Claiming the Night

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Claiming the Night Page 7

by Kathryn Vegas

  “I need to work on my stripping skills.” Adam said as he turned the water on in the shower. He waited outside as the water heated up.

  “I liked it.” Sara stated. “And support you in all your endeavors.”

  He stepped into the shower shaking his head. He made quick work of soaping up and rinsing off. Once he felt confident, he was fresh as a daisy for wherever the night may take them, he turned off the shower and stepped out. He grabbed a towel from the rack next to the shower and dried himself before securing it around his waist.

  He picked up the dainty bench that sat against the wall. He eyed its thin legs, and hoped for the best when he gingerly sat down on it next to her claw foot tub.

  “I have a friend coming to town to visit in the next couple of days. I’d like to introduce you to him.” Adam said.

  “You would?” Sara asked incredulously.

  “Of course, I would. You’re my girlfriend and he’s my best friend, it seems only natural.” Adam said watching her sink lower into the steaming water.

  “I don’t know... I’m guessing he’s like you?” Sara asked.

  Adam nodded.

  Sara continued. “I never thought about it.” Sara looked at him contemplatively. “Is he nicer than your other acquaintances?”

  Adam couldn’t help but chuckle, “Yes he is safe. Although, now that I think about it, he’s dangerous in a different way…”

  “How?” Sara asked and sat up abruptly.

  “He spends a lot of time seducing women.” Adam worried aloud. “Maybe I take back the invitation.”

  Sara laughed. “I’ll try to be satisfied with just you and not be taken in by this vampire gigolo, that’s your best friend.”

  Adam chuckled. “Thank you, if he makes you hot and bothered, I’ll be there to scratch your itch.”

  “Tell me about him,” Sara asked.

  “His name is Raphael. He is a unique guy. We hit it off when I was first changed. A lot of the vampires I initially met were completely out of touch. They were like aliens from another time. I mean I can kind of understand. It’s like a grandparent, even though they lived through all those decades they don’t evolve along with them. They still have the ideals and characteristics of a certain point in their childhood and early adulthood. Some vampires would be like your eighty-year-old grandpa except magnify that into a three-hundred-year-old papa, that’s still in a twenty-year old’s body. They just say weird shit and believe some outdated stuff.”

  Sara’s face held a childlike interest in everything Adam was saying. “Really? I’ve never thought of it that way. I’ve watched a lot of vampire shows and movies. The characters are always so cool, always wanting to go back to high school. Cause they get older and those high school girls stay the same age.”

  Adam shook his head and smirked at her Dazed and Confused reference.

  “Personally, I have not met a single vampire interested in going to high school.”

  “That’s good to hear. I didn’t want to have to worry about some pedo creepy old man vampire trying to infiltrate my daughter’s high school.” Sara laughed.

  “They don’t keep up with slang, they don’t particularly have progressive political views. Some of them come from aristocratic families from who knows what era. They could have grown up with a house full of staff and servants or even slaves. I had nothing in common with a lot of them. Although many seemed entertained by me like a new era toy version of a vampire.”

  Adam sat his beer on the counter. He scooted the delicate bench closer to the tub and dangled his hands over her body. He moved bubbles aside and uncovered the peaks of her breast cresting the sudsy water. He circled one nipple with his finger.

  “But Raphael has this unique way of maintaining his excitement for life. Even hundreds of years old and after seducing countless women, he still approaches every night like it’s a gift. He enjoys everything that life has to offer.” Adam said pausing in thought. “You know what? He reminds me of you.”

  “I remind you of a sex crazed vampire man?” Sara asked.

  “Well now that you mention it, you both have ‘sex crazed’ in common.” Adam raised his eyebrow at her and trailed his fingers deeper into the water. He watched her shiver as his hand grazed the mound of silken curls between her legs.

  “Finding joy in life is what I’m talking about. It’s more fun to be around people who are like you and Raphael. But first I’ll have to wear you out before you meet him. The man could seduce a saint.”

