Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1)

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Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1) Page 1

by Betty Shreffler




























  Published by Betty Shreffler

  Copyright © 2019 by Betty Shreffler

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereinafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. For information email: [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Editor: Sandy Ebel, Personal Touch Editing


  Anauka – Princess Fiora’s territory

  Iowan – neighboring territory to Anauka, Belore’s territory

  Trinick City – neighboring territory that is a massive city

  Riorrick - House Tuller, fire and ice trial

  Malark –House Levore, horse race trial

  Turi Nevari – patriarch of the House Nevari, bow and arrow trial

  Kellan – House Nevari, bow and arrow trial

  Luther – House Cindora, maze race trial

  Kendrick – Dolorian, from the Free territory, rider of the black horse

  Nina – Fiora’s grandmother

  Gregory, Melinda – Fiora’s parents

  Leon – Fiora’s younger brother

  Dante & Corey – younger brothers of Matheas

  Tether – King Gregory’s right hand

  Alic – Mastery of weapons

  Pollo, Demerick & Sederick – soldiers/arms men

  Belore – Prince of Iowan, son of King Beckett

  Artax – Fiora’s horse

  Anaukin emblem - a circle with a twisted tree inside and above the tree is a compass




  Around me, the aroma of wildflowers fills my nose as the warm sun bathes my skin. Yellow petals slip through my fingers as I pass by, touching the silky flowers. No one knows I’m here except one person, my bodyguard, Matheas. Having returned from his trip to Trinick City, it’s only a matter of time before he finds me. Raised alongside me since we were children and duty-bound to protect me, he knows where I am at all times. On my wrist, the familiar vibration of my soul band alerts me to his call.

  “I’m headed your way. Wait for me at Willow Winds.”

  “What makes you think I’m at Willow Winds?”

  “Where else would you go to avoid your obligations?”

  Smile forming, a flutter of joy tickles my belly. He knows me so well.

  “See you soon.”

  Lowering to my knee, I take in the fragrance of a purple heliotrope. Carelessly falling backward, I lay amongst the rainbow of colors surrounding me. Here I’m free, relaxed and able to forget my obligations awaiting me at the palace.

  Some yards away, I hear the rover craft hum through the sky. It lands, and I remain where I’m hidden in the wildflowers. Moments later, I hear the footfall of heavy boots. The sun is blocked from my view by the handsome frame of Matheas. Over six feet in height and broad-shouldered, he’s the perfect Anaukin soldier. Trained since childhood, it’s ingrained in him to remain physically strong, and with that regimen, he’s muscled from head to toe. Lowering to a knee, he holds out a gift for me. Staring up at his face, I admire his dark blond hair and the new short haircut he’s received. Blinking with a smile, cerulean blue eyes stare back at me—a feature every Anaukin has. No matter our hair color, we’re all born with cerulean blue eyes.

  “It’s from Trinick City.”

  Placing a silver charm and chain in my hand, I turn the silver metal over to view it. At the center of the man-made oval charm is a blue diamond. It’s a stunning piece of jewelry and likely cost him a large sum of monetary value. As the years have passed, he’s made it a habit of bringing me something back from every one of his trips. These last few years, his gifts have become more expensive and valuable.

  “Do you like it?”

  Brows pinched inward, he studies my face, hope filling his eyes.

  “It’s gorgeous. Will you put it on me?”

  “Of course.”

  Taking it from my hand, he unfastens the clasp, and I turn so he can easily place it around my neck. Pulling my hair from within the necklace, he drops my long brunette braid against my back, slowly letting it fall from his hand. Rotating toward him, he looks me over, his expression warm and affectionate.

  “You look beautiful.”

  My stomach flutters at the way he admires me. Nervously, I roll the charm between my index finger and thumb.

  “You flatter me.”

  Rising to his feet, he outstretches his hand for me to take.

  “I need to get you back.”

  “I need to hear about your trip.”

  Hand in his, he pulls me to my feet. With swift movement, he hugs me tight against his body, capturing me in his arms. Instantly, my body goes into fight mode. With a kick to his leg, an elbow to his face, another elbow to his side, his hold releases, and I grip his hand, then shoulder, hoisting myself over his shoulder, bringing us both to the ground. I roll away and stand quickly, ready to defend myself.

  Without a sign of exertion, a proud smile stretches his lips.

  “Good, Fi. You responded perfectly.”

  My arms lower to my sides, and I relax.

  “You really like to surprise me, don’t you?”

  “The most critical threats are often when you least expect them.”

  “You’ll have me well prepared then.”

  Together, we walk side by side to his rover craft. The silver metal gleams in the sun, and I raise my hand above my eyes to deflect the rays from blinding me.

  “You were gone longer than normal this time.”

