Until Cece

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Until Cece Page 23

by KD Robichaux

  “Thank you,” I murmur, and he nods.

  “I’ve gotta get back to the office. Thanks for the lunch,” he says, picking up the paper bag holding the meal I packaged up for him when he agreed to meet me ASAP at my restaurant instead of me having to go to his office, since I didn’t have anyone to man the kitchen.

  “No problem.” And then he’s gone.

  I glance at my watch and see Jared should be here for the dinner shift in four hours. Which means I have four hours to plan my attack. First and foremost, I need to call my lawyer.

  He answers on the second ring. “Sorry, Winston. I still haven’t found any type of loophole—”

  My heart pounds with excitement and anxiousness as I cut him off. “Don’t need it. I’ve got her. I’ve finally fucking got her, Ron.”

  I hear his exhale of relief. “Tell me everything.”

  And I do. I download all of Justin’s findings, and Ron is 100 percent sure I have everything needed to prove the prenup is now null and void.

  “How long do you need to get the divorce papers together?” I ask, hoping it won’t take days.

  “For you, give me two hours. I’ll hand deliver them to you wherever you need. Time to nail this bitch,” he replies, and I can’t help but chuckle. Ron and I have become more like friends over the years, and he knows everything about my Corina situation. Any little detail I could recall, trying to see if it would help my case and cancel out my prenup, I would tell him, with photographic evidence. But this is finally the ticket out.

  Several hours later, with an extra copy of the photos in a folder along with papers bearing the title Dissolution of Marriage at the top, I try to keep the grin off my face as I ring Corina’s doorbell.

  Yes, I probably should’ve stayed away to allow her to be served by someone else, but to the very depths of my soul, I needed to see her face when she realizes it’s over, when she realizes she’s not getting a fucking thing from me after putting me and our son through hell for the last seven years.

  When the door opens, she scowls at me, crossing her arms haughtily. “What do you want? Nick is at Mom and Dad’s, and it’s not your week to see him.”

  “While I’d love to see my son and am not the slightest bit surprised he’s not with his mother when she’s supposed to be responsible for him, I’m actually relieved he’s not,” I tell her, my blood practically vibrating through my veins.

  Her scowl deepens. “And why is that? Hurry up. I’ve got shit to do.”

  “Shit to do? So is that what you’re calling this uh…” I open the folder and look at the name of the man she’s having an affair with. “Harrison Charmers? Because I agree. Anyone willing to have a secret relationship with a woman like you is most likely a piece of shit.”

  Her eyes widen, and her haughtiness falls away. Even a master manipulator like Corina can’t hide the absolute shock of being caught when she thought she was invincible.

  Her mouth opens and closes like a fish, and I smirk.

  “Cobi,” I prompt, and the Mayson family cop steps up beside me from where he was leaning against the house where she couldn’t initially see him. At first I asked if he could come in case she went absolutely batshit on me when I gave her the divorce papers. But then I was informed I couldn’t give her the papers myself and needed someone official to do it, so he’s doing me a favor by killing two birds with one stone.

  “Corina Schmidt, you’ve been served,” he says, taking the folder I pass over to him and handing them to my soon-to-be ex-wife.

  And with that, I spin on my heel, Cobi doing the same, and head for my truck. I give him a salute of thanks as he makes his way to his own truck, and he gives me a chin lift.

  I’ve got plans to make in order to win back the love of my life.



  As I’m getting ready for bed, my phone rings, and I glance down at where it sits on my bathroom counter as I brush my teeth. Winston’s name lights up the screen, and my heart lurches in my chest.

  What the hell is he calling me for? Not once has he tried to contact me after I asked him not to when I quit. He’s respected my wishes, even though part of me wanted him to ignore them. Which apparently he is now.

  A war wages inside me, whether or not to answer.

  My brow furrows when the ringing cuts off, and regret immediately fills me, missing the opportunity to hear his voice.

