Enemy Known

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Enemy Known Page 49

by Butler, J. M.

  Lynne squeezed Khanaan's hand. "Five hundred and thirty-nine."

  "And your viskaro must meet our little ones." Khanaan reached into his embroidered sapphire samite robe and removed a small sliver of silver. When it was placed on his palm, it lit up with a picture of an infant boy and girl. "Damerae and Tiyanna. Have you ever seen such beautiful ones?"

  They didn't look much older than eight months. Their tight dark curls wreathed their heads. The boy had deep mahogany and coffee-brown eyes like his mother, and the girl had violet eyes a shade or two deeper than her father's.

  "They are beautiful," Amelia said. Such life and laughter sparkled in their faces.

  Lynne beamed at them as well. She curled her hand around the picture, bringing it closer for Amelia to see. "You'll love them, I'm sure."

  "No doubt." Khanaan stood and guided Lynne up. "But we cannot keep you from the rest of the cadre." He bowed deeply with his arm still around his wife. "May your union be prosperous and your children blessed."

  Khanaan and Lynne then greeted the next couple approaching the table. Naatos introduced them as Hatet and Igrold.

  "This is her?" Hatet grabbed Amelia in a great bear hug. She was clearly a Vawtrian woman and much stronger than she looked. Her sleek black hair was bound up high on her head, and her skin had zebra-like stripes along her neck and forearms.

  "Hello." Amelia untangled herself just in time to be hugged even tighter by Igrold as Hatet seized Naatos.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you," Igrold said.

  "It's great to meet you too." Amelia forced a smile, wincing under the strength of the embrace. Once she broke free, she returned to her seat.

  Hatet sat beside Naatos and Igrold beside Amelia. The attendants began serving once more, providing similarly small portions but different dishes.

  "She's adorable, Naatos," Hatet said. "Not what I expected, but absolutely adorable." She reached over and grasped Amelia's hand. "You are both lucky and unlucky, my dear. I tried to lock this one, but he wasn't interested you know. Not at all. Not in me. Not in Esilio either. He wanted a Neyeb. Always has. At least so long as I've known him, though Elonumato knows why." Hatet laughed and popped an olive into her mouth. "I still stand by my original sentiment, Naatos. You should have married a Vawtrian. I don't think a non-Vawtrian can handle you. So don't be afraid of him, dear. Just pop him in the mouth if he starts to bully you because he will. We Vawtrians are terrible about that. You've got to stand up for yourself, woman. Don't be timid."

  Igrold stared at her in mock horror. "Pop him in the mouth? I can't take you anywhere can I? What sort of advice is that to the young newlyweds?"

  "Necessary advice." Hatet rested her chin on her palm, her elbow planted firmly on the table. "A good pop in the mouth is the best choice if you've got to. It won't make him so mad that he'll need to lash out, but it'll let him know he's crossed a line and needs to back down. You've got to be firm. Hold your ground. And if you have any problems, you just let me know. There are ways to kuvaste even if you aren't a Vawtrian."

  "And you still wonder why I did not wish to lock with you?" Naatos shook his head. Strangely, he did not appear to be annoyed. He half-smiled and tore the loaf of bread into several pieces, offering each of them one. It was strange to observe how he handled this entire party.

  "You didn't want to lock with me because you knew Igrold and I were better for each other." Hatet dipped the bread in the oil with the red and black vinegar. "And because you couldn't handle me." She grinned impishly.

  "Actually he has secretly hated Igrold all these years, and he realized the perfect way to get even with him was to have you two lock." WroOth came up behind Hatet and kissed her on the cheek. "Are you still causing trouble, darling?"

  "Always." Hatet patted his cheek.

  "And are you surviving, Igrold? Or has she worn through you yet?" WroOth asked. "Most Awdawms find this life challenging."

  "Thriving. How could I not with my little jungle blossom at my side?" Igrold swiped a bit of Hatet's bread despite having a fresh piece of his own. When she shot him a glare, he fluttered his lashes at her. "We keep one another's lives interesting."

  Amelia didn't doubt it.

