Neighbor Nik (Bad Boys We Love Book 1)

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Neighbor Nik (Bad Boys We Love Book 1) Page 1

by Naomi Porter

  Ocean Dreams Publishing


  Copyright © 2020 by Naomi Porter

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the website listed below.

  Naomi Porter/Ocean Dreams Publishing

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Layout ©2017

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  Neighbor Nik/ Naomi Porter -- 1st ed.

  ISBN 978-1-952423-12-3


  To all the readers who have fantasized about a sexy, bad boy neighbor. This one is for you!



  Neighbor Nik



















  “HE’S FINALLY HERE!” Granny had the brightest smile on her face. Not much made her happy these days. Her best friend Bea had moved into an assisted living home a couple of months ago after falling and breaking her hip. Granny hadn’t been the same since.

  I tried to take her to visit Bea at least once a week. On that day, Granny would wake up before the sun with the most energy she had all week. All because of Bea. It hurt my heart that I couldn’t do more for her… for them.

  “Who, Granny?” I went to the front window to see who she was talking about but only saw a moving truck and movers.

  “Nik, you know Nik? Bea’s grandson.”

  I shook my head, having no clue who she was talking about. I didn’t recall Bea having any children, much less a grandson. I knew about a sister in Mexico and assumed that was where most of her family lived. Maybe Granny was getting a little senile. She turns seventy-six next spring.

  A scowl appeared on her tan, leathery face. “Yes, yes, yes! I told you about him, Bea’s grandson, Nik.”

  Nope. He didn’t ring a bell, but I’d never tell Granny as much.

  “Oh, sure!” I put my hand on the side of my head as if I just remembered to appease her. “Bea’s grandson Nik, yes, of course. How could I forget?” I’d roll my eyes or smack my head if she wasn’t staring at me with her beady brown eyes.

  In the last year, her memory started failing, and I could tell her health was dwindling but didn’t want to believe it. When Granny was gone, I’d have no one. The very thought of being alone in the world scared the shit out of me.

  “There he is!”

  I couldn’t see this Nik guy, only a few movers who were unloading a big truck. One in particular had his shirt off. Compared to the others, he probably worked out religiously—what a show-off.

  Maybe Nik was on the other side of the moving truck. Lord forbid Granny was imagining him. Mercy, I sent up a quick prayer for the almighty God to help her.

  “Go say hi. Welcome Nik to the neighborhood.” Granny patted my arm, pushing me away. “But don’t be too friendly.”

  Now I did roll my eyes. I knew what she meant about being too friendly. Granny believed I was still a virgin and wanted me to stay that way until I fell in love and got married. I lost my V-card back in high school and had been with several men, none of whom I’d ever consider beyond a one-night stand. I wasn’t looking for a husband. Granny was my focus, and love had been on the back burner for years.

  “But I’m cooking.” And how would I talk to someone who wasn’t there? “My sauce might burn.”

  “The spaghetti can wait. Go be a nice girl. Just not too nice.” She pushed me along. “I’ll turn down your sauce.”

  I rolled my eyes. Nice girl. If she only knew how not a nice girl I was when she wasn’t around.

  “Okay, Granny. I’ll go…” Humor her. What can it hurt?

  I tugged on the bottom of my torn denim shorts, making sure they hadn’t crept too far up my ass, and fixed my pink tank top. I wasn’t wearing a bra today since I had no plans to go anywhere. After work on Thursdays, I cleaned the house and cooked an Italian meal of some sort. We might be Portuguese, but we loved pasta.

  What I didn’t expect to do today was be the welcoming committee for a new neighbor. Oh well. What was a girl to do? Not much of anything. What Granny says goes.

  I slipped on my flip-flops at the door and opened it. A wall of penetrating heat smacked me in the face. My weather app had said it was going to be 101 degrees, not typical for Pasadena. It was a scorcher of a day.

  This little welcome would be fast, like ten-seconds fast.

  I strode across the street, waving at a few elderly neighbors peering out their windows while trying to keep my tits from bouncing. Dammit, the asphalt was hot too. I hurried without caring about my jiggling boobs.

  I rounded the front of the moving truck and stopped mid-step when the shirtless mover appeared—the very sexy, dripping-in-sweat, muscles-galore mover.

  “Watch it, asshole! That flatscreen is top of the line!” the shirtless guy barked. “And you.” He started in on two others carting a chair into the house. “Don’t scratch the leather!” Like a cocky smart-ass, this guy strutted around with boundless confidence. He must be the one in charge.

  And I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Maybe I should get his number; I always liked a mouthy bad boy. They were the best hookups because, again, I wasn’t looking for a husband. But a woman had needs, and I didn’t want to like the guy satisfying me.

  What was I thinking? The heat must have melted my brain. I couldn’t do that in the off chance Granny was watching. I needed to have on my good girl crown.

  “Yes, sir,” the scared movers said in unison.

  Wow. Poor guys.

