Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1)

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Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1) Page 20

by Betty Shreffler

  “All my dealings will now be directly with you.”

  “I know you haven’t forgiven me for the groin shot, so why are you being so pleasant to me?”

  “I feel we can accomplish great things together.”

  “Like what?”


  In my attempt to jerk away from him, he grips me tight, firmly keeping me in place. Grazing his lips against my ear, he speaks with dangerous confidence.

  “Be careful who you choose tonight. The poor bastard won’t get to live long.”

  Fear rolls up my back, an endless wave of discomfort.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  His heated breath grates against my ear. “Rejecting my proposal humiliated me. Then you took it a step further, assaulting me in front of my soldiers, and let’s not forget the beating you instructed your arms men to give me. Now all I see when I look at you is a bitch I need to break. Whether it’s your territory or my cock shoved into your pussy, you will surrender to me.”

  “I suggest you take your filthy hands off me before I have you choking on your balls again. I’ll never submit to you. You’re a spoiled and arrogant tyrant.”

  Yanking myself from his hold, I search for Matheas. Belore’s grip circles around my wrist so tightly, I grimace.

  “When the time comes, I’m going to make you bleed.”

  “You can either leave Anauka voluntarily or I’ll happily have you forced out.”

  Demerick and Matheas are at my side instantly. Luther joins them. Each of them notices me rubbing my sore wrist. Belore puts up his hand, his smirk devilish.

  “No need for theatrics, gentleman. My father and I were just leaving.”

  Departing the dance floor, he approaches his father, telling him something private. With a snicker, His Majesty King Beckett rises from his chair. Both pass us, their stares menacing. The two guards join them, walking out of the ballroom behind them.

  “Make sure they leave,” I order.

  Matheas nods to Demerick, and he leaves the ballroom in the same direction as their group.

  “Let me see your wrist,” Luther reaches for it, examining the red marks. Gently, he rubs my skin, soothing the ache.

  “What did he say to you?” Matheas asks, his tone urgent and worried.

  “You were right about him. He’s intent on hurting me. He wasn’t short on threats.”

  Matheas looks directly at Luther.

  “If you think I’m leaving, I won’t be. You better come to terms with that.”

  “I already knew I would have to.”

  Staring at them, I feel like the outsider of a conversation they’ve already had. Unable to ask, my attention is drawn to my father approaching, his expression troubled.

  “Did King Belore and His Majesty leave the Imperial Ball?”

  “Yes, I requested he leave after he initiated several threats.”

  My father’s attention switches to Matheas immediately.

  “Did you have him escorted out of Anauka?”

  “Yes, Demerick is taking care of it as we speak.”

  “He’s dangerous, Matheas. She’ll need your protection, now more than ever.”

  “And she’ll have it,” he assures my father.

  The corner of his mouth lifts as he places a hand on Matheas’s shoulder.

  “I’d trust no one else more.”

  Luther watches their congenial gestures and conversation, observing it with intelligent eyes. He’s witnessing firsthand the level of trust and respect my father has for Matheas.

  “King Gregory, may I speak with you alone?” Luther asks.

  “Of course, but it must be quick. Fiora’s coronation is about to begin.”

  “Of course, Your Highness.”

  The two walk off, and I wish I could listen in on that conversation.

  “What do you think they’re talking about?” I ask Matheas.

  “If there’s a chance another arms man is capable of guarding you would be my guess.”

  When I look at him with a frown, he winks.

  “You have nothing to fear. Your father won’t replace me, especially not now. Starting tomorrow, we’ll need to begin plans to deal with Belore. How exactly did he threaten you?”

  “He wants to murder my future King, rape and possess me, and claim my territory.”

  With anger filling his eyes, they narrow, his thoughts moving quickly.

  “I have no doubt he’ll attack Anauka and come for you. We’ll need to reinforce our border and take proactive actions rather than reactive. We’ll need to consider attacking his territory first, using his own declaration as justification. You’ll need the support of the Royal Houses which will be difficult to receive with it being your first act as Queen, but your father and I will help you convince them.”