  "The secret to a good marriage," WroOth said. He sat on the other side of Igrold as AaQar and QueQoa also returned to the table. Hatet loudly welcomed them and lifted her glass as if to toast them before hugging each one.

  "Frankly I am surprised to have seen you so soon," Igrold said. He cut up the meat on his plate and set the knife down. "I assumed you would have wanted time alone with your viskaro, Naatos. We would have waited."

  "I doubt you would have waited that long," Naatos said.

  "Half an hour is reasonable," Igrold said.

  "What makes you think I would have been done with her in half an hour?" Naatos slid his hand along Amelia's thigh.

  Amelia covered her eyes, not even looking at him. Laughter rang around her.

  The conversation continued for a few minutes longer with an equally enthusiastic bravado. Then once again, the guests rose. Hatet came over to Igrold, and together they bowed their heads to Naatos and Amelia and repeated the same blessing as Khanaan and Lynne.

  With each new course, they had a different pair of guests at the table. Amelia could scarcely remember all the names as they blurred together. They were all quite friendly and eager to embrace her, but it soon became exhausting. Most enjoyed joking about the nature of hers and Naatos's relationship, some had bits of advice, and most had some story or another to share. Much of the joking left Amelia uncomfortable and embarrassed. And once they realized that these jokes made her uncomfortable, they enjoyed teasing her all the more.

  Amelia glanced at WroOth as another set left. "I think I want to crawl under the table."

  WroOth spluttered, setting his goblet down. "What?"

  QueQoa nodded. "I think Naatos would approve. Do you need a cushion?"

  WroOth coughed, still choking on his wine. He held up his hand. "I don't think that's what she means, QueQoa." He tried to look at Amelia but burst out laughing. "Amelia…" His mouth twitched.

  "What?" Amelia looked between them. Her cheeks heated all the more. She had that awful feeling she'd had so many times as a teenager when she had missed some hidden joke or misstated something.

  "What is it?" Naatos asked. He set the snake bread down.

  "I don't know." Amelia rubbed the back of her neck, her cheeks burning. WroOth hadn't stopped laughing yet.

  "She would like to crawl under the table," QueQoa said. Unlike WroOth, he said it in a serious tone.

  WroOth motioned for QueQoa to stop, but he laughed so hard he couldn't speak.

  Naatos raised an eyebrow, then shook his head. "That's not what she means."

  "What else does it mean?" QueQoa asked. His brow knit together with confusion.

  "She means that she's embarrassed and wants to hide," WroOth said.

  "Oh. How…odd." QueQoa's lips twitched. "That's not what Vawtrians mean though."

  "I gathered that!" Amelia put her hand to her face. This really couldn't get any more embarrassing. She was fairly certain she knew what they thought it meant, and the more she thought about it, the worse it was.

  "All right, that's probably enough," AaQar said. He pushed his plate aside. "This is all becoming a little too much."

  "I agree," Naatos said. He pulled Amelia close and kissed her cheek. "It's fine, viskaro. I understand what you mean."

  Amelia wished that it was over, but she was hardly looking forward to what came after this point either. If anyone tried an attack here though, it would go badly.

  The rest of the dinner passed more quietly with no more guests and softer conversation. Amelia had little to say and no appetite left.

  Soon it was time for the dancing to begin. Naatos took Amelia by the hand once more and led her back to the courtyard.

  The musicians began a rhythmic slow-paced song, carried primarily by three deep leather drums and two sets of thin
bongos with an almost metallic voice. Then came the soft lilting sound of the carved flutes.

  "I really don't know any Vawtrian dances," Amelia whispered.

  "Viskaro dances are rarely difficult," Naatos said. "Just put your arms around my neck."

  Amelia did as he said. Her heart beat faster as he pulled her up against himself. She recalled the complicated steps and movements the Vawtrians had done before. But Naatos rested one hand on her waist and the other on the small of her back, moving her around with slow smooth steps.

  "This is it?" Amelia looked up at him as the other couples joined, following a similar pose.

  "Viskaro dancing is not about art or strength. Just closeness." Naatos dropped his mouth against her ear. "I love you."

  Amelia closed her eyes. "Please don't say that."

