The Poison Squad

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The Poison Squad Page 38

by Deborah Blum

  28: National Archives, Records of the Patent and Trademark Office.

  29: By U.S. FDA, via Wikimedia Commons.

  30: U.S. Food and Drug Administration, via Wikimedia Commons.

  31: William Howard Taft and Elihu Root seated at desk, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-66346.

  32: New Wine In Old Bottles, by Darling in the Des Moines Register and Leader, reproduced in the Literary Digest, December 25, 1909. Via Wikimedia Commons.

  33: Cartoon by Clifford Berryman, from the Washington Star, March 1912.

  34: National Archives, Records of the Food and Drug Administration, 1908.

  35: Mrs. H. W. Wiley and John and Harvey, by Underwood & Underwood, Washington, D.C. 1920. Library of Congress, National Woman’s Party Records, Manuscript Division

  36: The Tacoma Times, March 23, 1912, p. 5, image 5. Library of Congress, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

  37: U.S. postage stamp of Harvey W. Wiley, June 27, 1956. Designed by Robert Miller, engraved by C.A. Brooks. Via Wikimedia Commons.

  38: Portrait of Harvey Washington Wiley from The World’s Work, via Wikimedia Commons.



  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  Accum, Fredrick, 14

  acetic acid, 3

  Act for Preventing Adulteration in Food and Drink (Great Britain), 15

  Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 258

  Addams, Jane, 109

  “Adulteration of Food, The” (Wiley), 39

  adulteration of foods

  Accum’s analyses, 14

  Angell’s charges, 15

  butter/oleomargarine and, 24–27

  coffee and, 36–38

  deaths in Great Britain and, 14–15

  exhibit on, at Pan-American Exposition of 1901, 76

  Farmer’s cookbooks warning of dangers of, 100

  flour and, 60–61

  home tests to identify, 110–13

  honey/maple syrup and other sweeteners and, 16–19

  Hurty’s analyses, 62–64, 82

  industrial chemistry and, 2–4, 81

  Ladd’s analyses, 82–83

  lard and, 35–36

  Mason hearings and, 65–70

  milk industry practices and, 1–4, 62–63

  Pure Food and Drug Act definition, 156–57

  Shepard’s analyses, 83–84

  spices and condiments and, 30–32

  sugar products and, 16–19

  See also canned foods; specific individual foods

  Agricultural Appropriations Act, 157

  Agriculture Department. See Department of Agriculture (USDA)


  beer, 66–67, 74–75

  Mason hearings and, 66–67

  preservatives in, 32–34

  whiskey/whiskey industry (See whiskey/whiskey industry)

