Finding Scarlet

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Finding Scarlet Page 15

by Holly C. Webb

  “You have done all you can,” Mom said as she checked on Scarlet. “She is in the recovery position, and she is stopping now. All she can do now is just to sleep it off.”

  “What’s going o…” Caitlin said, still half asleep as she walked into the room, but stopped mid-sentence and screamed. “HOLY CRAP, OLLY. YOU’RE NAKED!”

  “SHIT!” I cried and I grabbed a blanket from the bed and covered myself. I had been so concerned for Scarlet, I totally forgot I was naked. I was completely mortified.

  “Caitlin,” Dad sighed and tried his best not to laugh. “Everything is okay, you can go back to bed.”

  “Is Scarlet okay?” She asked avoiding eye contact with me.

  “She will be,” Mom replied still concentrating on Scarlet.

  I grabbed my trousers from the floor and pulled them on before I dropped the blanket.

  “Sorry,” I said glancing at my Mom.

  “Nothing I haven’t seen before, Son,” she replied with a smile. “She is going to be alright. She will just sleep it off. I am taking her to the hospital in the morning for physio and a check-up, so they can make sure everything is okay then. For now, best let her sleep.”

  With a smile and one more check on Scarlet, Mom stood up and headed for the door, taking dad with her.

  “Dad,” I said before he left. He stopped and turned back to me.

  “She is starting to remember,” I said with a half-smile. “It’s not much, but it’s enough to know, it’s not Seth.”

  “You thought Seth was the killer?” Mom said as she too turned back to me.

  “It’s a long story,” Dad said. Mom looked at him and I could see she wasn’t happy. “And one I will tell you in the morning.”

  He turned her around and led her out the door.

  “We can talk in the morning, Son,” he said as he turned back to me and smiled before he closed the door.

  I climbed back onto the bed next to Scarlet, and sat there for what seemed like forever, watching her sleep.

  I realised that as her memories returned, so would the memory of that night. I thought she was over the worst of what happened to her, but now I knew, the worst was still to come.

  Chapter 21


  I moved slowly and every muscle in my body ached. I blinked open my eyes and instantly closed them from the blinding sun shining through the crack in the curtains. I waited a few moments before I slowly opened my eyes again. I looked up and found Oliver asleep, sitting against the headboard, and for some reason he was wearing his trousers.

  Suddenly, I remembered the night before. We had made love, then I had the dream. I remembered talking to Oliver about what I could remember, but then everything was blank. I had no idea what happened. I tried to move but winced as every muscle in my body ached. The last time I was this sore was when I had the seizure in the hospital, and I woke up with Oliver asleep next to me then too.

  That’s when it hit me, I must have had another seizure. It was the only reasonable explanation for my sore muscles. I moved again and Oliver instantly woke up.

  “Good morning,” I said with a shy smile. I knew it was stupid, but I was still a little embarrassed by the fact Oliver had seen me naked.

  “Good morning, Beautiful,” he said, rewarding me with a breath-taking smile. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Sore,” I replied honestly. “And a little tired. I had a seizure, didn’t I?”

  “Yes,” he sighed and this time his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You gave me quite a fright.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said feeling a little upset and guilty that I had scared him. I dropped my eyes from his, feeling even more embarrassed.

  “Hey,” he said, as he quickly reached out and took my chin, tilting my face back up to his. “You never have to say sorry for that, this is not your fault, and it is my pleasure to take care of you.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled, but still inside, I wished he didn’t have to take care of me. I didn’t want anyone to ever have to take care of me. I tried not to let it get to me, instead I just snuggled into the bend of his arm and rested my head on his bare chest.

  “Scarlet,” Oliver said as he nervously traced his finger up and down my arm. “About last night.”

  “Yes,” I replied nervously. I had no idea what he was going to say.

  “Are you sure about what you remember him saying?” He asked, and I could hear the nerves in his voice. “I know you want to help, and I know you want to remember, but these words, are you sure?”

