What Tears Us Down: A Single Dad Standalone Romance (Arrow Creek Book 3)

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What Tears Us Down: A Single Dad Standalone Romance (Arrow Creek Book 3) Page 22

by A. M. Wilson

  “I wish Eric could be here to hold me through this. There’s no reason for you to suffer alone.”

  Her words burrow their way into my heart for safekeeping. Alone lost its appeal the day I met Rhett in a small-town parking lot.

  “I wish I could pack you and take you with me. Please come stay with us.”

  She looks out at the watery horizon, and I follow her gaze there.

  “When I’m ready, I’ll be on my way.”

  I drop my head to her shoulder, watching the clouds float above calm blue waters as I bid my brother a silent goodbye. “Take your time.”



  Hot rays of the sun send a glare through my windshield. Lowering the sunglasses over my tired eyes, I punch the call button on my dash and bring up Rhett’s contact. After two flights and a layover, I’m finally about fifteen minutes from Arrow Creek with my eye set on a hot shower and a warm bed, preferably with Rhett in one or both.

  “Hey,” he answers. The sound of his engine roaring to life can be heard in the background.

  “I’m nearing town. Can I come to your place for a shower and a nap?”

  “Actually, I’m picking you up. Meet me at the truck stop.”

  I don’t stifle a thick yawn. “I don’t know. I’m so tired from two flights and a layover.”

  Rhett tried to push his ticket to a later flight, but he needed to get back, not wanting to spend more time out of the state than necessary in case Nora decided to drop by. Only twenty-four hours have passed since he left, but I’m more than ready to see him again.

  “Do you trust me, Rosie?” The husky notes I love infiltrate his tone and settle deep inside me.

  “What are you up to?” A suspicious flutter rouses nerves in my gut.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I do,” I answer softly.

  “Then I’ll meet you at the truck stop.”

  Nervous energy sparks to life. A grin resides in my voice when I give in. “Okay. But if I fall asleep in your passenger seat, the person to blame is you.”

  “Do I need to stay on the line to keep you awake?”

  “I’m okay, Rhett. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Drive safe.”

  I sever the call on my end. My fingers flex on the wheel in anticipation of what’s to come. We left things in a strange place. Both when I left without him and yesterday when he flew home without me. Where we stand remains a bit of a mystery. One I’m more than ready to uncover.

  Pulling into the lot slaps me with a heavy dose of deja vu. The familiar Jeep is parked in the same spot it was the day we met. Rhett leans against the door with a coffee in each hand.

  Like that day not so long ago, I park and pop out of my car. Not trying to appear too eager, I brush out fake wrinkles in my outfit while critically eyeing my appearance. A mid-thigh, clingy blue sundress swishes around my legs with each step that closes the distance between us. I run my hands over the soft fabric. A tie in the back accentuates my hourglass waist, and a large V dips between my breasts to reveal ample cleavage. Complicated straps crisscross over my feet to hold the white sandals secure. My eyes are covered by oversized black sunglasses, but the smile stretching my lips divulges some of my thoughts.

  “You are a goddess,” Rhett says.

  I revel in the compliment as a blush tints my cheeks. Rhett closes the gap, brushing his lips against one once I’m close enough.

  “This is for you.”

  I take the offered coffee, perking up at the mere idea of the first caffeinated sip.

  “You have no idea how much I need this, thank you.” I close my eyes and hum along with the rich bitterness on my taste buds.

  “Just glad you’re home, Rosie.”

  “I’m glad to be home,” I answer in earnest.

  Rhett stares at me as if I’m a decadent treat. His heated gaze trails down my body before returning to my face.

  “I have something I want to show you.” He moves away and opens the passenger door, setting his cup inside. I immediately occupy the space he vacated and place my cup in the holder next to his. Rhett’s fingertips forge a trail along the exposed skin of my shoulder.

  “Get in.”

  “Is everything okay?” A twinge of worry resides in my tone. Maybe something happened while I was gone. He brushes my hair off my shoulder as if attempting to sweep my apprehension aside.