  The words stung. There was something worse than the Imprinting, she realized. That she might decide she wanted to give in. Naatos's affection for her had increased. Even now, she could feel that desire flowing through him. If just a few things had been different…

  "Not saying it does not make it less true." Naatos kissed her neck. His hands tightened around her, his breaths quickening. "I have struggled to control myself since you chose to come back, and each hour has been harder. Now we are so close, viskaro. Just a few hours more, and you will have no doubt how much I love you." He began to kiss her again, moving from her neck to her ear. He groaned. "Even minutes are torture now."

  Amelia could feel his desire, and some part of her felt the same. Guilt rose within her. I'm not doing anything wrong, she thought. Even if she did decide she liked him, that wasn't wrong. It really wasn't.

  Naatos's brow creased. "You're so tense. Barely breathing. What can I give you to make you calm? I've done all I know to do."

  Amelia felt a familiar tightening in her chest. She pushed back, grimacing. "I need to be alone."

  "Amelia, you can't put it off. I've given you space. I've given you time. I cannot wait much longer beyond this."

  Amelia waved her hand. She'd tried to keep it hidden from him, but she drew in another breath, her chest continuing to constrict. "It's not that. It's the swelling. It's happening. I don't want to be out here."

  Naatos hurried her to the back of the courtyard through the dancing couples as the flute continued its haunting harmony. When they reached the small room, Naatos helped her to the bench and grabbed an attendant. "Get my wife some water. Hurry."

  Amelia rubbed her chest. Even though she had been through this several times already, she hated it. The anticipation made it all the worse. She tried to remain calm, pulling in as much air as her lungs would hold. She resisted the urge to whimper. It grew and grew, pulsing, throbbing, aching, and clenching. She closed her eyes and rocked back and forth as the attack began in earnest.

  Naatos remained beside her. He stroked her hair back. "It's all right, viskaro. Just breathe. It will pass."

  Amelia pounded her fist against the bench. It continued on as usual, gripping her mercilessly until at last the worst was over.

  How could it hurt so much!

  The door to the room opened. A small woman in an attendant uniform entered with a glass and pitcher. "Lord Naatos," she said, her voice soft but high-pitched. "Lord AaQar needs to speak with you at once. He said that it is quite important." She offered Amelia the goblet of water.

  Amelia looked up at the woman and paused. There was something familiar about her. She wore a thick layer of makeup over her face, but her features were angular and her eyes distinct. A Machat woman? The woman tilted her head and gave a slight nod.

  Naatos continued to focus on Amelia. He brushed her loose strands back behind her ear. "Tell him I will speak with him shortly."

  "I need a few minutes." Amelia sipped the water. "I'll be fine. I'll come find you or you can come back and get me. But don't keep AaQar waiting."

  Naatos was silent. Then, at last, he nodded. "Very well. Do not leave the palace though. Come directly to me."

  Amelia agreed and took another sip. "I think I'll be needing more water," she said to the woman. As soon as Naatos left and the door closed, she set the goblet down. "You're Machat, aren't you?"

  The woman set the tray with the pitcher down and grasped Amelia's forearms. "Listen to me. My name is Lio," she said. "I cannot remain long. We're preparing for the attack. It will succeed, but I have come because you need to know Shon is in danger."

  "What's going on?" Amelia leaned forward.

  "Naatos created a sveti to kill Shon. It lives off the love that you hold for Shon. Every time you think of Shon or remember him, it grows because of that love. The only ways to kill it is if you stop feeling that way for Shon, or if Naatos kills it himself. He can sever the connection between you. He doesn't even have to go out."

  A footfall sounded outside the door. Lio turned sharply. She tugged her sleeves down and adjusted the broad belt. "I have to go." She slipped out the door and into the hall and disappeared.


  Her Elmis

  Shon stripped all but the essentials from the bruin before he took off, urging the beast to move as fast as it could. Matthu and Irasso raced along beside him. The other Machat and Ayamin remained behind, dropping down rocks to trigger a rockslide to try to keep the sveti down as long as possible.

