Bonded In Shadows: A Shadow Unit Novella

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Bonded In Shadows: A Shadow Unit Novella Page 8

by Tigris Eden

  Her cell alerted her to an incoming text, reaching over Royce’s shoulder, she grabbed her cell off the nightstand.

  Gabe: You awake?

  Bells: Yeah, why r u texting me?

  Gabe: Wanted to check in with you and the twins. Make sure they were treating you right.

  Bells: Don’t you have a recruit to find?

  Gabe: Yup.

  Bells: Drama at the compound. Can you look something up for me with your contacts?

  Gabe: Sure, what’s up?

  Bells explained what happened at dinner, and Gabe promised he would see what he could find out on a Leviratus.

  “You always text another man when you’re already in bed with two?” Royce asked as he pulled her into his arms and snuggled deeper into the blanket. Bells smirked as she snuggled into Royce’s embrace.

  “Only when they’re over six and half feet tall with wings of dark ash and have a body to die for.” Bells said jokingly.

  “You’re going to pay for that.” Ronin said on her other side.

  “Oh please Mr. Feral, don’t hurt me.” Belinda mocked as Ronin’s fingers danced across her hip.

  Royce bit her shoulder making her squeal in delight. Both of these men would belong to her permanently. They would merge their souls for all eternity. She couldn’t have been happier with her choice of mates in this life and the next.

  “Brother, get the bag.” Royce said pulling the covers off her and making her squeal like a little girl.

  “My pleasure.”

  And pleasure her they did, for long hours into the morning.

  # # #

  The airport was packed mid-morning as they waited for her parents to disembark from their plane. Jes played a game of goldfish with Faith while Draven watched his mate and his daughter with loving eyes. This was his family. His mate, his child, they were everything to him. Going back to the compound had been a mistake, but he hadn’t lied when he said Faith needed to do her spirit walk there. Why his father was pulling this shit with the Leviratus was lost on him. As if he would even consider taking another mate. Such a thing hadn’t been done in over a hundred years. Why would his father think to enact that law now? What was really going on?

  “Their plane is disembarking,” Draven said.

  “Hey, I have a question.” Jes said after she asked Faith if she had any sevens.

  “Go fish mommy.”

  “What’s your question?” Draven asked. He was watching as people came and went through the double doors of the airport., keeping his eyes peeled for Jes’ parents.

  “How come you can go on airplanes? I was thinking on the drive over, we met in Belize, but if I remember correctly, flying isn’t exactly a werewolf’s thing. You refused to fly to pick up Faith.”

  She was right, most werewolves didn’t or wouldn’t fly unless they had to. Having so many people and inanimate objects in one place threw off a Lycan’s sense of smell. Almost made them feel as if they were drunk and not able to function properly. So to avoid this, they just didn’t travel by plane if at all possible. But the unit administered a special serum they gave him before he travelled by means of air. It allowed him to keep his equilibrium but it still dulled his senses.

  He smiled. Nothing every made it past her notice for long.

  “I can fly. I just prefer to do so privately. I don’t like being in big crowds, and the reason we drove to get Faith instead of taking a plane, was because I needed more time to convince you that you were mine, not because I was afraid of flying.”

  “Sneaky bastard.”

  “I don’t call it sneaky, I call it a game plan. For my efforts, I did get you and Faith out of the deal.”

  Jes rolled her eyes.

  “Mommy do you have a King?” Faith asked, drawing back her mother’s attention.

  “Go fish.” Jes said, continuing to scan the crowd.

  “Go get your family. Faith and I will be right here when you get back babe.”

  “You’re not coming with me?” She asked him, a slight furrow between her brows.

  “Nah, parents tend to like me better if I’m not standing. I want your family to like me. Faith can stay here. The amount of people in there is sure to throw off her sense of smell and agitate her wolf as it does mine anyway.”


  Draven laughed as he watched her exit the car and head towards the luggage carousel. He didn’t know how everything was going to work itself out, but he hoped it all would be okay.