  “I am,” I said shoving myself up on the bed and looking directly at him. “That’s why I didn’t tell you until now. At first, I wasn’t sure. I figured it was my brain imagining things. But it’s the same every time, and each time it’s clearer and clearer.”

  “Is there anything else you remember?” He asked, looking at me hopefully.

  “I wish I could say yes,” I replied. “But there is nothing else, just blackness. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said pulling me closer to him. “You are doing great, and it helps more than you think it does.”

  “Okay,” I smiled and rested my head against his bare chest once again. We lay there for a few minutes. I smiled to myself as I softly tracing the tip of my finger along the lines of his perfect six pack. Then, the thought occurred to me, why was he wearing trousers?

  “Oliver, why are you wearing trousers?” I asked, thinking this was a bit strange.

  “Oh,” he said, and I could feel him still next to me. “That is a long story.”

  “Then start at the beginning,” I said feeling I was not going to like what I heard.

  “Well, last night when you…well you know,” he began. “I panicked. I called my mom and dad…”

  “They know,” I said feeling my heart sink. “They know I have…”

  “Scarlet,” he said sitting up in the bed and looking me in the eye. “What are you afraid of? Why are you ashamed of having epilepsy?”

  “I’m not,” I said, suddenly feeling totally ridiculous. I dropped my eyes down to my hands on my lap. “I just don’t want to be seen as this fragile victim. It’s bad enough that I have to use those stupid sticks, now they know I have this stupid illness too…because of him. I don’t want pity.”

  “Scarlet,” Oliver said with a half laugh. “No one pities you. They care about you. We all do. I know you feel lost, and I understand, but you need to trust people care about you.”

  “I do…I…it’s just,” I stuttered, trying to find the right words. “Oliver, I love you. I really do. But I am somewhere in my late twenties, and I have no one in this world. No one came looking for me. How did I end up so alone? How did I end up with no one? I guess I am just afraid…I was left alone before. What if I am again?”

  “I won’t let that happen,” he said as he reached for my hand. I looked up and let my eyes meet his. “I love you, Scarlet. I love you so much it scares me. I know what it’s like to lose everything. I know what it’s like to have your world pulled apart. I never want to know that loss again. I am in this for the long haul. This, what we have…this is for keeps.”

  “I really hope you mean that,” I smiled up at him. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine. Then I could feel him smile against my mouth. I leant back and looked at him curiously.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  “I just remembered Caitlin’s face last night,” he replied with a giggle.

  “Caitlin’s face?” I asked, not really sure what he was talking about.

  “Last night,” he began to explain. “When you had your…well you know… I admit it, I freaked out a little.”

  I felt my heart sink. I didn’t want to be the reason anyone freaked out. Oliver could see my expression change and he quickly added.

  “I was just surprised it happened, that’s all,” he said. “Please don’t overthink this.”

  I stared at him for a mo
ment and I knew he was right; I didn’t want to overthink it. I knew this was new for him too and that he needed time to get used to it, but he couldn’t even use the word seizure because he didn’t want to upset me. I needed to be less defensive.

  “Okay,” I sighed and smiled. “Tell me what happened with Caitlin.”

  “Well, last night, when you took a turn,” I called out for my mom and dad. I was so worried about you, I totally forgot I was naked.”

  “OH MY GOD!” I cried. I knew exactly where he was going with this. “Your parents know we…they know we did it…here.”

  I buried my face in my hands. I was so mortified.

  “Scarlet,” Oliver laughed, pulling my hands from my face. “We are grown-ups.”

  “OH GOD!” I said looking up at him as a horrible thought occurred to me. “Did they see me naked?”

  “NO!” Oliver said, trying his hardest not to laugh. “You were covered, I swear. I just think Caitlin wishes I was too.”

  “She saw you completely naked?” I asked and couldn’t help but giggle.

