Bonded In Shadows: A Shadow Unit Novella

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Bonded In Shadows: A Shadow Unit Novella Page 6

by Tigris Eden

  Jesminda buried her head into Draven’s chest and inhaled deeply. This was her home and he was her comfort. Without him, she would be only half a person.

  “Then act like it. Show me that your family means more to you than your pack.”

  She turned to walk away from him, but once again, he pulled her into his chest, her back to his front. His hands slid down the sides of her arms to tangle with her hands. He lifted their arms to wrap her in a tangled embrace. His lips hot on her skin.

  “This is not the way to handle your mate. I can’t be made to heel with sex.”

  “Who said anything about sex?”

  The stubble on his chin tickled her neck. Goose bumps puckered her skin and spread over her body. This was insane! They needed to talk this out. Asia was a huge red light for her.

  “Let’s not fight, chère. Let me make this up to you. I will prove to you that you and Faith mean the world to me, but I also need you to understand, that with wolves, the pack works as a unit. We’re a tight knit society that help each other. It’s hard-wired into my genetic make-up to want to provide for the pack, more so than usual because I’m next in line to lead.”

  He kissed along her shoulder, running his lips back and forth over her skin. He was saying something, but she couldn’t make out what. Her body ached to be filled, she needed to reconnect with him. As long as what he said was true she could deal, she could find a way to accept the way things were within the pack. All she wanted was for their family, Faith and her, to come first. To be a priority in his life, and for him to bother taking the time to consider her feelings.

  “Are you gonna fight me Jes?” She didn’t answer, but let out a moan instead.

  She was all for not fighting.

  Gah! She loved his cajun drawl. When his voice dropped lower, his accent became more pronounced, making her liquid.

  “What’s with the accent?”

  She felt him smile against her shoulder.

  “It’s because I’m home. Back with the pack. Horny as hell for you ma belle.”

  “You want to make love? Now? During a fight?”

  “We’re not fighting, just not seeing eye to eye.” He said against her shoulder before her nipped her neck.

  “Then get rid of the bitch.”

  “Fuck!” He stepped back and raked a hand through his hair tugging on the ends. “You’re not going to let this go are you, you’re taking this too damn far Jes. We’re only going to be here for a couple more days and then it’s back to Texas. Back to our lives.”

  Chapter 5

  “You should pack up and go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under,” Royce said to Asia.

  The nerve of the chick showing up and trying to drive a wedge between his friends. Her intentions were clear. Royce could read her mind from miles away. She only wanted Draven back because he was next in line to lead. There was something else she was hiding, but her mind was so mucked up with junk he didn’t have time to wade through it all. Asia’s thoughts were spiteful and unnecessary. She’d known what she was doing when she’d leapt into Draven’s arms. The other woman had not only smelled Jes all over Draven but seethed under the skin because of it.

  “Faith’s ceremony is in two days. Everyone who’s anyone will be here to welcome Faith to the pack.”

  Royce’s brother grabbed her arm shoving the woman towards the opposite direction of the main house.

  “You need to get gone. We know exactly what you’re thinking. It’s not going to work. Draven will choose Jesminda over you every time. You don’t matter.” Ronin said darkly.

  Why anyone wanted to bring their child into a swamp for a celebration, was lost on him. Why couldn’t they have the party back on base, or at the Stone’s house in Texas? It wasn’t as if they needed to be in Shreveport, let alone, this muddy stretch of land that was an island unto itself. The trees were draped in moss and gave the compound a dark feel. Something was off about this place, and Royce didn’t like it.

  “Stop shoving me around, before I rip your fucking throat out.” Asia growled, her claws lengthening to back up her threat.