  wine/wine industry, 32–34, 66, 212

  Aldrich, Nelson, 132–33

  Alger, Russell A., 52

  Allen, Robert M., 104, 113–14, 122, 124, 131, 164, 165, 196

  Alliance Review, 203

  allspice, 30

  Alsberg, Carl L., 273–75

  Coca-Cola settlement in caffeine case and, 274–75

  named chief of Bureau of Chemistry, 269

  resignation of, 279

  saccharin case and, 274, 277–78

  sting operation on McCormick’s pepper operations and, 273

  alum, 82

  American Association for the Advancement of Science, 254

  American Association for the Promotion of Purity in Food Products, 206

  American Beverage Corporation, 220

  American Chemical Society, 189

  American Food Journal, 197, 216

  American Grocer, 15

  American Medical Association (AMA), 103, 133, 204, 254, 285

  American Social Science Public Health Association, 15

  Anderson, Oscar, Jr., 6

  Angell, George Thorndike, 15

  Angell, James Burrill, 170

  Anheuser-Busch, 74, 75

  Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 108

  annatto, 27

  Anti-Saloon League, 74

  Appeal to Reason, 120, 136

  Arena, 60

  Armour, J. Ogden, 141–42, 149

  Armour brothers, 24, 54, 119

  Armstrong, Orland, 284

  arsenic, 14–15, 29, 37

  Arthur, Chester A., 20, 21

  Atlanta Georgian, 223, 237

  Bailey, James W., 117–18

  baked goods, 82

  Baker, Ray Stannard, 126

  Baker’s Stomach Bitters, 106

  baking industry, 104

  Ballard and Ballard Company, 254

  Ballinger, William, 140

  Battershall, Jesse Park, 27–28, 29–30, 110

  Baur, Joseph, 81

  Beale, Richard Lee T., 15–16

  Bedford, Edward Thomas, 186

  Beef Court, 53–59

  beekeepers, 19

  beer, 66–67, 74–75

  Bennett, Mark, 115, 116

  benzene, 229

  Beveridge, Albert, 133, 147, 151

  Beveridge Amendment, 147–49

  Bigelow, Willard, 111, 112, 127–28, 134, 173, 196

  appointed acting chief of Bureau of Chemistry, 263

  defrauding government charges related to Rusby hiring arrangement, 247–59

  exhibit on pure and adulterated food at Pan-American Exposition, 1901, 76

  testimony of, in embalmed beef crisis, 57–58

  wine industry products, investigation of, 66

  Bingham, James, 214–15

  Bird, Arthur C., 200

  black pepper, 31

  bleached flour/bleached flour industry, 104, 197–200, 216–17, 231–33, 270–72

  blended whiskies (rectifiers) and distillers, conflict between, 49–51, 165–69, 209–11, 225–26

  Blot, Pierre, 178

  Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)

  attorney general memo on legality of, 211–12

  corn syrup endorsed by, 187

  Doolittle appointed to, 259

  Food Inspection Decision (FID) 76 and, 174–75

  McCabe removed from, 259

  members of, 171, 259–60

  removes certification requirement from rules governing dyes, 228–30

  routinely disagree with and vote against Wiley, 212–14

  three-month rule and, 212

  Wilson announces creation of, 171–72

  Bonaparte, Charles J., 168–69

  Boos, William, 219

  borax (sodium borate), 3, 69

  Poison Squad studies and, 89–97, 101–3, 202–3

  tests to detect, 112–13

  Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, The (Farmer), 98–100

  Boston Evening Record, 201

  Boston Journal, 235

  Bottled-in-Bond Act, 50

  Bowers, Lloyd W., 210–11, 225

  Bradford, Yorkshire candy poisoning incident, 14–15

  Brosius, Marriott, 71

  Brown, George Rothwell, 92–94, 95–96, 97

  brown sugar, 2, 66

  Bryan, William Jennings, 73–74, 200

  Buffalo Courier, 263–64

  Bulletin 13 (Foods and Food Adulterants), 23–24, 26, 28, 32, 41, 59–60
/>   Bulletin 100 (Some Forms of Food Adulteration and Simple Methods for Their Detection), 111–13

