Stolen by the Alien Barbarian Xyru

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Stolen by the Alien Barbarian Xyru Page 7

by Eden Ember

  “Are we safe? Can they track us?” she asked.

  “Yes, they can,” I replied. Turning, I grabbed a knob overhead and yanked. The conglomerate of wires dangled. Finding the silvery tracking wire, my dagger sliced through it, thus cutting off all communications between the escape pod and the Night Rigor.

  “Plurality, what a weird name for a pod,” Mare commented.

  I chuckled. “Yes, Skleen apparently likes weird names. Who names a ship Night Rigor?” I shook my head as I pulled the small tracker behind the wire panel. It glowed in my hands and I pitched it to the floor. One swift stomp with my heel and the tracker grew dull. “No one will track us now.”

  “You’re so smart. I don’t know what I would have done had I survived escaping in this thing without you,” Mare admitted.

  “You wouldn’t have, my little one.” Once we burst through the wormhole, I felt a heave better with more distance between us and Skleen. The space station came up on the screen. Radioing ahead, I reserved a space for us closer to the Torq One.

  “Welcome, Plurality,” the Nerk said as we exited the pod.

  “Thank you,” I replied as I grabbed Mare’s case. The Nerk peered at Mare in her skimpy outfit. “She was ill on the trip, we disposed of her clothing. The nearest fabric dispensary?”

  “That way,” he said and pointed.

  “Hurry,” I said as we rushed onto the boardwalk. The fabric dispensary was on the opposite side from the Torq One, but Mare needed clothing and shoes. Once we arrived, we ducked inside. I kept my eyes constantly scanning outside for any sign of Skleen and his crew. Plurality didn’t have a tracker, but I worried that they could have painted a laser tracker on it when we left suddenly.

  Mare’s eyes took in the selections of clothing, all of them much too large for her petite body. I stepped forward and found a long jacket in the same blue as the sky on Zeta. It also matched her eyes. She plucked a simple shift from the hooks in coarse gray.

  “I can hem it if we can purchase a sewing kit,” she told me.

  “Shoes too,” I said to the attendant.

  The attendant stepped out with a sizer and had her step on it. A pair of shoes appeared on a conveyor belt nearby, the work boots small and weighted for planets with little gravity. Mare snatched them.

  “Perfect,” she said, her face alight in a brilliant smile that took my breath away.

  “We’ll take these,” I said. “And may we use the waste room?”

  Mare soon was dressed in the gray and blue outfit that hung from her, not at all fitting well. She kept looking at the boots. “Perfect fit, these are,” she said as she beamed. At least she appreciated the clothing, though nothing fit well.

  “We must make haste. Just in case Skleen turns and comes back here,” I said.

  “Oh no,” Mare replied, her face turning pale.

  “We didn’t take the same path they did. Gandrox and I learned how to map the wormholes. Many pilots don’t know about the unmarked ones.”

  “The one we traveled, was it unmarked?”

  “Yes. I learned how to read star charts with sensors to recognize the holes. The one we used was unmarked.”

  Mare shook her head and smiled. “You are so knowledgeable about this. How did you know where it would lead?”

  I pointed to my head. “I keep it all up here. I’m a navigator, so I learned the locations of all the wormholes in the systems that we travel. We don’t come this way too often, but I knew the wormhole was there and where it would lead. Come on, the faster we can get on Torq One and leave, the more distance we will put between us and them. Luckily, they don’t know about me, so they won’t suspect we are there once we’re on my ship,” I said as I pulled her along the busy boardwalk.

  Torq One welcomed us with messages that Gandrox had sent along with Allegra about our whereabouts. They were too far away to use the tracker on the small ship to locate our position. “Quite a tale we have. We’ll explain it when we rendezvous.”

  “Head to Zeta. We’re helping in the battle. It looks promising for the Empire. Give Mare the choice to return to her work here,” Gandrox told him.

  I signed off with Gandrox, intent upon obeying his orders. Beside me, Mare perched in the co-pilot seat, looking out the window with wonder in her eyes.

  “I’ve never had this view of it,” she remarked. “How long will it take to reach Zeta?”