  “Bad move dog. On all counts.” Ronin said behind gritted teeth. There was a reason why Royce didn’t manhandle women. He lacked the finesse his brother had. Ronin literally would walk up in a females face and slap the shit out of her. He would do it in a heartbeat if he felt the woman deserved it. Royce, on the other hand, was known to be a bit more out of control. Asia wouldn’t appreciate his lack of restraint. Ronin controlled his darkness. He didn’t. He and his brother had a knack for acting out, but what most people, immortals included forgot was they were animals. Immortals had some set of morals and tended to blend in naturally. Were able to hide in plain sight, their social norms closely in match to that of mortals. He and his brother in their true form were animals, they functioned on what they needed, wanted. Not what was expected of them. They wore a mask, and a very good one. But once in their true form, they’d kill any and everything if it meant life would be easier. Royce crossed his arms over his chest and watched as the two of them squared off.

  “You won’t touch me.”

  “Lady, I’ll touch you in ways that will make your head hurt, and I don’t mean that as a come on. I mean that in the literal sense that you will be dead. D-E-A-D. Dead.”

  The air around Ronin shifted slightly with agitation. The hair on the back of Royce’s neck stood at attention. If the girl knew what was good for her, she would tuck tail and run. Far.

  “I’m leaving, but I’ll be back.”

  “No, you won’t. Not unless you’re invited.” Ronin spit inches from her shoe on the ground and kicked dirt over it. “And since I’m one of Jesminda’s closest friends, I will see to it that you’re not invited. Be a smart blonde and get ghost before you get more than your feelings hurt.”

  Ronin turned away from her, but Royce watched as she stormed away in the direction of the woods, where the cabins were located.

  “We need to find Belinda.”

  Royce barely caught the tail end of Asia’s thought as he headed inside, but he thought he heard something along the lines of, “you’ll be sorry.” She was the one that would be sorry if she kept playing this game.

  Royce followed his brother into the house and found Bells in the kitchen drinking tea with Mara.

  “Aah two of my wayward boys have finally come to visit their old Mara.”

  “You’re not old until you die, and Mara, you don’t look a day over thirty.” Royce kissed her forehead as he pulled Draven’s mother into a hug.

  “I’ll pour you both a cup.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Both brothers said at the same time.

  “My, my, aren’t you two the gentlemen.” Bells remarked sarcastically.

  “We are baby. You know this to be true.” Royce sat down at the table and pulled her into his lap. He loved the way she smelled, warm and sexy. “Give me some sugar.” Bells bent forward, and he kissed her, soundly and thoroughly before allowing her to come up for air. He felt energized in her presence. Loved the feel of her skin. When he released her, her violet eyes were soft and loving.

  “You can do that again anytime you like.” Bells said bending towards his neck, kissing him there softly before twisting in his arms.


  Royce smiled when his brother grabbed her around the neck and gently coaxed her out of his lap. Ronin enfolded her into his arms and nuzzled her neck.

  The sound of a teacup shattering alerted the three of them as they turned to see the look of horror on Mara’s face.

  “What do the three of you think you’re doing?” Mara demanded. “Not in my house! Under my roof! Show some respect! I don’t care if the three of you are joined at the hip. There will be none of that while my grandbaby is roaming these halls.”

  The three of them were silent, and Royce tried to think how they could have offended Mara. They’d kissed plenty of times in front of Faith. Bells was the first to utter her apologies. Royce and hi
s brother followed suit.

  “Don’t apologize. I could care less what happens behind closed doors, but we’ll not be confusing Faith.”

  He wanted to tell her that wasn’t going to happen until the object of their conversation walked into the kitchen.

  “Not confuse me about what?”

  Bena was following close behind. The beautiful bird with its bright red feathers walked straight past Faith and right into Bells, literally. There had to be skin showing in order for Bena to return to her owner, and the bird found it on the side of Bells exposed hip, where Ronin’s hand was currently rubbing.

  “Did you wear Bena out Faith?”

  “No, I can’t fit her; she’s not a dress. We were listening to Justin Bieber.”

  Everyone in the kitchen erupted in laughter. Of course, Bena wanted to go back on Bell’s skin, her ears were probably bleeding.

  Faith smiled at the laughter and walked over to where Ronin stood and smiled up at him.

