Knocked Up by Brother's Best Friend: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance

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Knocked Up by Brother's Best Friend: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance Page 21

by Amy Brent

  “I won’t let him sell it.” I muttered to myself as I worked, “I won’t let him.” If I had to, I would chain myself to the front porch, but in the back of my head I knew even that wouldn’t work. I was so close to reaching my goal, but I was running out of time, faster than I could keep up with.

  I would make it work. I would prove to Jonah, to myself, to the whole world that Quinn Moore wasn’t a failure.

  “You already have some reservations on the books,” I reminded myself. It was meant to be reassuring but it only served to fill me with panic. Yeah, guests are coming in a few weeks. I just hope I have bedrooms for them to sleep in.

  I was so caught up in my worry that I didn't feel the foot stool slip underneath my feet and a second later I was flying backward, the breath rushing from my lungs as I braced for impact. But it never came.

  Strong arms stopped my fall, wrapping around me with a familiar warmth that eased something deep inside me I hadn’t even known was broken.

  I knew who it was before I even opened my eyes, meeting Leo’s dark gaze as he looked down at me with concern creasing his brow. After an eternity, he spoke.

  “Do you really think you should be climbing up on that thing in your condition?” His voice was warm and scratchy like a favorite record and I was so surprised that I couldn’t speak. I didn’t even know what to say. My thoughts were a maelstrom of questions and I didn’t know where to start.

  Slowly, and with Leo’s help, I got back to might feet finally turning to look at him. I drank in the sight of his dark locks, grown longer since the last time I’d seen him. His strong jaw and sharp nose. The bruises under his eye that attested to sleepless nights. There was a haggardness about him that hadn’t been there before. A weariness that I ached to soothe away.

  “What…How…Where the hell have you been?” I finally stammered out, and he greeted my question with a bashful smile and a shrug.

  “It’s hard to explain.”

  "Well, you better damn well try."

  “Yes ma’am,” His smile widened into a grin and I fought to keep one from curling up my own lips as confusion and anger warred with a happiness like rays of sunlight after a summer storm.

  “I guess I should start from the beginning. After Jonah found out about us, he wasn’t exactly happy. You have to know, Quinn. I never wanted to leave you. I never in a million years thought Jonah would try and threaten you to get me to leave. If he’d gone after me, that was one thing. But he said he was–.”

  “Going to sell this place. I know about that.” I cut in with a sigh, that old anger surging up again but I pushed it back down.

  “Right, well. I didn’t make it far. About forty miles or so. I tried to come back to see you but Jonah, he uh, he told me you were seeing someone else.”

  "What?" I choked out. I knew that Jonah had chased him off a second time but I hadn't known about the lie. "I never…I didn't…I haven't dated anyone." I finally stammered out the words and Leo let out a sigh of relief.

  “I didn't want to believe it, but…" Leo shrugged, drinking me in with his gaze as he stepped closer, his arms wrapping around me as if that's where they belonged. And it was. "He found me, you know. Jonah. He hired some private investigator to track me down and he showed at my doorstep. He told me everything. He told me he was sorry, that he thought it had been the right thing at the time. He told me about the…the baby."

  Leo glanced down, taking in the swell of my belly between us and I was terrified of what I would see when he looked up again but instead of the fear or revulsion or doubt that I thought would be there, all I saw was love. Love, and look so full of tenderness that made my chest tighten.

  “Jonah told me the truth. He did it for you, Quinn. I know that. But god damn if he didn’t give me the best gift in the entire world.” Leo let out a rough chuckle, “It’s almost enough to make me forgive the guy.”

  My soft laugh joined his, “Almost.”

  I stared up at him in wonder, still not quite believing that this was happening, that it was real. I reached out a hand, caressing his cheek but the stubble that tickled my palm felt real enough. The warmth of his skin against mine felt real and solid.

  “I love you, Leo.” The words fell out of my mouth before I’d even realized they were there. They hung in the air between us for a long moment but then Leo was moving away from me. All the doubts and fears came rushing back in a paralyzing wave but instead of leaving, he took my hand in his, getting down on one knee in front of me.

  "I have to tell you something, Quinn. Those are the sweetest words I've ever heard but before I say anything back there are some things I need you to know." He looked at me expectantly I gave a quick nod of my head, standing there speechless."

  “Now, I don’t know that much about family. And I don’t know that much about being in a relationship. And I sure as hell don’t know much about having a baby. But in the time that I’ve known you, Quinn…you’ve changed me.” Leo’s eyes never left mine as he spoke and I felt each and every word sink deep inside me. “You made me a better man, and a better person. You have made my life mean something. And you’ve given me a home when I’ve never had one.”

  “Leo, I–.”

  “No, let me finish. I need to say this.” He waited until I nodded again before continuing, “I love you and I love our baby more than I can ever put into words. I’ve never met anyone like you. Your spirit and your passion and your heart inspire me every day. And you’re hands down the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.”