  I kept my face stoic as I didn’t want her seeing how concerned I was that I could lose her. “In a matter of a week. A few days shy, actually.” My eyes stayed planted in front of me.

  “Wow, it feels like I’ve been gone for so long,” she told me. Her voice sounded light, as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Headed into hyper-speed. Unlike the Night Rigor, Torq One can go on autopilot so we can get some rest as we travel.”

  “I’m surprised this ship has a room to rest in,” Mare replied.

  “Yeah, just the one. You can have the room, I’ll rest up here in my comfy chair.” I forced a smile as I tried to pretend everything was right.

  Mare said nothing as she peered out the window, looking thoughtful. Her sad eyes rested on me after a while. “I’m glad this happened,” she told me.

  Her words surprised me. “What? I…”

  “No, just listen. At first I was resistant to you. But no one in the entire universe has ever gone to such lengths just to get to know me. I know your intention is to claim me as your mate, but you need to understand that I’m human. We’re not accustomed to such behavior. At first, the thought disgusted me, though you are very attractive. You’ve more than proven your loyalty to me. I mean, when I ran away on Av’Na you could have just let me go and left with Gandrox. Instead, you stayed behind and searched for me. Not only did you try to rescue me on Av’Na, you followed me to that space station and beyond. You never gave up on me. It’s more than anyone else has ever done for me.” Tears misted her eyes.

  Bowing my head, I smiled. “It’s the least that I could do, Mare. Listen, come on, I’ll show you to you sleeping quarters.”

  I stood at the door pointing out the obvious; two cots, some blankets, and the waste closet. Nothing fancy. “I’ll leave you to it. You can push the cots together if you’d like more room to sleep,” I told her.

  Her head jerked up. “And where will you sleep?”

  “No worries. I can take a comfortable nap at the helm.”

  Mare followed me back to the bridge. “I thought you said this ship can fly itself?”

  “It can. But I want to give you space,” I said while smiling wearily.

  Her arms crossed over her chest. “What if? Nevermind,” she said and pivoted on her heels, leaving me alone on the bridge.

  Turning my attention to the blackened window, I stared at the nothingness created by traveling at hyper-speed. We headed to the nearest wormhole that would lead us to yet another wormhole, which would put us closer to the Zeta System. The hum of the engines nearly lulled me to sleep by the time Mare startled me. Her hair stood out in all directions, as she’d been lying down.

  “Xyru. I want you to come in here with me, unless you need to be here on the bridge,” she said, her voice barely audible.

  Following her back to the sleeping quarters took very little convincing. She had pushed the cots together and a single blanket lay crumpled on top. Her slight body sat on the one cot and she patted the space next to her. I went to her, everything within me vibrating. I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “I shouldn’t,” I said, my voice resounding deeply throughout the metal room.

  “You should,” she insisted.

  “I can’t control myself next to you like this. Maybe if we push the cots apart,” I offered.

  “No, just come sit,” Mare insisted. Her soft voice stirred my heart like a melody I had heard a long time ago, on my home planet.

  When I sat down on the cot, her body gently rolled toward mine as I gathered her into my arms. Her chin lifted, her gorgeous eyes inviting m
e to lean in to her. Our lips met and the inside of my heart felt as if it exploded. I had to taste her. I had to have her. A soft moan escaped her lips as her thin arms wrapped around my neck. Light notes of the soap in the waste closet mixed with her raw essence and reached my nose, intoxicating me. Lying back, Mare lifted the shift she was wearing over her head, her pink skin beckoning me. I tasted her neck, my hands trailing over the slight rise of her chest, her mammaries nicely firm, yet soft. Her nipples hardened, taut as my tongue licked them, as her hands drew me even closer to her. I delighted in her nakedness as she lifted her body and removed her pants. Between Mare’s legs, her sex emitted a raw fragrance that caused my members to throb with desire. Still, I had to hold back; I had to wait. She had to choose it. She had to want it as badly as I. If I were to claim my Terran mate, she had to be the one to give me permission. I promised myself that I would never again force anything upon her.

  Mare’s hands cupped my face as she looked into my eyes. “It’s okay. Explore me,” she said.

