Knocked Up by Brother's Best Friend: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance

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Knocked Up by Brother's Best Friend: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance Page 67

by Amy Brent

  She continued sucking, flicking her tongue along my shaft. Every time she wanted to rise up, I’d put her back down to her knees and tell her how good it was. A little praise would go a long way with her, but I could feel the frustration building in her tense jaw. She wasn’t happy about the situation because she wanted more, and I knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t stop.

  I took pity and pulled her off of me, then tugged her arms upward to encourage her to stand. Then without a word, I turned her around and pushed her face down across my desk as I hiked up her skirt. She’d always been a good girl to provide easy access at home, and I’d caught her bent over and ready to go more times than not.

  I found she’d worn the thinnest lace she could find, so I tugged them down and left them around her knees. No need to step out of them, and she knew better too. That would only create more work and waste my time.

  I centered myself to the opening of her slick channel and rubbed my cock through her wetness. She was so wet and ready for me like always, moaning and purring, so I wasted no more time being gentle. I slid my cock home into her wet core and parted her walls in one quick, hard thrust. She winced as the thickness of my cock spread her to her limits, spearing itself to her depths. I’d liked her for that tight little hole, and even though I’d used it many times, it had always snapped back ready for more.

  She was a resilient young woman of twenty-five years old, and at thirteen years younger than me, she wasn’t what I saw myself with. The truth was, I didn’t see myself with anyone full time. The only way I’d marry ever again was if someone put a gun to my head and even then, I’d have to think long and hard about it. I considered the possibility and pounded her harder.

  She moved her ass and pushed herself back against my cock like a hungry whore. “You want that, you dirty fucking girl?” I whispered in her ear, and she moaned out.

  “Yes, fill me up, please. I need it inside of me.”

  I worked her over, through her first release and then a second that built off the waves which pulsed through her. She had always liked for me to finish inside her, but with her clingy nature, I wasn’t about to do it. I worked my cock deep, taking her to her depths, and then suddenly my release came, I jerked from her so fast, and her head spun around to see what I was doing, just in time to get an earful of my seed. Luckily her hair caught most of it.

  She gave a disgusted look in my direction. “You’re really done with me, aren’t you?” That was the final straw I suppose. She knew if I was done soiling her then there’d be nothing left. The only problem is, there wasn’t anything between us to begin with, not really and certainly because I used to fuck her all the time.

  I stuck out my jaw and looked down my nose at her. “I’m taking precautions to protect my interests. You’re no longer one of them.”

  She gasped, and her mouth hung open. “I don’t know. You seemed pretty interested.” She waited until I took a spare handkerchief from my drawer and wiped up her back then she stood and pulled up her panties. As I tucked in my shirt and straightened my cuffs, she walked to the door giving me a pouty look.

  “What man wouldn’t be interested in someone throwing themselves at him, it doesn’t mean I want you for more than this.”

  As she got offended and gathered the rest of her things, my phone rang. The hospital I worked for was always busy, and I cursed under my breath as I saw the name on my phone’s screen.

  Nora Strong. Dammit.

  I watched as Tana left without saying goodbye. Oh well, next? She had made damned sure not to leave her precious letter.

  “Hello?” I braced myself for what bullshit was coming. The woman was always busting my balls and had been ever since she hired me on, and I’d rejected her advances.

  “Hello, Dr. Black, it’s Nora Strong. I’d like for you to come in as soon as possible to pick up the papers for your trip. I’ll be overseeing all the arrangements.” Her tone of voice indicated that she thought she was superior.

  Great. “Every year I had to go to an offsite meeting to discuss the latest in medical procedures and techniques and sit through demonstrations and lectures. Sometimes there was hands-on learning. As one of the only doctors at the hospital without my own private practice, I usually got stuck learning.

  This year, the special feature was a new birth control device, Ortho-nouveau and since they had to send someone to represent the hospital’s doctors, I had no choice.

  “There’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about. It seems that one of the case studies, a Ms. Harbor Moore, she’s an intern at the hospital, has signed up to be involved in the program. Since she’s also representing the hospital and we’re compensating her tuition for her participation, I’d like it if you could keep your eye on her.”

  I raked my fingers through my hair. “You want me to babysit?” I was quite certain there was more to it than that, but it was totally not necessary. Nora was trying to get a rise from me. She wanted me to protest.

  I could almost hear the smile in her voice. “Well, I thought it would be nice to provide an escort, seeing this young woman is one of our best interns and who better than you? Besides, you’re already going. All of her information is in the folder I’ll give you. You might want to meet with her through the week and let her know what time you’re leaving Thursday and what she’ll need to prepare for.”

  I put my pen away now that Tana had gone and closed the desk drawer a little too hard. “Yeah, I got it. I’ll come by and see you today.”

  “My office will have all the papers. I’m out of town at the moment, but I’ve left everything with my secretary. Please make sure you go by and sign the paperwork, so you’ll be compensated as well.” She was all business, and I should have known she’d not be around to see me. She’d probably set that up herself.