  # # #

  Jes was nervous as she waited for her family. She felt alienated and a bit aloof about the entire ordeal. As far as her family was concerned, she’d only talked to them over the phone in the last five years. To them she would seem different. She still hadn’t told her family everything that had gone down between her and Marcus. All they knew was he died suddenly. Though her mother made her dislike over her new relationship with Draven clear, she still had high hopes.

  Her mother was a firm believer in fixing all marital problems no matter the issue. It was how her grandmother dealt with her abusing grandfather. To Enola it was better to stay in a relationship no matter the price than to get out before things got really rough. So not admitting Faith wasn’t Marcus’ biological daughter made their entire situation worse. That was her fault, no one else’s and she’d deal with that after they were settled. She watched as humans walked from left to right, getting their luggage, or stopping to ask questions of the various airport employees. Humans. Something she wasn’t anymore. She was an anomaly, a foreigner even to her fellow immortals. They’d barely scratched the surface of what she was capable of and she hadn’t told anyone but Ann, the units resident shrink, how frightened she was of her new life. Minutes passed, and Jes seriously thought about turning around, getting back in the car and just driving off. She didn’t want her family in her world. They wouldn’t survive. She was barely surviving. Dealing with Faith being a werewolf was hard enough, but now having to deal with the immortal community with her eyes wide open was something she didn’t want to contend with. She could smell her grandmother before she even made it down the elevator. Lately all her senses were going haywire, everything was sharper, clearer, and there were a few times she thought she saw someone there that wasn’t. That was something she’d told no one about.

  Inara Ashant didn’t look a day over sixty and was healthier than an ox. Inara’s chocolate brown skin was smooth and wrinkle free, her auburn hair only had hints of grey at the sides and her wide brown eyes still sparkled with mischief. Jes watched as her grandmother strode to her with purpose, elation evident on her face at seeing her granddaughter.

  “Tifi,” her grandmother whispered as she threw her arms around her and squeezed tight. “It’s so good to hold you.” The older woman took a step back, and Jes knew her grandmother was sizing her up, taking in every feature.

  “You have a look about you now,” Inara said raising an eyebrow. “A look of change on ya my gyal.”

  “It’s been five years, of course I’ve changed.”

  “No gyal this is different, rare. We’ll be having a conversation soon. Come and kiss me like you miss me tifi.”

  Jes kissed her grandmother on both cheeks. The smile on her face quickly died when she noticed her mother’s scowling face. Her father was over by the luggage talking to none other than Cyrian. What is he doing here? Jes thought. There was no reason for him to be here, he wasn’t invited.

  “Well, are you just going to look past me to your father and Cyrian, or are you going to acknowledge that I’m standing right here?”

  Jes looked at her mother and tried to paste a friendly smile on her face. They’d never gotten along well, even when she’d been a young girl. Her mother was coarse and hard-hearted. The complete opposite of her father. Enola Ashant had a classical look to her, regal nose, arched manicured brows and her skin always that reddish-brown that seemed to glow in the suns light. Her light brown eyes were harsh and assessing as she made her way over to stand in front of Je

  “Sorry mother, how are you?”

  “I’m tired that’s what. I hope we’re staying somewhere with running water. I’m not looking forward to roughing it out in some swamp.”

  Of course, her mother would think they were staying some place without plumbing.

  “I assure you mother, you’ll be completely happy with the accommodations.”

  Her mother gave her an eye roll that clearly dismissed her. There was nothing she could do to make the other woman happy or warmer with her affections. Jes had given up years ago. Her father was headed in her direction when he stopped abruptly, dropped the luggage and eyed her from head to toe, before saying.

  “How’s my baby girl,” his voice soothing to her ears. His arms, even better, as he pulled her to him in a bear hug.

