Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend

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Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend Page 4

by S. E. Law

  “I’m hanging out with Billy.”


  Daddy’s response is sarcastic, so I roll my eyes at him.

  “You don’t like Billy?”

  “I don’t really know him. I only met him that one time, and I wasn’t exactly impressed.”

  I want to tell my father that Billy is a really great guy once you get to know him and that he makes me happy. But honestly, I don’t know if any of that is actually true about Billy Borg.

  Today, Billy and I will be alone together for the first time in weeks. Between school, his part-time job, and our friends, we don’t have too many opportunities to be alone. Or maybe I don’t allow for many opportunities.

  If I’m honest with myself, being alone with Billy leads to making out, and Billy isn’t a great kisser. I’m hoping he’ll be better at other things. Maybe that slobbery tongue of his will feel good other places.

  After exploring Kane’s dirty mind last night, my body has been in a constant state of arousal, and I need a real release soon. I suppose I could put Billy to good use.

  “What are you doing today, Dad?” I ask, trying to focus on something other than sex. Well, something other than Kane. Sex with Kane, actually.

  “I actually have to show a house this morning, but then I’m going to relax and do absolutely nothing.” He smiles like the thought is heavenly.

  I know “absolutely nothing” really means Dad is going to clean the house, do yard work, and go grocery shopping. The man doesn’t know how to relax. That phrase shouldn’t even be in his vocabulary.

  “Sure you will,” I smirk knowingly.

  After two cups of coffee are in my system, I get ready for my day with Billy. I hear the doorbell ring, and I’m surprised Billy didn’t just wait in the car and honk like he always does. I hop downstairs to see Chastity talking to my father.

  “Which schools did you apply to?” I hear him ask her.

  “Columbia, NYU, and Penn State,” Chastity smiles before waving up at me.

  Per her usual while talking to my father, her cheeks are red, but at least she’s making decent eye contact with him.

  “Is college all either of you two ever talk about?” I sigh.

  Chastity scrunches her face at me as my father shoves my shoulder lightly.

  “Ignore the comments of the truant delinquent,” Dad says. “I’m surprised you’re not applying to Harvard or Yale. I know you have the grades to get in.”

  She shrugs. “I’d rather stay a little closer to home.”

  “How’s your mom doing?”

  Chastity’s mother was diagnosed with cancer over the summer, and it’s taken a toll on her family.

  “Good. She’s responding well to the treatment so far.”

  “Glad to hear that,” Daddy says, putting his hand on her shoulder and squeezing it. “Remember, if you need anything, I’m right here.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Linwood.”

  Dad laughs. “Chastity, you’ve known me forever. Call me Colt already.”

  “Sorry, Colt.” She blushes a deeper shade of red than I’ve ever seen on her before.

  “Hey, Chas, come upstairs with me for a minute?”

  Chastity smiles at my father before following me upstairs. Once we get to my room, I shut the door behind us.

  “I got your text. What exactly do you mean you stole Kane’s journal?”

  I shrug my shoulders and laugh.

  “Exactly that.”

  “Renee, it’s not nice to steal people’s private things,” Chastity says, her blue, judgmental eyes glaring at me

  “Not even if my name is all over the pages of said private things?”

  “Kane doodled your name on his journal?” she gasps.

  “No.” I laugh heartily at the thought of Kane scribbling “Renee” with a heart around it. “He writes about me, Chastity. Like, X-rated stuff.”

  “Shut up!” she yells, shoving my arm. “That’s so inappropriate!”

  “I know. I love it.” I bite my lip to contain my excitement.

  “Renee!” she laughs. “What are you going to do? Are you going to tell your dad?”

  “No, of course not! My dad would kill Kane.”

  “Are you going to confront Kane?”

  “I don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll just let him squirm for a bit, wondering where his journal went,” I say evilly.

  “You’re so bad,” Chastity sighs disapprovingly.

  “Me?!? I’m not the one writing sex fantasies in my journal!”

  “Oh, I’m sure your diary has some stuff about Kane in there.”

