What Tears Us Down: A Single Dad Standalone Romance (Arrow Creek Book 3)

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What Tears Us Down: A Single Dad Standalone Romance (Arrow Creek Book 3) Page 5

by A. M. Wilson

  She uses her propped foot as leverage to ride my hand. I heed her tightening walls and continue to curl my fingers deep as I circle her clit. The moment her eyes slam shut, I thrust my tongue inside her mouth. She sucks it deep before releasing it with a sharp cry that I swallow down my throat. The orgasm sends tremors through her limbs.

  I slow my fingers, not wanting to pull out before she stops twitching.

  While distracting her with my mouth, I slip free. Her moan at the loss nearly makes me give her back my hand.

  “That was…” She fights to slow her breath.

  “I’m glad.” I lower her skirt and sit back in my seat. Scanning the lot, we remain alone.

  She rolls her head toward me. “Do you want me to—”

  I shake my head before she’s finished. “This was just for you.”

  “Well, um, thank you?”

  Fuck, she makes bashful sexy too.

  “You’re cute.”

  She tucks a wayward lock behind her ear. “I should, um, probably feed Ghost and take her for a walk.”

  I curl my fingers around the bottom of the steering wheel. “Okay.”

  The click of the door tells me she’s opened it. “Are you going to be sleeping here tonight?”

  My head cocks. I’d nearly forgotten she’s sleeping in her car as I do the same. Even though I haven’t disclosed as much, I get the impression she already knows. Last night, I fell asleep alone outside Calypso’s, but if she sticks around, I might need to find a new location.

  I shrug, not wanting to reveal too much. Who knows who she might run into in town. My gut says she’s trustworthy, but for all I know, she likes to gossip.

  “I haven’t decided.”

  I can tell I chose the wrong words. I feel the fracture of our trust like a physical thing in the air between us.

  “I guess I’ll see you around.”

  In a billow of jade-green cloth, she swirls from my Jeep and into the dusk, leaving me with a cloud of regret.



  The knock I present on the door the following morning raises the first chorus of nerves. I clench Ghost’s lead tightly in my fist and step back on the small porch. The wooden interior door opens seconds later to reveal a cute, petite brunette with dark hair and a welcoming smile.

  “You must be Evie.” She seeks out my furry companion, and her eyes light. “And this must be Ghost. Come on in.” She throws the door open wide.

  Ghost wags her stubby tail excitedly as we enter a new place for her to explore. Her nose descends on the carpet just beyond the entryway, and her excited huffs and grunts fill the initial silence.

  “You can drop her leash. I’m Cami, by the way. Evelyn is just finishing getting ready. She’s my daughter. Just so you know, this is her first time, so she won’t be here alone. I’ll be around to keep an eye on things, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get her feet wet. She just loves animals and wants to work in the veterinary field. I told her she should start with dog sitting.”

  How she manages to retain her breath and not look like a tomato after that spiel, I’ll never know. Maybe it’s my fair skin and red hair, but I can’t speak for more than a few seconds without turning shades.

  The smile of relief gracing my face comes naturally after her infectious excitement.

  “Ghost will make it really easy on her.”

  A young teen bounds into the room with a squeal. Upon first glance, I can tell she’s the spitting image of her mom, except her hair is more auburn than dark brown. That little string around my heart cinches.

  “Oh my gosh! She’s so cute!” Presumably Evelyn crouches down and claps her hands while making kissy noises. “Here, girl.”

  I tuck my hands into the short pockets of my black jeans. “Ghost is really special because she’s deaf and blind.”

  Evelyn’s expression morphs into one of awe. “Oh, wow. Teach me her commands.”

  My heart warms at the instant love for my baby. These two haven’t batted a single eyelash at her breed, and Evelyn is nothing short of eager to learn how to communicate with her. I lower from my shoulder the bag containing all Ghost’s special items.