  “They all did,” he nodded, and I just laughed out loud. Oliver hit me with his pillow. He pushed me back down on the bed and climbed over me. “Laugh it up funny girl, but you have to spend the morning with my mom, and she knows you led her little boy astray.”

  “OH GOD!” I groaned and Oliver just laughed and gave me a kiss.

  “Come on,” he said as he climbed up from the bed and grabbed my hand. “You need a shower, and I think you are safer with me in there with you.”

  “You want to shower with me?” I asked surprised by his request. “Your mom and dad are downstairs, what if they come up?”

  “I just want to make sure you are okay,” he replied. “Yesterday you fell. I promise I will behave.”

  I looked at him for a moment, his green eyes looking deeply into mine and I knew I couldn’t argue with him. Slowly I smiled at him.

  “Okay,” I agreed as I leaned in and kissed him tenderly. “But you better behave, or I will tell your dad you are a bad boy.”

  Oliver just laughed and pulled me up to my feet. When we reached the bathroom, he put down the lid and sat me down on the toilet before he reached into switch the shower on. He then opened his trousers and let them hit the ground. My eyes instantly fell to his erection and I gasped a little.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked as he looked up at me then followed my gaze to his erect cock.

  “I thought you were going to behave?” I asked looking up at him.

  “I will,” he grinned. “But it is morning, and well you are incredibly gorgeous and very naked. Some things are out of a man’s control.”

  He pulled me up from the toilet and opened the shower door once again. I stepped into the shower, followed closely by Oliver. The hot water felt good, but Oliver’s wet body against mine, felt better.

  He washed my hair for me, taking great care that all the soap was gone. Then he washed my body. I tried not to react as his hands slid over my wet body, but it felt so good it was almost impossible.

  “Turn around and I will do your back,” he whispered, and I did as he said. He slowly ran his hands up and down my back as I tried desperately to keep my breathing under control. I bit on my lip as his hand slipped around my body and caressed my breasts. He stepped closer to me and I could feel the swollen head of his cock pulse against my lower back. He pressed his lips to my shoulder and then whispered. “I love you.”

  I knew then, I could not resist him.

  “Oliver,” I said breathlessly, feeling bold, I reached behind me and gently stroked his cock with the tips of my fingers. “I want you.”

  A low moan left his lips as he pulled me closer to him.

  “Put your hands against the wall,” he whispered in my ear. I did as he told me. Then I could feel his leg slide between mine and pushed them further apart, slowly.

  Wrapping one arm around me, he pulled me closer to him and held me tightly, almost supporting my whole weight. I could feel his hand slide down between us, then I could feel the swollen head of his cock press against my warm centre.

  With one sudden thrust, I cried out as he filled me entirely. He then placed his other hand against the wall next to mine and began to move. Thrust after thrust he drove deeper and deeper inside me.

  The only sound I could hear was the thumping of my own heart and Oliver’s ragged breathing in my ear. I forgot we were in Oliver’s parents’ house. I forgot the dream. I forgot everything in the world except me and Oliver.

  My legs began to shake, and my head spun with sheer pleasure.

  “Scarlet,” Oliver groaned loudly in my ear and I knew that he was coming undone. It was enough for me. I cried out his name as my orgasm thundered through my body, as every nerve ending pulsed. It was like nothing I had felt before.

  Oliver groaned again and stilled, pulling me even closer to him. I could feel his entire body shake as he came inside me.

  “Fuck, Scarlet,” he whispered against my ear. “You are like a drug. I can’t ever get enough of you.”

  I just smiled, touched by his words. He pulled himself out from inside me and quickly turned me to face him.

  “Promise me,” he said, taking my face in his hands, looking deeply into my eyes. “Promise me you will never leave me.”

  “I promise,” I replied without even a moment’s hesitation. I loved him. He was my world. I didn’t want a life that he was not a part of.