  I let out a hoarse chuckle at that, wiping moisture from eyes but he was speaking again.

  “I’m not saying it will be easy. I know I’ve got a lot to learn. But I promise you, I will never leave you again. Not ever. I promise I will be with you every step of the way and support any crazy idea you have. I promise that I will take care of you and I promise…I promise that I will love you, and that baby, more than anyone else in the whole world if you’ll let me.”

  He took a deep breath. “I don’t have a ring yet, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is what’s between us. Quinn Moore, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”

  I stared at him open-mouthed for a long moment as he shot me a nervous look.

  “Well, say something at least. Jesus, just leaving a man hanging, might as well torture the poor son of a–.”


  “What was that, sunshine?”

  “Yes,” I said through the laughter that bubbled out of me as I threw myself into his arms. The only place I ever wanted to be, “Yes, I’ll marry you. Yes!”

  I don’t know how long I would have kept babbling but Leo cut off my words with a kiss that rocked me to my toes. I’d missed him more than I’d ever missed anything and it felt like heaven to be wrapped in his strong arms as his mouth closed over mine.

  “I love you, Leo.”

  "I love you too, Sunshine," Leo whispered the words against my mouth, never-ending our kiss. "I love you too."



  “Welcome to Mayhew House. How can I help you?” I asked, walking ponderously up to the quaint, wooden workbench that I’d converted into the receptionist’s desk. I ignored the aching pain in my back and my swollen feet, pasting on my brightest smile as I greeted the two newest guests.

  “Well, we were passing through town and stopped to see the springs. We heard from some other hikers down there about the new bed and breakfast here and well, we were hoping to book a room for the rest of the weekend if you have anything available?”

  “Of course. Let me just check our books. I think we have a wonderful room Ahh–.” I squeezed my eyes shut as a sharp pain ran through my body but I breathed through it. In through my nose. Out through my mouth. “Upstairs that’s available. It has a fantastic view of the springs.”

  “Uh, that sounds great.”

  I typed into the computer, pulling up the check in form and h
ad to had to stop as another wave of pain swept through me. After the forms were filled out I turned to grab the key for the room but had to stop, resting against the edge of the desk. In through the nose. Out through the mouth. Just like the classes.

  “Quinn, I had some guests asking about the trails. Do you know if Bryan is doing anymore guided hikes today?”

  I turned to Leo with a smile. The bed and breakfast had been opened for almost three months and already we were booked up for the summer. Things couldn’t be going better, and the new guided tours had been a big hit with the guests.

  “I can call him and check. Just give me Ahh!” I held up a hand, stalling him as I waited for the pang to pass, “a minute.” I finally said, panting slightly. “I can try him on the radio.”

  “Quinn?” Leo rushed forward, looking at me with concern in his dark eyes as he took in the sweat that dotted my brow and flushed face, “Quinn, are you having contractions?”

  I waved his question away as I reached for the radio. “It’s not time yet. They’re not close enough together.”

  “Quinn! The baby is coming!” Leo’s face went white as a sheet and I could see the sudden panic in his gaze. “I’m taking you to the hospital. Now.”

  “No, really. There’s still hours yet before the baby comes.” I sucked in a sharp breath as another one hit. “Saturday’s are our busiest days, you know that.”

  “Sunshine, this baby is coming. You are not working. Jonah can take over here. We are going to the hospital.” He wrapped his arm around me as he shouted for Jonah who came running with a worried look.

  “What is it? What’s going on?”

  “The baby’s coming!” Leo said, still shouting even though Jonah was only a few feet away, “Can you take over?!”

  “Yeah. Of course! I’ll call Lily. We’ll be at the hospital as soon as we can.” Jonah gave me a quick hug, but I think he was just using it as an excuse to help get me out of the bed and breakfast and into the car. “I love you, little sis.”

  I smiled up at him. Things had been rough between us at first but it had been easier to forgive him after finding out what he’d done to track down Leo and make things right between us.

  “I love you too, big brother. Don’t burn down the place while we’re gone.”

  “I’ve got it under control, Quinn. Stop micro-managing and focus on bringing that little person into the world.” Jonah said with a roll of his eyes before shutting the door.

  The drive to the hospital was a blur, the doctor wheeling me straight into the delivery room.

  “It was close,” The doctor said from behind the surgical mask, “If you’d have waited any longer that baby would have been born. The baby is coming now.”

  Leo gave me a look out of the corner of his eyes and I just shrugged, but then the contractions hit once more and the doctor was telling me to push. All I could focus on was Leo’s hand holding mine. He was by my side every second as pain like a vice squeezed around my middle but it was a distant sort of pain.

  My eyes met Leo’s, the rest of the world disappearing until there was just the two of us and the love that shone between us with a life all its own. The moment was shattered as a high-pitched cry broke the silence and I collapsed back onto the hospital bed as exhaustion and exhilaration filled me.

  Minutes passed like quicksand until one of the nurses finally placed a small bundle of joy into my arms and I looked down with tears in my eyes.

