  I growl, wanting to go back inside and take care of the guy but my desire to get Stella as far away from here is stronger and I nod at her before I lean in, pressing a quick claiming kiss to her lips. She seems stunned by my action but she doesn’t pull away. I buckle her in and close her door before I round the hood and slide behind the wheel, starting the truck and taking her back to where she belongs.

  Our house.

  Chapter Five


  We ride in silence back to Kit’s place. He parks the car in the garage and helps me out of the truck before he grabs my bags out of the back. Luckily, I never really unpacked so getting my things was quick and easy. I follow him up to the side door, pushing it open and holding it for him as he walks through.

  I should probably tell him that I’ll take one of the guest rooms but the truth is that I don’t want to sleep in one of those rooms. I want to sleep pressed up against him like I did last night. I know that he wouldn’t listen to me anyway and if I tried to sneak off to sleep in a different room, it wouldn’t take long before he came looking for me and dragged me back to his bed. I smile at the thought as I follow him up the stairs and down the hallway to his room.

  He drops my bags on the bed, unzipping them and grabbing shirts and jeans out. I stand by the door and watch as he walks over to the dresser, moving some of his clothes around so that he can fit some of my clothes inside. He makes trip after trip, depositing my clothes in the dresser and then moving onto the closet. Finally, he grabs my pouch of beauty stuff and carries it down the hallway, setting it up along the counter and in the shower. I follow after him, noticing how natural it feels to see my stuff sitting alongside his. It feels right and for a second, my mind flashes back to what he just said. Maybe we really are connected. Things are moving so fast and it feels like I should be nervous or worried about what’s going to happen, but for once, I’m not.

  Kit surveys his work, standing with his hands on his hips as he makes sure that all of my stuff is put away. He stacks my suitcases up in the closet before he comes back out to look at me. He walks across the room, bending down and sweeping me up in his arms before he continues on. He carries me over to the bed, tucking me in like he did last night.

  “You look tired, Princess. Why don’t you take a nap?”

  I roll over, grabbing my phone off of the nightstand and checking the time. I sigh when I see that it’s already 3 pm. I wonder where the day went and then realize that I must have gotten lost in Kit.

  “I have to be at work in three hours.” I say, trying to sit up.

  “I’ll wake you.” He says, pushing me back down and tucking the blankets tighter around me. “You need your rest.”

  “I’m fine, Kit.”

  “Stella. Take a break. You work too hard, Princess. Since you won't take care of yourself, I’m going to. Now, Take. A. Nap.” He orders.

  I lay back down, crossing my arms as I watch him walk across the room. He turns the lights off before he turns back to face me.

  “I’ll wake you up in an hour. Ge
t some rest, Princess.”

  I sigh and roll over as he closes the door behind him. I hate to admit it but I really am pretty tired. We had a late-night last night and I think that it’s finally catching up to me. I close my eyes, promising myself I’ll just sleep for a few minutes and then I’ll get up.

  The next thing I know, Kit is leaning over me, brushing the hair back from my face and pressing kisses along my neck. I moan as I stretch in the bed and blink my eyes open slowly.

  “Time to get up, Princess.” He says.

  I start to sit up in the bed when Kit slips his arms under me and lifts me up. My arm wraps around his neck as he starts to move out of the room. He carries me back down the stairs and over to the counter where a place has already been set. He sits down in the chair, settling me on his lap before he pulls the plate over closer to us. The plate in front of me is piled high with food. Grilled chicken with potatoes and some mixed vegetables along with a glass of milk.

  Kit wraps his arms around me, tugging me so that my back is resting against his chest and my legs are bracketing his. He pulls me back so I’m sitting right on top of his thick erection and my dress rides up around my waist, showing off my wet pussy. His hand comes down between my legs, running along the seam of my lips before he slips his fingers between my lips.

  Kit plays with my wet center with one hand, his fingers brushing back and forth over my sensitive nub while the other picks up the fork and stabs a bite of food. He brings it to my mouth, waiting for me to open before he slips the fork inside my mouth. I’m not sure if I moan at the flavor of the food or at what his fingers are doing to me down below. I lean my head back against his shoulder as Kit takes a bite for himself before he brings another bite to my lips. All along his fingers are toying with my clit down below. He rubs it under his fingers in tight circles before he goes back to running slow, lazy circles around where I need him most.

  Dinner continues like this with Kit feeding me bites of food while he teases my hard clit. He offers me the last bite of food and waits until I finish chewing before he pushes one long, thick finger inside of me. I tense around the digit, not used to the feeling of fullness. He crooks his finger inside of me rubbing against this spot inside of me that makes me feel like I was just plugged into a socket.


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