  “Hey daddy. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Joseph Zealand was an imposing figure. Tall with a cultured manor, but down to earth. His wavy brown hair and hazel eyes shined with warmth and love. Jes realized she’d missed her father most of all. He’d been her protector growing up.

  Her mother snorted at them and walked toward the exit. Jes didn’t know why every time her mother talked, it made her feel like she was all of two inches tall. Whether it was a look or spiteful words, Enola had the power to make her feel crappy.

  “What about me Jes? Got any words for me?”

  This came from Cyrian, a longtime friend of hers. One she now knew was an immortal. He ran Odessa’s, a club she once thought just threw weird parties once a year during the Erotic Carnival in Belize, but five years ago she found out that it was a club for immortals. She’d known him her entire life, and it should have been a dead giveaway he hadn’t aged. As he stepped closer, he eyed her from head to toe and she had to fight the urge to rub her hands over her arms in a nervous gesture as his scrutinizing gaze roamed over her.

  “Cyrian, it’s good to see you. I had no idea you were coming.”

  “I wanted to surprise you, the last time you were home we only had the one conversation, and then there was the incident at the club.” He said cryptically.

  So he knew that she knew he wasn’t human.


  “Yes, well, everything is fine.”

  “Is it?”

  “Yes. How long are you staying?”

  “As long as I like.” He shot back, crossing his arms over his massive chest, a stubborn scowl marring his face.

  “Hopefully not too long.” Why was he even here, she hadn’t invited him to Faith’s party. They were friends, but she was still stewing over the realization that he’d lied to her. She knew Draven and him were friends, but he would have told her if he’d invited Cyrian to Faith’s party.

  “Like I said, I’ll be here as long as I like.” She could feel the temperature in the air drop to an icy cold, it settled painfully against her skin. Jes balled her fists at her sides. She wasn’t going to act out in front of her family.

  “You two stop arguing. I want to see Faith.” Her father said as he pulled their luggage behind him.

  She was nervous, and didn’t realize how nervous she was until they approached the vehicle and her mother noticed Draven in the front seat with Faith in his lap. Their heads were bent as they talked.

  “Who is that?” Her mother asked sternly.

  Jes knew Draven heard when he turned his head sharply in their direction. She watched as he deposited Faith back in her seat and then stepped out of their car. God he was tall. She’d forgotten how intimidating he must seem to outsiders. All that man, all that power. He was a predator and played the best game of chase. An involuntary shudder had her closing her eyes briefly. He exuded so much confidence and arrogance, there were times Jes wanted to kick him in the shin. To someone that didn’t know who or what he was, he was imposing, scary, and oozed an attitude that screamed, “fuck off.” He had a savage look about him that was marauding and it put off negative vibes. She wanted her parents to like him, not fear him. Well, not her mother, but she really wanted her father to like him.

  “Mother, I’d like you to meet Draven Stone.”

  “Mrs. Zealand, it’s an honor to meet you.”

  Her mother sized him up from head to toe before speaking.

  “Doubtful. I’m sure by the end of our visit you won’t feel the same way.”

  “Enola, this young man has done nothing to you. Apologize.” Jes’ father warned.

  “It’s quite alright, Mr. Zealand.” Draven stuck out his hand, taking hold of her father’s. She caught sight of her dad eyeing Draven with approval. The thought of her father not liking Draven never crossed her mind. She could care less about her mother not liking her mate, that was a given. Her mother didn’t like anyone. But she was pleased that Draven and her father were getting off to a good start.

  Draven looked over her father’s shoulder and arched a brow in Cyrian's direction.

  “You’re a nosy piece of work, aren’t you?” Draven said to Cyrian.

  “I put two and two together. You’re seeing a new woman, her having a kid and celebrating a birthday. I figured it out when Jesminda’s grandmother stopped by for her weekly chat.”

  “You two boys know each other?” Inara said with a gleam in her eye.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Well, this is going to be a trip to remember. Draven, young man, you’ll be leading the way for my tired old bones so that I can sit next to the newest member of your pa- I mean family.”