  I groaned, using every restraint I had to not take her right there on the cot. My lips trailed over her smooth soft skin, ever downward, to the spot that enticed me so. Her legs parted and invited me as I moved closer. My lips reached her spot, the crease and its softness turning purple as my lips moved over her. Gandrox explained Terrans to me when I questioned him. Not like female Aarans, she didn’t have a small pouch to stimulate ova release. Instead, she had a tiny member which swelled as my lips moved over it. Her opening tasted sweet, the soft slickness there driving me wild. My lips trailed back to the tiny member which made her back arch and her hands held me to her while I kissed there. I greedily suckled her swelling spot. Mare’s moans came faster and faster, so I stuck with her instinctively. Her body shuddered as she cried out in throes of pleasure. It satisfied me just being a part of it. I held back to continue to build her trust.

  Chapter 13


  Xyru crawled beside me on the cots, not wanting anything other than to hold me close to him. The light blanket covered my naked body as he kissed the top of my head. “Sleep, my angel, sleep,” he cooed.

  Waves of passion deeply ebbed and flowed within my body. It was such a powerful release of energy that it surprised even me at Xyru’s hands. My eyelids grew heavy from the tiredness that had been building inside me. The hum of Torq One and the events of the previous days lulled me as I closed my eyes and sleep washed over me like a warm bath back on Earth.

  Dreams of Xyru caressed the edges of my consciousness. Happy, content, loved. I floated above all things dreadful and came into full acceptance of who I was and my purpose from then on. Xyru. Love blossomed in my heart, his capable hands massaging my tired and sore body.

  My eyelids eventually fluttered open after hours of sleep. He smiled endearingly into my face.

  “You’re back,” he said brightly.

  I stirred beside him, my naked body barely covered by the thin blanket. The room stayed warm and my skin yearned for his touch. “I’m so sorry,” I said as I sat up and gathered the surrounding blanket, tucking it under my arms.

  A low, deep chuckle came from him. “I am glad that you slept. You needed it. You didn’t budge all night.”

  I giggled. Beside the bed, on a small table, sat a tray with a container of food and a bottle of water. I reached for the water, my mouth parched. After a long drink, I stared at him.

  “When did you get this?”

  “Like I said, you didn’t budge. I rose earlier and ate and brought you some. It’s tasty and nutrient rich,” he promised as he shrugged.

  “Oh, in other words, it tastes like cardboard.” I laughed.

  “Cardboard? Oh, no, it’s like food, just not as good as the fresh stuff,” he answered.

  The creamy food reminded me of pomegranates and almonds in a strange way. A nutty note with the sweet fruits. I longed for savory meats and vegetables, even that of Zeta. It was nothing like Earth food, but I grew rather fond of Zeta’s flavors. At least this had flavor, unlike the food cubes Skleen served me.

  “This is good. Thank you. May I?” I asked as I thumbed to the waste and wash room.

  “Of course. I set a clean towel in there for you,” Xyru replied.

  When I finished, I swished water in my mouth to clean my teeth and my mouth felt very refreshed. I emerged, still in nothing but the blanket around my body. My clothes were strewn about the room from last night. I looked at the floor and blushed as Xyru stepped back into the room.

  “My clothes--”

  Xyru came to me before I finished the sentence. His giant hands reached for me, pulling me to him. Lowering his head, he leaned into me, his lips meeting with mine again. When my arms wrapped around his neck, the blanket fell to the floor. He reared back, the desire in his eyes clear.

  “You are so lovely. I hope my behavior didn’t shock you last night,” he said.

  “Oh Xyru.” This time I reached for him, my lips parting, showing him how much I wanted him.

  We stumbled toward the cots, his enormous body nearly toppling over me as we landed with a thud. My hands grasped at his bindings, fumbling and trying to set his body free. He helped, his fingers quickly undoing the loops. I gasped as I beheld his body, bulging with muscles, blue-skinned, and his members bobbing forth, hard and very exciting.

  “How?” I asked as I grasped one of them, causing him to groan, his hand closing over mine and squeezing it. My body melted into him. I wanted Xyru to take me. I needed to taste him, to find out about his double cocks.