  “Just shut it and keep moving!”

  What a prick. A delicious prick with tan, glistening skin, but no tattoos. Damn. I loved ink. No biggie though. I wouldn’t mind licking between the ridges of his six-pack abs. This guy was sheer perfection. An Adonis with jet-black hair slicked back, dark penetrating eyes, thick thighs, and a bulge in his crotch.

  One night with him to take the edge off would do. Then I might be able to maintain my good girl image for another couple of months.

  I inhaled a breath and pressed on, looking for Nik. The sooner I got this over with, the better, or I might climb that mover like a tree and offer up my—

  “Who are you?” Bad Boy Adonis stood tall with his hands on his hips. He didn’t intimidate me in the least. I knew the type, except he was the most handsome I’d ever seen. He could be as cocky as he wanted in my book.

  “Hey. I’m from across the street. I’m looking for Nik.” I jerked my chin toward the house. “The new neighbor.�

  The mover said nothing as he appraised me with a hungry glint in his black eyes. They shined like marbles as his gaze seared my skin. Sweat dripped down his temples and skittered off the edge of his jaw. He was built like a baseball player and towered above my five-two frame.

  My mouth opened and closed. Words lodged in my throat while I observed his Adam’s apple vibrating. A cyclone of rampant pheromones rendered me speechless as I gawked—drooled—and soaked my panties.

  A dog barking snapped me out of the lust-filled haze I’d fallen into. That damn Skip broke my connection to Mr. Mover.

  I licked my lips and swallowed. “Is he around?”

  “I am.”

  “Aww, that’s cute, but get over yourself. I’m not interested. I’m looking for Nik.” This guy was too much—a cocky son of a bitch, that was for sure. I really might have to give him my number before I head back home. Maybe.

  He smirked, and the corner of his lips twitched. “I am.” He took a step toward me as amusement danced across his features. He sure was pretty to look at.

  Wait. He’s what? Interested? Of course he was. I could be cocky too. I was sure I was giving off the vibe I’d like to get on my knees for him.

  Too bad Granny might be watching, or I’d show this boy what Rita Rocha liked and how good she gave it.

  “Already said I’m not interested, big guy.” I looked around. The movers were busy unloading. “I’ll just check inside for Nik.”

  I meandered up the steps and stopped at the door. “Hello. Nik?” I poked my head in the doorway.

  A mover appeared. “Did you say Nik?”

  I smiled. “Yup. Where is he?”

  His gaze drifted behind me.

  At the sound of a throat clearing, a shiver shot up my spine despite the triple-digit temperature.

  “I’m right here.” I recognized the gravelly voice. It belonged to the shirtless guy.

  I froze, my mind racing with what to say. Here I’d been drooling all over the mover, fully expecting him to finish his job and me never seeing him again. But the sexy-as-fuck, shirtless guy was my new neighbor. He was sweet Bea’s grandson.

  Holy shit! Granny would say one hundred Hail Mary’s on my behalf if she knew how I’d behaved around her best friend’s grandson.

  I whirled around to face him. “Welcome to the neighborhood!” I exclaimed with a ridiculous amount of zeal. “I’m Rita Rocha. As you know, I live across the street. My granny knows yours… Bea.” Jesus, I felt like a child mentioning my grandma and his.

  “Nik,” he replied with tension in his square jaw. Like a fool, I waited for him to say more, but he didn’t.

  “Um… Where’d you move from?”

  “Why?” He narrowed his eyes. Leisurely they dropped to my tits. I did everything possible not to look down or touch them. I knew what caught his attention. The universe was cruel. How could my nipples betray me when it was hotter than hades out here?

  I snorted, toeing a rock on the concrete porch. “I don’t know. Just thought I’d ask. You always this talkative?”

  “You always so nosy?” He glowered, eyes locked on the firm pebbles beneath my pink tank.

  “Huh, I see.” I crossed my arms over my chest, blocking his gaze. Hope he got a good view of what he would never get to touch. Or lick. Or suck. Christ! I was turning myself on.

  “See what?”

  “That you’re nothing like your Nana Bea. She is sweet, and you’re”—I jutted my chin out defiantly—"a jerk.” Look at me, playing hard to get. I needed to do something. The attraction I felt toward Nik was more intense than my love of cannolis.

  Momentarily I thought I felt a seismic connection. Like the earth rumbled beneath my feet, the sun brightened, and my heart expanded.

  Nik smirked, pursing his kissable lips together. It nearly made me weep; they were so full and tempting.

  “Don’t let me keep you.” He jerked his chin toward my house.

  Rude bastard! Maybe I had felt a rumble like a mini earthquake and not a mutual attraction.

  “You can count on that.” I brushed past him, our arms lightly touching. I swayed my hips, giving him a show when I felt his eyes on me. I hoped he enjoyed the view because it would be his last.

  “Hey! What does that mean?”

  “That I’d never let a rude, cocky bastard such as yourself keep me.” I raised my hand, giving him the bird and marched across the street.