  That was odd Jes thought. She could have sworn her grandmother was going to say pack, as if she knew Draven was a werewolf.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Draven opened the door, and Faith reached her hand across to help her great-grandmother through the door.

  “Hello.” Faith said with a bright smile on her face.

  Her family had never seen Faith before, and Jes wondered how everyone would act. No one said a word as they eyed first Faith and then Draven.

  “She’s yours?” Jes’ mother questioned.

  “Yes, Faith is my daughter. Jes and I became separated after I was called back from my trip to Belize due to uncontrollable circumstance. I had no idea she was pregnant, I would have never left had I known. We ran into each other a couple of months back, and basically picked up where we left off. Love at first sight, right Petal?”

  “Yes baby, love at first sight.”

  Enola turned disappointing eyes on Jes.

  “You lied to your family. Why would you disgrace us in this manner?”

  “Can we talk about this another time? I don’t wish to discuss things like this in front of my daughter.”

  Her father squeezed her arm lightly and kissed the top of her head.

  “Let’s get everyone in the car and settle in for the drive.”

  Inara cooed and squealed with happiness when Faith gave her a hug and cuddled next to the older woman. Something her daughter wasn’t quick to do with everyone. Her father had actual tears in his eyes as he gazed down at her while her mother simply looked on with a frown. The only other person that appeared skeptical about the entire ordeal was Cyrian. He sat in the very back of the SUV, watching everything with a calculating gaze, as if her were taking in tidbits of information and filing them away in his mind for later use. It made Jes feel uneasy.

  Chapter 8

  The best cure for getting out of bed in the morning was energized sex, Bells thought to herself. The three of them were given their own cabin the night before, away from the rest of the pack, and the twins had commenced with what they called an R&R sandwich. She wasn’t complaining. She was satisfied having been loved all morning.

  They’d tried something a little different this time around. They had never used silk before. She’d been tied by rope, handcuffed to the bed, even strapped to a bed, but silk, that was new. Bells had been excited by the thought, but when Ronin knelt behind her in all his naked glory wrapping the black silk around her neck twice, and crisscrossing it over his shoulders as he walked over to a hoo
k that was embedded into the wall, she’d become hesitant. Royce told her not to move. That if she did, he would remove the silk.

  She was immortal and knew that she wouldn’t come to any serious harm, but damn, silk wrapped around her neck was not her idea of a good time.

  Ronin returned after adjusting the silk and kneeled in front of her, holding the two ends of like reigns for a horse as he leaned back on his heels getting into position in front of her.

  “Wrap your cunt around my cock, Deva,” Ronin whispered in her ear. When he leaned forward it loosened the silk at her neck, but when he pulled away, her airways were restricted.

  “Easy, princess. I would never hurt you,” he crooned as she’d situated herself above him. Slowly, she’d guided Ronin inside. The folds of her pussy parting to allow him entrance. She burned for him in a place that only he was able to set fire to. She felt Royce at her back, and knew without a doubt she was in for a sexual awakening.

  “Trust us to care for you baby. We’re in control. Give over to it and feel what it is we’re offering.” Royce said against her shoulder. She could hear the silk sliding against his skin as he settled behind her.

  The bed dipped dangerously with the three of them in the center, but that didn’t stop them from loving her. They commanded her body, as she became a slave to her lust and they were the only ones who could sate it. Ronin controlled her breaths with the silk wrapped securely around her throat. He decided the amount of air she was allowed to have. Warm fingers slick with lube prepared her ass, before Royce slowly pushed into her rear. There was always the slightest hint of pain before it gave way to an almost unbearable pleasure. The twins worked in tandem as they moved inside of her. In and out, in and out. It was the sweetest torture. There movements slow and exact, all while Ronin controlled the silk around her neck. Bells wrapped her legs tighter around his waist, and locked her arms over his shoulders as Royce held her up between them with an arm banded around her waist.


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