  The sun was directly overhead now, beating down on them. They'd made it a couple of miles without sighting the sveti, but Shon knew better than to hope that it had given up the chase. They avoided the thick brush and trees as much as they could, hurrying along at the fastest speed possible.

  "Maybe we should break pace and let the bruins rest," Matthu called out. The wind whipped his words to a distorted call. "If we keep going at this pace, the bruins will never be able to keep up if the sveti does attack again."

  Shon took in their surroundings. Rolling grassland provided them with a clear line of sight for at least a hundred yards on each side. Straight ahead and behind, they had a regular path. A little rest might be wise. He nodded and tugged on the reins.

  The bruin resisted. It shook its head wildly and then snorted. Its thick black nose twitched. "It's all right, boy," Shon said. He scratched the bruin between the shoulder blades. "We're just taking a little breather. Then it's on the run again."

  Irasso continued to search the terrain. "Keep ready."

  "How many of the jars did we lose?" Matthu asked. "I know mine are all gone. I heard at least three or four others go off."

  "We'll deal with that when we get there, but all the powder should be intact," Shon said. He wasn't surprised that Naatos pulled a stunt like this. But none of the Machat visions or foretellings had included anything about his being devoured by a giant snake. Then again, they'd probably insist that they could not be expected to foresee everything, or perhaps putting an image of a giant snake eating him would have been too obvious. Or perhaps they thought it was some abstract sign and not a real snake.

  They continued on at the slower pace for a little longer and then urged the bruins back up to speed. There was no sign of the sveti.

  Suddenly Shon's bruin shook its head and charged forward. The buckles and restraints on the saddle clacked and clattered. It grunted, tearing across the ground.

  Something cracked behind them. A tree crashed. Shon looked over his shoulder. The sveti had found them, and it was gaining.

  * * *

  Amelia sat in stunned silence. Somehow she should not have been surprised. She should have known that Naatos would do something like this. Yet somehow she was not angry. A numbness had set in. She slowly stood and walked from the chamber, leaving the goblet and water behind.

  The music in the open-air courtyard had transitioned to a peppier song with staccato drum beats and gourd shakers. Amelia caught sight of Naatos talking to AaQar at the edge of the courtyard. Slipping alongside him, she reached for his hand. "Naatos…" she said, using a tone she hoped he would find alluring. "I have thought of one thing I need from you."

  AaQar bowed
out with a knowing smile. Naatos turned to her. "Have you then? And what is it you need from me?"

  "I need you to stop the sveti from killing Shon." Maybe she should have given it a little more build up than that, but time was essential. Amelia held her breath, watching his expression.

  Naatos's eyebrows raised as surprise flashed through his eyes. "The sveti…"

  "Please don't deny it. You know that I'm a mindreader. I know what you're doing. You broke your word to me. Please. I've sworn to be your wife. I am here. Right now. I'm not leaving you. I'm giving you what you want. Please. I'm begging you to stop it." Amelia pulled his hand to her chest. "Please."

  Naatos averted his gaze. He spread out his fingers, pressing against her still-tender skin where the marks of the split heart remained. "I just watched you go through yet another attack," he said, forming his words with care. They were heavy against her ears and heart. "And I know that these have been occurring regularly. You have tried to hide them from me, but I have eyes. I know the signs. As long as Shon lives, you will suffer. I don't expect you to understand, but there is no other way. If you want to save him, then stop loving him. That is all I have to say. But I will not allow you to suffer, Amelia."

  Holding his hand at that moment, Amelia could understand. The emotions that flowed through him reached her. He saw this decision as protecting her. It wasn't merely possessiveness. He didn't even question that she was his wife or perhaps that she should be with Shon. It was as simple as he had presented it: he did not want her to suffer, and he believed that this was the only way to stop it. Tears welled up in her eyes.

  "Do you understand me, viskaro?" Naatos asked, holding her gaze.

  Amelia nodded. Though she understood him, he didn't understand her. The tears spilled down her cheeks. "Yes. I understand. I just…give me a few minutes. I need to be alone."

  Naatos lifted his chin. He gave her a knowing look. "The doors are sealed, Amelia. You can't leave."


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