  “I believe I can always do what is necessary with you by my side.”

  Matheas steps closer, the heat between us unable to be ignored. Staring down at me, his eyes say everything he can’t.


  My gaze moves to my father.

  “It’s time,” he mouths.

  Matheas takes my hand, bringing it to his lips, the sudden pain in his eyes excruciating to see. When he let’s go, my heart is swallowed by misery. An echoing bell rings through the ballroom, and all sit to witness the coronation. Leaving Matheas behind, I place my hand in the crook of my father’s arm. We start at the end of the majesty’s path and walk with poise to the altar. There, a royal officiate awaits me.

  Stepping up onto the raised altar, my father leaves my side to join my mother. Together they stand to my left. To my right are the four suitors, given prior direction on how the coronation proceeding would go.

  The officiate hands me my first item, a heavy golden staff with an agate stone embedded in the top. Turning me to face the public, he begins his oration. Holding the staff in my hands, together in front of me, I look out over the crowd, searching for the one face I crave to see.

  “The Anaukin people are gathered here today to witness the passing of the crown from King to daughter. Having succeeded in her trials and believed suitable for ruling our territory, Fiora of House Tridore holds the Anaukin staff, a sign to us she will continue to bring our territory stability, strength, and balance.”

  As taught to me in preparation of this day, I turn to face him for my next item. Holding out my hand, he places an emerald ring on my right ring finger. Again, I shift to face the public.

  “Fiora of House Tridore has accepted the ring of life, a sign to us she will continue to bring our territory growth and wealth.”

  Turning to him for the last time, I lower myself, tilting my head toward him. Lifting the last item from the altar stand, he places the weighted, jeweled crown atop my head. Rising slowly, I face the public.

  “Fiora of House Tridore is adorned with the Anaukin crown. By accepting it, she has committed to ruling our territory with wisdom, honor, sensibility, and irrefutable devotion. Do you, Fiora of House Tridore accept your duty willingly?”

  With a breath, I look out over the audience with confidence.

  “I do.”

  “Then Anauka accepts you as her Queen.”

  A chorus of clapping moves through the ballroom. To my right, the royal officiate lays out the royal certificate. Taking the pen handed to me, I endorse the bottom, securing my fate with a simple stroke of ink. Folding the top and end toward one another, he seals it with the Royal stamp, then places it inside a box with a two-part code—fingerprint and numeric.

  By this time, the clapping and cheers have quieted. Setting the protected royal certificate aside, he gestures toward the second crown on the altar. It’s time to give up the one thing I’ve always wanted—the choice to choose who I want as my King.

  Every conversation, every person’s fear of my choice fills my heart, making it heavy with burden. Looking out at the crowd, I find Matheas standing to the side of the royal tables, the pain in his eyes so fierce, I can feel it from where
I stand. Heart shattering, I look over at the four suitors, hope filling the eyes of only one man. Holding my gaze hostage, he pleads for my heart to be his, and I feel that pull.

  Now, at this moment, I must find the strength to endure the repercussions of my actions. If I don’t take control of my choices from the very beginning of my reign, the Royal Houses will forever have power over me. Pulling my gaze from Luther’s, I look out into the crowd, my stance unwavering.

  “I choose Luther of House Cindora.”

  Every attendee in the room even from the Houses of the suitors not chosen applaud and cheer. As their voices quiet and Luther steps forward his eyes bright with joy, I continue.

  “As well as…Kellan of House Nevari.”

  The room becomes fluid with hushed voices and low chatter, unsure of how to respond. Both men approach, joining each side of me.

  “I hope you have a plan,” Kellan whispers.

  “As your Queen, it is my duty to ensure I choose a King who will be as devoted to me as he is to Anauka. During my reign, I wish to be a loving and just Queen. To fulfill my ambition, I must be able to choose a match that is undeniably suited for me. Until my heart and mind align on who that man is, I propose an engagement phase. A six-week phase which will include an engagement tour. At the end, I shall choose the suitor who owns my heart.”