  The screen goes dark, and I finish brushing my teeth. As I’m wiping my mouth, my screen lights up with a text message, and I snatch it up, seeing it’s from him.

  Winston: Naekkeo, I need to speak to you. It’s important, and I want to actually tell you, not through a text. Please, Cece. I know you won’t agree to meet me face to face, so will you please allow me to FaceTime you?

  I’m filled with a swarm of emotions as I read the text. Anxiety, fear, even a little hope. And a large helping of adolescent giddiness at his use of his special nickname for me and at the fact that he wants to FaceTime me. He’s right. There’s no way I can allow myself to actually meet him in person to hear this important news, because being within touching distance is just not smart when we have a problem keeping our hands off each other when that’s the last thing we should be doing.

  But he’s done so much for me, and I hear the desperation in his words—and I can admit I want to see his face on my screen more than I want my next breath—so I give in. Instead of replying to the message, I FaceTime him myself, my heart pounding erratically when I push the green camera button. He answers before I can even tell it rang.

  His face fills my screen, and I instantly sink down on the toilet’s closed lid because of how fucking handsome he is. He literally makes my knees weak just at the sight of him. Or maybe it’s because it’s been so long since I’ve seen him, the longest I’ve ever gone since I met him almost a year ago. Sure, it’s only been a little over a week, but he hasn’t left my mind for one moment.

  “Cece,” he breathes, and I can almost feel that breath along my neck as the sound of it sends a chill over my skin.

  “Hey, Win.” Oh, God, is that my voice? I sound like a lovesick heroine in some romance movie about star-crossed lovers. I clear my throat. “Are you okay?”

  His face goes soft, and his eyes fill with so much emotion I feel my heart clench. “It’s over, naekkeo. It’s finally over. She’s been having an affair for over a year. I hired a PI, and he got all the evidence I needed. She was served a few hours ago with the divorce papers.”

  It’s almost as if my brain short circuits. Did I hear all of that correctly? Or am I really asleep already and dreaming? This has to be too good to be true. All I manage to squeak out is a “What?”

  “I’m serious. Here.” The screen goes dark with the word Pause printed across it, and I hear him fumble with his phone. A moment later, I receive a text message from him. I open it up, and there are several black and white photos of Corina with a man who looks vaguely familiar. And then my heart clenches once more when I see the last picture, a screenshot of divorce papers with Winston and Corina’s names typed. “I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you, but I couldn’t sleep, as usual.”

  I go back to the FaceTime screen and wonder why it’s so blurry, and it’s not until Win tells me, “Don’t cry, baby. You’ll never have a reason to cry ever again if I have anything to do with it,” that I realize tears have filled my eyes.

  I let out one puff of a laugh as I grab a piece of toilet paper and dab at the inner corners of my eyes, sniffling as I try to think of anything to say. “How? How did you do all this?” I’m not even sure what I’m asking, since he already explained what happened.

  “I wanted to wait until everything was finished before I came to you. I didn’t want to get our hopes up with promises I wasn’t 100 percent sure I could keep. But the moment she was served, I knew I could finally try to contact you and tell you it’s finally over.”

  A sob leaves me, a sound of pure relief accompanied by a surge of happy tears. “Is
… is this really happening?” After all this time of fighting my feelings for this man I love with all my heart, it’s hard to believe I’ll no longer have to.

  “It’s really happening, Cece. It really is.” His smile lights up my entire world. “I have to see you. Please. Will you meet me?”

  My hand starts trembling at the prospect. I can barely think straight. “Um… I’m home alone with the girls. Mia is at Talon’s and my mom and Chaz are at their rental. So I can’t leave.”

  “Let me come there. Please. Even if you’ll just meet me outside in your driveway for a moment, that’s all I ask for. I need to see you,” he pleads, and when I don’t answer immediately, his tone changes, seeing my obvious indecision. “I’m coming there. I’ll see you in fifteen. Meet me outside so I don’t wake the girls,” he commands, and my breath catches as my pussy clenches.