  After a short tutorial on how to orient Ghost in her new surrounding with the help of the special mats, we follow Evelyn and Ghost outside for a quick trot around the yard. Cami and I lean against opposite railings as we watch them play, but my time here nears a close. I have to get going to my first client.

  I worry my lip. “I think she’s got the hang of it already. Thank you so much for taking her today.”

  Cami waves my words away. “I have a feeling she’ll be up to dog sitting any time she’s free.” Her head turns in my direction, and her brows crease. “I promise she’ll be okay.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Honey, you look like a new momma dropping her infant off on her first day of daycare. I would know. I went through it, and it was rough.” There isn’t a hint of condescension to be detected. She clasps her hands beneath her chin. “We’re going to take the best care of her.”

  I blow out an exaggerated breath and shake my hands out at my side. “I know.”

  A gentle palm lands on my shoulder. “Take your time.”

  It’s my turn to wave a hand in front of my face. “I’m being silly. I’m going. I’ll be back this afternoon.”

  Cami and Evelyn watch me return to my car and drive away.

  Now that the first emotional aspect of my day is underway, my thoughts leech from my control and turn to other things. Rather than the anxiety about working with my first client, memories from the night before breach the barrier I established.

  I spent half the night in my car parked just down from his, fighting with myself not to look over and see what he was doing. Was he asleep? Did he look over at me? Thoughts of returning to his car with an offer of reciprocation plagued me well past the point of starry darkness.

  I let him bring me to an incredible orgasm and then fled the scene like an idiot. What else was I supposed to do? Even though he made me come with his hand, I wanted more. I wanted to go all the way. I wanted to see if he was as magnificently talented with other parts of his fit body. It didn’t help that he waved my offer away like a pesky mosquito.

  What guy turns down a chance to get laid or, at the very least, a blow job?

  I should have driven to another parking lot for the night. At least until the awkwardness could dissipate.

  This morning, I had somewhere to be, removing time to dwell on Rhett and his many talents. After taking care of Ghost and a quick bite to eat, I sped out of there without checking to see if he was awake.

  My reminiscing ends as I pull onto a winding road just outside the city limits. The GPS advises the destination is up ahead. What I don’t expect is the mammoth two-story structure that emerges from behind tall, sentinel pine trees. The woman failed to specify that her home was more than three thousand square feet and might take days to clean. Holy crap. I didn’t have clients with houses like this back home. I hope she’s willing to discuss expectations and fair pay.

  My Lexus looks drab parked next to her Mercedes. My caddy is heavy but still manageable as I drag it from the back seat and up the concrete walk to her front door. When I ring the doorbell, I half expect a butler to answer and not the slender woman with strawberry-blond hair pulled into a sleek ponytail.

  “Glad you could make it.”

  Once I take over opening the door, she spins on her heel and retreats through the open foyer.

  I swap my shoes for a pair of clean slip-ons to wear while I work and leave my caddy to search for my client. I find her in the kitchen supervising her young son with his breakfast. At the vast open-plan space, I amend my earlier assessment. Definitely closer to four thousand square feet.

  “This is Tommy. And I’m Nora. We skipped introductions the other day.”

  “I’m Evie. I’ve brought a contract for you to look over. We should also discuss expectations and agree on
wages before I get started.” I had the foresight to print off spares before I left home in Colorado, knowing it’d be a while before I could afford to create more. The blank template is perfect for tailoring to each specific client’s needs and rates, and only contains my first and last name.

  She removes the papers from my grip only to slide them across the counter. “I’m sure everything is in order. And whatever your rates are is fine.”

  I straighten at her dismissive tone. “It’s important we’re on the same page—”

  She hands her son a strip of banana, and he mashes it in his fist. “Is fifty dollars an hour enough?”

  My tongue nearly springs from my mouth. “I, um. I thought I’d start with a surface clean to see how long it takes me. Deep cleaning rates—”

  “Of course,” she cuts me off. “Eighty for deep cleaning.”

  “I don’t think that’s quite the industry standard.”

  “You’re right. Let’s do one hundred.”

  Oh my God. “Eighty is fine, Nora.”