  Adam felt a possessive pang in his gut just having the thought of her with another man flash in his mind.

  “You can wear me out any time,” Sara said.

  “I’m about to…” Adam said and licked his lips.

  She raised her eyebrows at him, “We’ll see who cries for mercy first.”

  She finished her mug of champagne and handed it to him. Adam placed it on the countertop and refilled the cup, but didn’t hand it back. He grabbed a towel off the rack and offered her his hand.

  Sara’s skin was pink from the heat of the water. Bubbles sexily clung to her body here and there. A few locks of her hair escaped the clip, she’d put the rest up with. They were damp and curling on her shoulders. She looked good enough to eat. He caught himself before he let that line of thinking go further, but it was too late. The memory of his lips on her neck, his fangs piercing her satin skin and the hot blood flowing into his mouth was overpowering. The urge to feed hit him like a ton of bricks.

  Thank goodness Raphael came through and managed to get him the shipment of blood. If he had not filled his belly already tonight it would have been much harder to not think of such things. The experience of feasting on her and knowing that punctures healed made the act all the more tempting. The fading bruise on her neck made his mouth water.

  Adam looked away quickly, but he knew she had noticed him staring. He wrapped the towel around her and lifted her from the tub. Her wet arms immediately encircled his neck. She laid her head on his bare chest and sighed.

  Adam turned toward the bathroom mirror and enjoyed the view of holding his woman in a big fluffy towel. Her wet legs dangled over his arm and dripped onto the floor. He squeezed her to his chest.

  “Thank you,” Adam said and kissed the top of her head.

  “For what?” Sara asked looking at him in the mirror.

  “For being what I needed.” Adam replied.

  “I can say the same thing to you.” Sara said.

  “I’m happy to hear that.” He smiled at her. “Now on to slow and savory.”

  Adam winked at her in their reflection. He noticed a bottle of lotion on the counter and grabbed it before he turned away to take her to the bedroom.

  He set the lotion on her bedside table and put her on her feet by the bed.

  Adam enjoyed drying her off. He gave special attention to making sure her breasts were completely dry. Sara giggled when he moved on to showing her butt just as much towel attention.

  “You’re taking your job as towel boy very seriously.” Sara joked.

  “I’m a professional.” Adam retorted.

  He finished drying her butt and gave it a smart spank, “All done, these biscuits are as dry as the Sahara.”

  Sara faced him and splayed her hands onto his chest. His skin was hot and pulled taut over hardened sculpted muscles.

  “You know, you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever met.” Sara stated. Her hands roamed the expanse of his shoulders. “What were you like when you were a human twenty-four-year-old man? Were you in the gym all day?”

  Adam looked away, “I was vain. Building muscle came easily and it made me special. I spent more time than I should have at the gym focusing on myself.”

  Sara gazed at his young vibrant skin. The man’s jaw line was sharp, the skin snugly covered the angles of his face.

  “You’re lucky you don’t have to worry about aging.” Sara said with a tinge of sadness.

  He looked deeply into her eyes and pushed a lock of hair behind
her shoulder. “Yes, but would you trade Hazel for everlasting youth?”

  “No.” She replied immediately.

  Adam nodded. “I didn’t think so. Don’t be jealous of what I have. You have had so much more.”

  Sara contemplated his words. An image of him toting the twins up the stairs earlier in the evening flashed in her mind.

  “As much as I admired my father, I gave away the ability to become like him. His world was his family. He was a provider, a caretaker… Our home was solid, built on trust and love.”

  “Vampire’s don’t have families?” Sara asked softly.

  “We don’t reproduce.” Adam stated.

  “But…” Sara stopped herself. Their relationship was so young. Mentioning family building methods to him seemed presumptuous. She was not a stranger to different family structures or the unconventional methods couples used to create families.

  “You can still have and be whatever you want,” she insisted.

  Adam smiled at her, “Right now, you’re what I want.”

