Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1)

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Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1) Page 14

by Betty Shreffler

  “Together. You and me. I would want to discuss the problems with the Royal Factions, our advisors, then privately between you and me. I’d want us to think about the benefits and consequences of our actions, then choose what we feel is best for Anauka.”

  Smile widening, I lean back into the cushions.

  “You surprise me, Riorrick. You’re a man the other suitors should be watching out for.”

  “The quiet thinkers come up with the best solutions.”

  “Indeed they can. What about adventure and spontaneity? Are those things you enjoy as well?”

  “Not as much as you enjoy them, and it worries me I might bore you.”

  “There isn’t much that bores me. I’m fascinated by many things. It is important to me though the man I choose as King understands what I need and has similar interests.”

  “It’s why I’m eager to spend more time with you. I want to know everything that makes you happy and also what doesn’t so I can keep you from having to experience those things.”

  Rotating my hand in his, I give it a squeeze.

  “I like you. You’re genuine and honest. I respect those traits.”

  My eyes dart to Malark as he rounds the corner, a pitcher of water and a glass in his hands. Coming to the table, he pours water into the glass, hands it to me, and sets the pitcher down.

  “Did you retrieve the water yourself,” I ask, surprised.

  “I intended to, but palace staff wouldn’t let me near the kitchen.”

  With a giggle, I find his effort charming.

  “Our palace security is efficient,” I explain. “Only high clearance staff are allowed in there. That’s different from home, I’m sure.”

  “It is,” Malark shares.

  “I appreciate the gesture, anyway.” Standing, I lift the goblet from the table, holding both glasses in hand. “Why don’t we take our drinks by the fire? The night is getting cooler, I could use the warmth.”

  Malark picks up the pitcher, and both men follow me to the other side of the privacy wall. Kellan and Luther are sharing a bench, their conversation ending when we approach. Adding space between them, they gesture for me to sit there. Taking a long swallow of water, I leave both glasses on the table before joining them.

  Once seated, both men scoot closer, cocooning me in the warmth of their bodies and the fire. Luther’s arm swings around the back of the bench, his fingers delicately strumming my hair, sending little pulses of pleasure through my body with each stroke. Malark and Riorrick watch his movement, their expressions revealing their irritation.

  “I’ve enjoyed my time with each of you this evening. Starting tomorrow, I’d like for all of us to go riding. As you already know, it’s something I enjoy and do almost daily. It’s important to me the man I choose as King also enjoys riding or can at least stay atop a horse for a length of time.”

  The men chuckle, none of them looking nervous, giving me relief they all can probably ride.

  “Gentlemen, I do hope you have a good night’s rest. I have a meeting with my father tomorrow morning at breakfast. Afterward, we’ll begin our day together.”

  Luther’s palm caresses down my back. Leaning over, he kisses my cheek.

  “Goodnight, Fiora.”

  Kellan takes my hand, and we both rise. He hugs me, his arm lingering around me as his hand strokes over my hair. Softly, he kisses my forehead.

  “Goodnight, sweet Fi.”

  Riorrick approaches, taking my hand and kisses it. Malark is behind him. He takes my hand and walks with me to the door.

  “Thank you for a wonderful evening. I’m eager to see you tomorrow,” he shares.

  “I look forward to seeing you all as well.”

  Leaving them, I pass through the threshold and go in the direction of our main living area of the palace. Holding my dress in my hand, I stroll to my room, my stomach leaping with excitement that Matheas is there waiting for me. Climbing the stairwell, I hurry the last few steps. My bedroom door slides open as I approach. Confused, my steps slow.

  In front of me, sitting in my favorite reading chair, is my mother, Melinda, gorgeous as ever in her pale gold evening dress and her dark hair in a partial up-do. Sitting across from her is my Grand Nina, sipping tea from a warm mug. Next to my mother, Ria refills my mother’s mug with more of the warm liquid.