  Bureau of Chemistry and Soils (USDA), 283

  Bureau of Chemistry (USDA), 21–22, 24, 27, 30, 33–34

  Alsberg named chief of, 269

  bleached flour investigation of, 197–200

  Bulletin 13 (Foods and Food Adulterants), 23–24, 26, 28, 32, 41, 59–60

  Bulletin 100 on tests to detect adulteration, 111–13

  Campbell as chief of, 279

  Coca-Cola case, 224–25, 236–44

  coffee, tea and cocoa investigations of, 36–38

  displays of, at Pan-American Exposition of 1901, 76

  Dunlap named as associate chemist, 170–71

  fermented beverages investigation by, 32–34

  lard study of, 35–36

  Mason hearings and, 65, 66–67

  milk and butter investigations of, 23–24, 26–27

  under Morton, 39–46

  patent medicine investigations of, 105–6

  Poison Squad studies

  under Rusk, 35

  spices and condiments investigated by, 30–32

  split into two divisions, 283

  temperance beverages analyzed by, 74–75

  Wiley hired as chief chemist, 5, 20–22

  Wilson appointed secretary of, 48

  Butt, Archie, 249

  butter, 24–27, 116

  borax used as preservative in, 69

  Butter Act of 1886, 26

  dyes used in, 27

  Mason hearings and, 66, 69

  oleomargarine hearings in House and Senate and, 25–26

  Wiley investigates, 24, 26–27

  Butter Act of 1886, 23–24

  butterine, 24. See also oleomargarine

  caffeine, 221–22, 237–44, 274–75

  California Fruit Grower, 123

  Campbell, Walter G., 165, 279, 282, 285

  Candler, Asa, 220–21

  Candler, Charles Howard, 240–41

  Candler, John S., 240

  candy, 14–15, 27, 29

  canned foods/canned food industry, 139

  cumulative exposure to metals in, 67–68

  embalmed beef crisis, western states, 61–62

  embalmed beef scandal, 51–59

  French canning companies, copper sulfate used by, 187

  metal poisoning from, 59–60

  vegetables, 41, 67–68

  Wiley’s speech to, 139–41

  Cannon, Joseph, 166

  Carlson, Anton, 277–78

  Carson, Rachel, 290

  catsup, 82–83, 177–81

  cayenne, 116

  Century, 217

  Cessat of Bordeaux, 188

  Chandler, Charles F., 241

  charcoal, 37

  Chattanooga Daily Times, 243, 244

  Chattanooga News, 237

  cheese, 27

  chemical additives, 2

  Chemical Trade Journal, 268

  Chemistry Division. See Bureau of Chemistry (USDA)

  Chesebrough, Robert, 37

  Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 24

  Chicago Tribune, 52, 53, 130, 143, 146, 150, 217–18, 235

  Chittenden, Russell, 68, 188–89, 205, 253. See also scientific review board

  chromate of lead. See lead chromate

  Churchill, Winston, 142–43

  cider vinegar, 116

  cinnamon, 2

  citric acid, 81

  Cleveland, Grover, 22, 35, 39

  cloves, 30, 31

  Club News, 163–64

  Coal-Tar Colors Used in Food (Hesse), 233–34

  coal-tar dyes, 229–30, 233–34, 287

  Coca-Cola, 107, 220–25, 236–44, 274–75

  cocoa, 36

  coffee, 2, 36–38, 112, 127–28

  Coleman, Norman J., 22, 35

  Collier, Peter, 19–20, 21

  Columbia Conserve Company, 179, 194

  Constitution of the United States

  Nineteenth Amendment, 277

  Seventeenth Amendment, 236

  Consumers’ Union, 285

  Coolidge, Calvin, 279

  copper, 14

  copper salts, 187

  copper sulfate, 67–68, 112, 174

  corn, 17

  Corn Products Refining Company, 186, 281

  corn starch, 112

  corn syrup, 16–19, 67, 186–87

  Cosmopolitan, 145

  cottonseed oil, 35–36

  cough syrup poisoning, 1937, 285, 287

  Crampton, C. A., 33

  Crane, W. Murray, 249

  Cranston Village Improvement Association, 108

  cream of tartar, 66

  Croly, Jane Cunningham, 109

  Cudahy, 54

  Curtice Brothers, 214

  Cutter, Edward, 48

  cyanide, 37

  Czolgosz, Leon, 77

  dairy industry

  Mason hearing testimony of, 66, 69

  opposition to Hepburn-McCumber legislation, 104

  See also butter; milk

  Dalkon Shield, 287

  Daniels, Jasper, 49–50

  Denver Post, 235

  Department of Agriculture (USDA), 4–5

  Board of Food and Drug Inspection. See Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)

  Bureau of Chemistry. See Bureau of Chemistry (USDA)

  enforcement funding for, 163

  Food and Inspection Division, 165

  Food Inspection Decision (FID) 76, 173–76

  receives cabinet status level, 35

  diethylene glycol, 285, 287

  Difenderfer, Robert, 254–55

  Division of Chemistry (USDA). See Bureau of Chemistry (USDA)