  “Okay,” I whisper, nodding quick and shallow. “Be safe.”

  “I will, naekkeo. I love you,” he replies, and he ends the call before I can respond.

  “I love you too,” I tell my darkened screen.

  Ten minutes later, I can’t wait any longer. I hurry out my front door, being careful to close it quietly behind me so I don’t wake up the girls. After pacing my front porch a few times, my bare feet chilly against the concrete, I force myself to sit in one of the rocking chairs and pull my legs up in the seat.

  My teeth begin to chatter, and it’s not because I’m all that cold. It’s the adrenaline pumping through my system at the pure… insanity happening. My world flipped upside down in the best of ways in the past fifteen minutes. One moment, I was ready to go to bed in the home I’m putting up for sale, thinking about all the things I need to get done in order to get it ready to put on the market. All the while, there’s the constant background noise in my mind of Winston, how much I long for him, how much I freaking miss him, fighting with all my might to stay strong and not break down again. And then a few moments later, I’m here on my porch, waiting for him to arrive after he dropped the most wonderful bomb ever created.

  And then there are headlights down the street, and I hold my breath as they turn into my driveway. The rumble of his engine cuts, and he’s climbing out of his truck, the same truck I rode in to his house all those weeks ago. Then I blink, and I’m suddenly on the steps of my porch, my body moving of its own accord. And I blink again, and I’m in his arms, being lifted off the ground, my legs wrapping around him, and his lips are on mine.

  I sob into his mouth as his arms lock around me like he’ll never let me go, like I’m his lifeline and his very existence depends on me. I feel the same way as I bury my hands in the back of his thick dark hair, my head tilting to the side so I can deepen our kiss that’s one of pure desperation.

  I pull back on a gasp long enough to tell him, “I love you too, Win,” finally confessing what I’m sure he already knows. But since he hung up before I could speak the words to him, I had to let him know. I had to put it out there so I don’t have to keep it bottled up inside me anymore.

  He shudders at my profession, his eyes heating even as his face softens, the look shooting straight to my pussy that pressed to his rigid abs.

  “Come inside,” I whisper, and I don’t know which I mean more, the house or my body. Both. I need him inside both, and I don’t want to wait a moment longer.

  His brows furrow. “But your girls—”

  “Are asleep,” I cut him off. “We’ll just be quiet.”

  He looks torn. “Are you sure, naekkeo? We’ve waited this long. I can wait until this weekend, when your kids—”

  I shake my head, interrupting him once more. “We’ve waited long enough. I want you, Win. I need you more than you could ever fathom. Please, take me inside and make me yours.”



  Cece is so tiny, yet she’s the only thing I can see, everything around us disappearing as I press her against her closed bedroom door, her legs wrapping around my hips. It should feel wrong taking her here, in the house she once shared with another man, but I’m so desperate for her I don’t give a fuck. I’ll just imagine we’re back in my bed, and once I’m finally inside her, I won’t care where we are.

  I press her into the door, grinding my ever-present erection against the center of her, and I see her eyes roll back into her head before it thumps against the wood. It gives me access to her throat, where I lick and nibble, sucking gently enough not to leave a mark. As much as I want to leave evidence behind that I’ve finally claimed her as mine, I don’t want her to have to explain hickies to her kids.

  “Bed. Please, Win,” she breathes, and a moment later, she’s flat on her back in the middle of her bed, and I’m standing at the edge. My hands slide over her ankles, up her calves, between her inner thighs, and then grip the waistband of her leggings, tugging the tight stretchy material over her hips.

  Without a word, I pull them all the way off her body and then kiss a shiver-inducing path from her knee to the apex of her thighs. I look up to find her eyes open and watching me, and I hook her soft cotton panties with my pointer fingers and slide them down and off. I toss them on the floor with her leggings and turn back to face her. My eyes land on what is clearly a C-section scar, and I kiss each end of it, hearing her whimper.