  “When this is all over,” he continued. “I promise, I am going to spend the rest of my life making you happy. We are going to build new memories.”

  He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me again. I knew then, no matter what happens now, there was nothing that Oliver and I couldn’t face together.

  Chapter 22


  After a slightly uncomfortable breakfast with my parents and Scarlet, I kissed her goodbye and headed to the station. I felt a little guilty leaving her, knowing she was uncomfortable, but I didn’t have a choice. The lieutenant had arranged to have Seth come to his office at ten o’clock, so I needed to get there to see him before Seth arrived. I wanted to tell him about Scarlet.

  “Olly,” the lieutenant said as he looked up from his computer, looking surprised to see me there so early. He checked his watch. “I thought the meeting was at ten, do I have it wrong?”

  “No sir, you didn’t have it wrong,” I said as I walked into his office and closed over the door. “But I needed to talk to you before Seth got here. Scarlet is starting to remember.”

  “You’re kidding me,” he said, stopping what he was doing and stood up. A huge smile filtered across his weathered face. “This is great news. I was starting to think we were never…”

  “Don’t get too excited,” I quickly stopped him. “She only remembers one detail, and it isn’t really much help other than, what she remembers could possibly clear Seth.”

  “Well I can’t say I am not happy to hear that,” he said and blew out a deep breath. “Seth is a good guy, accusing him of the unthinkable was not sitting right with me. That said, I could totally understand your concerns, and I admit, it didn’t look good.”

  I took the chair in front of him and explained about how I thought the new murders were connected to Clea’s death. I told him about the interview with the old woman that was in the store the night Clea was murdered and what she remembered the killer saying. He listened to every word I said without speaking.

  I explained about the dreams, and how she was sure it was what the killer had said to her. I told him everything.

  “Wow,” he said as he walked back around his desk and sat down in his chair. “This is a lot to take in, Olly. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you. I know how much you loved Clea.”

  “Lieutenant,” I said leaning forward in my seat. “I am not going to lie, my thoughts have been consumed for the last three years with catching the scumbag that killed Clea, but right now, I want the animal who shot Scarlet and killed those g
irls. This has gone on long enough. It needs to end.”

  “The problem is,” the lieutenant sighed. “Just because Scarlet has cleared Seth, it doesn’t change the fact there is still a killer in our mists.”

  “I am just relieved we know it’s not Seth that killed those girls,” I said and rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to relieve the headache I suddenly had.

  “You thought I was the one killing those girls?” Seth said from the doorway. I turned in surprise and when I saw the look of confusion, mixed with hurt of his face, my heart sank. “Oliver, you thought I could do something like that?”

  “Seth, if you let me explain,” I said standing up, a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “What’s to explain, Olly?” He exclaimed. “My best friend thought I was a murder and a rapist. I think that is pretty self-explanatory. That’s why I am here, isn’t it? Were you going to arrest me?”

  “No. Seth, if you just let me explain,” I said, conscious that some of the other officers in the squad room were now aware that something was going on.

  “Am I under arrest?” He asked completely ignoring me, directing his question straight to the lieutenant.

  “No, Seth,” the lieutenant replied. “You’re not. I know you are upset, but I am asking you to try and remain calm. The fact remains, someone out there could be the killer. I don’t want that information spreading around the station before we can close in on our man.”

  “Remain calm,” he repeated as he walked further into the office, “You thought I was a killer. Tell me how I should react to that, Lieutenant.”

  “Seth, please,” I said, knowing I was the one he was really angry at. “If you would let me explain…”

  “Like you let me explain?” He spat back, as he turned back to me. “Olly, we are more like brothers. Why didn’t you just talk to me? I thought we were closer than this, but I guess I should have known better. Since Clea died, you have kept everyone at arm’s length. Still, I thought you could have talked to me. Guess I was wrong.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his shield. He looked down at it for a moment, then with a sigh, he threw it on to the lieutenant’s desk.


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