  “Where’s Matheas?” I ask them, concerned.

  “He’s fine, darling,” Nina assures me. “His services are not needed this evening. Tonight, we’ll all be staying together.”

  “It’s tradition,” my mother explains. “The splendor ceremony and gathering afterward can often lead to heightened sexual desire for you and your suitors. Tonight will be a ladies’ night. We’ll begin with relaxing in the spa bath. After, we’ll have a refreshing drink and dessert, then we’ll settle in for the night.”


  “In a suite I’ve had made up for this occasion,” my mother replies matter-of-factly.

  “I’d like to speak with Matheas before we begin.”

  “No need,” my mother insists. “He’s been given the night off. I’m sure he’s already in town having himself a pleasurable evening.”

  “Unlikely.” Nina winks at me, and the irritation my mother’s words caused begins to settle.

  “Ria will gather what you need. Let’s not dally.”

  As much as my mother and I look alike, we’re the opposite in personality. She’s exceptionally feminine, proper, and enjoys doing activities that are physically undemanding. Having staff tend to her every whim is something she enjoys, but she also appreciates it and treats them with the utmost kindness. Having respect for our staff is one trait we do share.

  “Ria, you’re dismissed. Have a good night,” I tell her.

  My mother’s jaw snaps.

  “Ria, you are not dismissed.”

  Standing stiff, Ria’s expression transitions to worry, unsure whose orders to follow.

  “We can pour our own drinks, and I can dress and carry my own things. Ria doesn’t need to spend the rest of her evening doing such mundane things for us. You’re dismissed, love, and that’s an order,” I emphasize.

  “I’m sorry, Queen Melinda.”

  Ria hurries out, nodding to me pleasantly as she goes.

  “I’ll call my own staff to tend to us then,” she huffs before raising her mug to her lips.

  I chuckle at her as I walk to my wardrobe, the door sliding open for me to enter the small room. Undressing, the gown falls to my feet, and I set it aside for cleaning. Gathering my soft red robe, I wrap it around my body, the fabric covering me from shoulders to knees. Taking off my shoes, I bury my feet inside petite warm slippers. Outside of my wardrobe, my mother and Nina are standing, ready to escort me to our activities.

  Entering the spa chamber, I’m overwhelmed with stimulants. The room is scented in lavender, vanilla, and sandalwood. Candelabras are fixed around the room, giving the ambiance a relaxing and dimly lit setting. At the center, and level with the floor is a large circular pool, heated to a comfortable temperature. Infused in the water are liquids to soothe and relax the body, giving the water a beautiful teal color.

  Per my mother’s request, three female staff members are waiting inside the room. She and Nina approach them, and they assist them with undressing. The third expects me to approach her, but instead, I disrobe on my own. Going to the vanity nearby, I pull the bands from my hair.

  “I can assist you with that,” Lenny presses. Looking at her round, aging face in the mirror, I smile at her.

  “No need. Tend to my mother.”

  Lenny, one of my mother’s regular staff members and a woman with graying hair smiles back.

  “You know how she is, Princess. Let me assist you this evening.”

  “All right,” I accept, not wanting to cause her any trouble with my mother.

  Soft hands untangle my hair, resting it on my back. Behind me, she picks up my robe and slippers and places them on the stand next to the v

  The three of us descend the steps into the pool. Warm water surrounds my body, giving a stimulating and tingling sensation across my skin as the water reaches my chest. Moving forward, I settle onto the comfortable bench along the pool wall. A glass of lemon and strawberry infused water are handed to each of us. After a refreshing sip, I lean back and relax with my eyes closed. I enjoy this state for several minutes before my mother speaks.

  “Have any of the suitors caught your interest?”

  “They’re all nice,” I reply, my eyes still closed.

  “Nice?” she asks, confused. “Those men are more than nice. They’re incredibly handsome, talented, sophisticated, and all want you.”