  She’s shaved bare, and I can’t hold back any longer. I take my first taste of her, running my tongue from the very bottom of her opening up to circle around her clit. She sighs, melting into the mattress at the teasingly soft touch of my lips as I press a kiss to the tight bundle, and that’s about all the gentleness I have in me as her flavor explodes on my tongue. Her back arches as my grip tightens on her hips, and I growl as my control suddenly snaps, hearing her gasp as I cover her with my whole mouth and suck.

  She lets out a sound of shocked pleasure as I release the suction right over her clit, making a popping noise. Her thighs tighten around my shoulders as I continue eating her like a man possessed. Her hands shoot into my hair, and I hum in approval. Her moans of ecstasy alone could send me over the edge. But I force myself to get ahold of my errant self-control before I come in my pants like a fucking teenager.

  My fingers dig into her softness until my thumbs creep around to hold her pussy lips open, and she whimpers once more. I open my eyes and stare at her wet and pretty pink center, and I know I must have a look of animalistic possession on my face. She shudders under my heated gaze, and the movement of her body snaps me out of my trance enough that my mouth lands on her once more. She squeals at the force of it all, her hands leaving my head to slap over her mouth, trying to keep quiet.

  Her breath starts to hitch, and I latch onto her clit, circling it with my lips and then massaging it incessantly with the flat of my tongue. She’s so close. I just know it.

  And then she comes, a glorious experience from my position as she cries out behind her hands, so it’s muffled when I hear, “Fuck, Winston! Oh, God!” Her entire body convulses, her hands leaving her mouth to dig back into my scalp to hold me against her pussy, and she rides my face, making me growl in pleasure. I would eat this woman every day for the rest of our lives if given the opportunity, and then I remember—I can now do just that.

  She falls limp against the bed, and I place one last kiss to her center before crawling up her body, where she stares up at me through eyes that are half-mast.

  I smile, one of love directed at the woman I want to spend every last breath I have on this earth with.

  “I need you,” she whispers, and it’s almost my undoing.


  With the little bit of strength I can conjure after he’s made me a limp, melted mess in the middle of my bed, I hook my ankles behind his thighs and pull him to me, where his hips nestle right up against my still sensitive flesh. Which is when I realize he still has his pants on. “Please,” I whisper, trying to use my feet to pull his jeans down, and he wastes no time. He’s suddenly as naked as I am, and the head of his big cock presses right up to my entrance, making me sh
udder at the first contact of his flesh against mine.

  “I love you,” he tells me softly, and my eyes meet his.

  “I love you too,” I reply, my arms lifting to bury my hands in the back of his hair, and I pull him down to me so I can kiss his lips, tasting myself there as he slowly starts to press inside me, filling me inch by gloriously thick inch. I whimper at being stretched like I’ve never been stretched before, his girth like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

  He surrounds me then, his forearms wrapping under me to rest on his elbows beneath my shoulder blades, pressing my chest up to his, where I can feel my nipples getting lost in the hair he has on his chest. The light tickle there makes this suddenly a full-body experience instead of all the focus being right where we’re connected, and it allows me to take yet another of his breathtaking inches.

  When it feels like I won’t be able to take anymore of him, as if he’s reached the farthest depth of me, he pulls out slightly then sinks all the way in, making me gasp as the tip of his cock butts into my cervix. My back arches, trying to back away up the bed a little, because it’s just… too… much, but his big palms grip my shoulders from beneath, not allowing me to move.

  “Shhh… I’ll take care of you, naekkeo,” he whispers, holding his hips perfectly still as he kisses along my jawline to my ear, nibbling the lobe as he murmurs in another language there, his deep voice and hot breath relaxing me until my slight pain and panic completely subside. “So fucking perfect. Your tight little pussy feels so fucking perfect wrapped around my cock, baby. I could stay like this forever, just buried deep inside you. Never felt so complete, like I’m where I’m supposed to be for the very first time.”


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