  Dockstader, Lew, 96–97

  Dodge, Grenville, 52

  Dodge, Henry Irving, 127–28

  Dodge Commission, 52–53

  Doolittle, Roscoe, 259, 266–67

  Doubleday, Frank Nelson, 130, 131, 141–42

  Doubleday, Page & Company, 129–31, 136, 141–42, 144

  Dow, Herbert Henry, 81, 197

  Dow Chemical Company, 81, 197

  drop black, 37

  Druggist Circular, 263

  Dudley & Co. Canned Goods, 138

  Dunlap, Frederick L., 174, 183, 187, 259–60

  hired as associate chemist by Roosevelt and Wilson, 170–71

  leaves Department of Agriculture, 270

  Moss committee hearings and, 256–57, 259

  uses Rusby hiring arrangement as basis for charges against Wiley, 248

  See also Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)

  Dunlap, Renick W., 281

  Dunne, Finley Peter, 143–44

  dyes, artificial, in foods

  in butter and margarine, 27

  in canned peas, 67–68

  coal-tar dyes, 229–30, 233–34, 287

  in coffee, 37

  Food Inspection Board removes certification requirements, 228–30

  poisonous metallic elements and compounds used as, 14

  synthetic, in nineteenth century, 3

  Wiley’s Mason hearing testimony regarding, 67–68

  Eagan, Charles P., 53

  Earthjustice Institute, 289

  Edson, Cyrus, 34

  Elizabeth Cady Stanton Suffrage Club, 261

  Elliott, Bruce, 231, 232–33

  embalmed beef crisis, 61–62

  embalmed beef scandal, 51–59

  Beef Court, 53–59

  Dodge Commission findings, 52–53

embalmed milk, 3–4, 62–63

  Emery, John G., 200, 260

  Emory, W. O., 238

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 290

  Evening Star, 252–53, 255–56

  Everybody’s Magazine, 127, 138

  Ewing, Buck, 137, 138

  Fahlberg, Constantin, 185

  fake ingredients in foods. See adulteration of foods

  Farmer, Fannie, 98–99, 107

  flavoring agents, 81

  Florida Board of Pharmacy, 254


  adulteration of, 2, 60–61

  bleaching/bleached flour industry, 104, 197–200, 216–17, 231–33, 270–72

  flourine, 61

  Folin, Otto, 245

  Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, 285–86

  Food, Drug and Insecticide Division (USDA), 283

  food adulteration and fakery. See adulteration of foods

  Food Adulteration and Its Detection (Battershall), 27–28

  Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent (Farmer), 99, 100

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 283, 285–86, 287, 288

  Food and Inspection Division (USDA), 165

  Food Inspection Board. See Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)

  Food Inspection Decision (FID) 76, 173–76

  Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), 288

  Foods and Food Adulterants (Bulletin 13), 23–24, 26, 28, 32, 41, 59–60

  Foods and Their Adulteration (Wiley), 203

  food toxicity trials. See Poison Squad studies

  formaldehyde, 2–4

  Bureau of Chemistry report on, 202

  deaths linked to embalmed milk, 3–4, 62–63

  Hofman’s discovery of, 13

  home test for, 111

  as milk preservative, 2–4

  as possible beef preservative (See embalmed beef scandal)

  Fowler, Nathaniel, 261

  France, 150

  Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 23

  Frasier, A. C., 139

  Freezine, 61, 68–69, 70

  French canning companies, 187

  French peas, 82

  Fuller, H. C., 238

  garblers, 30

  Gaston, James, 241

  General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 109, 163–64

  Germany, 14, 150

  Gibbons, Ross, 59

  Gillilan, S. W., 96–97

  ginger, 30

  glucose, 17, 18

  Goldsborough, Fitzhugh Coyle, 236

  Good Housekeeping, 261

  Gottlieb, Scott, 289

  “Great American Fraud, The” (Adams), 258

  Great Britain, 14–15

  Act for Preventing Adulteration in Food and Drink, 15


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