  There’s a moment of pause, then the first clap begins, followed by a wave of applause. Sweeping my gaze to the left, I make eye contact with Matheas. A smile tilts the lips of his handsome face.

  Luther’s fingers lace through mine, bringing my attention to him. With confusion in his eyes, he stares at me. Mixed with that confusion is longing.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t let them control me. All I’ve ever wanted is the freedom of choice.”

  Squeezing my hand, he gives a half-smile, his eyes filling with affection.

  “I know. Your fierce independence is one of many reasons I’m falling in love with you, and with your choice tonight, I now know you’re falling for me too.”

  Unable to deny it, the corner of my mouth lifts as he leans down, kissing the soft spot behind my ear.

  Around us, the altar is empty. The remaining suitors, the royal officiate, and my parents have joined the energetic crowd, moving around the room. The only area clear of people is the red carpet. To my left, Kellan stands, eager for an explanation.

  “I’d like to speak with you both alone. Let’s leave the ballroom and find somewhere more private.”

  With their agreement, I set the staff on the altar before descending the stairs. The three of us walk the carpet, giving pleasantries and accepting congratulations on our way. Repeatedly excusing myself, we finally make it to the back of the ballroom. Slipping out, I lead them to the second-floor veranda, passing many arms men on the way. Once on the other side of the door, Kellan releases a discontented sigh.

  “Okay, explain your complete lapse of judgment.”

  Luther’s expression morphs quickly, becoming irritated.

  “You’re angry she chose you?”

  Kellan steps forward, placing his arm around my waist.

  “She and I,” he points his finger back and forth between us, “are not in love, you fool.”

  Luther’s state of confusion escalates, his expression revealing a total loss of understanding.

  “Do you truly not have any feelings for him?”

  “Oh, I’m fond of him, even adore him, but no, there is no romantic relationship between us.”

  Luther comes forward, wrapping his hands around my waist, pulling me to him. His mouth crashes into mine, devouring my lips with aggressive need. Kellan sighs loudly, and I giggle as our heated kiss ends.

  “Just making sure.” Luther eyes me salaciously.

  “Everyone can see the chemistry between you two. You’re like butter in a hot frying pan…sizzling. So, how is it we ended up in a trio engagement phase?”

  “I needed a way to be out from under the control of the Royal Houses. This was the best way to protect everyone. I promise, you and I will work out an arrangement to ensure your happiness.”

  With a wink in his direction, his shoulders lower, his stance becoming more relaxed.

  “I’m accepting this insanity only because I know you’ll deliver on that promise.”

  “You have my word.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Kellan, would you mind giving us a moment alone?” Luther asks politely.

  “Yes, but don’t keep my fiancée long. She and I have plans to make.”

  Winking, he turns, leaving us on the veranda. Once he’s gone, Luther wraps his arms back around my waist, bringing my body against his. Looking down at me, his grin is sexy, mischievous.

  “You know what this means?”


  “Now, I know I’m the only suitor you truly have feelings for.”

  Hand in my curls, he leans down, kissing me slowly, sensually, his lips a soft caress against my mouth. A boom echoes in the distance, and our kiss abruptly ends. Rushing to the railing, we look through the darkness in the direction of the sound. Lights of a large rover craft give away its location just before another shot blasts from the vessel. The blast hits the palace, the damage reverberating under our feet.

  “The ballroom!”

  Rushing from the veranda, we hurry down the staircase. Royals are rushing out, debris and paintings falling from the walls. My arm is grabbed swiftly, pulling me out of the way of a falling chunk of debris. Protectively, I’m held in Matheas’s arms.

  “It’s Belore, has to be. Demerick never came back and isn’t answering his coms.”

  Worry tightens my chest he’s right, and if he is, Demerick is dead. Grief consumes me, tears stinging my eyes. Another blast hits the front doors of the palace, jolting me in Matheas’s arms. Ahead of us, several Anaukin Royals collapse under fallen debris or from the damage of the weapon’s ammunition. Around us, it’s chaos—crying, screaming, the entrance of the palace ceiling falling in pieces.