  I shrug. “Not in graphic detail.”

  “You’re loving this,” she shakes her head at me.

  “Come on, the guy of my dreams is having dirty thoughts about me… Wouldn’t you be excited if you were me?”

  Chastity rocks her head from side to side before sighing.

  “Rey, your crush on Kane is more understandable than him writing explicit fantasies about his goddaughter who’s twenty-seven years younger than him and still in high school!”

  As I roll my eyes, a horn beeps from outside. I peek out the window and see Billy’s car.

  “Billy’s here. I have to go.”

  “And you’re lusting over Kane when you have a boyfriend on top of it all, Renee!”

  “You can lecture me more later. Love ya!”

  I kiss Chastity’s cheek quickly before grabbing my purse and hightailing it out of the house while throwing a brief goodbye to my father. Billy is blasting Screamo as I get into the car.

  He grabs the back of my head and pulls me into a wet kiss. I pull away and turn down the music.

  “Babe,” he whines.

  “I don’t want to go deaf before my nineteenth birthday.”

  “How was your night with your daddy?” Billy asks teasingly as he drives down the street.

  I scowl at him. “Fine. You know, it’s not torture to spend time with your parents once in a while.”

  “My parents are shitheads.”

  “Oh, I forgot it’s uncool to like parents.” I roll my eyes with a laugh.

  A few minutes later, Billy pulls into his driveway. I get out of the car, and he puts his arm around me as we walk up to his house. As soon as we’re inside the house, Billy takes me by surprise and grabs me, his hands landing on my ass as he claims my lips with his.

  I try to get into the kiss, but it’s useless. He pulls away from me and takes my hand, walking me into the kitchen.

  “Are you hungry?”

  I shake my head. “Maybe later.”

  “You want to watch Netflix?” Billy asks with a smirk on his face.

  I laugh and nod in response to the obvious hint of what he really wants to do with me.

  “Why not?”

  After being filled with thoughts of Kane last night… and actually being inside Kane’s thoughts, sex has taken over my brain. Billy leads the way to his finished basement and turns on the TV. He picks a random war movie out, not even bothering to ask me what I want to watch.

  Sitting down on the couch, I take my shoes off and try to get comfortable on the old piece of furniture. Billy turns the volume down on the TV so that it’s barely audible as he sits down next to me.

  He begins kissing me and touching my breasts through my shirt. Billy’s touch is awkward, like he’s squeezing a stress ball rather than my boobs. I decide that taking my top and bra off might offer him better access.

  Once I’m naked from the waist up, Billy climbs on top of me. His cold, clammy hands are all over my tits while his tongue is all over the place—in my mouth, down my neck, and awkwardly on my nipple.

  Billy sits up and pulls his shirt off, revealing his scrawny body. He undoes the fly on his jeans before kicking out of them like the eager boy that he is. I tug his boxers down, and his semi-erect penis is looking at me.

  Anytime I’ve fantasized about my first time, the guy was always buff and had a huge dick, which is probably not ideal for one’s f
irst time, but that image has always turned me on. It probably helps that the guy is Kane, too. I know Kane has an impressive cock because I’ve seen the outline of it in his swim trunks.

  Snapping back to reality, I see Billy’s penis flopping in front of me. I take it in my hand, making him groan. His dick doesn’t seem to grow any longer as I jerk him off.

  “Take your pants off,” Billy says.

  I do as he asks, somewhat nervous to be fully nude around a boy for the first time. Sliding my panties down, I stand there for a moment as Billy looks up at me.

  “Lie back.”

  Again, I do as he asks, spreading my legs. Billy’s clammy fingers graze my pussy before one jabs inside of me.

  “Ouch,” I cry out. “Not so rough.”

  Billy climbs on top of me as he continues to finger me, blindly poking around inside of me. His mouth is on mine again, and the whole experience feels awkward as hell. I know neither one of us knows what we’re doing, but I was hoping to enjoy this a bit more than I am.