  “If you weren’t already married, I’d tell you to marry one of them with the way you’re speaking about them.”

  Nina chuckles next to us, and I crack a smile.

  “Why do you challenge me on everything, daughter?”

  “It’s in my nature,” I reply playfully.

  “You’re too much like your father.”

  “I am,” I agree.

  Opening my eyes, I meet her gaze.

  “Which of the suitors would you choose for me?”

  “I don’t know them well enough to choose for you, but if I went on physical appearance and what their profiles from their Royal Houses say, I’d choose Malark or Kellan.”

  “Interesting. You’d be choosing wrong though. As handsome as Malark is, he kisses like a lizard eating its prey, and he’s hungry for the throne.”

  The women behind us break into brief giggles. Glancing at them, I give a stern expression.

  “Nothing that is spoken in this room leaves this room. Understood?”

  “Completely,” Lenny replies. The other two ladies nod in agreement, their expressions seemingly sincere.

  “Kellan would make a good choice. However, there isn’t great sexual chemistry between us.”

  “That can change,” my mother insists.

  “I’d rather not force it. I prefer it to be natural.”

  “All right. How about Luther and Riorrick?”

  “Luther is intelligent, passionate, and still a mystery to me. Riorrick is kind, thoughtful, and would care for his people, but when it comes to me, I’m not sure we’re a good match.”

  “Why not?”

  “He doesn’t have a fire in him.”

  “A fire? What do you mean?”

  “He lacks the drive, passion, strength, and adventure I crave in a man.”

  “He looks quite strong to me, and based on his trial, I’d say he has drive and can be adventurous.”

  Taking a drink, she looks at me over her glass as though she’s made a profound point.

  “Time will tell.”

  “Who did your body react to during the splendor ceremony?”

  Rolling my eyes, I lean my head back and ignore her question.


  “That’s none of your business.”

  “It’s completely my business. It’s my duty to help you choose a man who will be both a great King and a loving husband.”

  “What if I don’t choose any of them?” My gaze snaps to hers, curious of her response.

  “You’d be a fool. There’s a King and husband in at least one of those men if not more. Why in Anauka would you not choose one?”

  “Why do I need to choose one? Why do you believe I need a man by my side to rule Anauka? I would have the Royal Faction and my advisors. Why add the opinion of another man who could end up disagreeing with how I want to rule? What if my husband became my worst nemesis? Why not let me choose whom I want to marry? Why not let me choose true love?”

  “Stop this nonsense!” Setting her glass down on the edge, it makes a sharp ting. “Every woman needs her desires satisfied, and every ruler needs someone to balance them and keep them grounded. These men are the best Anauka has to offer. You’ll choose one and do what is right for Anauka. Stop being a selfish girl and think of your territory and your people.”

  Setting my glass down, I rise from the bench to leave the pool.

  “Darling,” my Nina calls sweetly.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” my mother asks, the irritation in her voice evident.

  “Back to my room. I don’t need your supervision. I have no intention of losing my purity to any of those men.”

  “But you’ll consider losing it to Matheas?”

  “Melinda!” Nina chides.

  My mother’s words abruptly stop my movement.

  “Why would you say that? I wouldn’t give my purity to any man. I would lose everything.”

  “I see the way he looks at you with such longing, and now you’re fighting to convince me you should be allowed to marry whomever you want. I’m not naïve, Fiora. I know you care for him.” She points to the bench. “Sit down.”

  I do, and we both take a breath, calming ourselves.

  “Whatever your feelings are for him, you can’t let them cloud your judgment. You’re going to be crowned Queen soon. Your desire for him will need to be set aside. Your first priority should be to your territory and your people, not your crush on a lifelong friend. I understand what draws you to him. Matheas is a stunning man, sexually experienced, strong, capable, and has your full trust. I understand the appeal, but he is not the only man capable of satisfying you and being King. The Royal suitors have been raised and trained to be King. Matheas has been trained to be your loyal advisor and bodyguard. He may be an impeccable arms man, but he is not meant to be King. The Royal houses would balk at your decision to marry him. You’d lose their loyalty. They would work against you to dethrone you and put one of their own sons in your place. Why put yourself through such tribulation when you can tactfully choose a man who will be loyal to both you and the crown?”