  Sara loved the sound of that. Had she ever been wanted before? She couldn’t remember a time she felt this level of connection. She knew he needed her. She wanted to create a home with him and share her family. She wanted to encircled him with her life-force, to become his safe place. She wanted to sink into him and feel the same in return.

  Sara grabbed the front of his towel and pulled him closer.

  “You can have me.” She whispered.

  “Slow and savory this time.” Adam replied. The corners of his mouth slid into a half smile.

  “God yes!” Sara said.

  Chapter Eight

  Sara’s heart thumped wildly with anticipation for what was to come. She tugged harder on the towel around his waist until it came loose and fell to the floor. She nodded her approval of his thickening erection.

  Adam raised a cocky dark brow at her. His strong hands took her by the shoulders and turned her toward the bed.

  “I think I may have dried you too much. I think I need to lube you back up.” He stated.

  Adam grabbed the bottle of lotion.

  “You’re going to spoil me.” Sara said over her shoulder.

  “That’s the plan.” He replied, playfully pushing her onto the bed. “Now lay there and take it.”

  “Yes, sir!” Sara said as she got comfortable on her belly.

  Adam warmed the lotion between his palms before he slapped down lotion filled hands onto her bottom with a squishy smack. That made her laugh out loud. The sound of his deep bassy chuckle in return caressed her ears.

  Adam’s strong hands kneaded the lotion into her skin. She moaned into the bed.

  “Oh my god. You’re an angel.” Sara sighed.

  He rubbed her ass, focusing on each plump cheek, and massaged the muscles she had been diligently working hard on improving at the gym. She needed this. Some undivided attention from another human being. She never felt so loved by a man. Her heart was full to the brim.

  Adam’s hands stroked her leg all the way to her foot. He added another squirt of lotion to his hands and took his time on the arch of her foot. Her body softened further into the bed.

  “You’ll never get rid of me after this. I’ll love you forever,” she joked.

  “That’s the idea,” Adam said seriously.

  Sara was speechless. The way he treated her with such kindness and respect made her eyes mist.

  Don’t you dare cry. She scolded herself.

  I’ve just got something in my eye.

  He placed her foot onto the bed and grabbed the other one giving it the same attention. His strong hands ventured to her back and shoulders. Her body vibrated with a liquid heat that was melting her bones.

  “I’m going to be a ragdoll after this,” Sara said.

  He gently flipped her onto her back and raised his eyebrows gazing at her breasts.

  “I’ve got to make sure these ladies don’t feel left out.”

  Sara snorted.

  “Oh, they were getting jealous.”

  “We can’t have that,” Adam replied.

  He kissed a trail around her nipple until he finally took it into his mouth.

  Sara sucked in a breath and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him to settle on top of her. The weight of him, both comforted and enflamed her senses at the same time.

  “I love the feel of you on top of me.” She sighed.

  Adam put more of his weight onto her and pulled himself along the length of her body. His skin touching hers sent liquid diamonds sparking through her veins. He looked into her eyes before kissing her lips possessively.

  Sara reveled in the feel of his heated muscles beneath her fingertips. The power hidden under his hot skin could easily be used to crush her, but her trust in him was complete. His tenderness and control were evident in every touch. She opened her mouth to him suckling on his tongue. Her hands became frantic as they grabbed him with a fevered need.

  Sara spread her legs and lifted her hips to welcome him in. She was dripping and ready. She briefly felt his hardness against her opening, but he ended their kiss to shake his head at her.

  “That’s not slow and savory.” He chastised. “You’re an impatient woman.”

  “I’m greedy for you. I can’t help it,” Sara said in a breathy whisper.

  He backed away from her begging pussy and she pouted.

  “Don’t give me that face.” Adam grinned devilishly.

  Sara noticed Adam’s eyes flicker briefly to her neck. His pupils dilated in an instant. He quickly looked away and leaned back on his knees.

  ‘Your blood was like drinking euphoria.’