  She glances up at the use of her name. For the first time since I stepped foot in her home, she really looks at me. Her critical gaze scrutinizes my simple black skinny jeans and white V-neck tee. Luckily, it’s hard to feel inadequate wearing cleaning attire.

  “I think with your job description, we’ll stick with one hundred. I expect a deep clean once a month and a surface clean twice a week.”

  What land of money trees did this woman come from? I’m torn between speaking up and keeping my mouth shut. Obviously, she’s judgmental of my career choice, and she seems like a woman who’s used a cleaning service before. Maybe she’s just generous?

  “I can do that.” I remove the pen I stashed in my pocket and retrieve the contract. This needs to be in writing. “Would you like to pre-schedule those dates now?”

  She waves a hand dismissively. “That’s fine.”

  Using my phone calendar as a reference, I begin scribbling the dates at the bottom of her contract. Two a week, with a deep clean on the Sunday after next. I try not to concentrate too hard on the dollar amounts swirling in my head. If she’s serious about this pay, I could be in an apartment in a month. With one client. Anything extra can go toward my debt.

  A phone rings from nearby, and Nora snaps to attention.

  “Do you mind cleaning him up for me? I have to get this.” She rushes out of the room without waiting for my reply.

  “Babysitting rates are extra,” I mumble beneath my breath as I tie my hair up into a messy bun. “Hey, Tommy.”

  At the sound of his name, the little boy looks at me with huge, round eyes and a messy grin. He thrusts his banana-covered hand in my direction. “’Nanas!”

  I giggle. “That’s right. Bananas. Let’s clean you up so you can play.”

  “Play race cars?”

  I wet a cloth and swipe gently at his face. He purses his lips and closes his eyes while he shakes his head to hide from the cloth.

  “Do you like race cars?” I ask. In my mind, I’m begging him not to cry. He puffs his cheeks, and a toothy smile appears again.

  “Race car crash!”

  God, he’s adorable. “I wish I could play, buddy. Let’s go find your mom so I can get to work.”

  I deposit the dirty tray from his high chair on the granite kitchen island. After picking a few remnants of food from his green dinosaur shirt, I hoist him onto my hip. He’s lighter than I expect him to be. A warm comfort expands in my chest at holding a baby close. What really does me in is when he folds his chubby fist around a lock of my hair and lays his head on my shoulder.

  Every instinctual urge inside me screams to protect this kid at all costs. He’s such a little treasure.

  I wander with him through the first floor until I spot a set of French doors resting open. Without being intrusive, I lean into the crack and find Nora sitting at a desk. She’s no longer on the phone, so I give a tentative knock. As much as this little guy melts my heart, he’s sort of in the way. I have at least five hours of work ahead of me.

  She looks up as I enter. Thankfully, her expression is clear of annoyance. “Sorry. That was my attorney.” She holds her hands out to Tommy. He appears reluctant to untangle my hair from his fingers.

  “He’s all cleaned up. I’m going to get started now if that’s okay.”

  “By all means. I’ll have your wages and the contract signed by the time you’re done.”

  A polite smile slides into place. “Thank you. That’d be great.”

  I set off for my supplies and shake off the feeling slithering inside. It’s not exactly sinister, but something about this woman feels off.

  Hours of work ahead will give me time to shake it off and settle in. I can’t be too upset if Nora ends up being my best client. She might be my ticket out of homelessness.

  The house isn’t as bad as I expect from her requested schedule. I zip from room to room, wiping off surfaces and vacuuming floors. I have extra time near the end and get started washing windows. Anything I can knock out of the way now will free more time to get down to the really dirty details during my deep clean.

  I’m really intrigued by the master bath and walk-in shower with a massive stone bench seat. I imagine that would really come in handy for shower sex, and I add it to my mental dream house list. Actually, I admire most of this house and wish I could take a picture for a Pinterest board I’ll never actually create.