  “A girl. A baby girl.” I whispered, glancing up at Leo.

  “She’s perfect.” He was staring at her with pure love shining from the depths of his dark gaze.

  “What should we name her?” I asked quietly as she wiggled in my arms, healthy and wonderful and the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my entire life.

  “Rachael. Ray, for short.” Leo said, his voice hoarse with emotion as I looked at him quizzically.


  “She’s a little ray of sunshine,” His eyes met mine, “Just like her mama.”

  I sent him a tearful smile before cradling our daughter even closer to my heart, “Hello, Ray.”

  She gurgled happily as Leo wrapped his arm around us both and suddenly Lily’s words echoed in my thoughts and I nearly shook my head. She’d told me that everything happened for a reason, and sitting there, surrounded by my family, I finally believed her. Everything had happened for a reason. The best reason in the world. Love.

  ***The End***


  If you enjoyed Quinn and Leo’s story, you would love Jonah and Sabrina’s Happily Ever After.

  It’s steamy, hot and suspenseful.

  Read On!

  Jonah & Sabrina

  Chapter 1


  His hands were everywhere, moving so fast I could hardly catch my breath. Sliding down my body, his fingers leaving trails of shockwaves that arced through me to settle between my thighs. A burning need that had me arching my back and hitching my hips against his, hoping he would get the hint and give me what we both really wanted but he just let out a rough chuckle.

  “You’re so impatient, baby. Just let me touch you. Let me feel you.” Jonah’s warm breath and the scruff from his day-old beard tickled my neck, sending another wave of chills through my aching body.

  “I can’t wait, Jonah,” I panted out the words through labored, needy breaths, “I need you now. You need me too. You can’t deny it.” My voice dropped a sultry octave as I reached out one hand and dragged it down the hard muscles of his abs until I found the evidence of his desire.

  Jonah let out a breathy hiss as my fingers wrapped around him, my hand barely closing around his thick cock. It had my own pulse spiking at the thought of having it deep inside me, where I so desperately needed him.

  “Please, Jonah.”

  “Temptress.” Jonah choked out on a gravel rough groan. The muscles of his jaw tensed in time to my fingers tightening around him. He held himself still above me, his arms trembling on either side of me where he propped himself up. Time seemed to stop for a long, tense moment but then he was moving, swooping down towards me like a hawk diving for its prey and I willingly let him catch me.

  Jonah’s mouth slammed over mine, all that delicious tension exploding over me as his tongue swept passed my lips to tangle with my own. His kiss was hard and fast and left me no room to hold anything back. Just the way I liked it.

  I knew I looked like a delicate porcelain doll, petite and slim with big bambi eyes. And everyone treated me that way. It was good for me, in a way. Good for my job. No one who took one like at me assumed I was tougher than nails and dangerous. Their mistake. I had bagged more than one bounty because they had underestimated me. But not Jonah.

  From the very first he’d always seen me for what I truly was. Strong. Resilient. And needy as hell.

  Jonah’s mouth angled, drawing the kiss deeper as he grabbed my wayward hands. His fingers easily encircled my wrists, drawing them up and over my head. He pressed them into the pillow above me, holding me there, immobile. Unable to move. Trapped.

  The feeling of restraint pushed every nerve ending in my body into hyper drive. I writhed beneath him on the bed, tugging at his grip but he didn’t budge. He just continued his assault on my mouth, taking every panting breath, swallowing every moan and cry that escaped my lips.

  Slickness coated the inside of my thighs as a heaviness settled deep inside me. I felt so empty but he seemed to sense exactly what I needed, holding both of my wrists in one hand while he trailed the other one down my writhing body.

  His hand didn’t stop until he parted my thighs and I let out a gasp as the cool air hit my pussy. I was so wet that his fingers slid across my skin, dipping inside me easily with one finger. He teased me for a long moment, drawing out the pleasure before adding another finger.

  With a slow, steady rhythm he drove his fingers deep inside before pulling them all the way out, only to re
peat the process all over again. Red flashed behind my eyes and I arched my hips, begging silently for more, harder, faster, but he just kept the same slow pace, driving me insane with every thrust.

  I tugged at the grip he had on my wrists but he didn’t move. I couldn’t even touch him. I couldn’t move. All I could do was feel. Every movement of his fingers. Every nerve ending that he brushed against.

  My hips arched off the bed when he brushed across my clit with his thumb, slow and feather light, in time to his thrusting hand until every muscle inside me started to tighten as the pleasure threatened to have me coming apart in his arms.

  He must have felt the tremors start deep inside me because just as my orgasm started to tear through my body he was moving, lining the head of his thick erection at my soaked opening and then he rammed home.

  I threw my head back as pleasure so intense it stole my breath away wracked me. My entire body felt like it was on fire, a million sparks of ecstasy lighting across my nerve endings all at once and every time he pulled out and thrust his hard cock deep inside me it sent another tidal wave over me until I was drowning in him.


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