  “Uncle Ro Ro?”

  “Yes, Princess.”

  “Make Justin Bieber come to my party.”

  “I don’t know, curly cue.” Ronin tugged on her hair. “That’s quite the order you put in.”

  “Well I want him.”

  “You most certainly do not!” Royce cut in.

  Everyone turned in his direction, eyes all wide. Had he screamed?

  “Why not?” Faith pouted.

  “Because Bieber is a douche and spends his money on night walkers.”

  “Night walkers?” Faith eyes lit up. “You mean he spends money on Uncle Dietrich?”

  That earned another round of laughter at the thought of Dietrich as a prostitute. He was a walker but, not of the night.

  “No sweetie,” Bells bent down, eye level to Faith. “Not like Uncle Dietrich.” Faith tilted her head to the side in question and waited for Bells to continue. “Um, it’s when a guy pays for women to do things to him.”

  “Do things?” The little girl’s voice rose in question again. Royce knew that Faith’s twenty questions could go on forever if they let it. So, he quickly put a stop to it.

  “Justin Bieber has cooties.” Royce said.

  That seemed to work, Faith heard the term enough to know that it was something bad. Her little nose scrunched up, and Royce wanted to kiss her. She was the cutest thing ever. He was eager to have kids with Belinda, but knew she wasn’t ready yet. Though one could certainly get used to the idea of holding a little girl with violet eyes.

  “Cooties? Really?”

  They all nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Ewwww! I don’t want cooties at my party. Yuck!” Faith scrunched her face up, and her beautiful green eyes squinted until they were tiny slits. “Who’s gonna sing at my party then?”

  “Easy, we’ll get your mommy to sing.” Bells answered.


  Then Faith was gone, running past her grandmother heading upstairs.”

  “Kids.” Ronin said looking down at Belinda.

  “Yeah, kids.” Bells said as she leaned into Ronin’s shoulder.

  “Let us help you clean the glass up Mara.” Royce said, still staring at Belinda. She didn’t look happy at the mention of kids.

  # # #

  “Jes. Look at me, please.”

  Draven turned her around gently lifting her face to meet his gaze. She’d been giving him the silent treatment and had no intention of breaking it anytime soon.

  “What?” Push over. She scolded herself.

  “We have to fix this. I don’t like arguing with you.”

  “I thought we weren’t arguing. I thought we just weren’t seeing eye to eye. I don’t like you right now, so we both don’t like something about the other.”

  Draven threw his head back and laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Petal, when you’re pouting, your brows scrunch up. It’s cute.”

  “Shut up.”

  Draven pulled Jes into a tight hug. She could feel the matching rhythm of their hearts. Smelled the sweat on his skin. She could feel everything, his strength, the sturdiness of his legs and the raw power that radiated outward towards her. The heat from his body alone was enough to have her weak in the knees, but instead of succumbing to him, she wanted to get away. Far away. She needed to think. The mark on her hip warmed, reminding her that they were tied to one another.

  “I need to be inside you Jes. Show you that you’re the only one for me. My life begins and ends with you.” The words were whispered against her lips, causing uncontrollable shivers to race through her body in fiery waves. Draven nuzzled the side of her neck before biting down on her shoulder. She tried to untangle herself from his massive body, but he wouldn’t relinquish his hold on her.

  “I’m not going to let you go.” He said in a husky voice. She felt the vibration of his words against her skin.

  She squirmed again. It was useless.

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because I need you, you need me.”

  “Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that.”

  “Jes, really, do you think you can get away from me?”

  She could if he would loosen his grip.

  “Maniac.” She said against his chest.

  “Only because you make me that way.”

  Draven dipped his head stealing the breath from her lungs as he devoured her with his kiss.

  Damn, trying to think with his mouth on hers like that was impossible.