  The all-white kitchen has plentiful cabinets and granite countertops. The space opens into the informal dining room and living room beyond that. The back wall of windows overlooks acres of yard. The old pines from the front surround the property in greenery and lush forest that transport me to a secluded cabin somewhere and not just on the outskirts of town.

  Besides the office, the house also contains a full library suite with custom built-ins and books on every shelf. I have to restrain myself from plucking one out and skimming a few pages instead of clearing them of dust.

  The strangest thing about the house is the lack of personality. Not a single family picture to be found. If it weren’t for the toddler’s things, this could be a model home.

  Before long, five hours have passed, and I’m done for the day. Nora is nowhere to be found as I pack up my supplies. On the kitchen island, nearly where I left it this morning, lies the contract—signed. A white envelope of cash rests beside it.

  I peel out of there with a giddy smile on my face, eager to get my pup and find something to eat. Ghost returns from her day happy as can be, and Cami makes me promise to call the next time I need assistance.

  As I drive back to our spot, I can’t help but think maybe I found a friend in this town. Arrow Creek doesn’t seem like a bad place to settle down. If I can keep building my client list, I might be able to run a successful business and do it with good company surrounding me.

  I know better than to get too ahead of myself, though.

  I’ve had experience with the best intentions souring fast. So while I’ll start to immerse myself in this town, I won’t hesitate to keep one foot on the gas pedal as a backup plan.



  Trying to get to know someone without the sole intention of getting into their pants is harder than I thought. The last time I had a friend of the female variety and didn’t screw them would probably be when I met Nora.

  The first step would be not to look like a fucking tool leaning against the side of my Jeep with a bag of steaming hot food in my hand, but here I am. I can’t lend her a free room, but I can be a friend. Never mind that I already visited the trove beneath her skirt.

  I won’t say no to a delightful fuck in the back of my Jeep, but I’m trying to help in the only way I can that doesn’t involve my dick.

  The pressure of my decisions sweeps away when I catch the first glimpse of the white Lexus turning around the bend. Timing is on my side. The second meal I’ve provided this week won’t be cold. As long as she likes lasagna and garlic bread, I’m golden.
  I approach before she even shifts into park. She left hastily last night, and I’m eager to mend the gap. She springs from her seat with a flush painting her cheeks pink. A fabric tote is clutched in one hand and a leash in the other.

  “Do you mind taking care of Ghost so I can change out of my work clothes?”

  I peruse her behind darkened shades, from her curls to her sandaled toes. The black jeans hug her long legs to her ankles and accentuate every curve around her waist. The top is reminiscent of the one yesterday. I think plain white tees might be my new favorite piece of clothing.

  With a rustle of plastic, I thrust the bag between us. “I got dinner.”

  She regards me with a crinkle of her nose. “Thank you. But if you don’t mind, I have banana smashed into my shoulder, and who knows what kinds of germs I picked up while cleaning.”

  The dog. Duh. “Right. Sorry, I can take her. Let me just…” My options are limited for where to place our meal. Either in the car with the dog who looks mighty hungry or back at my Jeep with the memories of last night.

  Think friend thoughts.

  “Trade.” I offer her the food while I snag the leash. I tap Ghost twice between the shoulder blades, and she hops out with a tail wag.

  “You remembered.” The slight awe in her voice injects me with something I haven’t felt in a long time, but I brush it away.

  My shoulder twitches toward my ear. “Go get changed, Evie.” Without waiting for her response, I lead her dog to the field beyond the parking lot. She does her business, and we meander along to stretch our legs. I don’t know about the dog, but I find myself needing more exercise the longer I live in my Jeep, so I don’t mind spending a few extra minutes taking a walk.

  Time seems to stretch before a prickle warns me that Evie’s been gone a tad too long. Though she didn’t mention it before we separated, it’s possible she paid for a shower after a day of cleaning houses. Keeping the leash secured in my fist, I lead us across the parking lot to the entrance to the convenience store. The dusk lighting plus the fluorescent bulbs inside provide a clear picture. Evie doesn’t appear to be within view.


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