  Adam’s words from the other night surged through her mind like a super-charged current of desire. Her heart skipped a beat at the taboo thought of enjoying giving him something so against human nature.

  He took a deep intake of breath through his nose as his fingers circled her sex. He smiled at her, spreading her legs wider and leaned in close to the very heat of her.

  “You smell so good,” Adam stated. “Like sex and need. Are you in need, Sara?”

  His words jolted her clit. She loved the animalistic nature of a woman smelling like she wanted to get fucked and a man enjoying it.

  “Yes!” She closed her eyes and lifted her hips to meet his lips. The world could have collapsed into oblivion at that point. She had no concept of what was happening around her. There was only his hot open mouth suckling her swollen clit.

  “Holy… Fuck.” She said in-between gulping breaths.

  He devoured her with messy abandon. He took long tongue-fulls of her pussy. He sucked her wet petals into his mouth, firmly clamped her between his teeth and tongue He tugged lightly. The sensation took her breath away. Her heartbeat thrummed in her ears, a deafening beat. He released her, but instantly went back for more. He entered her with three powerful fingers and stretched her as he delved deeper.

  As if sensing her approaching climax he backed away suddenly leaving her open and desperate.

  “Please.” She could only beg now.

  “You’re not ready,” he stated.

  “Yes, I am!” Sara said too loudly.

  He smirked. His face glistened with the evidence of her readiness. He inhaled the air and closed his eyes, enjoying his handy work.

  Sara studied him intently, her world in this moment, was completely focused. When he opened his eyes a flash of the vampire, she knew glinted at her. His tongue traced across his teeth in a base need she recognized. The expression startled her, but she wasn’t frightened. The alarm that went off in her brain amplified the fire inside her and raged for release.

  She no longer wanted to passively accept pleasure, she responded to that carnal need she identified in his eyes. She sat forward and shoved his chest as hard as possible. She knew the physical act wouldn’t do much, but she wanted him to feel it.

  Adam’s eyes widened in surprise. The lustful intent he saw in her eyes was all he needed to realize
, she was demanding a turn at this game.

  The shove hadn’t moved him an inch, but he gave her a slow smile. He sat back on his hunches, allowing her the lead.

  She had seen the bloodlust in his eyes, but he didn’t smell a hint of fear on her. If anything, it fired her up even more. Her pheromones were in overdrive. Every breath he took was filled with her urgency. His cock strained away from him as if trying to escape him all together to fill her, with or without him.

  Sara knelt in front of him. Her eyes were more than a little wild. She was unbridled and it was hot as fuck. Her hair a mass of big curls that had escaped their restraint. Her breasts were full, glorious and heaved with each quickened breath.

  She was a grown woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it. She wasn’t here to play games or remain aloof. She was all in. The way only a woman with life experience could ever be. She was honestly driven wild with desire and she didn’t care if he saw the real her.

  He fucking loved it.

  Adam looked at her with rampant lust filled eyes as she advanced on him. Her hand reached out and took his solid cock. Her touch sent a pulse of fire through his body. Adam let himself move with Sara’s momentum. He ended up laying where she had been, all the while held in her hand. Sara straddled his legs and let her hair fall onto his rippling abs. The light feathery touch tickling him. He grabbed at her hair trying to tame the mass with one of his hands.

  He held her thick mane to the side. He wanted to watch what she was doing.

  Sara glanced at him and smiled before she sunk his solid shaft to the back of her throat.

  “Fuck,” He whispered in awe.

  She didn’t hold back. Her tongue twisted along his shaft as she pulled him out of her mouth suctioning at the end. A popping sound filled the air when her mouth broke contact. A second later she filled her mouth with him again.

  The sloppy sound of her dick sucking made him crazed. She was enjoying herself and that made it so much hotter. His body gave a small spasm, an indication of what was to come if she didn’t let up. She read his body signals like a book and slowed. She gently suckled while pulling away from him.


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