  As we approach, the automated motion sensor engages, raising the door for us to climb in. Taking the passenger seat next to him, I watch the wildflowers become smaller in the distance as the rover craft rises in the sky.

  “Your father’s business took longer than expected.”

  Frowning, I fidget in my seat.

  “Anything to do with my coronation?”

  Looking at me with empathy, his eyes soften.

  “Yes. He’s confirming alliances, ensuring the safety of Anauka for when you become the new monarch.”

  “It’s come too soon, Matheas. I’m not sure I’m ready.”

  Through the rover craft windows, I view all of Anauka territory below. It’s widespread with forests, fields, and homes with the royal city at the center, all under a fortifie
d shield dome. It’s the home I was born into and the only place I’ve ever known. As the Anaukin Princess, traveling isn’t an option for me until I’m crowned as the new monarch. It’s Matheas’s duty to travel for me and learn everything there is about the politics, geography, and topography of other territories so he can be my most trusted counsel.

  It isn’t safe for a Princess to travel without a crown. Outside of Anauka, I’m valuable to other territories who would want to sell me to the highest bidder or use me for ransom against my father. Until I’m crowned, Anauka is where I must stay, but it won’t be long. A few weeks from now, on the last day of my twenty-fifth year, I’ll be crowned the new monarch of Anauka—whether I’m ready for it or not.

  “This is why you have the trials. They help prepare you. Word has spread your talent exceeds the Royal Faction’s expectations.”

  The Royal Faction, a group of men and women collected from each royal family in Anauka, represents the people during meetings with the King and Queen.

  Penetrating the shield, the palace grows closer in my view, and I grimace.

  “I feel like my tasks are for their amusement.”

  “Some are,” he agrees.

  The rover craft comes to a stop, landing on the grassy plain outside of the palace, parked parallel to the others. The automatic door raises, and I step out, taking in the thicker air of the palace grounds. Scents of outdoor food vendors and store shops create a smoky cloud above the tents.

  “The festival is well on its way, I see. All in preparation of the main attraction.”

  “You’ll do fine, Fi. I’ll always be within view.”

  That knowledge settles the nerves tumbling in my belly. Side by side, we enter the palace. With high ceilings, the exquisite chandeliers are able to hang low. Along the walls are paintings from our most talented painters in Anauka and some from my family’s travels to other territories. With our advanced technology, I appreciate the paintings even more. It’s a talent I’m fond of, one that is simple and relaxing—just brushes, a canvas, and beautiful colors used to make anything the imagination can think of.

  Barely through the door, I’m greeted by palace staff. My headmistress, trainer of the arts, bows, her tightly woven hair-do not moving atop her head. In a pretty, knee-length dress, she looks over my attire. I’m wearing my usual go-to brown leather riding boots, brown riding pants, and my favorite red shirt with cut-out shoulders and sleeves to my elbows. A frown etches her mouth into shape.

  “You need cleaned up. You look like you’ve been riding a horse all morning.”

  “For part of it, I have,” I smile unashamed. “I needed to relax this morning before I begin my trials.”

  One of my favorite people pushes through the horde of palace staff surrounding Matheas and me. Slightly shorter than me and with a long, light gray braid over her shoulder, my Grand Nina waves her hands at everyone.

  “Give my granddaughter space. She’ll be crowded enough today.”

  With a wide smile, I open my arms for my Grand Nina. Enclosing me in her arms, her hug is warm and comforting. With a hand still on my shoulder, she motions to the nearest two members of our staff.

  “Have a warm bath prepared. Fill it with lavender and vanilla.”

  “It’s not needed.” I release a heavy sigh. “I can run my own bath just fine like any other day.”

  Nina pats my shoulder. “Today is not like any other day nor will tomorrow or the next day. You’re in your trials. You’ll do nothing yourself for the next few days. Best to deal with it, darling.”

  Attention turned away from me, she looks to Matheas. “Wait for her upstairs. I need to speak with my granddaughter alone.”

  Everyone disperses, including Matheas, moving onto their jobs as Nina takes my hand, walking me slowly up the stairs.

  “I had a prophetic dream last night,” she whispers.

  “Should I be worried?”

  Raising my hand, she kisses the back of it.

  “Every new monarch has dangers lurking ahead of them, but this dream felt like a warning. Something is coming, Fiora, but whatever it is, I know for certain you’ll survive it.”

  My skin tingles with worry. Nibbling my lip, I look ahead to the top of the stairs, seeing the back of Matheas just before he disappears.

  “What of Matheas?”

  “What of him, darling?”

  “Did you see anything of him in your dream?”

  Stopping on the stairs, we turn to face one another. With my hands in hers, she holds them together in front of our chests.

  “That man will always choose to stay by your side. No matter the sacrifice. You can trust him to protect you. It’s his sole purpose in life.”

  “That seems unfair. I'm supposed to marry, and he doesn’t get to have a family of his own. Instead, he’s supposed to watch over me all his life.”