  Their tongues tangled, fusing in an earth-shattering kiss that built until every thought melted away into nothing. She was liquid against his body. Unable to support herself any longer, Jes grabbed onto his shoulders and threw herself into the kiss. Draven took it deeper, his tongue stroking hers in a show of dominance. He grabbed a fist full of her hair tugging her head in the direction he wanted her to go. Fisting the strands tighter and turning her this way and that, trying to devour her, pulling her deeper and deeper under his spell.

  “Clothes off, now.” He said with difficulty against her lips. His hands went to her shirt pulling it over her head, followed by her bra until finally there was nothing between her skin and Draven’s clothes. His shirt rubbed deliciously along her breast, stiffening her nipples, making her weaker as he pulled her back to ravage her with another kiss. All the disagreements they’d ever had somehow ended with her in a state of undress. Strong capable hands grabbed her ass lifting her into his arms.

  “Wrap your legs around me Petal.”

  Like she was going to do anything else.

  They were both strongly attracted to each other, it didn’t take much for them to get in the mood. Draven told her all she had to do was walk into a room, and he was ready to fuck her. For Jes, it was his smell and his strong hands. No foreplay necessary. Draven took a step back and walked them over to the bed. He didn’t break their connection as he placed a knee on the mattress lying her down on the sheets, and moving the luggage out of the way.

  “You’re beautiful, Petal,” he said against her lips. “I’m gonna make you scream my name chère, till I’ve broken through all your walls.”

  There was that accent again. Thick, rough, soothing to her ears. Jes made a mental note to have him talk dirty to her with his honey coated voice during all their upcoming sexual activities.

  ‘Take off your clothes Draven.” She ordered, watching as the muscles in his neck flexed, his adam's apple sliding up and down the column of his throat. He wanted her bad, but was trying to take it slow.

  Instead of heeding her command, his hands slid up the sides of her body. Jes arched off the bed as his hands glided down, then back up again. His touch electrifying her every nerve. His hands were splayed wide, gripping her skin with bruising force as his breath sawed in and out of his chest. Hot puffs of air coated her skin as he made his way down her jaw to her collarbone. Her breath hitched before a husky moan rolled its way up her throat. Jes closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again to see Draven’s wolf hoveri
ng underneath the surface of his skin. His wolf growled its appreciation, and as she looked closer, she saw the tale-tell signs of his hair thickening, and his teeth lengthening as his wolf joined the action.

  His mouth covered a nipple and sucked. Jes cried out at the feeling as heat shot straight to her core, softening her further. The hair on his head tickled her chin as he plucked one nipple with sure fingers and nipped the other with his teeth. She watched mesmerized as a fang punctured the swell of her breast. She was hypnotized as a thin well of blood rose to the surface and quickly spilled over the side in an intoxicating rivulet. His tongue chasing the crimson bead as it slid down her skin.

  “That feels good.”

  “Mmm, you taste good,” Draven mumbled against her skin. Every touch, every sound had her body twisting and turning trying desperately to get closer to the source of her pleasure. The anger she’d felt early evaporating into a cloud of sexual desperation.

  His lips made a path further south, kissing her stomach, the sides of her ribs, her belly button. Draven kissed every inch of her skin leaving no area untouched by the warmth of his lips. His clothes were sweet torture against her own bare, heated flesh. When his mouth latched onto her hip and sucked, her thighs shook. She opened her mouth on a silent scream of pleasure when he bit down harshly before dragging his lips across her tender skin. Moving from left to right and back again, he repeated the process over both of her hips until she was unable to hold back her cries of pleasure. She wanted him lower, needed him to touch the part of her that was on fire. His hands roughly pushed her thighs further apart while his eyes locked on hers. Green backlit by the gold clashed wither her own eyes as he opened her fully, both physically and emotionally. Breaking down all of her defenses.

  Jes couldn’t take her eyes off of his face when his gaze dropped between her legs. She could do nothing but watch as Draven’s finger parted her saturated folds, opening her wider to his touch. He stroked her from the top of her clit to the bottom of her ass where his finger fluttered over the puckered entrance.


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