  “Thanks.” What else could I say? I couldn’t piss her off or there went my job. I needed it too badly now that I was taking care of Blythe full time on my own. I wanted to provide her with the very best, and she’d never want for anything.

  The phone went dead, and I tossed the used handkerchief into the trash before calling the intern, Harbor. She didn’t answer, and I wondered if she was at work. I left a message for her to call me and sure enough, after the usual shift change at the hospital, she called. I made arrangements to meet in person. If I was going to be traveling with someone, I wanted to at least make sure if it would be worth my while.

  She sounded sexy enough on the phone, her soft voice singing sweet music that went straight to my cock. I hoped she wasn’t like a lot of the other brainy types who seemed to only care about their grades and not where to buy a hairbrush, but it didn’t much matter what she was like, she was going along for the ride, and I’d have to keep my dick in my pants.

  I had a feeling it was the only reason Nora had asked me to bring her. It was probably a test to see if I’d hit on this girl and then Nora would have every reason to can me. I couldn’t afford to lose my job, which was why I had to agree to this in the first place.

  She hated me enough to try and get me to leave. No, Nora probably found someone who is a knockout, hoping I would do it so that she’d get the honor. Bring it on, Nora.

  Chapter 2: Harbor

  My foot tapped almost involuntarily as I waited outside of the administrator’s office at the hospital where I interned. I was supposed to be meeting Dr. Black a half hour ago, but the man was late. I wondered if he’d gotten called into surgery and hoped that there hadn’t been some type of awful emergency that would keep him from showing up. I didn’t have a number to reach him, but I also didn’t have anything else better to do.

  I slumped on the lobby sofa and thought I might as well relax and get comfortable. If I fell asleep, I’d have accomplished something in the time I was wasting. I could have been home at my apartment being ignored by my roommate and her boyfriend or been staring at paint waiting for it to dry, but no, instead I got to wait on the most arrogant and impossibly handsome doctors at the hospita

  I wondered if I’d see him at the event and just how often we’d be around one another. Ms. Strong had said she would organize my trip, so I could only imagine that she’d also made preparations for transportation and lodging.

  I was more than surprised to see a message from Dr. Black on my phone, but then again I was volunteering for the Ortho-Nouveau study, and he might be the one who was going to assist with the procedure. I could only imagine that our little meeting he was late for was nothing more than a pre-op visit to let me know what the procedure would entail. It wasn’t an operation, but more like an insertion under the skin from what I’d been told, but I couldn’t think of any other reason he would need to see me.

  I’d heard many different things about his reputation, some good, some bad, some too crazy to be true, but the number of people who had his name in their mouths and on their minds, weren’t thinking about him for no reason. Rumor had it he was a real player, a bad boy doctor whose life was uprooted when his wife died, leaving him to care for his daughter all alone. Add to that his crazy level of sexy from his dark hair and gorgeous gray eyes, down to his rippling abs and perfect ass—he was a god.

  He was a fantasy that I’d not dared let myself have too often because it wasn’t like he’d ever notice me. I wasn’t like most young ladies my age. Most would call me a nerd, and that’s okay. I could pull off geek chic better than most, though today I was a bit more geek than chic, and possibly downright nerdy. I’d barely looked at myself in the mirror this morning, but figured I was acceptable. I’d at least combed my hair and put it up, even though I hadn’t taken the time to put on any makeup.

  I didn’t have time for such luxuries. I was too focused on my studies to let my mind stray too far to other hobbies and extra-curricular activities, including men, which was why at twenty years old I was still a virgin. Well, that and because I’d gone through a particularly painful and awkward period in my teens. I’d finally left the baby fat and braces behind, but I couldn’t shake the glasses. They were a part of me.

  I was about to doze off and start drooling when he arrived wearing slacks that were perfectly pressed. He straightened his cuffs as he stopped in front of me. “Ms. Moore I presume? I’m Dr. Evan Black. I’ll be your escort for the weekend.” He put out his hand and took me in from head to toe.

  I felt my face warm as I took his hand and he continued to study me, his brow lifting as he saw my ratty jeans and a loose-fitting t-shirt. I forced my voice to be heard, “Hello.” I’d seen him around, knew him, and even had spoken to him, but I hadn’t ever been formally introduced.

  “Wait, did you say my escort?” The words suddenly sank in.

  “Yes, Dr. Strong thought it would be nice for you to have a proper escort, especially considering you’ll be participating in the trial. I’ll be driving us down, so you’ll need to give me your address so I can pick you up.” The thought of him seeing where I lived embarrassed me. I shared a small apartment with my roommate close to the hospital, but it left a lot to be desired.

  “I can meet you here. I live just up the road.”

  “Nonsense, it’s no trouble. Be sure to pack a few nice dresses. We’ll be having dinner after the event each day, and you’ll want to look your best.” He glanced down at my shoes as panic went through me. I didn’t have but one nice dress and that was because I’d gone to a wedding six months ago. I didn’t have a lot of money to get a bunch of new clothes, but I might be able to borrow something from Courtney, my roommate.