  “This is my phallus, which delivers the seed. This stimulates, well, a female Aaran to release ova. We don’t have casual sex like Terrans do. Our sole purpose is for procreation.”

  “Oh.” The disappointment resounded in my tone.

  He chuckled. “That’s not to say that we don’t have sexual relations out of enjoyment. I’m aware that I’m different from a Terran male in this respect. We don’t have sex with multiple partners. We claim our mates for life,” he stated. The words came out as truth. We perched on a new threshold. I wouldn’t allow anything casual here, I instinctively knew it. I felt it in his pulse, his heart beat for me.

  Bending forward over him, I grasped his double cocks, the smaller one vibrating slightly in my hand. He groaned as his eyes closed. His hands came up and held me to him when my lips touched the tip of the larger phallus. It was nearly too big for my mouth. Still, I opened wide, pulling him through and tasting the sweet dew that formed on the tip. I groaned, my body wanting him, as my hand slid down his impressive girth. Never had I wanted to taste the essence of a man before like I did with Xyru. His moans came from deep within as I continued sucking and kissing and enjoying him. I figured he’d come inside my mouth and I only hoped that I’d be able to swallow. I hadn’t done anything like this since I left Earth so long ago. Suddenly, Xyru growled and his hands shot to my shoulders where he pulled me from him.

  “What?” I asked, horrified that I’d hurt him.

  “Uh-uh. I can’t do this. Not like this. I want to experience you, all of you, not just your mouth.”

  “If it’s the other phallus, I can rub it too,” I told him.

  “No, I want you. I want to claim you. I want to fill you with my seed. Whether it ends in pregnancy, that doesn’t matter to me. It’s our most basic measure of showing love, making you mine fully,” he explained.

  I smiled. “I want you too,” I said as I dove for him, fully leaning into him, our naked bodies pressing hard against each other.

  Xyru sweetly lifted me, pulling me underneath him. His lips met with mine as we melted into each other. Soft caresses from his enormous hands sent shivers down my arms. I explored his muscles, his smooth blue skin. His raw scent drove me wild and made me want to give myself to him.

  “Mare, do you want me to claim you?” he asked with his husky voice.

  “Xyru, yes! Please take me. Claim me. Make me yours,” I cried out.

  Slowly, he pulled me around until he stoo
d at the edge of the cot, coming down on his knees. “I won’t hurt you. If I don’t do this, I’m afraid that I’ll hurt you. Aarans become savage and wild with their mating. This way I can control myself better,” he told me.

  I merely nodded. I just wanted him. Reaching for him, I grasped his hips, pulling him to me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. With his great cock in his hand, he nuzzled it through my soft warm folds. My lower lips stretched and opened for him, his thick girth filling my slick tunnel until I thought I would rip open. My breath held as he rocked over me, slowly, methodically. His light blue eyes pierced down into mine and we connected. Not just physically, but something much deeper, primal, on a soul level. Waves of pleasure washed over me as I grabbed him and hung onto him like my life depended on it. Slow, undulating pulses touched my clit as his smaller member vibrated and sawed against me. I gasped for breath, my body seizing into a full-blown orgasm, unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

  “Oh, Mare, I’m giving you all that I have. You’re mine now,” Xyru panted as he picked up pace, his body shuddering and building momentum.

  “Xyru, claim me. Make me yours. I want you to complete me, promise me.” I had no control. My pelvis exploded. Colors I’d never seen before danced behind my lids, swirls of pleasure mixed with the fullness of love. The reaction took me by surprise and shook me to my core. I gave in, I allowed it, and I wanted it.

  Xyru grunted, moving faster and faster, his face taking on a purple hue as he pounded me hard, his impressive member growing longer and finally bursting forth as the dam broke. He filled me full of his seed and then he kept going, sawing, moving the two of us into one. The deed finished, his body gave one last shudder as he emptied into me. Pausing for a moment, he peered down at me, and pulling out, settled beside me on the cot, drawing me into his arms.

  The two of us breathed in unison while holding each other. Such content washed over me, a feeling that I’d felt in fleeting moments on Earth, but in completeness here, on the small spacecraft, barreling through space at hyper-speed. An alien had captured my heart, surprising me with the amount of love I felt pouring from my heart toward him.


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