  Once inside my house, I went straight to my bedroom before Granny saw me. I needed a moment to myself—a moment to stew and rant over my new neighbor, Nik Tevez, assuming his last name was the same as Nana Bea’s.

  Why did he have to be so goddamn gorgeous? Sexy?

  And an asshole?

  “Rita?” Granny called.

  “Coming…” I exhaled a frustrated breath and went out to the living room. “Yeah?”

  Granny looked up from her rocking chair and stopped knitting. “Did you invite Nik to dinner?”

  Why would I do that? “No. He’s very busy moving in, Granny.”

  She clucked her tongue. “He needs to eat. Go invite him.” She resumed knitting. It was pointless to argue with her. She wouldn’t care anyway about the way Nik treated me. She sure as hell didn’t need to know I flipped him off and called him a bastard not five minutes ago.

  I swallowed my pride and made my way back across the street.

  Nik shook his head when he saw me. “What?”

  “Still the charmer. Granny wanted to invite you over for dinner.”

  His black eyes narrowed as if trying to read me.

  “What? She did.”

  He put his hands on his hips and turned his face up toward the sky, letting out a breath. “Can’t.”

  “That’s what I hoped you’d say.” I whirled around and started to cross the street.


  I stopped, keeping my back to him. “What?”

  “What’re you having?”

  This was a tricky question. I didn’t want Nik to join us for dinner, so I had to be smart and quick with my answer. Now, what would a guy like him hate?

  Shit, nothing came to mind. Think, Rita, think!

  “You’re taking too long to answer.” Nik’s voice was directly behind me. His hand gripped my waist, and I was pulled into him. “I’ll eat anything.”

  I gulped, hearing the innuendo in his statement. But I recovered in a snap. “Pigs’ feet.”

  “Love it.”

  “Lengua… you know, cow tongue?”

  “My favorite. Are we having both? Throw in a little pussy for dessert, and I accept your invitation.”

  I whirled around and slapped him across the face. “You filthy son of a bitch!” I stepped back as he cupped his cheek. I didn’t mean to hit him. I just reacted because his dirty talk had me soaking wet, and Nik Tevez could never know how much he turned me on.

  A wry smiled played on his lips. “You want me.”

  “The fuck I do.”

  “What time is dinner?”

  “I rescind the offer.”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Granny will get angry.”

  “She’ll get over it.” I turned around, but Nik caught my wrist and pulled me back.

  “I’m supposed to stay away from you, Nana Bea’s orders. But you’re making it impossible to honor the promise I made her.”

  “Let me help you. Go to hell, Nik Tevez!” I jerked my hand and he released me. “I’m not interested.” I made my way home.

  “The fuck you’re not.”

  “Obey your Nana Bea and stay the hell away from me.”

  “I never obey anyone!”

  Jesus, why did that make me deliriously happy? I didn’t say anything as I trotted into my house. I closed the door and pressed my back against it. My heart thudded against my ribs, mirroring the throbbing in my shorts.

  Why did his Nana Bea want him to stay away from me?

  “That you, Rita?”

  “Yes. It’s me.”

>   “Get cooking. Nik will be hungry.”

  I didn’t have the heart to tell her he wasn’t coming. “Yes, Granny.” I went into the kitchen and prayed Granny would forget about Nik coming to dinner.

  I also prayed for my mind to be wiped clean of Nik Tevez. But I doubted God paid attention to ridiculous requests like mine because I was weak against bad boys.

  Bad boys like Nik Tevez and his all-consuming black eyes and confident, cocky attitude.

  I was so screwed.



  I STEPPED OUT of the shower and toweled off. I still sported a partial hard-on after jacking off to the image of Rita’s fine ass and taunting tits. I should feel guilty about breaking the promise I’d made Nana to stay away from Lucia’s granddaughter.

  But I wasn’t.

  Rita was no little girl like Nana had called her. No, Rita was all woman with curves for days on her little body. The things I could do to that woman would be plentiful. I’d sample every inch of her over and over until she passed out from exhaustion.

  She never told me what time to be over for dinner.

  Yes, I was going.

  I needed to see her again. Tease her until she bent to my control. Then I could be done with her and walk away.

  Images of bending Rita over a table or getting her on all fours brought my cock back to life. I didn’t have time for round two with my hand. I wanted to be at Rita’s by five thirty. If Lucia was like my nana, she had to eat before six.

  I threw on a worn-out pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, and biker boots. A little gel to keep my hair slicked back and a spritz of my favorite cologne and I was ready to go.

  I strutted across the street, noticing the looks shooting my way from the old couple next door to Rita’s. Everyone on this street was old as dirt. Nana Bea had said it would be quiet; she was right about that.

  I knocked twice and didn’t hear any activity inside the house. After a minute, I rang the doorbell and waited.


  What the fuck? I hadn’t noticed Rita and her granny leaving the house.


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