  “Okay.” Before I could reach inside my bulky bag for a pen, he placed a hand on my wrist. My body heated and I felt a tingle between my legs as the thought of his moving to other places.

  “Text it to me.” His lips twitched in the corners, and for a moment I wondered if he knew the effect he had on me.

  “How much money should I bring?” I wanted to make sure I had my costs covered, or I’d have to talk to Dr. Strong about a possible reimbursement. I hadn’t planned on eating at fancy places or spending that kind of money. If I had that kind of money, I wouldn’t be doing the trial in the first place.

  I was a bit nervous about it. Being that I wasn’t sexually active made it a bit silly, but at least if I ever decided to have sex, I’d be covered.

  “Oh, it will be my treat, of course. But you can bring whatever you want.”

  “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.” He was still glaring at me like I needed a bath and even more than that like he wanted to bathe me. I tilted my head, and a loose strand of hair escaped my clip and fell against my cheek.

  He brushed it away, his hand grazing my glasses. “It’s totally necessary. I’m a bit particular. I like things my way.” His mouth turned up in the corners again as I adjusted my glasses.

  “I was under the impression that Dr. Strong had made all of my arrangements. She was supposed to get my hotel room booked.”

  He waves his hand dismissively. “Yes, but I’ve already taken care of that as well. She wanted to make sure you were in good hands, so she sent the best.” He gave a sly smile, and I couldn’t argue. As far as surgeons come, he did have a great pair of hands, but something about the thought of them sent me to blushing again.

  He stood too close, his cologne filling my nose and his warmth radiating. I wondered how many of others at the hospital he’d flirted with, but then I caught myself. He wasn’t flirting with me. He was being polite.

  “Don’t worry about a thing; we’ll make the most of it.” The way he said that made me wonder what if he’d found himself stuck in this situation with me and no hope to get out of it. Maybe he’d pissed off Dr. Strong one too many times or gotten on her bad side.

  I’d been surprised when she offered me the opportunity to make the extra money to help compensate some of my tuition. When I’d first come to the medical university, she’d tried to stop me because of my age. I’d finished high school early and begun my college career early. I’d always had the feeling she didn’t like me very much, but she’d been helpful over the last few weeks that I figured she’d changed. I glanced back up to Dr. Black’s smirk and thought maybe she had someone else to be offended by.

  “I’m sure it will be fine. Thanks.”

  “It will be more than fine.” His voice had lowered an octave, and he stepped even closer. “I bet we’ll have a good time. I’m looking forward to it.” Chills went up the back of my neck as another throb hit me down to my core.

  If he thought for one minute that I’d lose my focus over him, he was sorely mistaken. I’d come too far to let him or anyone else step in the way, and if I could refuse a bunch of silly, horny, high school and college boys, I could hold out on him too.

  If he thought for a moment that I was like all the other girls he’d seduced, he had another thing coming. Not only was I not easy, but I had no desire to have a sexual relationship with anyone at this point in my life. Not even a one night stand or a weekend for that matter.

  I took a step back, and one more look brought me down to reality. He wasn’t interested in me. How could he be? Men—doctors like him, weren’t interested in some silly, slouchy school girl with glasses.

  “Well, I just need you to sign some papers for me, and I’ll let you be on your way.” He walked over to the counter where he placed the papers, and then he reached into the pen cup and handed me one.

  I scribbled my name and then when I turned, he held out his hand. I took it, and we shook hands. “I guess I’ll see you in a couple of days.” I forced a warm smile, but he still gave me that steamy gray stare like was picturing me naked.

  “I can’t wait.” He gave me another look up and down as I turned to leave and I felt his eyes all over me as I walked away.

  As much as I was certain I’d never give in to his temptations, I had to admit he was the sexiest man I’d ever laid eyes on and he’d stirred more inside me in our brief encounter than anyone else I’d ever met.

  I’d need a hell of a lot of self-control to get me through the weekend.

/>   Chapter 3: Evan

  A word popped into my head as I watched her walk away. Damn.

  I could have followed that up with a few ideas: Damn I hope she’ll dress better on the trip. Damn, she’s young. Damn what a rack. And finally, my personal favorite, damn I want to come all over those big glasses.

  She might not have had the sense of fashion most of the young women I had dated did, but there was a true beauty waiting to be claimed underneath all of that awkwardness. I had a few ideas already long before even meeting her. Turns out she’s a very photogenic young woman, and I’d taken the liberty to look up her up through the hospital to see what I was dealing with. I’d had a bad feeling that Nora was trying to set me up, but this girl looked harmless enough.

  Once I decided she was bang worthy, I booked a joining suite at the hotel and decided to treat her to dinner. By my calculations, this time Saturday I’d have already nailed her.

  I’d expected her to be a bit chubby considering in her picture she had a younger, fuller face, but she’d slimmed out a bit since it was taken. Her soft, round ass wasn’t terribly noticeable in her baggy jeans, but I could tell it had firmed up nice and tight and I couldn’t wait to get my dick in it; that and her perfect, pouty mouth.


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