  “Now that you’re here, I’ve never been better.”

  Though they are hidden behind shades, my brow crinkles. I should believe his words, but something feels off.

  “Are you sure everything is okay? Tommy’s good?”

  God, the thought of something else… Rhett moves farther into my space and gently caresses my cheek.

  “We’re good, Rosie. Not a single thing needs your worry.”

  As if he can’t wait any longer, he brings our mouths together, fitting my bottom lip firmly between both of his. His warm hand slides from my cheek to cradle the back of my neck, deepening the kiss in order to touch his tongue to mine. I’m sure I taste like coffee and cinnamon gum, but Rhett doesn’t seem to mind. He drinks me in as if it’s the most heady combination.

  My legs part as my butt touches the seat, and I prop one foot on the floorboard. He doesn’t miss the invitation and advances. Fitting himself between my spread thighs, he follows me down until my back rests against the center console. My heart bangs against my rib cage at the intrusion of filthy thoughts. All the dirty things I want to do with him bombard me at once.

  Any reason is lost to hitched breaths and quiet pants as he slips an eager finger beneath my dress. He moves my panties away from my damp center and drives a digit inside, finding me drenched and primed.

  “Fucking love sundress season. I want you to wear one every day.” He buries his face into the V at my neckline, paying attention with open-mouthed kisses to my sensitive breasts as he works another finger inside. The thick invasion forces my back to arch and a cry to fall from my lips. I eagerly grab the waist of his jeans, and within seconds, I’ve worked the button free and lowered the zipper.

  “Rosie,” he growls the name that fills me with an unnamed feeling. The coiling tension of where this is headed expands between us. We don’t need words at this point. Our consent is clear in our actions.

  In the next instant, I have him freed, hot and hard and heavy in my hand as I jerk him off in a tight fist.

  “I don’t want your hand.” I try to tug him closer to the place I need him most. Filling me up and dragging me with him over the edge. It’s only been a week, but now that I’ve had him, it’s a week too long.

  He grunts and pulls a condom out of the glove compartment in obvious approval. The box appears to be the same one from our night at the hotel, judging by the number of rubbers remaining on the roll.

  “We better make it quick then before someone sees.”

  “Yes,” I moan and shift my hips for better accessibility. “Hurry.”

  “Hang on to me.”

  I release his hard erection to clutch his shoulders as he rolls on the condom. His fingers brush my opening before he guides himself to my hot center.

  We groan together at the intrusion. He fills me with a steady, deep thrust. The gravel scrapes beneath his shoes as he adjusts his position to power into me while keeping his back below the view of the windshield.

  Indecent sounding slaps and moans float into the air as we race toward an exciting finish. Thoughts of bystanders drift away like a mote caught in a summer breeze. I couldn’t care less at this moment with the man who’s broken down my walls. I want him to take it all from me. Every single thing I have left to give and then some.

  My limbs twitch as the first warning sign of an impending orgasm. Rhett moves his face out of my cleavage to take my lips in a searing kiss as he bucks his hips and presses a calloused finger against my clit.

  “Get there, Rosie. Before we’re arrested,” he grunts and shudders as his cock grows impossibly harder.

The added pressure of his finger sends shocks sparking to life. I roll my hips in time to his thrusts and yank his lips back to mine, using his mouth as a muzzle as the first wailing cry rips out of me.

  “God, fuck, yes, baby,” he groans, punctuating his jetting orgasm with slow deep thrusts.

  The rhythmic pulsing of his dick sends mini orgasmic shocks through me, so sensitive that I have to stop rocking my hips.

  The release of pressure from my clit causes me to yelp at the sensation. Along with the feel of him slipping free and leaving me empty.

  “Before I sit up, is anybody looking?” I giggle at the absurdity. I paid no mind to getting fucked in a car in a public parking lot. The only reason I’d care now is because I still need to sleep here until I find my own place.

  Rhett tucks himself back into his jeans and straightens.

  “Not a soul.” He offers his hand.