  Continuing up the stairs, she gives my hand a squeeze. “As a monarch of Anauka, you’ll be free to choose whomever you want to lay with.”

  “Nina, is that really true?”

  “Ssh, darling, some things are not meant to be spoken until it’s time.”

  Hearing the secret brings excitement coursing through me. I’d been made to believe I must choose someone from the royal families. I know my Nina would not lie to me. Each step up the stairs becomes lighter with this new knowledge.

  Approaching my room, the automated door slides open, and I enter to the soothing aroma of lavender and vanilla. Standing near the wall, Matheas’s attention turns to me the moment I enter. Eyes centered on me, he steps forward and joins my side as I walk toward the bathroom. Inside, he moves to the long, wide windows and peers out as the two servants who filled my bath approach me. They move their hands and arms in an effort to undress me. Annoyed, I wave their hands away.

  “Enough. I can undress myself just fine.”

  Matheas’s side profile reveals a smirk raising the corner of his mouth.

  With my boots off, I toss them aside and remove the rest of my clothing. The women move behind me and untie my braid, loosening my hair and resting it on my back.

  Matheas stops his inspection outside the windows and looks at me. His cerulean blue eyes linger over my body, seeming to take in every detail. A pink hue forms on his cheeks, and he fidgets where he stands, unlike his usual sturdy stance.

  “Ladies, I’ve had enough pampering. Please wait outside.” The two staff members are quick to depart, leaving only Matheas and my Nina with me.

  “What is it, Matheas?” I ask him, walking to the tub in the center of the bathroom.

  “I don’t like that you’ll have to stand naked at the splendor ceremony for all the Royal suitors to see.”

  Nina chuckles behind me as I lower into the hot water.

  “Get used to the idea, son. It’s tradition.”

  “Nina, can you leave us for a while?”

  “I can, darling. We’ll come back to do your hair.”

  “Thank you.”

  The automated doors slide open and close with her departure.

  Matheas walks to the tub, stopping behind me. Placing his hand under the automated dispenser, shampoo fills his hand. Placing it atop my head, he lathers it in my hair, the touch of his strong hands soothing and arousing, my nipples hardening in response. Lowering my chest, I hide them beneath the water.

  “I can wash my own hair, you know, but I’ll be honest, I love it when you do it.”

  “I know you do. It’s why I do it. I’m glad you had Alayna and Ria leave. I’d rather it be me to take care of you.”

  “You always have been possessive of me even when we were kids. Remember when Thomas kissed me? How you knocked him down and punched him?”

  Matheas laughs, deep from his chest.

  “I’ve never been kissed since. Every boy was afraid to after that.”

  Wringing the soap out of my hair, he lowers my head into the water. When I sit up, hair rinsed, he squats down next to the tub.

  “Do you want to be kis

  Looking at his handsome face, I stare at his eyes. They may be the same color as every Anaukin, but his eyes are far more expressive than anyone I know.

  “I do. I’m going to be Queen soon. I’ll be forced to meet with potential suitors, and I have no idea what it’s like to be kissed by a man. You’ve had the opportunity to lay with women. I don’t even know how to properly kiss.”

  Leaning forward, he cups his hand under my chin, raising my lips to his.

  “Then it’s my duty to teach you, Princess.”

  Warm lips cover mine. Instinctively, my mouth parts, and his tongue slides between my lips. The heat of the water is nothing compared to the fire that ignites and spreads throughout my body. Placing my arms around his neck, I partially rise out of the tub, my bare chest visible. One arm goes around my back, the other lost in my hair, holding the back of my neck. Like an uncontrollable force keeping me tied to him, I hang on as the kiss continues, his tongue dancing with mine, feeding my rising desire.

  When he pulls back, my face is hot, my cheeks flush. Tingling lips and an ache between my legs leave me wanting more. There’s a moment of silence, his eyes staring into mine, his breathing slightly elevated.

  “You won’t disappoint any man, Fi. Your kiss is like a smooth liquor. It touches in all the right places.”

  A giggle escapes me, and I lower my arms from his neck. Gaze lowering to my chest, I notice his pupils expand before he returns his attention back to my face.

  “Will you kiss me again?”

  “Yes, but not now.”


  The automated door opens, and he winks.

  “What are you two chattering about? You should be bathing, darling.”

  Matheas gently swipes his finger under my chin and grins.

  “My fault, Nina. I was giving her a lesson.”

  “Mm-hmm, what kind of lesson?”

  Nina examines me with scrutinizing eyes, but her smile is playful.

  “Nothing that ruins her purity.” I notice the playful wink he gives Nina. “Are Alayna and Ria still waiting outside?”

  “They are.”

  “They’ll have to wait longer. Fiora isn’t ready for them. Give her another ten minutes.”


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