  With tears dampening my eyes, I stare back at her cerulean blues, filled with a mixture of concern and frustration for her own daughter.


  Words are caught in my throat, and I struggle to come up with a reply. As similar as I am to my father, I know I gained my quick, tactical wits from my mother. She’s a master of debate and has me tightly in her crosshairs.

  “It’s something you seriously need to think about, Fiora. Not choosing one of your suitors could destroy everything you’ve worked for. It could destroy your reign.”




  Entering my father’s sitting room, he stands and outstretches his long arms. Falling into them, I soak up the warmth and comfort of his hug. Releasing me, he sits and motions for me to take the chair next to him. Before us are two plates filled with delicious smelling breakfast food. Behind the table, the morning sun bursts through the glass window, casting warm rays over both of us.

  “You seem thoughtful this morning.”

  Curious eyes roam over my face. Lifting my fork, I gather a slice of ham.

  “I am. About many things.”

  “Share with me your thoughts and concerns.”

  “I’m torn between what is expected of me and what I want. No matter what choice I make, I’m going to get hurt.”

  “Being a monarch comes with great responsibility, but if your actions are intelligently placed, you could achieve both.” Staring at me, he admires my face with a father’s affection. “You want to be loved, don’t you?”

  “I do, by both my people and my King.”

  “As long as you make choices that keep the people of Anauka safe and prosperous, they will love you. Having someone by your side you can trust and who will protect you is what you’ll need for yourself. A great monarch can’t rule her house if she’s miserable.”

  Lowering my fork, I take a breath.

  “Sometimes, I wonder if you’re the only person who understands me.”

  With a loving touch, his hand pats mine.

  “What else is on your mind?”

  “Belore. He’s not the kind of man to stop going after what he wan
ts. Have you heard from King Beckett?”

  “No, I have not.” He takes a bite, then continues. “I have the same concerns as you. King Beckett isn’t as forward and bullheaded as his son, but he does worship his son as I do you. I fear he’ll make a poor decision to please his son.”

  “I assume you’ve already increased security on the Iowan border?”

  “I have.”

  “His trade route is through ours. We can systematically demolish all trade in and out of Iowan, putting his territory at serious risk if he were to make a move against us.”

  “They know this and will probably prepare an alternative source for trade if they attack.”

  “We should send drones to scout.”

  “And if the drones are spotted, what will be our explanation to King Beckett?”

  The door to my father’s sitting room opens. Tether enters, his brows tightly knitted together on his thin face.

  “Your Highness.”

  “Yes, Tether, what is it?”

  “An invitation. The date of Prince Belore’s coronation has been changed. They’re having it much sooner.”

  My father clicks his soul band. The screen appears, and with a few swipes, he brings up the virtual invitation. As he reads it, his eyes grow wide. With a click, the screen disappears. My father’s gaze drifts out the window, deep in thought.

  “How soon?” I ask them.

  “One week,” Tether replies.

  “We need to expect Belore has a plan.” My father’s attention returns to Tether. “Send the suicide drones to scout Iowan. I don’t want Belore or King Beckett to have any evidence we sent them.”

  “Done. And your reply to the invitation?”

  “Queen Melinda and I will attend.”

  “What about the request for Fiora to attend?”

  “She’ll be preparing for her own coronation.”

  My gaze whips to my father.

  “We’re moving up Fiora’s coronation. Two weeks from now.”


  His strong hand covers mine, comforting me.

  “It’s necessary, my sweet. You’re vulnerable as a Princess, but not as a Queen. The change in Belore’s coronation is a sign he intends to take action.”


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