  Jamming my eyes shut, I imagine Kane on top of me, touching me with his strong yet gentle hands. I can see his blue eyes as he looks up at me, taking my nipple into his mouth. His large dick glides across my stomach as he pleasures me with his strong, skilled fingers.

  “Shit, Renee. You’re so wet, baby,” Billy says as I loosen up around his fingers.

  I moan, holding myself back from saying Kane’s name as I hump Billy’s fingers. Just like that, his fingers are gone just as I was getting into it. I open my eyes to see Billy putting on a condom.

  “Are you ready?” he asks, not waiting for my response before he climbs back on top of me.

  Billy’s thighs are shaking as he tries to line his thin dick up with my pussy. He tries to ram it in but instead bumps me with his semi-flaccid penis in every spot but my pussy hole. Losing patience with him, I grab Billy’s dick and guide it into me.

  “Oh yeah,” he grins and grabs my tits as he clumsily moves his hips without any rhythm to his thrusts.

  He’s twisting my tits again, so I push his hands away.

  “Easy,” I scold him.

  Billy leans down and slobbers on my neck. Kane pops into my mind again; I wish it was him on top of me. I’d always fantasized about him taking my virginity, not some inexperienced high school boy.

  This is ridiculous.

  “Stop,” I demand, pushing Billy away from my neck.

  “Stop what?” he asks, still moving gawkily on top of me.

  “Get off of me, Billy.”


  I shove him off of me, and his dick flops up and down limply between his legs as he plops down onto the couch. My pussy feels weird from the condom and from being intruded for the first time. As I slip my underwear on, Billy won’t stop babbling.

  “Did I do something wrong? I can go slower.”

  After I put my bra on, I sit down next to Billy and pat his leg.

  “I think we should break up.”

  Billy’s eyes shoot wide open.

  “What?! Renee, if you’re not ready… that’s fine. I can wait,” he stutters.

  I shake my head. “It’s not that, Billy. I just don’t want a boyfriend right now.”

  “I don’t get it,” he says, his voice cracking. “What’d I do?”

  Oh fuck, now he’s crying? Seriously?

  “Billy, you didn’t do anything,” I tell him.

  You just can’t kiss or turn a woman on, I think, but I don’t tell him that of course.

  “Please don’t break up with me.”

  He throws himself into my arms and cries on my shoulder. Is that snot I feel? Gross. Ugh. I lightly push Billy away and pat his string bean arm.

  “It’s nothing you did. It’s me. I just need to be single right now. I need to focus on me and on school,” I lie. “You deserve better.”

  For a second, I don’t think Billy is going to buy that, knowing that school is always the last thing on my mind.

  “Well, I do feel like you’ve been preoccupied. You’re right. I do deserve better,” Billy agrees, wiping at his tears.

  Wow, why did I ever date this tool? I can’t wait to be with a real man… Now that I know Kane wants me, he’s going to have me.

  I’ve always been spoiled by the men in my life—minus Billy—and I know that Kane will let me have my way. He won’t have a choice.



  Monday morning rolls around, and I’m grateful to have work to distract me. All I keep thinking about is my journal and whose hands it’s in. I’ve never been angry at Renee before, but the more I think about her stealing a book that contains my private thoughts, the more infuriated I become.

  I know Colt taught her better than to snoop around in people’s bedrooms and take their stuff.

  There’s this whole other part of me that goes into a different direction when I think about what Renee did, though. I keep picturing her lying in bed in nothing but panties as she reads my journal. Her big brown eyes grow wider as she finds out all of the dirty thoughts I have about her.

  I imagine her sweet womanly scent mixing with her cherry-vanilla body splash, and I instantly harden under the desk at my office.

  My office phone line rings, breaking me from my naughty thoughts of Renee.

  “Raising Kane Construction. Kane speaking,” I answer absently.

  “Hey, buddy. What are you doing tonight?” Colt’s voice rings through the line.

  “Um, I was going to hit the gym.”

  A good workout will help relieve the frustration and anger I’m dealing with over Renee’s journal-thieving.