  “My family!”

  Tugging from Matheas’s hold, I break free toward the ballroom doors, my fear and adrenaline rushing through me. Luther comes to my side, grabbing me. Instantly, Matheas’s arms are reaching for me.

  “Get her somewhere safe,” Luther orders. “I’ll find our families.” Luther leans forward, touching his lips to mine.

  “Please, be careful,” I beg him.

  With an arm around me, Matheas forces me into a run, away from the danger. The crown drops from my head, the gold metal a loud clink against the broken floor. As we flee, I give it a fleeting glance, my attention on Luther’s back as he runs into the ballroom, risking his life.

  “As soon as you can, Matheas, find out if they’re okay.”

  “I will. I promise you. Right now, I need to get you out of the palace.”

  Rushing us down the hall toward the kitchens, he stops us abruptly, raising his soul band up to the wall. A green light flickers in the panel, and I hear a click. Pushing on the wall, it releases to his pressure, revealing a hidden passage. Ducking me into it, he closes it behind us, locking it again. We both ignite light from our soul bands, using it to see our way down the tunnel. Behind us, from the direction we came, I hear more screaming, and I turn back, desperate to know if my family is safe. Matheas turns me to face him, placing his hands on my face. Staring up at his resolute gaze, I see the determination and love in his eyes.

  “We can’t go back. I can’t lose you, Fi. Belore is coming. We don’t have much time.”

  Taking my hand, he forces me into a run. Coms come through Matheas’s soul band, Pollo’s broken voice barely understandable.

  “Matheas… get ’er…out of… ’nauka… ’ake our ’ueen to… the Free ’erritory.”

  Nothing else comes through, static noise is all we hear until Matheas turns off his coms. Through the dark tunnel, we run for several minutes until reaching another wall. Placing his soul band to it, another green light flickers on the panel, giv
ing him the ability to press against it, opening it to the farthest side of the gardens, away from the palace. Quickly putting us into another run, he leads me through a trail covered by vegetation and trees. At the end of the trail, we break through to a clear opening where a rover craft is waiting for us. Clicking his soul band, the doors lift open for us.

  Rushing into it, the doors auto close. Securing my belt, I stare out the window as the rover craft takes us into the air. With our view from above, I’m able to see the damage and ongoing destruction of my home. Tears spill from my eyes when I see the bodies scattered across the courtyard. My heart is swollen with fear.

  “We need to go back for them! Our brothers.” Looking over at him, I plead with him.

  Tears well in his own eyes. Taking my hand, he squeezes it.

  “I’m so sorry, Fi, my duty is to you.”

  The rover craft flies through the air, its speed rapidly taking us out of Anauka. Agonizingly, I watch out the window, witnessing another explosion. Tears fall heavily, my heart shattering into a million tiny fragments.

  To Be Continued...

  Turn the page to order Twice Claimed!



  Thank you for reading Claimed Royalty! I hope you enjoyed Fiora’s journey so far and the incredible love that she and Matheas share. I had an absolute blast writing this series and as a pantser, have been as surprised by the twists of events as you have been! The next book in the Crowned and Claimed Series is Twice Claimed. We’ll follow Fiora as she begins her reign, meets an unexpected ally, experiences her darkest moment, the sacrifices she’ll make to combat Belore’s tyranny, and the many steamy scenes along her journey to a happily ever after.

  Order Twice Claimed now!

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  If you loved Claimed Royalty, and want to check out my other sexy and suspenseful stories:

  You might like the dark and dangerous forbidden romance of When Hunter Meets Seeker. She was meant to see him as the enemy, but instead her body longs for him in ways she’s never experienced.

  Or if you’re looking for something passionate and heartbreakingly beautiful, fall in love with a swoonworthy cowboy in Fire on the Farm, or a charming and perfectly sculpted kickboxing instructor in Unbreak This Heart.


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