  “Sorry for the detour. I hope we’re not late for whatever it is you have planned.”

  “If you ever apologize for taking my cock again, I’ll put you over my knee,” he growls, his face inches from my own. With a shuck under the chin, he gives me one last lingering kiss. “Anywhere, anytime, anyway you want it.”

  I pull a face. “Now you sound like a fast food commercial.”

  Rhett cups his crotch. “One-hundred-percent all-American meat.” He slams my door for me.

  Rhett sets us on the road to some secret place while unanswered questions flit through my head. The lull of the motor and smooth ride encourages me to sleep. I fight to keep my eyelids open. Not ten minutes later, the image outside my window begins to look familiar.

  “Are we going to your house?”

  “My attorney’s submitted the divorce papers. It shouldn’t be more than a couple of weeks until a judge signs off on it.”

  “Why are we talking about this?” An unpleasant sensation creeps into my stomach. Rhett glances at me before returning his attention to the road.

  “I know you have things you want to figure out in your life, and I’m letting you know that I have mine. But I feel this strongly, Evie. I feel it in my gut that it’s for real this time.”

  I grab my coffee, if only for something to do with my hands. The warm exterior returns blood to my cold palms. “You’re saying really cryptic things right now.”

  “I know.” He smirks with a charming twist of his lips. “I’m trying to prepare you because I have my work cut out for me.”

  I roll my eyes as anticipation fills me. “I’m still not understanding.”

  The familiar tree-lined driveway comes into view. A hot shower calls my name from somewhere beyond the leafy boughs.

  “You will.”

  After yet another mysterious sentence, Rhett drives past the paved entrance and continues down the road.

  “Um, where are we going?” Shades of green blur in the side mirror as the house disappears from view.

  “Right…here.” The click of the blinker kicks on. Rhett executes a right-hand turn. Fresh torn earth provides a bumpy path cut through the trees, leading to a clearing up ahead.

  My heart kicks up a notch with adrenaline. Sheer willpower forces my mouth to remain shut as a million more questions swirl in my head. A welcome sip of coffee busies my active tongue while a swarm of bees buzz around my stomach.

  We slow to a crawl on the dirt road. Two rectangular structures, surrounded by the lush greenery, grow in size as we near.

  “What is this?” I ask, my voice a brittle whisper. Without waiting for Rhett’s response, I unbuckle and jump out.

  Synapses fire again and begin to make sense of the buildings as I walk over packed down earth. A white window surrounded by gray siding looks out over the driveway, and a small porch juts out the side, the golden lumber fresh and ready to be stained. An identical building rests on a shared concrete foundation not even a hundred feet away.

  “Come on.” Rhett curls his fingers around my hand and tugs me to the porch of the first house. The white door matches the windows. He throws the door open, allowing me to precede him inside.

  The interior is wide open. A single wooden staircase leads to a small loft with a railing. Exposed beams make up the ceiling frame, and planks line the walls in a shiplap design. Along the wall shared by the porch are a row of cabinets and a small kitchenette. A single couch rests in the space diagonal from the kitchen with a modest flat screen mounted across from it.

  And beside the couch rests a brand-new navy-blue dog bed.

  “Rhett.” I choke out his name. My throat tightens as I peruse the space with wide eyes.

  “Don’t fight this. Because I swear to God I won’t make it knowing you’re sleeping in your car out of sheer stubbornness. You won’t let me put you up in a hotel, so this is the next best thing.”

  “Did you build this?” The disbelief in my tone brings him to close the gap between us.

  “It helps to have a buddy with a construction crew and a slow season, but yeah.” He confirms as if the project is no big deal.

  “What—um—” I’m lost for words while at the same time filled with the sensation of finding where I belong. “Who lives over there?”

  He gives a bashful shrug and brushes the side of his nose with his thumb. “That one’s for Tommy and me.”

  Oh my God. This man. The thunder of my pulse reaches an alarming rate.