  “Renee wants to cook tonight and watch that new superhero movie that just came out on On Demand. I figured since you hosted us this weekend, it’s our turn. What do you say?”

  I do need to confront Renee, and I could always use a good home-cooked meal. If it’s not on the grill, everything I eat is from a box, can, or microwaveable tray.

  “Sure. I’ll hit the gym tomorrow.”

  “Great. Come on by after work,” Colt says before offering a quick goodbye.

  Trying to focus on work for the rest of the morning becomes increasingly more difficult. Renee has taken control of my mind—the good, the bad, and the sexy.

  Just as I’m about to take a lunch break, my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I take out the phone and see a message from Renee. I click it open, not sure what I expect to see. The thought of texting or calling Renee this past weekend had crossed my mind, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I want to confront her just as much as I want to avoid her. I know I have to play things very carefully. Obviously, Renee didn’t tell Colt about the journal, so that’s a good sign. But knowing mischievous Renee, she wants to torture me with the information she now has in her possession.

  See you tonight ;-*

  That casual little text with its kissy-faced, winking emoji is all Renee sent me. I know the emoji alone means that Renee is going to enjoy tormenting me tonight. I’m not sure what I’m in for, but this little girl needs to be put in her place. She’s the one who’s in the wrong in this situation, not me.

  I don’t bother texting Renee back, knowing that’s what she’s hoping for. She’s trying to start playing her games early in the day, hoping to make me uneasy until tonight.

  Renee has always been spoiled; she knows that if she begs hard enough or cries long enough, she’ll get whatever she wants. I remember one time when she was about six, and she didn’t want me to go home. So she hid my car keys and wouldn’t give them back until I played one more game with her.

  What will Renee want from me in exchange for my journal? What the hell kind of game is she playing now?



  After Renee’s vague text, I need to distract myself for a bit. Food should do the trick. I walk out of my office and look at my assistant, Lisa, and lead sales manager, Andy.

  “I’m going to the diner across the street. You guys want to join me?”
I ask, not wanting to be alone with my thoughts.

  “I already had a sandwich at my desk, but thanks,” Lisa says.

  Andy hops up and claps his hands together.

  “I’m starved,” he says, beating me to the door.

  I’m pretty sure Andy is always up for eating. He’s a burly guy with a beer belly, glasses, and a beard.

  There’s a chill in the air as we cross the street to the diner. The blonde waitress who always serves me is on duty. She smiles and makes her way over to us.

  “Do you even need menus?”

  “No, Kayla. I think we’ve memorized that thing,” Andy laughs.

  Kayla leads the way to the booth, her hips swaying in her short skirt. Andy follows behind, hitting my stomach as he watches Kayla’s ass move down the aisle. I scratch my eyebrow and look the other way, finding Andy to be obvious and inappropriate.

  Kayla stops at the booth and motions for us to sit down.

  “Let me guess…” she says, thinking. “Coke and a pastrami sandwich on rye for Andy…”

  “I feel special,” Andy chuckles.

  “For Kane, the Monte Cristo and a water,” she continues.

  “Don’t feel too special,” I chuckle at Andy, and he rolls his eyes.

  Kayla puts her hand on my shoulder as she laughs. Her hand lingers on me before she gives it a squeeze and walks away.

  “You think I should ask her out?” Andy asks.

  I look at him and shrug my shoulders. Andy isn’t suave enough to hit on a girl successfully. I would feel bad for him if he didn’t come off as totally sexist toward women in any given conversation.

  “Go for it,” I tell him, knowing Kayla will turn him down.

  I would like to see that. I’ll even tip her extra if she laughs in his face.

  “You weren’t planning on asking her out, right?”

  I shake my head. “She’s not my type.”

  “Blonde and beautiful isn’t your type?” Andy asks as if I’m insane.

  Renee and all of her luscious curves pop into my head. If I have a type, Renee is it.

  “Okay, who is she?” Andy asks as Kayla comes back with our drinks.


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