  Shaking in my arms brings my attention back to his face. The soft set of his warm eyes drags me in like a rip current, except I don’t want to be freed. My heart implores reason to let me drown.

  “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable anymore by asking you to move into the house I shared with my ex-wife. You’ll live here, and I’ll live next door until you’re ready to live somewhere new with me, but I’m warning you now, that’s all the space I can give.”

  “You’re so sure about this you built me a house.”

  His face gets closer. “I’m so sure about this that I’d move into any house tomorrow if it meant I get to have you. If we can’t be roommates, then we can be neighbors.”

  I choke on a laugh.

  “And I’ll probably barge over at seven in the morning before Tommy wakes up, so be ready for me, Rosie.”

  Old arguments rise to the forefront. “This isn’t much different, you know. It still feels like a handout.”

  “If you wait until you’re ready and we’re on equal footing, you’ll be waiting forever. You did the hard part.” He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “You showed everyone you could do it on your own. You did that. Now it’s time to take it easy, beautiful.”

  I break away from his gaze as my heart beats wildly in my chest. With an easy tap of his finger, he tilts my face back.

  “I’m in love with you.”

  I suck in a sharp breath at his admission as the remaining walls around my heart crumble to dust.

  “I fell in love with you over shared meals and starry nights. From the day I met you, you made me feel things I didn’t know were possible. You showed me what a partnership truly should be. And since I’ve come to that realization, it’ll be damn hard to ever let you go. So tell me now if this isn’t what you want. If I’m not it for you. If you don’t love me back. Tell me and you can keep the house, and I’ll go—”

  I silence him with a kiss. When we pull back, I grip his face in my palms.

  “I love you too.”

  His eyes search mine as he swallows hard. “You want this? You want…me?”

  I nod, blinking back tears. “I do.” I press my lips hard against his. “I do want you.”

  “Are we more than more yet, Rosie?” he mumbles against my lips. The weight of my struggles vanishes with his words.

  “I think we are more than more.”


  2 months later…


  I turn my gaze out the window to the little deck as the phone rings in my ear. The fingers of my free hand clench in order to quell the nerves. My stomach twists in anticipation. Rhett should
be home at any moment, and I don’t know how he’ll react to my impulsive move.

  Before I can consider the thought further, the line connects.

  “If you’re calling about our contract, it’s void. You can speak to my lawyer, but I paid you for the work performed.”

  “I’m not calling about the contract,” I answer softly. She really thinks I’m calling about a month-to-month contract for cleaning services? This woman is incredibly dense.

  “Then I have nothing to say to you,” she sneers.

  “Nora, please listen.” I inject my tone with a plea I feel down to my soul.

  A beat of silence pulses over the line. I take her lack of retort as a positive sign.

  “I’m calling about Tommy.” I forge on.

  “This isn’t any of your business.” Her voice cracks like a whip, but I still hear the concern. She’s covering her fear with a bitchy bravado that I see straight through.

  “The decree is finished. But we both know if you came back, Rhett would work something out.” He’s said as much over the month since the divorce was finalized. Though, he’s still too hurt to bridge the divide. “Tommy needs you.”

  “It sounds to me like he has you.” Her tone loses heat by the minute.

  “You’re so lucky,” I breathe and blink back the sting of tears. “You carried him inside you. You felt his kicks. You received that precious gift, and you’ve turned your back on him without a single blink.”

  “You don’t have the right—”

  I cut her off.

  “Oh, but I do. I do because his dad might not find it inside to reach out to you again. You’ve hurt Rhett with your games, but going so far to hurt his son is unforgivable. I’m begging you, Nora, to reconsider your stance and come see your son. Before it’s too late.”

  She scoffs. “Rhett would never keep me away from Tommy.”

  I shrug, though she can’t see it. “He might not. But someday, that little boy is going to grow into a child, and a teenager, and a young man. And no matter how hard his dad tries to protect him from what you’re doing, Tommy’s eventually going to feel that hurt. We can love him to soften the blow. And I can only hope he doesn’t feel the full force of your abandonment.”


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